MTL - Wildfire-Chapter 55

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It's almost Chinese New Year, and Tao Xiaodong's annual meeting is over, and the bonuses are quite large. Whether it's the tattoo artists who have been following him, or the disabled children, Tao Xiaodong has always been generous.

The tattoo artists joked with him: "You still give us money? I think we have to give you money, bro."

They all have money, and for them, whether they are rewarded or not, it is just a New Year's lottery. The 20% discount in the store is not much, and many stores offer half and half. Although Tao Xiaodong takes money from them, he can also give them resources. This is the best platform. For young tattoo artists, being here is a sign of strength. There are not so many customers who cannot be separated, and it is not necessary to get them. price.

Tao Xiaodong has nothing to say to his brothers or friends, and he doesn't send people around. Those who pick or not are all outsiders, and the high price is aimed at outside partners.

The part-time students have all gone home one after another, the store has been a little empty recently, and there are not so many people working. Tao Xiaodong would mop the floor if he was free. In winter, his shoes would be too dirty if he stepped on the snow, so he would have to wipe them several times a day.

Tao Huainan and Chi Cheng are on winter vacation, and they often come to the store to stay. Although Tao Huainan has been pushing him to go home, he still misses his brother.

Occasionally, one day when Tang Suoyan didn't come back after working overtime or on a business trip, Tao Xiaodong went home to live.

Yesterday, Tang Suoyan was temporarily transferred to the next province for a consultation. The status of the patient is relatively serious, and experts from surrounding provinces have been transferred. The time was broken into several parts, and I took the time to call Tao Xiaodong and talk briefly, and hung up quickly before finishing the sentence.

Tao Xiaodong stayed at his house for one night, and it snowed all night outside. When Tang Suoyan called in the morning and asked him if he was up, Tao Xiaodong just woke up, and said "not yet" in a soft voice.

It was the sound of him waking Tang Suoyan up every morning. Tang Suoyan listened on the phone and said that he hadn't slept all night.

It is most useful when someone hurts and sells miserably. Tao Xiaodong whispered distressedly for a long time, no matter how cold it was snowing outside, he couldn't stop his enthusiasm.

Tao Huainan was sitting on the sofa in the rest area, tearing and eating half a pineapple. He loves to eat this, and finds it interesting to eat like this.

After Tao Xiaodong finished his work, he was mopping the floor with one hand, and Chi Cheng also helped him. Both Tao Xiaodong and Chi Cheng's mobile phones were in Tao Huainan's hands. When the phone rang, Tao Huainan felt for the connection and said "Hello".

"Xiao Nan?" Tang Suoyan recognized his voice and asked, "Where's brother?"

Tao Huainan immediately laughed, called "Brother Tang", and said, "Wait for me to call him."

"There's no need to call him when he's busy," Tang Suoyan said.

"Not busy, he's mopping the floor." Tao Huainan shouted loudly, not knowing which direction to turn, so he tilted his head slightly, "Brother, call!"

Chi Cheng said from behind, "Brother has gone downstairs."

"My brother went downstairs," Tao Huainan obediently passed on the message, "I'll ask him to come back to you later? Brother Tang, are you back yet?"

Tang Suoyan said back.

Tao Huainan was very sensible, and immediately answered, "Then when do you get off work?"

Because of Tang Suoyan's current relationship with Tao Xiaodong, Tao Huainan can often talk to Tang Suoyan on the phone, and they are already very familiar. During the break, I can still send WeChat messages with him. Tao Huainan had told him about Tao Xiaodong's birthday earlier.

Tang Suoyan smiled and said, "At seven or eight o'clock, I will call him in advance."

"Okay." Tao Huainan agreed.

Tang Suoyan said to him: "Now you two can move in during the holidays, since you don't have to go to school anyway."

It's impossible for Tao Huainan to go, the two of them have only been together for how long, it's just right for the two of them to live at home, it's inconvenient if there are too many people.

When Tang Suoyan came down from the hospital, he took another bouquet of flowers.

This is the first few bundles in a while.

Tao Xiaodong laughed when he saw it. He couldn't pick it up in the car, so he asked Tang Suoyan to hold it for him, and said, "I feel so distressed."

Tang Suoyan raised his eyebrows: "Do you love me?"

Tao Xiaodong: "I love money, how hard it is to make money."

Tang Suoyan didn't even want to talk to him, but he couldn't help but still smiled and asked, "Don't you know that this flower is not expensive?"

"It's too extravagant whether it's expensive or not." Tao Xiaodong said seriously, but he was clearly smiling.

I was so beautiful in my heart, that beautiful energy spilled out of my eyes, and I deliberately made the handsome doctor smile. Don't talk about a bunch of flowers, Dongshen can do a small job and can't spend a hundred bunches of flowers. How happy it is to receive flowers.

In the past, when we were not lovers, we were separated for ten days and a half months, and we still had thoughts like grass growing in our hearts, but it was still much worse than now. The relationship is certain, I watch it by my side every day, and I feel empty in my heart if I don't watch it every other night.

When Tang Suoyan was cooking, Tao Xiaodong didn't even clean up the flowers. He put them aside and sat at the dining table to stare at Tang Suoyan.

After eating, I started to tidy up today's small bouquet of flowers. I brought back a lot of empty vases from the store. The store lacked girls and was unattractive. Before, the vases were filled with fake flowers, but they were thrown away when they became dusty. I just poured out an empty bottle for Tao Xiaodong to put his gerbera flowers in.

Tao Xiaodong tidied up and thought, this name is a good one, romantic and comfortable.

Tang Suoyan didn't sleep all night last night, and went to bed early this day, with his hands on Tao Xiaodong's stomach through his pajamas.

He was really too tired and slept very deeply. He had been sleeping lightly for the past few days.

After the new year, he will only get busier and busier. The doctor's responsibilities are here, and they have to work overtime when everyone else is reunited.

In fact, it's good to be busy during this time, Tao Xiaodong kind of hopes that he will be busy. Tangning's knife last time, Tao Xiaodong still feels pain for him when he thinks about it. They never mentioned Tangning, there was nothing to mention, this was not something to talk about. Some things can only be given to time.

I can't remember when I'm busy. For men of their age, it is a luxury to have time to think freely or ponder an old relationship, regardless of whether they are willing or not.

On the twenty-eighth day of the twelfth lunar month, Tao Xiaodong drove to Tang Suoyan's parents' house by himself and delivered a lot of things. The two old people wanted to keep him for dinner, but Tao Xiaodong said he was busy.

Really busy, a lot of things.

Tang Suoyan had to be on duty at the hospital from this day on. There were too many patients with eye injuries and acute injuries, so he couldn't come back. Tao Xiaodong has a lot of doors to visit. He has no parents, but the parents of his brothers can't afford it, so he can't be less polite.

He went to Tian Yi's house several times, he also went to Xia Yuan's house, and there were a few other brothers who went to other places for development and didn't come back often. For those with old people and children, red envelopes and other things must be prepared.

Tian Yi's parents asked Tao Xiaodong if he had a partner and when he would get married.

Tao Xiaodong smiled and nodded in the first year and said yes.

The old man can't accept the relationship between the same sex, so there is no need to say too much, but Tao Xiaodong's "yes" is enough to make people feel at ease. It's not easy for children. After taking care of my younger brother for so many years, I don't even have a regular companion by my side.

Tian Yi's mother kept saying "OK" and asked to bring it to have a look when she had time.

On New Year's Eve, Tao Xiaodong stayed out of the house for a long time, didn't go anywhere, and stayed with Tao Huainan and Chi Cheng. There are no cannons in the urban area, and there are only a few sporadic ones.

Tao Xiaodong asked Tao Huainan: "Will you let go of the flowers this year?"

Tao Huainan immediately shook his head: "I won't let it go."

Tao Xiaodong smiled: "What's the matter?"

"My brother Tang is so busy, I dare not let it go." Although setting off firecrackers does not mean that you will hurt your eyes and go to the hospital, but with this relationship with Tang Suoyan, it feels like going out and setting off firecrackers will be a burden to the doctors. trouble.

Tao Xiaodong coaxed him to say it was okay.

Tao Huainan made up his mind not to play that, and said to him: "Stop teasing me, can you be a little bit self-conscious of a doctor's family, you don't have any safety awareness at all."

Tao Xiaodong was educated, so he stopped asking questions and lay down on the sofa for a nap.

Woke up at four o'clock in the afternoon. Chi Cheng was mixing stuffing in the kitchen, and Tao Huainan was sitting next to him on a small bench, saying he wanted more dried shrimps. Chi Cheng touched a cooked shrimp and handed it to him, Tao Huainan opened his mouth to eat it, and muttered "It's tasteless".

Tao Xiaodong smiled, stood up and washed his face, and said to them, "I'll go out for a while."

"Where are you going?" Tao Huainan asked him, looking in his direction.

Tao Xiaodong said: "I have to go to Brother Tang's house, it's Chinese New Year."

"Ah, good." Tao Huainan nodded.

Tao Xiaodong took his coat and went out.

Tang Suoyan hasn't celebrated the New Year at home for many years. I gave birth to a son who is too good. He is usually busy, and he is also busy when others are on holiday. In the past, when Tang Suoyan's grandparents were still there, they went there to celebrate the New Year. In recent years, the old people have left one after another, and the two of them spent New Year's Eve at home by themselves.

Professor Tang was chopping minced meat in the kitchen, the sound was a bit noisy, and the knock on the door was heard after a long time.

Tao Xiaodong had been knocking on the door for a long time, but he hesitated to open the door. At this time, he wondered if a visiting relative knocked on the wrong door.

Tao Xiaodong smiled at the gate and said, "Happy New Year, uncle and aunt!"

When Professor Bai opened the door, he was taken aback when he saw him, and then hurriedly welcomed him in.

"Old Tang, Xiaodong is here!" Professor Bai said to the kitchen.

Professor Tang put down the kitchen knife and beckoned him to sit down.

Tao Xiaodong came here empty-handed, not just to drop by, but just to celebrate the New Year. The two brought him dried fruits and so on. Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "I really don't want to eat them. I'm here to eat dumplings. Auntie really doesn't need to entertain me. Is there any work I don't do? What do you think I can do? I'll do it anyway. You're a clumsy cook, but it's okay to start with."

"Your hand! What else are you doing?" Professor Bai stopped pinching beans, sat next to Tao Xiaodong, and asked him how he came here.

Tao Xiaodong said: "I came here by car. There are not many cars today, so we all went home."

"Can you drive a car?" Professor Tang also came over, moved the tea table over, and put it in a posture, as if he wanted to drink tea with Tao Xiaodong.

"It's okay." Tao Xiaodong helped clean up, "It's been almost two months, and I just don't have much energy now, other things are normal."

"You still have to be careful." Professor Bai said to him, "You can't be careless, and make mistakes."

"Okay," Tao Xiaodong nodded, "I'll pay more attention."

The New Year's Eve in this family has not been so lively for many years. Tao Xiaodong drank some tea with Professor Tang and chatted while drinking. Tang Suoyan was too busy to come back during this time, the old couple still missed their son, and Professor Bai always talked about his son.

Tao Xiaodong also liked to hear this, so he chatted with him.

The family was lively and cheerful, and Professor Tang even drank a small cup of white wine during dinner. Ask Tao Xiaodong if he drinks, Tao Xiaodong said that he can drink a little at ordinary times, but he will not drink today while driving.

Professor Bai kept picking up vegetables for him. Tao Xiaodong didn't eat much dumplings, but kept eating vegetables, and finally there was a plate of dumplings left over.

Tao Xiaodong asked, "Do you have an insulated lunch box at home?"

"What's wrong? The younger brother didn't eat?" Professor Bai was taken aback, thinking that he left the two younger brothers at home and no one cared about them.

Tao Xiaodong smiled and said, "They are eating well, my little brother cooks delicious food."

"That's pretty good." Professor Bai stood up and went to the kitchen to find him a thermos, cleaned it, took it over and asked him, "What's in it?"

Tao Xiaodong said dumplings.

He was not in a hurry to leave, nor was he in a hurry to pretend, he dried all the moisture on the dumplings, and put them into the lunch box when they were still warm. Tao Xiaodong screwed it up and put it at the door, and came back to continue chatting with the old couple.

In fact, the two old people are usually introverted people, neither of them are particularly extroverted, and they speak in a reasonable manner. Today they seem to be more relaxed than usual, laughing and talking more.

Tao Xiaodong stayed with him all night, and when it was past nine o'clock, he stood up and said, "Then I'll go back first, and I'll come over when I'm free in the next two days. If you want to move anything, just call me."

Professor Bai patted his arm and said, "You must drive slowly on the road, your hands are not so good."

"I see." Tao Xiaodong said. After speaking, he took out two thick red envelopes from his jacket pocket, and smiled freely.

The two professors disapproved when they saw him take out the red envelope, and felt that he was out of touch.

Tao Xiaodong bent down and put the red envelopes on the tea table: "Should we also have some festivals in our family?"

Professor Bai squeezed his wrist and said, "We have to give it to you."

"Whatever you and ours belong to our family, so let's talk about solar terms." Tao Xiaodong said, "Brother Yan is busy. Doctors treat diseases and save lives. No matter how busy you are, you should choose. He is busy with other things, and we can do the same without him." It's the holidays. I came here without calling in advance, don't think I'm ignorant, uncles and aunts, I will come here often in the future."

Tao Xiaodong bent over to put on his shoes, and carried the packed thermos bucket. When he looked up again, he saw that Professor Bai's eyes were a little red.

Tao Xiaodong still smiled and said, pretending he didn't see it: "I won't help clean it up, and I'm not good at it. Go to bed early after you clean up, and we'll all be safe and sound in the new year."

"Okay, okay." Professor Bai nodded and said.

Tao Xiaodong opened the door and left. There was no elevator in the old community, so Tao Xiaodong ran downstairs.

Before the door was closed, the two old men upstairs were still telling him to drive slowly and be careful on the road.

Tao Xiaodong raised his voice and replied, "Hey, I got it!"

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