MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 58 Recovery memory

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Yunrong feels that she has fallen into a dream of a long time. In her dream, she returned to Danqiu Mountain. At that time, the Terran was just a few small tribes at the foot of the mountain. The hills and hills of Danqiu were lush, and all kinds of creatures flourished. The world is in a fairyland.

She likes to wear colorful clouds to sew clothes, ride the hairy squirrel cats to the top of the mountain to pick up a variety of fairy grass, there is a phoenix tree on the top of the mountain, the phoenix often comes to rest on the phoenix tree.

The feathers of the phoenix are beautiful, but it is always so stingy, and a feather is not willing to give it to her.

Seeing the sycamore tree for three thousand years again, Yunrong was very happy. The wind blew through the leaves of the phoenix tree, the leaves rustled, and the fragrance of the heart was refreshing. She reached out to catch the feather that the phoenix accidentally fell, and the fingertips still Did not touch, suddenly, the sycamore tree in front of the eyes withered, turned into a pile of scorched earth.

Yunrong was shocked, and then looked up again. When looking around, the vegetation of Danqiu Mountain had fallen and withered, and countless creatures were running away. The sky suddenly became blood red, and countless huge thunders slammed down. It is almost necessary to split Danqiu Mountain in two.

There were faint sorrows in my ears, and I looked up and looked at them. Those lovely little scorpions fell down on the ground one by one. Why is this happening, what happened to Danqiu Mountain?

Yunrong felt that her brain was very painful. She felt that there was something in the memory that seemed to be rushing out. She knelt down to cover her head, and almost fainted, but she couldn’t remember anything.

"Ayun, don't, you will die!" The voice of the voice faintly heard in the ear, so familiar, so kind, "The Terran and the demon are dead and there is a soul, if you die, there is nothing!"

"I am the owner of Danqiu Mountain. I can't watch Danqiu Mountain's life as a charcoal. Even if I fall down in the next moment, I must not let Tianlei destroy Danqiu Mountain."

"Ayun, what do you want to do, do I do it for you?"

"You are just a little white crane that I came to, what do you have to control my affairs, get out!"

"I won't go!"


Too many voices were disturbing in the mood of Yunrong, and her heart seemed to be blocked by a crack.

"Ah..." Yunrong screamed and screamed, and suddenly there was a string broken in his mind. Numerous memories rushed out of the gap of the seal and drowned her in an instant. She looked up and finally saw the back in memory. Look like that.

"What is your name?" Ahe had a pair of nice eyes, like the most beautiful gem on Danqiu Mountain. When looking at her, it seemed to look at the world softly.

"My name is Shan Ghost." At that time, Yun Rong was just turned into a human form, always secretly hiding in the tree and looking down at the foot of the mountain, curiously watching the male peasant women.

"The mountain ghost is the name given to you by the Terran. Do you have your own name?" Ahe asked with a smile.

Yunrong shook his head a little bit, and whispered: "No, if you give me a name."

"You appear to be always filled with clouds, water vapor is dissolved, it is better to call Yunrong."

"Yunyun Yunrong, really nice, I like this name!" I also have a name, Yunrong is very happy.

"I, my name is Bai Heting, the first white crane in this world." A He Yang raised his chin and took the peculiar pride of the boy.

At that time, there were not many monsters on Danqiu Mountain. Apart from her and Ahe, only Phoenix was always a guest.

"Phoenix brother, you give me a hair, is it a good one?" Phoenix is ​​a bad-tempered and stingy demon. When he gets angry, his mouth is smoldering. His fire can burn all the monsters. He is the time. Yunrong always dared not fly on the phoenix tree. He could only watch the red feathers shining in the red under the tree.

"Little hill ghost, you are dead this heart, I will not give you one!" Phoenix sitting on the phoenix tree, shaking his feet, making a face to Yunrong, turned into a flame flying away It is.

Yunrong couldn't catch up with him. He could only help him watch him fly away. He sighed: "How can he be so stingy?"

"What is the color of the red glare? I think the pheasant's hair is much more beautiful than the old phoenix, at least colorful." At this time, Ahe always looked disgusted.

While saying that while pulling out eight crow-blue tail feathers from his body, he pretended to hand it to her: "There are only black and white colors in the world. Is it true that the phoenix's hair is not known in the future? It’s my tail feather, you keep playing.”

"The tail feather is so precious, I can't." Yunrong was slightly surprised, but did not reach out to pick it up. The tail feather is his repair, it is the most precious existence, how can it be easily sent.

"Tell you to hold it!" Ahe looked at the cloud and refused to accept it. He couldn't help but put eight tail feathers into her hands. "If you feel precious, just take it away, but don't give it to others."

Yunrong quickly nodded: "I must take it well, make these eight tail feathers into a device, and bring it to me every day."

Later, she had a crow-blue feather fan, which was her only instrument.

Suddenly, the scene in front of Yunrong changed, Danqiu Mountain became a scorched earth, all the vegetation was withered, all the creatures were dead, Ahe hugged her on the top of Danqiu Mountain, he always liked to wear a white The clothes, now also become ruined, his hair is draped, his face is full of firmness.

He kneels on the ground, holding the cloud in his arms, and his mouth is soft and gentle.

"Ayun, from the first sight I saw you, I feel that my Ayun is the cutest little girl in the world. I should be happy every day. I don't have to worry about anything. I don't have to worry about anything. ”

"My Ayun, although it seems that it will never look like a long time, in fact, my heart is the most creative. You always want to protect the Terran and protect the Yaozu, but you always don't want to protect yourself."

"I know what you want to do, can I do it for you? You just need to take a nap. When you wake up, everything will pass..." Ahe’s voice shook slightly, his face was smiling, he Bowing, the tears in the corner of the eye fell on the little girl's face.

"When you wake up, you forget Ahe..." Ahe stretched his hand gently through Yun's forehead, and a faint glow opened up all his memories.

After doing all this, he lowered his head and gently put the corner of his lips on the little girl's face, and dropped a pious kiss. He smiled softly: "If I knew that there is today, I will let you be my way." companion."

When he finished, he stood up and turned into a huge white crane. He called the sky, and the sound was heard throughout the Danqiu Mountain. Countless days of thunder gathered on his head. It was the punishment of Heaven for him. Under heaven, no matter what. Is it a **** or a demon, no one can escape, now Tiandao does not let go of the gods and the demon, Ahe has to go against the sky, Heaven will not let him go.

No one can be right with Heaven.

"Don't!" Yunrong looked at the scene on the side, gave a painful scream, and rushed to Ahe without thinking about it, but she didn't say stop, she couldn't even touch him.

Because this is the dream of Yunrong.

"Don't, Ahe, don't!" Looking at the road, the thunder rushed toward Ahe, Yunrong's tears burst out, and the heartbreaking cry, but to no avail, can only watch Ahe disappear a little bit. It is.


In the room of Yunfeng Villa Villa Yunrong, the bedside stood with dyed incense, Wu Xuangang and Lu Henian, dyed the fragrance and touched the Lingtai of Yunrong. The look was a bit serious: "Mr. Lu, maybe my repair is too shallow. I have not found any damage to the cloud's predecessors, and the exhausted spiritual power is slowly recovering. It is more faint than before."

"But she has been in a coma for five days." Lu Henian was in a hurry, his face was not very good, his lips were not bloody, the whole person was thin, the little girl did not wake up, he could not rest assured at night. .

"Mr. Lu, to tell the truth, I feel that your body is now more serious than the predecessors of the cloud. The drought and drought are not a joke. Although the cloud predecessors have treated you, you are already guilty, if you The injury caused the body to swim away, that is, Da Luo Shenxian can not save you." Wu Xuangang is a straightforward, looking at Lu Heinian ugly face, could not help but export reminder.

"Thank you, my body, I understand." Lu Henian nodded politely, but his eyes did not leave the little **** the bed. He licked his lips and said: "What are the two things coming today?"

Dyeing and Wu Xuangang were also seriously injured this time. They should have been rehabilitated in the capital. This time, there is really a big event. I dyed it and said: "I am still speaking, I and Wu Xuangang are back. After the capital, because of the fear of the predecessors of the cloud, Wu Xuangang used the tortoise shell to divination of the cloud predecessors, and the image was not very good."

Lu Henian’s eyelid jumped and asked subconsciously: “How is it bad?”

"The elephant shows that there is still a big robbery in the cloud before the predecessor, it is the image of nine deaths, it is likely to fall." In the fight with the drought, everyone heard that Yunrong is a mountain ghost, not a Yaozu, if Fallen, even the soul is gone, and there will be no ghosts in the world.

The words "fallen..." rolled up at Lu’s tongue, but they couldn’t swallow. His face sank and asked, “Is there a way to avoid this disaster?”

"How can such a life and death catastrophe avoid the past, we originally wanted to remind the cloud predecessors this thing, I did not expect that she has not woken up yet." Dyeing and Wu Xuangang are silent, like the **** of Yunrong, basic There will be no robbery on the top, unless it is heaven, heaven is paramount, everything in the world is an ant, who can contend with it.

"I understand, thank you for reminding me of this." Lu Henian saw the face of Dianxiang and Wu Xuangang, and he understood that he could not help but press a stone.

"There is one more thing. When I first explored the predecessors of the cloud, I found that a memory of the predecessors of the cloud was sealed. This may be related to the subsequent life and death, and there may be a turnaround." This is just a speculation.

Lu Henian just wanted to talk. The little girl in the coma suddenly wriggled up. He stopped his words and went to the bed to grab the little girl’s hand. Dyeing and Wu Xuangang also quickly surrounded.

"Ahe, don't do this, don't..." Yunrong's face showed a crying and crying expression, frowning tightly, tears coming out of his eyes, and soon his face was full of tears.

The little girl struggled more and more, Lu Henian could only hold the hand of Yunrong hard, and turned to look at the incense: "Why is she like this?"

"The cloud predecessors should be breaking through the seals. It would be so painful to remember the memories before." The dyed incense also looked at Yunling's Lingtai.

The cry of the little girl gradually rang, even if she could hear what painful things she was experiencing, Lu Henian could only hold Yunrong and gently pat her back to comfort: "Nothing, nothing, I am here. The second brother will accompany you..."

After that, I turned around and asked: "What memory?"

Dyeing the incense and shaking his head, regrets: "The cloud predecessor is too high, I have no way to detect her memory."

"Ah..." The sound of the scented scent just fell, and Yun Yun in the arms of Lu Henian gave a painful scream. Lu Henian shook his hand and turned his head, just to the pair of deep scorpions, like the deep autumn. Tan, at first glance, not to the end, you can look carefully, there seems to be a lot of emotions inside, so that people can not see clearly.

Such a look, Lu Henian, has never been seen in the little girl's body. It is like a drowning man at sea. When he died, he finally caught a driftwood, and the driftwood could not support her weight. Fortunately, she was desperate.

"Yun Rong..." Lu He called young.

Hearing the voice of Lu Henian, Yun Rong was shocked, and the emotions in his eyes suddenly receded. She dropped her throat and did not look at Lu Henian. She turned to look at Dyeing and Wu Xuangang. The voice was hoarse and said: "How are you here?"

After dyeing the fragrance, I said it again and again, and then carefully asked: "Predecessors, are you okay?" Because Yunrong’s look is a bit strange, it seems that there is a feeling of great understanding.

"I'm fine." Yunrong just broke through the seal set by Bai Heting, and he nodded his head. He nodded: "I already know when I am dying, let's go back."

Yunrong obviously has something wrong. She said this, dyeing incense and Wu Xuangang are not good enough to stay, nod and say hello and leave.

When the two demons left, the room was quiet, and Lu Henian did not ask much. He reached out and licked the top of the little girl. He asked gently: "Would you like to eat? I cooked beef porridge and gave you a little bit to eat." ""

Yunrong lowered his head and did not dare to look at Lu’s face. She was afraid that she would not want to cry when she glanced at it. But when she heard his familiar voice, she couldn’t help but look up, her hand clutched tightly. The quilt, stuffy: " Eat a little."

Lu Henian’s eyes fell on the clenched fist of the little girl, her eyes sank, but she said nothing. She stood up and said, “Let’s wait, I will come over.”

When Lu Henian walked out of the door, his face sank. When the little girl was in a coma, something must have happened. The look that just woke up was like a needle stuck into his heart, reminding him of it. It hurts.

The little girl is hiding from him, why is she hiding from him, is the memory of the seal related to him?

In the house, when the door was closed, the tears in Yunrong’s eyes fell. No wonder she always felt the human emotions. No wonder she couldn’t remember the man in her dream. No wonder the gods and the wars even He Bo It has become a look that is not a ghost, she has lived well except for a few repairs.

No wonder He said that everything she has now is based on the sacrifices of others. No wonder the drought says that she is a fake model, and they are not wrong.

Danqiu Mountain was preserved. She did not fall down in the Devils and Wars three thousand years ago. It was because of the sacrifice of Ahe. He went against the heavens and saved himself and Danhoushan for thousands of years of peace. He was punished by Tianlei. The shape is exhausted, and a ghost is thrown into the Nether, and it is also cursed by the Heavenly Way. It is swallowed up by the suffocating world, and it is alive!

Where is it worth the sacrifice? When I think of the memory I saw in my dreams, Yunrong’s uncomfortable feeling seems to have been stabbed in by the knife. Silly Ahe, she tried so hard to preserve Danqiu Mountain, but she hoped to save him. !

Fortunately, he did not fall, but fortunately, he was by his side in this life. This time, she will not let Ahe I die again. Bai Heting should be the demon standing on the top of Danqiu Mountain. Instead of a human being who is mad at any time and will die.

Like making a certain decision, Yunrong’s gaze gradually became firmer. She was not a crying mountain ghost, not to mention more tears, but also in the dream, 99-day Tianleijia She, she looked so painful that she could not suppress herself. I don’t know how Ahe insisted.

When Lu Henian came in, Yunrong’s face was cleaned up, and there was no trace of crying. When he heard the sound, Yunrong hid all the sadness and distress in his heart, and looked up with a smile: So sweet, is the second brother cooking himself?"

Lu Henian glanced at the smile on the face of the little girl, and her heart was even more uneasy. He preferred that the little girl was crying and didn't want to see her laughing. The sealed memory must be very painful. Therefore, when I was in a coma, I burst into tears, but now the little girl laughs like a okay person, and that is obviously not willing to say it.

He just took a moment and quickly reacted and smiled and said: "Yes, your identity was not well known to the aunts of the house. I told her to take a vacation."

"The second brother personally did, then I have to eat more." Yunrong smiled, Ahe used to never cook.

Lu Henian moved the table to the bedside and handed the spoon to the little girl: "The temperature is just right, eat it."

Yunrong eats very slowly. A small bowl of beef porridge is eaten in one minute. Today, I ate for half an hour. After eating Lu Henian, she asked if she needed it. She shook her head.

Lu Henian took out the bowl and sighed in his heart. He even ate less when he was eating. The girl must have something in her heart.

When Lu Henian came back, Yunrong was turning over the Qiangbao bag. When he saw him coming in, he handed a grass to his hand: "Second brother, you were scratched by the marmot, eating the grass, and the wound healed quickly. a little."

"In fact, it's all right." At that time, he was bandaged on the plane. After five or six days, he had grown tender meat, and his movements would be less painful.

"The claws of the marmot are very dirty. At that time, I just handled it for you. Who knows if there is silence? You eat it. If you are sick, you can still live longer without illness." Yun Rong does not need to say that she will The grass fell into the mouth of Lu Henian.

Lu Heinian was suddenly stuffed into his mouth. He could only chew and swallow it. The grass had just passed through his throat, and the wound on his back was a trace of coolness.

Yunrong looked at him behind him and smiled and said: "Okay."

Lu Henian did not show a smile. He reached out and grabbed Yunrong's shoulder. He looked seriously: "Yun Rong, do you remember what I said? Anything can be said with my second brother, even if I can't help you, I also Can help you find a way, tell me, is there something wrong when you are in a coma?"

The smile on Yunrong’s face quickly returned to normal: “Nothing, it’s been blocked by an unhappy memory. Now I’ve remembered it. It’s been thousands of years, and I haven’t put it in my heart.”

"Is it related to Ahe?" Lu Henian couldn't help but ask, and his expression was tense.

Yunrong suddenly remembered what Ah He said when he finally held her. He said that he would be a lover with himself. The Taoist couple is a married couple. The face is red, and he is embarrassed: "Yes."

The expression of the little girl is obviously in the heart of this Ahe, Lu Henian is sour and angry, biting his teeth: "Is he important to you?" This suddenly knows that the little girl still remembers who her former boyfriend is. It’s not good.

The obvious change of Lu Heinian's tone made Yun Rong a glimpse. He suddenly understood that he was jealous, hugged him, and shook his head on his shoulder: "Yes, Ahe is very important to me, and two Brother is just as important."

Because you are A He!

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Lu Henian was more sour in his heart, but when he heard the latter half of the sentence, he felt like he was stuffed into a mass of cotton, soft and warm, feeling the touch on his shoulder, he was slightly stiff. Holding the little girl in her arms: "You can't lie to me."

"I never lie." Yunrong looked up and looked at Lu Henian with a burning look. His eyes were full of smiles: "But the second brother, you lied to me?"

"What did I lie to you?" The little girl had a very good smell. Lu Henian’s voice was dark and the voice was low.

"The second brother obviously likes me, but he said that he used me as a sister. Isn't this a lie?" Yunrong sneaked his fingers and sneaked on Lu's reaction. "If you lie, you still lie to me for so long, isn't it?" unacceptable!"

I saw Lu Heian’s subconscious glimpse, and the whole person was tense. For a long time, he said: “Would you say that I want to continue to lie to you?” He asked very lightly, as if waiting for the little girl’s words.

"Of course not!" Yunrong hooked Lu’s neck and sneaked into his ear: "How bad is the lie, the second brother can tell me directly, because I also like the second brother!" ”

Ahe, I told you this life, I am no longer a ghost who knows nothing.

The little girl’s voice was very light. It fell into Lu’s ear but it seemed to be magnified countless times. He held the little girl’s hand and tightened it. She looked down at her seriously and said, “Silly girl, this should be me. Say!"

The author has something to say: This article is almost over, the next two chapters will talk about the cause and effect, so there is a loss of abuse, but the ending is sweet, everyone can rest assured ~

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