MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 56

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If he had to go to the office with his head covered at this time, Tao Xiaodong would be a family member for nothing. He went directly to the emergency ophthalmology department, and Tang Suoyan must be in the emergency department at this time.

When I passed by the emergency internal medicine department, I saw that there were no more beds inside. There were several stretcher beds lined up in the hall and corridor. The family members and patients all looked anxious, and the patients were even more painful. Doctors and nurses are just as busy. Eating greasy food and drinking alcohol can arouse many acute or chronic diseases, such as liver, gallbladder, stomach, intestines and pancreas, and it is not easy everywhere.

When Tao Xiaodong arrived at the ophthalmology department, he happened to see Tang Suoyan talking to his family members at the door, speaking very fast. He waved to Tang Suoyan from the side. Tang Suoyan was a little surprised when he saw him, and walked towards him after talking to his family members.

Tang Suoyan only had a hand-brushing suit, which was thin, and Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Is it cold?"

"It's okay, it's convenient." Tang Suoyan asked him, "Why are you here?"

"Come here to see you, I'll put you in the duty room?" Tao Xiaodong looked at the expression on Tang Suoyan's face, he should have not rested for a long time, although his eyesight was still clear and sharp, but his face was still a little tired. Tao Xiaodong asked him: "Can I have a break?"

"About three or four o'clock." Tang Suoyan looked at Tao Xiaodong, there were some slight red threads in his eyes, but his eyes were also very soft, and he said to him, "Toss around."

Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "No fuss."

He didn't want to take up too much time, just a few words would do. The surroundings were very noisy, and the two leaned against the wall and whispered for two or three minutes. Tao Xiaodong said: "I'll put the dumplings in the duty room for you. If you have time, remember to eat them. It'll fill your stomach. It's Chinese New Year, you have to eat a few dumplings to count."

Tang Suo said "OK".

Tao Xiaodong said, "Then you are busy." Turning around, he headed towards the duty room.

Tang Suoyan stopped him and called "Xiaodong".

Tao Xiaodong turned around: "What's wrong?"

Tang Suoyan actually had nothing to do with calling him, so he called out subconsciously. After calling people to stop, there was nothing to say, so I lowered my head and smiled lightly, and said, "It's okay, come back early."

Tao Xiaodong looked at him for two seconds, then suddenly turned around and came back, leaned closer to Tang Suoyan's ear and said, "I miss you, happy new year."

Tang Suoyan looked at him, Tao Xiaodong had a smile in his eyes, and Tang Suoyan said to him, "Me too, happy new year."

Tao Xiaodong turned and left, waved his hand, got into the duty room to put down the lunch box, and hurried out before anyone else noticed.

There was no one on the road at this time, and there were not many cars along the way.

When I got home, the two little ones were lying on the sofa listening to the Spring Festival Gala, one couldn't see, and the other didn't bother to watch.

"Are you back?" Tao Huainan greeted lazily.

Tao Xiaodong agreed, took off his coat and washed his hands. With the coat draped over the back of the chair, Tao Huainan asked, "There are still dumplings, do you want to eat?"

Tao Xiaodong went to the kitchen to look for it by himself, and Chi Cheng specially withheld a plate for him, Tao Xiaodong ate two, Chi Cheng came over to warm him up, Tao Xiaodong waved his hand and said no.

He is really not hungry, he just came to eat the food from the two families.

Tao Huainan was already a little sleepy, Tao Xiaodong came over and sat on the carpet beside the sofa, Tao Huainan stretched out his hand and stuffed it into his brother's hat.

He usually went to bed early, and fell asleep before the end of the Spring Festival Gala. When he fell asleep, his hands were still curled up in Tao Xiaodong's hat. Tao Xiaodong reached back and took out his hand and gently put it down, and said to Chi Cheng, "Go to bed early."

Chi Cheng said, "Brother, you should also go to bed earlier."

Tao Xiaodong yawned and said, "The red envelope will be given tomorrow morning."

Chi Cheng smiled, took out a red envelope from the pocket of his pajamas, and handed it to Tao Xiaodong.

Tao Xiaodong raised an eyebrow, looked at the red envelope and looked at him.

Chi Cheng said, "It's for you."

Of course it's not as thick as what Tao Xiaodong gave them every year, but it's still a little bit thicker. Tao Xiaodong took it, put it in his pocket, didn't ask anything, just said: "Thank you Brother Ku."

"No thanks, brother is safe." Chi Cheng said and hugged Tao Huainan.

Ever since Tao Xiaodong broke his hand, Tao Huainan couldn't move. Chi Cheng didn't dare to let him stretch out his hand, for fear that he would frustrate his hand. Tao Xiaodong didn't try to grab him either, he really didn't dare to use his hands too hard, Tao Huainan grew up in Chi Cheng's hands, so he could hold him.

This was the first time that Tao Xiaodong received a red envelope from his younger brother, and he put it under his pillow after returning to his room. It's hard to describe this mood, and it was only at this moment that Tao Xiaodong intuitively felt that his younger brothers had indeed grown up.

The black and skinny clown kid who was picked up at the beginning can now give him lucky money. It may be a scholarship, Chi Cheng's grades are particularly good.

Tao Xiaodong smiled, took it out from under the pillow again, took a photo and sent it to Tang Suoyan: Brother Ku gave it to you, and I will give you half when you come back.

Tang Suoyan came back in the afternoon of the second day of junior high school, just after lunch time.

Tao Xiaodong was playing poker with Tao Huainan at the time, playing cards for the blind. Tao Huainan was catching cards while touching them with his thumb. When he was a child, Tao Xiaodong often used this to train his memory. Tao Huainan was very smart, and could remember all the cards in his hand.

Coaxing the little blind man to play poker depends entirely on his self-awareness, and Tao Xiaodong can see what cards he has as soon as he probes. Chi Cheng was studying in his room, and when he came out to the bathroom, he happened to see Tao Xiaodong leaning over to look at the cards, and said to Tao Huainan, "Touch and touch."

"Huh?" Tao Huainan turned his head in his direction.

"Brother saw your cards." Chi Cheng finished speaking and went to the bathroom.

Tao Huainan hissed dissatisfiedly, and said to his brother: "You are fooling the blind!"

Tao Xiaodong laughed beside him for a long time, and just as he was smiling, the door rang. Tao Xiaodong stood up and went to open the door. As soon as the door opened, he saw Tang Suoyan outside, and he was stunned for a while. The smile on his face had not been suppressed before, but now he smiled even wider: "Brother Yan?"

"I heard you laughing at the door, what are you laughing at?" Tang Suoyan came in and asked.

"Playing poker with Xiao Nan." Tao Xiaodong asked him, "Why didn't you call me after get off work? I'll pick you up."

"My colleague brought me here." Chi Cheng hadn't come out of the bathroom, and Tao Huainan couldn't see him. Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Suoyan suddenly raised his arms to hug Tao Xiaodong, and at the same time touched his lips with him, even gently on his lips. Bite lightly.

Tao Xiaodong reacted very quickly, and immediately raised his arms to hug him back.

Tao Huainan came over by himself, touched Tang Suoyan's sleeve, and happily called Brother Tang.

The two brothers were not serious, and they separated when the children came to the front. Tang Suoyan agreed, and took his hand to sit on the sofa together.

This is Tang Suoyan's first time here, and he has been busy before, so he didn't have time to come here. According to the building number that Tao Xiaodong gave him before, I found him right.

Tao Huainan has always liked him. He used to be Dr. Tang, but now he is closer, so he has to be called brother.

Chi Cheng came out after washing his hands, and came to say hello, calling him "Brother Tang".

Tang Suoyan sent a red envelope to the two younger brothers, Tao Huainan happily accepted it and said, "Thank you brother". Tang Suoyan patted his head and chatted with him.

Tang Suoyan hadn't had a good rest for a few days, Tao Xiaodong asked him to stay with Tao Huainan for a while and stopped talking with him, and pushed him back to the room to catch up on sleep.

Tang Suo said it was okay, Tao Xiaodong pushed him to sleep: "It's okay, you've lost weight."

Tang Suoyan was also really tired and really needed to rest. He was lying on Tao Xiaodong's bed, holding Tao Xiaodong's wrist to prevent him from leaving. Tao Xiaodong didn't want to leave at first.

He didn't dare to say anything even if the door wasn't closed, Tao Huainan had the best ears, he could hear everything. Tao Xiaodong quietly kissed Tang Suoyan on the mouth, intending to kiss him shallowly, but Tang Suoyan didn't let him go, held him back, and pinched his waist through his clothes at the same time.

It was too out of shape, and the two of them didn't dare to breathe, which made the younger brothers hear what it was.

Reason is very clear, not such a big brother, not serious. But it was really hard to control himself. Tang Suoyan hadn't come back for several days. Given their current level of intimacy, they had been separated for a long time.

It was impossible to really do anything here, and in the end Tang Suoyan could only hold Tao Xiaodong, and put his hand on his neck and squeezed it lightly. Tao Xiaodong leaned on him, buried his face in his shoulders, knocked on the hard collarbone, and slowly calmed himself down.

Tang Suoyan kissed Tao Xiaodong's ear, and took the softest layer of flesh outside the ear with his lips.

Tao Xiaodong raised his head, looked into Tang Suoyan's eyes, and mouthed to him, "We are really not ashamed."

Tang Suoyan smiled, rubbed his neck, and closed his eyes.

Tao Xiaodong had to accompany Tang Suoyan to sleep. Under the quilt, Tang Suoyan put his hands on Tao Xiaodong's stomach. This is his place now, and he has to put his hands on when he sleeps.

Tao Huainan also went to take a nap later, and even closed the door for him when passing by his door.

Tang Suoyan slept for more than three hours, sleeping very deeply, and was too tired.

Tao Xiaodong was held by him all the time without moving, and Tang Suoyan lay on his side next to him. Tang Suoyan woke up once when the phone rang in the middle, and opened his eyes to look at it. Tao Xiaodong lowered his voice and said, "Go to sleep."

When he woke up again, he woke up by himself, and Tao Xiaodong was also looking at him when he opened his eyes. It should be very comfortable to look at each other as soon as you open your eyes. Tang Suoyan didn't wake up too much, and laughed very little, calling out "Xiaodong".

Tao Xiaodong said "um", and asked him softly, "Are you awake?"

Tang Suoyan blinked and said, "Tired."

Tao Xiaodong said, "Then sleep a little longer."

Tang Suoyan fished him into his arms again, liking the warmth of his body.

Tao Xiaodong was originally a warm person, and anyone around him would become soft.

He has been a very active person for so many years, and he is not afraid of tossing and tossing, as long as he can live a good life, he can be as tired as he is. In fact, life is not afraid of tossing. Only by living like this can we have a life.

The dumpling soup on New Year's Eve was only available at dawn. Once he ate it, he knew it was made by his parents, and he could eat his own dumplings with just one bite. Tao Xiaodong sent him a few messages on his mobile phone before he had time to open them. He read them while eating dumplings, and knew that someone was waiting at home after reading them.

Living with such a person, no matter how cold you are in your bones, you will not be able to cool down. There is always a warm energy in him, which makes everyone around him feel that they can rely on him, no matter what happens, he will not panic.

After the new year, spring will begin soon, and the buds will start to shoot.

Tao Xiaodong was busy chasing people and falling in love for the whole last year, so he put many things aside for now. Now that he has been chased, and his life is stable, he has to go out again in spring.

You have to go where you should go, and you have to earn the money you should earn. Nothing can stop, there is no hope when you stop, you have to move forward in life, and you have to look up.

This year, Tao Xiaodong held two tattoo classes, held an international exhibition, participated in several exhibitions in Europe, and met many friends. Last year, the show that they were not optimistic about was still popular for a while. It brought tattoo culture to the public's attention.

This year, Tang Suoyan's previous projects won awards again. Director Tang is still very busy, and has started two new experimental projects, leading Professor Xu's PhDs to do scientific research, and has made new progress.

Tao Xiaodong and the Third Hospital did another medical aid together, and invested in ten bookstores for blind children; Tang Suoyan rescued dozens of patients who were abandoned and rejected by other hospitals; one year.

Dumplings on New Year's Eve, Lantern Festival on the fifteenth day. All of these come again, that is, another year passes.

Tao Xiaodong was six years old when he ate Yuanxiao for the first time, and his father rolled a curtain over Yuanxiao. That day Tao Xiaodong couldn't sleep after eating, and watched the full moon for half the night.

On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of this year, Tao Xiaodong and Tang Suoyan sat on the balcony watching the moon, with a pot of tea in the middle and a bouquet of well-bloomed flowers in a vase next to them. Tao Xiaodong remembered this and told Tang Suoyan with a smile.

After thinking about it, he smiled in a trance and said, "It's been thirty years."

Time leaves no trace, Tao Xiaodong is thirty-six.

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