MTL - Who Moved My Mountain-Chapter 60 season finale

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"Oh, heaven..." Yunrong suddenly crossed a trace of anger. She used to respect God, and everything obeyed the rules of heaven. But what did she get? Heaven is ruthless, with all things as hyenas, if you want the human race to prosper, you will not give the devil a little retreat, what is wrong with the creatures on Danqiu Mountain? Some of them have just opened their minds and died under the thunder.

In the past, she always regarded the Blessed people as her own responsibility. She would not do it if she could not do it, but now she only wants to save Ahe. Ahe has been reincarnation for three thousand years. Every world has been swallowed up by her anger. year.

How unfair is heaven!

Qinglong saw the darkness of the Yunzi dark red, and he was shocked. He couldn’t take care of the pain on his tail. He even escaped from his tail. The voice was terrified: "Mountain ghost, your heart is partial, you have to enter the magic!"

Yunrong returned to the gods, threw the Qinglong tail into the sea, and chased the road: "I will be punished by the heavens anyway. I have nothing to do with you. I advise you to work harder. I must get it today. Your heart is blood."

During the speech, Yun’s hand was raised, and a huge green big net was instantly spread out to Qinglong. The Qinglong was covered inside, and the fingers tightened hard. The mouth of the big net was tightened instantly, like fishing. I will have Qinglong.

"Ah, it hurts, you can't die because of the mountain ghost!" Aura is like a red iron, burning the skin of the dragon, the dragon's scales falling down in the basin, the dragon's body suddenly flesh and blood, Qinglong pain I have to scream.

When I heard the words of Qinglong, Yunrong’s face showed a mocking smile: “You are a dragon, but you are ruining the human race, eating the human race, sinful, and living well. I am just doing it for the heavens. Why can’t I Good to die?"

As I said, I tightened the net in my hand.

The pain in the body is intensified, but there is no way to break free. Qinglong makes an angry dragon scream and shouts: "Because I am a dragon! You are just a small hill ghost. Three thousand years ago, you were just an ant at the foot of the ancestors!"

"Yeah, just because you are a dragon, Heaven is so unfair, have you thought that today, ants can kill you!" Yunrong looked at the Qinglong, just like watching a dead object.

The voice just fell, a powerful pressure came from the face, and even the blue dragons in the net all consciously shuddered and tried their best to struggle. The descendants of Qinglong, even if they had no ability, could not He was killed, not to mention that he tried his best, and the net of the aura was broken, and Qinglong took the opportunity to sneak into the sea.

Yunrong’s face showed a trace of impatience, and immediately chased it up. The sea was dark and lacquered. The cold sea water instantly drowned her body. It seemed like a deep abyss, and she could swallow her in one fell swoop.

Although Yunrong is a mountain ghost, but the monster on the land, there is always a natural fear of water. In front of the sea, all the creatures become very small.

Yunrong subconsciously licked his lips and lips, and his heart crossed a trace of tension. Since he could not see, he closed his eyes and closed his eyes. The other touches became clearer. She vaguely felt something slow under the feet. Slow movement.

Getting closer and closer, closer...

It's now!

Yunrong suddenly opened his eyes, and when he looked down, he saw a pair of cold eyes in the dark sea, looking at her with horrible eyes. It was as big as two lanterns, emitting a blue light.

That is the eye of Qinglong, he wants to swallow her!

When Yunrong reacted, the smell of scent had already come to her face. She glanced at her, and the whole body jumped up and grabbed the dragon horn and stood on the faucet.

"You roll me down!" Qinglong really started to panic at this time. At the faucet, he completely took Yunrong, and he could only desperately want to smash the things on his head.

"You should be killed!" Yunrong did not pay attention to him, his eyes were full of perseverance, the aura in his hand turned into a sword, and suddenly plunged into the mind of Qinglong.

"Ah..." Qinglong gave a heart-wrenching dragonfly, violently rolling up. Suddenly, the sea was overcast with heavy rain, and the huge waves were like overturned water, almost turning the sea upside down.

At the special office of the capital, Wu Xuangang, who was lying in a recuperation, sat up and suddenly changed his face: "No, Qinglong has an accident!"

"The merits of his body are thicker than you. How can it happen? Don't worry about that guy. He is a god-in-law." Dyeing can't see Qinglong, it is obviously a descendant of the four spirits, and doing things without the ancestors' style is no problem. With the help of the heavens and the sorrows, the net is lacking in ethics.

When Wu Xuangang heard the scent, the expression on his face was not only relaxed, but more serious. "No, this is not a trivial matter. I heard the dragon smashed, someone is killing the dragon!"

After dyeing a fragrant face, after a few seconds, I was excited. I quickly said: "It’s a cloud predecessor. She wants to kill the dragon and save the blood and save the Luhe Nian! We are going, the dragon, the Heaven will not let her go!"

On the other hand, no matter how the Qinglong struggles, Yunrong is nailed to the top of his head, and the movement has not moved. After a while, the dragon blood that has flowed out of the sea is red.

Qinglong was exhausted, and the struggling movements were also a little weaker. He became weak and sturdy. Yunrong took advantage of the opportunity to pull out the sword that made the reiki into a claw. He reached into the huge wound. .

Probably knowing that he must die, Qinglong's blue eyes are turned upside down, and he looks at the clouds at the top of his head.

"Sorry..." Yunrong hangs down his throat, earnestly said, and he did not hesitate to smash the brain of Qinglong.

When Qinglong died, the sea that had already been slightly whitened suddenly went dark. There were a few huge thunderclouds floating in the distance, and the purple thunder rolling was visible in it, giving a chilling thunder.

No time...

Yunrong grabbed the dragon's horns and jumped from the sea. He threw the Qinglong on the coast and made a huge collision.

When the dyed incense and Wu Xuangang arrived, they saw the huge body of the Qinglong. The cloud was standing full of blood. The sky was dark and almost dripping water. The thunderclouds on her head rolled, making the heavens and the earth discolored.

"The cloud predecessor..." Even if it is not close, the scent of the scent will feel the murderousness of Yunrong, and it will be scary and scary. She cautiously called it.

"Don't come over, the thunder is approaching, you will be accidentally injured if you are too close." Yun Rong said faintly, while he knelt down and took out a white jade bottle, and suddenly cut through the chest of Qinglong, and blood flowed into his heart. In the bottle.

The white jade bottle is gradually filled, and the dyed incense is also watching the merits of Yunrong's body being bitten by blood. The dragon slaughter is already against the heavens. Now, taking the blood of the heart, it is not for the heavens.

"Cloud predecessors, why are you?" If such a big Tianlei is hitting on the body, it is the Dalu gods who have to measure the quantity, why bother to do such a thing for a human race.

"I have my own reasons for doing this. The little nephew doesn't ask adults." Yunrong stood up and smiled. The thunder of the ear was getting louder and louder. She threw the white jade bottle in her hand to the incense. In my hand: "Look at my usual good for you, help me a lot, bring back to Lu Henian to drink..."

"Predecessors, we protect the law for you, this thing you bring back." Wu Xuangang frowned, his eyes red.

"What do you say nonsense? Xuanwu predecessors left you to descendants, and lived to inherit the spirit of the predecessors. I am a god, maybe it will be fine?" Yunrong was moved and smiled and rushed to raise his chin.

This is not to say okay, one said that the eyes of the two demon are red, under the thunder, nine dead life, not dead but also layered skin, did not see He Bo directly into a powder?

They just wanted to talk, Yunrong’s face sank and shouted: “Leave away from me!” The voice just fell, and a ten-meter-thick Tianlei suddenly fell down, with the mountains and the tsunami, for a moment The shadow of Yunrong is invisible.

"Cloud predecessors..." I couldn't help but cry.

Wu Xuangang grabbed her and said: "Now is not crying, the blood of my heart is useless, the blood of the predecessors of the cloud will be used to relieve the curse of Lu Henian. We will send the blood of the heart first. Let's go."

"You go and send it, I am watching here, maybe, maybe the cloud predecessors still have to save..." The dyed scent looked solemn and suddenly reached out and wiped the tears on his face.

Even if my heart is clearly caught by such a big thunder, it is basically a god-shaped annihilation, Yunrong has no soul, and where can I live, not to mention the last divination, and the singer clearly said that this time is probably a big Dead robbery.

Wu Xuangang had a trace of grief in his heart. He didn’t say anything when he heard the dyed incense. He nodded and turned and flew toward the sea.

In the villa, Lu Heinian, who was still asleep, suddenly felt a pain in his heart, and suddenly he woke up. He subconsciously touched the bed next to him, but touched the air, and instantly woke up and opened his eyes.

The bed was completely cold and the little girl had been away for a long time.

Lu Henian’s heart was tight, and she suddenly remembered the abnormality of the little girl after she woke up. She smiled on her face, but her eyes often showed sorrow. It was obviously drunk, but she had to drink last night, and she took the initiative last night...

Lu Henian grabbed the quilt's hand and swelled. Why did she sleep so badly last night, even the little girl's big movements didn't notice, it must be what Yunrong did to him!

Why didn't she wake herself up? Lu Henian has an answer in his heart, and there is a constant unease.

Lu Henian suddenly opened the quilt and just dressed, he saw Wu Xuangang breaking through the window. His eyes sank and grabbed Wu Xuangang’s hand: “Where is Yunrong?”

"At the East Sea." Wu Xuangang ran out of breath, subconsciously answered.

When the voice just fell, Lu Henian suddenly released his hand and turned to go outside the door. While walking, he called and said: "Zhang Chongming, arrange a private jet, I am going to the East China Sea soon..."

When the words were not finished, he suddenly hit the corner of the table, the phone in his hand slipped and fell to the ground, and the screen was broken.

Lu Henian stunned for a second, looking at the phone screen on the ground, the uneasiness in his heart was getting more and more heavy. He had a feeling that the little girl had an accident and could not see it in the future.

"Now it's too late, I just came from the East Sea." Lu Henian walked fast, Wu Xuan just gasped and finally caught up with him, yelling at his back.

Lu Henian’s back was a meal, and the whole person was kneeling in the same place. When he turned around, he looked at Wu Xuangang’s eyes almost to eat people, biting his teeth: “What is too late?”

Wu Xuangang found out the white jade bottle with the temperature: "Hurry up, the cloud predecessor is just to give you the heart of Qinglong's heart to go to the East Coast Dragon Slayer. After a quarter of an hour, the dragon's blood will be invalid, you are fast. I drank."

"You said she went to the dragon? She is now..." Lu Henian looked at the white jade bottle in Wu Xuangang's hand, opened his mouth, and his voice almost trembled.

Even if he didn't understand anything, Lu Henian knew what the dragon was. It was a supreme being. Now that the little girl went to the dragon, he barely dared to think about what would happen.

Seeing Lu’s expression, Wu Xuangang’s face also flashed a bit of sadness. He bit his teeth and said: “If you drink this bottle of blood, you can get rid of the curse of the heavenly path, and you may understand the meaning of the cloud’s predecessors. The sacrifices made by the predecessors are also valuable."

sacrifice? What sacrifice? Lu Henian almost dared not ask, he was not afraid of anything from childhood to big, but at this moment he was afraid to tell any news about the little girl from Wu Xuangang's mouth.

Lu Henian reached out and took the white jade bottle in Wu Xuangang's hand. The bottle was only as big as the thumb, translucent, vaguely **** red, shining golden light in the sun.

Obviously it was a small bottle. Lu Henian felt that he was heavy. He clutched the bottle tightly and his lips twitched: "Just drink it, right?" He said, not waiting for Wu Xuangang to answer, unplug the lid and drink it. Do it.

Wu Xuangang is a bit admired by Lu Henian. The smell of dragon blood is very heavy, and the taste is hard to drink. Even the face is not changed.

After drinking the dragon's blood, Lu Henian looked at Wu Xuangang and seriously said: "Is Yunyun not an accident?"

Wu Xuangang nodded and said: "The dragon is to be punished by Heaven, and the Thunder is added, even if it is a god, it is hard to bear..."

Before the words were finished, Lu Henian’s face suddenly fell, and the whole body’s body shook, and a black blood spit out.

Wu Xuangang was shocked and quickly helped him, and his face showed a few urgency: "What are the two things going on? Do you have to take your life when you fall in love? A mountain **** who has been cultivated for four thousand years." Going to the dragon to take blood, the Terran drink can't stand it, this is all doing!"

His voice just fell, and his still in a coma, Lu Henian, suddenly had a strong aura, and he suddenly drove him away. He saw Lu Henian floating in the air, and a huge heavenly imprint appeared on his body. Under the aura of anger, the mark slammed and shattered!

With the fragmentation of the Heavenly Mark, the pressure of the ancient demon came to the surface. When Wu Xuangang looked up, he felt a heart-wrenching deterrent. His knees were soft and he slammed into the ground.

This pressure is far more powerful than the predecessors of the cloud. What is Lu Henian?

For a time, the Yaozu, who is a hundred miles away, all have a tight heart, and the body subconsciously makes a surrender gesture, the demon is born, and the demon worships!

A few minutes later, Lu Henian, who was floating in the air, finally landed on the ground. He opened his eyes, and the black scorpion had turned into a faint brown color. It was faintly visible that the golden light flashed and the brilliance was brilliant.

"Get up." He smugly swept Wu Xuangang on the ground, cold voice.

The powerful pressure was put away. Wu Xuan felt that he could breathe again. He stood up in his heart and said: "I don't know the predecessors, the seniors..." Even if there is no pressure, the instinct of the Yaozu still makes him speechless. .

"My surname is white, the sea city is handed over to you, I am going to the East Coast." Bai Heting did not wait for Wu Xuan just finished, and dropped a sentence, it disappeared directly in front of him.

"Yes, yes, the white predecessor." Wu Xuangang quickly said, there is a shadow of Lu Henian when he looks up. He has long since disappeared. He only slowed down at this time. He subconsciously reached out and touched his chest. He was afraid: "Lu Henian It was so powerful, but fortunately, he did not offend him before, and he almost couldn’t keep his original shape."

The level of Bai He Ting has reached the point where his heart can move. When he arrives at the East Sea, the thunderclouds in the sky are already thick enough to hang down to the ground. The red gold thunder is almost too bright to open his eyes, but Through the thunder, he can still see that petite little figure, is bending over and supporting hard.

Not far away, surrounded by hundreds of people and the Yaozu, they looked at Leiyun with a serious look, but no one dared to go forward, with their cultivation, they came up with only the end of the smoke.

When Bai Heting appeared, the onlookers reacted the most. I don’t know who called the demon, and the low-level one made a prototype. The high-pitched pounced on the ground, shivering, as if fainting at any time. .

However, the human monks felt less intense and could stand barely. They only looked at Bai Heting, and they all changed their faces. This kind of cultivation is already the level of the ancient demon.

What is going on today? One of the big dragons who didn’t know where to come, was punishable by Heaven, and Tian Lei added. Now there is an ancient demon. The presence of the unit is not an opponent. If something happens, who can stand it? !

Bai Heting did not fall on other people's eyes. When he saw the little girl, his eyes could no longer move. He whispered, "Is this the first few thunder?"

Who knows, when they came, they started to smash, and the dyed incense almost fell to the ground, biting their teeth: "The 97th thunder has been..."

The dragon to take blood is subject to the punishment of ninety-nine Tianlei.

There was a thunder in the middle of the conversation, and the little figure in the middle of the golden light suddenly shook and fell to the ground, almost invisible.

"Ayun!" Bai Heting was in a tight heart, and subconsciously screamed, turning into a huge white crane and heading for Yunrong.

Yunrong feels that she is going to die, the aura has dried up, and the cultivation has been exhausted. She has been counting, only the last day is thunder, but she has no strength to bear it. Tianlei is stronger than one. I heard that this The ninety-ninth road has never been able to pass.

It turned out that Tianlei was so painful. Was Ah He so painful three thousand years ago?

The Thundercloud above the head is getting louder and louder. The last day is coming. Yunrong is holding his knees and wants to stand up. But she has no strength at all. In fact, she has no regrets, but she regrets not returning to Danqiu Mountain. Take a look.

Just as Yunrong waited for the last day of the thunder, suddenly she was black, and the whole person seemed to be covered by something, and even the thunder in her ear became smaller.

"Ayun, don't be afraid, I am here." A familiar voice came from the top of the head.

Yunrong looked up incredulously, and a huge white crane was standing behind her, opening her wings and blocking her under the wings.

It is Ahe!

Yunrong has been unable to speak, she looked at the white crane at the top of her head, and her eyes were red.

Bai Heting knew the meaning of the little girl. He just wanted him to go. He smiled softly and smiled: "You are just a small hill ghost. It is good to hide things behind me. I will protect you..."

She doesn't need him to protect at all, she wants him to live well!

However, Tianlei did not give Yunyun a chance to breathe. In the end, Tianlei slammed down heavily, with the momentum of destroying the earth and destroying the earth. The whole body of Baiheting was shocked, and the cloud was still under the body.

The monks and demons on the side of the scene exclaimed, and they could smell the smell of burnt smell.

Everyone thought that when everything was about to end, Lei Yun did not disperse. A very fine purple thunder suddenly went down in the direction of Yunrong. Baiheting did not react, and the Tianlei was accurate. In the arms of the little girl.

"Ayun!" Bai Heting issued a heartbreaking cry, or looked at Yunyun's body into a green light spot, and instantly drifted in the direction of Danqiu Mountain.

Bai Heting was furious and looked up at the thundercloud above his head. The Thundercloud gradually dispersed. It was like silently mocking his incompetence. Heaven wants to punish, no one protects.

Bai Heting turned his gaze to the monks and demon who stood next to him. The scorpion was red. When everyone saw it, they all consciously shuddered and rushed back. The demon was furious and no one could resist.

Suddenly, a crowd of old people wearing robes came out of the crowd. He walked two steps forward: "The Year of the Crane, think about your mother, think about your family, they will raise you, you really have to be right with Heaven. Ruined the entire Terran?"

Bai Heting’s eyes flashed, and the cold voice: “Mr. Zhang?”

"It's me, the year of the crane, Yunrong is still saved. She is full of merits and has blessed so many people. As long as she has endless merits, she will not die as long as she is still the **** of the people's faith!" Looking at the white crane court.

Bai Heting paused for two seconds, and the blood in his eyes gradually receded. He walked to the side of the huge Qinglong corpse on the shore. With a wave of his hand, the body was suddenly broken into powder, and the wind blew and disappeared into the air.

Bai Heting sneered: "Are you protected?"

Bai Heting’s voice just fell, and there were a few loud thunders in the sky, and nothing happened.

Bai Heting showed a mocking smile, a flying body, chasing in the direction of Danqiu Mountain.

Five years later.

At the foot of a mountain temple at the foot of Danqiu Mountain, the genius was just bright, and it was already crowded with people who made prayers and votives. Several aunts were squeezing in front and carrying a plastic bag in their hands.

"What are you asking for today? I told you that this mountain **** girl is really a spirit. My son and daughter-in-law have not been pregnant with children for five years. I came to worship, and I checked it out a few days ago. I also said that they are twins. "Auntie said while pulling the bag out to others to see: "The temple is not fragrant, I heard that the mountain goddess likes to eat delicious, specially bought five pounds of cherry and red grapefruit to send Come over, I hope that the mountain goddess will bless my baby to be healthy and healthy."

"Is it really so spiritual? My niece just wants to ask for help." Another middle-aged woman listening to the side said: "I am here, my daughter, I took a college entrance examination and asked for a peace sign. I went back and put it on. The mind is particularly clear. The results came out a few days ago. The university in Beijing was admitted, and our family was happy."

"I came to seek marriage..."

"I came to seek fortune..."

The more and more lively the door of the temple, the countless golden merits and the power of faith floated out of their bodies and gathered on the hills of Danqiu, as if to put a golden coat on the hills of Danqiu.

Bai Heting walked out in a white robes and opened the door of the temple. He whispered: "You have been waiting."

"I will wait for a while, soon wait, we have just arrived..." The people standing at the door all came in, but they were not as messy as the other temples. Everyone had watering flowers, some were sprinkling, some were fresh. Tribute, some pious prayers, everyone whispers and looks orderly.

Bai Heting walked out of the mountain temple and looked at the Danqiu Mountain in the morning light. He smiled slightly and whispered: "Ayun, are you happy today?"

"Not happy at all, it’s so tired to walk down the mountain!" Bai Heting’s voice just fell, and a sound of milky milk came from the bushes. The next second, a little girl with a pink sculpture Drilled inside.

"The little girl's family is squeamish, so tired when I walk, I can run for several laps." After the tree on the side, he slowly walked out of a little boy with a buns face, walked to the side of the little girl, and reached out to the proud girl. Road: "Come on, I will pull you out."

Bai Heting glimpsed, and his heart flashed a trace of strangeness. He walked over to the two nephews and squatted down: "Whose children are you?"

The little girl took the little boy's hand and climbed out of the grass. The black jewel-like eyes looked at the white crane court. The old **** was saying: "Mother said that our father is an old monster of four thousand years old. You look so young. Not like the one we are looking for."

"Stupid! Mother is also more than four thousand years old, she is not young, father is natural and mother is similar." The little boy looked at Bai Heting, raised his chin, pretending to be calm: "Do you call it? Bai Heting?"

Bai Heting heard their conversation and flashed countless thoughts in his heart. He was excited and grabbed the boy’s hand: "You, where are your mothers?"

When the voice just fell, I heard a voice full of anger in the distance. "Small scorpion, said a few times, not calling his father's name, how rude!"

Bai Heting only felt that his heartbeat had missed half a beat. He looked up incredulously, and saw a little girl sitting on a branch not far away, looking at him with a smile.

Yunrong’s eyes on the white crane’s eyes smashed his head and smiled: “Ahe, I am back!”

I am back, and we will not be separated again in the future~

---End of the text ---

Ps: no exception

The author has something to say: I just wrote it for two months and finally finished. I think this is the best ending. I hope that every little cute person who reads the text will meet the willingness to do everything for you. You are willing to He is trying his best!

Finally, of course, I ask for a new article to receive it~

"After one night, Ba is pregnant," two-way secret love, the story of fake drama really ~


The secret of ten years of secret love, but dare not confess, the most daring thing, is to sleep drunken secret love and head boss Gu Shao

Ze. Resignation, leaving, in one go, the dream of running with the ball disappeared in Gu Shaoze's life.

However, after three months...

The man who has always been cold and self-sufficient uses her powerful arms to circle her between herself and the wall. The roots of the wrath of the forehead are bulging, and the violent jump is like a thunder: a woman, who wants to run when I grow my stomach?

Xin Yao stunned: Gu Zong, will you make a mistake...

What kind of joke? It is her to be pregnant!

Gu Shaoze is close to her ear, biting her teeth: "Is it wrong? Do you want to see the hospital's B-ultrasound?"

Xin Yao: lying trough? !

This is a loved one after marriage, a two-way crush of cookies.

To love you is to be responsible for you!

Simple and delicate temper is better than female host x appearance strong inner lack of love proud male master

This article is also known as "After one night, Ba is always pregnant with my child", "The overbearing president takes the ball to run", "Why isn't I running with the ball?" 》

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