MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 57

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Tang Suoyan sat on the sofa reading a book, while Tao Xiaodong chatted on WeChat on his lap. The two had just done it, and Tao Xiaodong's limp body would take a day to pass. The sound of the washing machine was humming all the time, and inside were the sheets that had been soiled by them just now.

Tao Xiaodong's waist and crotch rested on Tang Suoyan's lap, and the hem of his pajamas was uneven, revealing a narrow strip. Tang Suoyan would touch his back when he was not turning the pages of the book.

It was very comfortable to lie on my stomach like this, so Tao Xiaodong moved and adjusted to a more comfortable position.

"Uncomfortable?" Tang Suoyan asked him.

"It's comfortable, I just broke my bones." Just now, the protrusion of Tao Xiaodong's hip was next to Tang Suoyan's leg, and he was in a panic.

Tang Suo said "Yeah", and slid his finger down his waist: "I thought your **** hurts."

"It doesn't hurt." Tao Xiaodong said indifferently.

It’s not impossible to say that it’s not impossible to do this thing every time I finish it a little bit, but it’s unrealistic as if I didn’t do it. There are hard conditions here. Others don't know what others are like, Tao Xiaodong really doesn't hurt much, Tang Suoyan is very careful about this matter, no matter how strong the feelings are, no matter how strong the emotional foreshadowing is, Tang Suoyan will never let him hurt. Prepare well in advance, refill the oil frequently during the process, clean up and apply the medicine afterward, and it will not drop once.

Minor discomfort is unavoidable, but pain is far from it.

This is the best way for the two of them to spend their weekends, to have a comfortable and pleasant exchange, and then get tired of staying together.

Tang Suoyan pulled up Tao Xiaodong's clothes, covered his exposed waist under the clothes, and then put the book on his back to read. Tao Xiaodong lay there talking to others, humming in comfort.

After a while after chatting, I turned over and sat up and said to Tang Suoyan, "Brother Yan, I might have to go out again next week."

Tang Suoyan didn't raise his head, his eyes were still on the book, and he replied without a pause: "No."

Tao Xiaodong smiled: "Maybe? I'll be back in a week."

He went out for more than 20 days, and he was not at home for a month, and he had to leave again just after he came back. Tang Suoyan still didn't look up, as if unable to discuss: "Don't go."

Tang Suoyan never restricted him in these things. Both of them are career-oriented, and they are busy with their own business, so there is nothing to stop. Now how to say not to let go is just talking about it, expressing my inner displeasure, and it is actually acting like a baby.

Tao Xiaodong couldn't stand this the most, and he melted at that time. He raised his arms and hugged him, coaxing with a smile: "Just a week! I'll go back as soon as possible."

Tang Suoyan kept reading without looking at him, pushed his arm away, indifferently: "My heart is running wild outside."

Smiling, Tao Xiaodong forcibly removed the book in his hand, bent one leg cross-legged and put his knee on Tang Suoyan's lap. Tang Suoyan didn't raise his head, he lowered his head and looked up from the bottom: "Xin didn't run away with me at all, it was tied to the house all the time."

"Who can tie you down." Tang Suoyan still said without expression.

This was to express dissatisfaction with him for going out for too long last time. Tao Xiaodong was so fond of it that his heart was sore and numb, and he arched his shoulders: "You, you, you."

After coaxing for a long time, Tang Suoyan sighed, hugged him, buried his face on his back and shoulders, took a breath and said, "It's no fun to get off work."

Ouch, I don't know if it's because I just finished an intimate thing, this is too delicate. Tao Xiaodong was mentally knocked down by him, thinking that he would go on some **** business to earn some money, and just stay at home with Brother Yan and finish the job.

The two have been together for more than a year. I don't know if it's because they were not young at the beginning, or the two of them have never been shocked by too intense emotions in their hearts, so they have been extremely sticky from the beginning. At first I thought it was a period of passionate love, but it will gradually become flat in the future.

However, after such a long time, the love period should have passed, and now it is no different from the beginning. Even worse than then.

Tao Xiaodong was on a business trip for more than 20 days last time, and the two of them even wiped their guns on the phone once. The reason was that Tang Suoyan said "I miss you" in a calm voice. After a long pause, I didn't say anything else for a long time, and my emotions were all in this pause.

When it came time to go on a business trip, one didn't want to go, and the other didn't want to let go.

Tao Xiaodong turned over, lay on Tang Suoyan's lap, and asked tentatively, "Why don't I go?"

Tang Suoyan didn't speak, he said again: "I'm not going."

Tang Suoyan was laughed at by him and pinched his stomach. It is impossible to let him not go, Tao Xiaodong is a person on the outside scene, he is always dazzling when he goes out, he is an absolute strong in his field. Ambitious and aggressive.

I have been sticky for two days on weekends, those who go to work on Monday go to work, and those who go to the store go to the store.

A delivery weighing more than 50 kilograms arrived in the store yesterday. It came from Tibet and the recipient was Tao Xiaodong.

When Tao Xiaodong came, the people in the store told him that Tao Xiaodong took a knife and tore it apart, and it was full of beef jerky. Tens of catties of beef jerky, some in large vacuum packages, and some in individual vacuum boxes.

Tao Xiaodong took a closer look at the sender, it was from Sangbu.

Since Tao Xiaodong arranged for Mei Duo to be hospitalized that year and helped her contact Dr. Tang, Sang Bu often sent things over. Tao Xiaodong took out ten packs, and the remaining pile was divided among the shoppers.

He finds Sangbu on WeChat: Why are you sending me something again?

It is not yet dawn in Tibet at this time, and Sangbu probably hasn't woken up yet, so he hasn't replied to his message.

Sangbu’s little wife, Mei Duo, Tang Suoyanfei’s Tibetan eyeball surgery was performed on her by herself that year, and she underwent a period of chemotherapy. She is in very good condition now, with a vision of 0.7. Although it is not as good as before, it is already good Far exceeded expectations.

The courier fee of tens of catties from Tibet was too much. Tao Xiaodong sent another message to Sangbu: Don’t send me anything in the future, it’s too far away, listen?

Sambumedo is not short of money. Although they still lead a traditional nomadic life, which seems to be a little divorced from modern life, the herdsmen are actually very rich. They just have money and have nothing to spend. Cattle and sheep are very valuable, and those yaks in Sangbu are worth 1.8 million.

Sang Bu returned to him later and sent a voice message. Before speaking, he said "hey" twice: "Mei Duo baked it herself, so she insisted on sending it to you. I said you can buy it there, so she must send it. "

Tao Xiaodong also replied to his voice: "Then thank you Mei Duo, it's delicious. Don't send it next time, I will accept it."

Sang Bu sent another "Hey Hey" message without saying anything else.

Tao Xiaodong sent a few packs back to the two younger brothers. Chi Cheng was so dazed when he was doing problems recently, he went to bed at one or two o'clock every day and got up at five o'clock in the morning. Tao Xiaodong was really worried that he would suffer from bad health, so he didn't let him study like that every time he saw him.

Tao Huainan also studied more seriously than before. He had to practice his speed. Blind people needed more time to take the test than normal people, and it took time to find out and answer the questions. Every time Tao Xiaodong came back recently, the two of them would sit alone and study hard. When he came back, he was like a troublemaker, and the two younger ones didn't have much time to talk to him.

On weekdays, they could not see each other, and it was ten o'clock after the end of evening self-study. Tao Xiaodong went home in the afternoon to send the beef jerky back and left. After picking up Tang Suoyan in the evening to deliver beef jerky, the two went back to the professor's house for dinner.

Tao Xiaodong is now familiar with this place, and he comes here more often than Tang Suoyan.

When Professor Bai opened the door, he didn't know that Tang Suoyan was also here. Tao Xiaodong, who saw him first, greeted him, "Is Xiaodong here?" He was about to close the door after welcoming him in.

Tao Xiaodong stopped him and said, "Don't close the door, Auntie, Brother Yan is here too."

"Suo Yan is here too?" Professor Bai was rather surprised, "He doesn't work overtime?"

Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "He's not too busy recently."

Tang Suoyan parked the car downstairs and came up, Tao Xiaodong said, "Auntie almost shut you out."

"No, I'm used to you coming, and I have to serve him as a guest when he comes." Professor Bai took the things in his hand and said, "I'll stew ribs for you tonight."

The family of four ate while talking, and Tao Xiaodong also had a small cup with Professor Tang.

Last year, Tao Huainan and Chi Cheng also spent Chinese New Year here. The six of them were very lively. The old couple loved the child, and felt very distressed when they saw Tao Huainan. Seeing him walking fumblingly, they went up and held him for a while.

During the meal, Professor Bai also asked Tao Huainan, and Tao Xiaodong said that he was too busy studying recently, so he couldn't watch him.

Professor Bai asked where he wanted Tao Huainan to go to school, Tao Xiaodong said that he would not be allowed to go out, he could not leave me. Tao Xiaodong has no room for maneuver in this matter, and his mind has never changed.

Tao Huainan also couldn't do without his brother, his brother was his root, and Tao Xiaodong would be there wherever he was.

After eating, they sat for a while before going back. Tang Suoyan drove, Tao Xiaodong drank and leaned on the passenger seat to look outside the car.

It's spring again.

This year, the medical aid of the third hospital has not yet been decided whether Tang Suoyan will take it with him. Tao Xiaodong will follow him when he goes out, and he will definitely not follow Tao Xiaodong if he does not go.

"This year's ophthalmology department may be led by Director Chen." Tang Suoyan told him.

"Huh?" Tao Xiaodong looked over, "Is it settled?"

"Not yet, let's see if I can spare time." Tang Suoyan said, "Don't go if he takes you."

"Why?" Originally, Tao Xiaodong also planned to do so, but he took the initiative to ask so and asked along.

Tang Suoyan glanced at him and smiled: "Director Chen looks good."

"How nice?" Tao Xiaodong was also amused, knowing that Tang Suoyan was joking, "Better handsome than you? Impossible."

"It's very personable." Tang Suoyan added, "I also just separated from his boyfriend."

Tao Xiaodong rolled his eyes: "Your use of 'also' is quite intriguing."

It was just chatting nonsense, but Tang Suoyan teased him, saying, "It's the same situation as I was the year before last. I don't want to have another wrong key card swiped again."

Speaking of this, Tao Xiaodong also remembered the embarrassing swiping of the wrong card. He was wearing a pair of underwear at the time, and he and Tang Suoyan looked at each other, both of them were in a dazed state.

"Fuck, I'm dead." Tao Xiaodong rubbed his face and said.

"Did you take a look at something so serious?" Tang Suoyan raised his eyebrows, "I thought you were quite calm at the time."

Tao Xiaodong still chuckled in a low voice, and said, "You're fine. Besides, I pretended to be calm at the time. How can I be really calm when I have ghosts in my heart."

It feels like it hasn't been too long, but when we chatted, I realized that it will be two years soon. At that time, Tao Xiaodong pretended to be a human being in front of Tang Suoyan, and he had to think about it for a long time when chatting, feeling that he was not on the stage, and he had to hide his thoughts.

Talking about that time, the two of them were very soft-hearted. The process from knowing to getting familiar with each other is always worth remembering. The longer the time interval, the more delicious it is to recall.

In the basement, Tao Xiaodong's car has been parked in the inner side of the parking space to collect dust, and they usually only need one car to commute to and from get off work.

The two went upstairs together, and Tao Xiaodong put the elevator card in his pocket after swiping. Tang Suoyan glanced at him.

After entering the door, Tao Xiaodong took off his coat. He didn't plan to wear it tomorrow, so he went directly to the balcony. Before going to the bathroom, I undress in the living room, put the washing in the washing machine, and put the unwashed on the sofa after a while, fold it and put it on the balcony.

Tang Suoyan washed his hands and went to get fruit for him, while Tao Xiaodong went to take a bath by himself.

After rushing out in three to five minutes, the pajamas of the two of them are now indistinguishable, they can wear whatever they want. Tao Xiaodong was damp from washing, and came over in his pajamas, hugged Tang Suoyan, and kissed him carelessly on the neck.

Tang Suoyan asked him, "Where is the elevator card?"

Tao Xiaodong didn't care too much and said, "Let's go to the door."

"Then look for it." Tang Suoyan said.

Tao Xiaodong went to look for it, but he couldn't find it. He smiled and went back to the dining table to look for it, and then went to the coffee table to look for it, but he didn't look for it.

"How many have you lost?" Tang Suoyan threw the mango peel into the trash can, and said to him, "If you throw it away, go to the property management to make up for it. I made up three together last time. If I go to the property management again, I may think that I am out of my mind. gone."

"It's because I'm out of my mind." Tao Xiaodong gave up when he couldn't find it. When he came back, he hugged Tang Suoyan and leaned behind him, "I'm out of mind. Doctor Tang will treat me."

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