MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 59 蜃

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Because the seal was opened, Yunrong not only recovered his memory, but also repaired most of it. This time is better than the last time he killed He Bo, and the next day is almost as good.

Although she lived with Lu Henian for some time, but before her seven emotions wanted to be sealed, she didn't feel anything wrong. Now she not only has feelings, but the two are also formal couples, but they are a little embarrassed to get along.

"How about the rest of last night?" Lu Henian asked the little girl while eating: "Is there any other problems in the body?"

"It's good, I'm fine. This is a blessing in disguise. I have opened the memory of the seal for many years. The repair has also gone up." Yunrong's mouth was stuffed with rice, and the ambiguity was said.

"I don't want to go to such a dangerous thing in the future. At that time, if it was a little careless, it would not be a drought." Lu Henian paused for a few seconds and licked his lips.

If something happened to the little girl, he probably couldn't live anymore.

"Don't go, my money has been almost finished. When the bonus is called, I will go down and pack the Danqiu Mountain." Yunrong knows what Lu Henian is worried about, and quickly says: "Second brother, wait for Danqiu Mountain completely." Belong to me, when we go to the top of the mountain, the scenery is good."

After the completion of the Danqiu Mountain, she will be able to solve the curse of Heaven in Lu Henian with peace of mind.

When I heard the little girl mentioning Danqiu Mountain, Lu Henian’s voice flashed and silenced for a second. “In fact, I still want to tell you something. You told me last time that the person named Danqiu Mountain was named... ..."

"In fact, that Lu is always me!" Lu Henian said cautiously, a little afraid to see the little girl's eyes, "I called Everbright last night, let him give you an ID card, today Danqishan property rights transfer Can do it well."

Yunrong:? ? ?

"Second brother, you... why don't you say it early!" Yunrong listened to Lu Henian's words. For a long time, he took a word, and he didn't want to eat it. "I believe you so much, I don't doubt you at all. Lu, who is inhuman, you know that I have made money to cover Danqiu Mountain, and you have been jealous of me for so long!"

The little girl's temperament is so cute, Lu Henian couldn't help but poke her face and smiled and said: "Well, I was wrong. I gave Danqiu Mountain to you to make a sin?"

"Danqiu Mountain was originally mine. What is this sin?" Yunrong proudly raised his chin and said: "I want other sins."

Lu Henian felt that the little girl woke up a lot more lively, and she was happy to cooperate. "What apologize? You talk about it."

Yunrong’s eyes turned and said: “I want you not to go to the company these few days, to accompany me to play.”

Lu Henian didn't expect the girl's request to be so simple. I didn't even want to nod. "Well, where do you want to go?"

Yunrong thought for a moment, and his mouth showed a sly smile: "Let's go to the amusement park to play. I watched the human drama couples in the TV series go there to play. Second brother, can we be a couple?"

Ahe no matter how many times he passed back, his personality has not changed, he is always a serious look. It is also very interesting to think about letting him play with children. Yun Yun’s thoughts are dark.

Probably spurred by the words of the couple in the girl's words, Lu Henian agreed without thinking.

As soon as they finished their meal, they set off to the largest theme park in Haishang. When they arrived, it was less than noon. Because today is a weekend, there are a lot of children and couples who come to the amusement park. They haven’t entered yet. The door is full of people. .

"Do you really want to come to the playground to play?" Lu Henian regretted the car. He didn't like the place where there were many people, not to mention the children everywhere. He hesitated to open his legs: "I am angry with children. It will have an impact."

When Yunrong saw him like that, he knew that he didn't want to go in. He took him and walked inside and said: "It won't be affected. If you worry, I will give you a seal."

"How to strengthen?" Lu Henian asked subconsciously.

When his voice just fell, he saw the little girl turn around and suddenly his face was magnified in front of his eyes. The next second, the lips came up with a soft touch, like the cherry blossom jelly that spring, Lu Henian could not help but feel the heartbeat. It’s all half a beat.

However, for a short moment, Yunrong left Lu’s lips and smiled and licked his lips: "There is no need to worry about this."

Lu Henian didn't expect the little girl to come to this hand. It took me a long time to return to the place. The dark and deep look of Yunrong said: "Let's see less of the romance drama in the future." The little girl will be more than he will!

"It's true!" Yun Rong saw Lu Henian not believe, a serious way, she just sucked her suffocation.

"Which kind of thing is the girl active?" Looking at the little girl's childish look, Lu Henian's heart became a whole, blocking her waist, close to her ears and whispering.

Yunrong felt that his ears were a little itchy. He smiled and said: "What does it matter? I like you, I want to be close to you." She is not a Terran girl, but she is as shy as she is. I like to say it, do it, and don't care about the eyes of others.

The two emotions are pleasing, and the heart is what they are.

Lu Henian’s heart was filled with the words of the little girl, and she couldn’t help but chuckle and hold the little girl in her arms tighter.

"Wow, you see that pair is so sweet, the man is wearing a suit and accompanying his girlfriend to the amusement park. I am sour."

"Is this the real version of the overbearing president and Xiaojiao wife? This is a beautiful love, the man is obviously shy, and even his ears are red, hahaha contrasts sweet and sweet."

"Today I am a lemon essence. The two people are so high that they are not stars."

"No, there is no camera."

"I feel that the novels I read have become reality, bless them!"

Because Lu Henian and Yun Rong are also one of the best in the maritime market, entering the playground is even more eye-catching. After the sneak peeks, some people can’t help but stop and watch a few more, discuss with their peers. sentence.

In fact, their voice is very small, but Yunrong is a mountain ghost. Is this not enough? All of them heard clearly, and as soon as she looked up, she saw a blessing in the crowd, and she did not enter her and Lu Henian’s body.

Yunrong clenched Lu's hand, and the other hand moved, and suddenly there were a lot of pink bubbles floating in the sky. The whole amusement park suddenly became like a fairy tale world.

At the maritime special office, when Xiao Xiao opened the door, she sneezed. She licked her nose and felt the breath from all directions. The face of her face changed.

Wanbo came over and asked: "What happened?"

"The sour smell of love!" Xiao Xiao licked his mouth, revealing the expression of envy: "The cloud predecessors and Lu are always together, why am I still a single dog!"

Wanbo’s face showed a gratifying expression. It’s a good thing to have a lover to become a lover.

Lu Henian and Yunrong played an afternoon at the playground. In the evening, they went to the hotel to have a meal before they went home. They went to the western restaurant. Because of their high consumption, the hotel owner wanted to make a knot, and he sent a heartfelt one. Bottle of red wine.

If, in the past, Yunrong didn't touch it, but today she had a good time. She wanted to taste the wine of the Terran. After drinking a small cup, she began to talk nonsense.

Lu Henian drove the car into the villa yard, and looked helplessly as the co-pilot went up to the west. The mouth couldn’t help but rise up and reached out and shook the little girl out.

"I can go by myself..." Yun Rong was awakened by Lu Henian and struggled to think about it.

"Well, you go by yourself, I will help you slow down." Lu Henian couldn't hold the little girl who was alive and kicking, carefully put her down and said while holding her arm.

Yunrong walked into the room vainly and went up the second floor. When he stepped forward, he went to Lu’s room. Lu Henian quickly took her and said: "That is my room, your room is there."

Yunrong stunned for a few seconds, and it took me a long time to come back. I frowned. "I am going to your room. Your bed is bigger than mine. I like your bed."

Saying, without waiting for Lu Henian to speak, he rushed into the room and jumped into the bed.

Lu Henian was afraid that the little girl would fall, and quickly chased it up. When she entered the room, she saw the little girl lying in bed and staring at him. She couldn’t help but laugh: "That night, you sleep in my room, I go to your room to sleep." ?"

"I want to sleep with my second brother." Yunrong's face immediately showed a reluctant expression, pulling Lu Henian's clothes corner and whispering.

The voice of the little girl was soft and soft, as if with some kind of magical power. Lu’s body suddenly froze. His eyes flashed and he shook his head and said, "No."

In the past, she was also a little girl, but this time I woke up, the cloud capacity was obviously different. Now the two are lovers. Lu Henian is a normal man. He is afraid that he can’t hold it.

“Why?” Yunrong was anxious. He sat up from the bed and hugged Lu’s waist on the edge of the bed: “I am going to sleep with my second brother, okay?”

The fragrance of the little girl has been drilling into her nose. Lu Henian’s body is more rigid. He has an inexplicable itch in his heart. He reaches for Yun’s shoulder and looks straight into her eyes. “Yun Rong, wait for us to get married. ......"

Before the words have been finished, Yunrong has suddenly straightened up, clinging to Lu’s neck, biting in the throat of his movement up and down because of his speech, vaguely saying: “Eat!”

Lu Henian’s words came to an abrupt end, all of them were blocked in the throat, Wenxiang nephrite was in his arms, and a man would react, not to mention the little girl she liked.

Lu Henian could hardly control himself. When he reacted, he had already pressed the little girl under his body. He looked at the little girl’s eyes, and there was a sweat in his forehead. The voice was low and dumb and asked: "Yun Rong, you have to think clearly. I really want to sleep with you, and there is no chance of remorse tonight..."

Lu Henian’s nephew is deep and seems to be burning with a flame. Yunrong looks like the endless fire in the depths of the darkness. It can burn all the filth in the world. She subconsciously reaches out and touches his eyes, and nodded seriously. : "I want to be clear..."

The voice just fell, Lu Henian's eyes suddenly brightened, her head covered her lips, a strong breath rushed to the surface, there is no usual gentle look.

In the place where Lu Henian could not see, Yunrong’s eyes trembled, and a tear fell. He soon fell into the hair and could not see...

The rosettes outside the window trembled, and the buds of the branches were quietly open in the night. The dewdrops on the night fell on the stamens, and they were more beautiful. I don’t know where a cloud floated, the moon shy and succumbed. It’s up.

Warm in the middle of the night, a room.

In the middle of the night, Yunrong woke up in Lu’s arms. She opened her eyes and her eyes were clear. Without a bit of drunkenness, she leaned sideways and lay face to face with Lu Henian, reaching out and touching his eyebrows. .

"Ahe, you are so good to me, how can I bear to seal my memory? I can't do it for you." Yunrong said, his mouth showed a smile: "Three thousand years ago, you sealed my memory, but once I thought that one day I will break through the seal? You said that you want me to be happy every day, but if I know that you have changed my life with one body, how can I be happy?"

Yunrong said so much, Lu Henian still closed his eyes and slept with a calm face.

Yunrong licked the eyes of panic acid and said: "You never asked me to make a decision for me. In fact, if you ask me, I will tell you, I would rather fall with you than take an empty mountain. Living alone."

Yunrong said that while pulling Lu Lunian’s hand on her waist, he hugged very tightly. Yunrong took a long time to pull down and sit up. She stood up and changed herself into a clothes before she walked down to Lu’s side. Looking at the man with a gaze, for a long time, he laughed and said: "Ahe, if I can come back, we will become a Taoist and never separate."

Finished, no longer stayed, turned and walked out of the room, soon after Yunrong walked, Lu Henian frowned in his sleep, as if sleeping unsteadily.

No one knows, Yun Yun handed it to Lu Henian's deer fur, and he was stuffed under the pillow and slightly lit up.

Yunrong out of Lujia, directly shrinking into the East Sea, 3,000 years ago, the gods and the war, countless big demon, the Qinglong as the four stars has long ceased to exist, but like Xuanwu, so supreme Demon, will never die, Xuanwu left Wu Xuangang, Qinglong naturally also has descendants of children.

As one of the four spirits, Qinglong is stationed in the East all the year round. The dragons are happy, and the descendants of the dragons must stay in the East China Sea. As they get closer to the east, the dragon in the air is gradually becoming richer.

Yunrong’s face is bright, and there is a dragon that indicates the existence of the dragon. It is rumored that the dragon’s heart can crack all the curses. Three thousand years ago, Ahe’s efforts to preserve her were done in the opposite direction, and finally ended in the world. The curse of the suffocating suffocation, but the curse of the year of existence, is now let her solve the curse for him!

On the vast sea, the sea breeze hunts, and Yunyun stands by the wind. It is a whip to the calm sea. It suddenly rolls up a wave of more than ten meters. The huge waves seem to open the blood basin, almost instantly. Can engulf her.

Yunrong did not fear, faintly said: "Qinglong, come out, I know you are below."

The voice just fell, the sudden wind on the surface of the sea, the deep blue water quickly swept through a behemoth with a diameter of more than ten meters, faintly can see dozens of touches manually, as if they would rush out of the water at any time to pull the cloud into the sea. .

Yunrong is a mountain **** on the land. I don't know what is going on in the sea. When I see such a big thing, my heart can't help but tighten, and the subconscious retreats two steps. When I look up, the scene in front of me has changed.

The empty sea disappeared without a trace, the surrounding became dark, sparkling with a blue flame, not far from the countless ragged people lined up, walking toward the darkness, faintly crying in the ear Humming, if there is nothing like it, it is a heart.

Yunrong licked his lips and looked down. He looked down on a bridge. The two sides of the bridge were covered with **** flowers like blood. Under the bridge was a rushing river. Countless hands stretched out from the river and desperately caught. The void.

This is the bridge, here is the Netherland!

She clearly knows how to suddenly come to Nether in the East China Sea? Yunrong hasn't reacted yet. Huangquan suddenly floated a leafy boat, and in a blink of an eye, he reached the front, and a man wearing black clothes stood on the boat.

It is Lu Henian!

"Ayun..." "Lu Henian" turned his head and looked at her with sorrow. He reached out and said, "Help me, Ayun, save me..."

Just when Lu Henian’s hand was about to meet Yunrong, the face of Yunrong’s face suddenly receded. His eyes were cold, and the green whip in his hand was already rushing through her face.

"What, just posing as Ahe, don't look in the mirror to see what kind of ghost is like!" Ahe will not be so weak and ask for help, pretending to be a bad person, pretending to be Ahe, Yunrong The whip didn't have any strength at all.

The Reiki Whip was suddenly drawn on the face of Lu Lunian, and the man in front of him suddenly turned into a black gas and dissipated.

"The hill ghost, come over, don't you want my feathers? I will send you!" "Lu Henian" just disappeared, and a clear voice sounded behind Yunrong.

Yunrong turned his head and saw that he was standing a few meters away from the Phoenix. He held a fiery red phoenix in his hand and raised his voice to her: "If you come, I will close it up!"

"It’s like this." Yunrong’s face sank. She was really angry this time. The Phoenix is ​​her most respected predecessor. Three thousand years ago, she watched him fall, and allowed an unknown. The demon is tainted.

She sneered and said: "It's just that you don't know, Phoenix hates this kind of black lacquer cold place. It's disgusting to stay in this place for a while!"

The "Phoenix" in front of me knew that she had been seen by Yunrong. The smile on her face could not be maintained, and she rushed straight toward Yunrong.

Seeing that he still looks like a phoenix, Yunrong does not fight at all, and draws a whip to draw him over. This monster is not a powerful demon. It was originally a scam to deceive people. Yunrong's opponent, not to mention Yunrong is still angry, every whip is not merciless.

In less than five minutes, the monster was beaten and screamed, and the surrounding illusion could not be maintained. A little bit like a mottled wall collapsed. After a while, the original sea surface was revealed.

The behemoth, which was originally a dozen meters in diameter, has now been shrunk into a ball by Yunrong. It is only as big as a calf, and dozens of tentacles are also hanging softly, making a painful mourning.

"Say, who are you?" Yunrong tied the demon with aura and asked.

The monsters took the ride and shook the body and said: "I am awkward, the seniors are forgiving, I will never dare anymore!"

Yunrong has heard of it before. There is a flaw in the sea, and it will change the illusion to confuse the passing of the Terran. Once it is confused, it will never leave the illusion and can only be eaten by cockroaches.

Anyway, it’s not a good demon. Yunrong is looking for Qinglong. It’s not too much nonsense. When I reach out, I want to kill the cockroaches in front of me, but she just raised her hand and turned up the tens of meters high waves on the sea. There is a loud voice coming, "Little hill ghost, this is not where you should come, let go, go quickly, I will not let you die!"

"If you have the ability, you will come out, it is not basaltic, hiding underneath what is the head turtle!" Yun Rong grabbed his hand and shouted: "If you don't come out, I will kill it now!"

"Do you dare to threaten me?" The voice in the sea was full of anger. For a time, the sea was raging. After a few seconds, a huge vortex appeared on the sea, and a blue dragon flew out.

It is a few tens of meters long, the faucet is three stories as big, with a pair of blood-red eyes looking at the cloud in front of it, Zhang Dazui said: "The hill ghost, I have not killed for hundreds of years, you do not toast Do not eat and drink fine wine."

When Yunrong saw the green dragon in front of him, he couldn't help but frown. This is where the dragon is. This is no different from the long snake. If it is not a dragon, she thinks it is a long snake.

"Qinglong's predecessors guarded the East with their own strength, and guaranteed me to be prosperous in China. Although it has fallen, the Dragon Soul has not been scattered for a long time. As a descendant of the Dragons, you have mixed up like this. I have no face to mention that I am a descendant of the Dragon!"

"You!" Qinglong heard a black face, and roared: "I am not a round of ghost judges, you will not go, believe it or not, I ate you?"

"Are you eating?" Yunrong’s face showed a mocking smile. "The turtle is afraid to come out in the sea, but he sends a donkey to take the lead. Are you not doing it!"

Will you talk? Don't say that men can't!

Qinglong was so angry that he stunned his face and shouted: "You are a big courage in this hill, and today I will let you come back." Then, with a bitter cold wind, the dragon's tail covered his face.

"I didn't get your blood, I am not going to go back." Yunrong's gaze stared at the dragon's tail with the tide of falling into the sea, and there was no fear in his look.

In front of the huge dragon tail, Yunrong is like an apple in front of a big truck. She jumps up and escapes the dragon tail. The aura in her hand is like a steel wire.

With a bang, deep into the dragon's tail, and then tightened hard, Yunrong gritted his teeth, exhausted all efforts, Qinglong issued a scream of screams, the dragon tail stretched out for a moment.

"As a descendant of the dragon, but the food of the human race, the merits of the body can not cover the blood of the body, what is the use of such a dragon to stay in the world?" Yunrong looked disgusted at the dragon road in front of him.

"You want to kill the dragon?" Qinglong's huge face finally showed a terrified expression. "I am one of the four spirits, and I am guilty of ancestors. You want to kill me. Heaven will not let you go!"

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