MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 12 Really love is like a gust of wind, after blowing...

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/ Mo Baqian

"Your grandfather is getting more and more like a child as he gets older. He doesn't want you to lose to that kid Lan Muzhou."

Mrs. Qi took Qi Mo's hand and sat on the bed with a gentle voice.

Qi Mo is not used to getting too close to people, especially strangers.

She withdrew her hand calmly, took a doll from the bedside and hugged it in her arms.

Well, it's soft, but it feels good to the touch.

She pinched the horns on the doll's head and replied, "I won't lose to him."

Thinking of Lan Muzhou's arrogant face, and thinking about that muffled voice, she twitched the corners of her mouth.

Mrs. Qi sighed.

"You are sullen, why are you trying to be brave in front of mom? Those comments on the Internet are not good, and we didn't dare to let your grandfather know, so mom also knows that you are under a lot of pressure now."

She has a good temperament, and she speaks unhurriedly, but she can make people obviously care.

"It's not that Mom insists on hitting your dreams. Mom just wants to tell you that if you have any grievances or needs, you must tell your family and don't bear it by yourself. If you really can't bear it, there is nothing shameful in our retirement." .”


A question mark appeared in Qi Mo's heart.

"Although your father doesn't want you to join the entertainment industry, he is also reflecting on whether he controlled you too strictly in the past, so that you have to be sneaky about what you want to do now, and dare not tell us."

Saying that, Mrs. Qi lowered her eyes, looking a little guilty, "You like short hair but not long hair, hip-hop and modern dance, guzheng and piano, singing and stage. It's not as good as Qingqing knows more, it's our dereliction of duty, we didn't consider whether you really like it or not."

Qi Mo felt empathy for a moment.

Everyone has something they like, but not everyone can get what they want, because there is also a responsibility.

But the most important thing is... What exactly did Lu Qingqing tell the Qi family? !

The reason why "Qi Mo" went to "National Idol" was simply because of men, right? ?

After seeing Mrs. Qi away with great difficulty, Qi Mo opened WeChat and called Lu Qingqing.

I got a reply with several long pictures from Lu Qingqing.

On the long picture is the dialogue between "Qi Mo" and Lu Qingqing. On the above, "Qi Mo" expressed his yearning and love for the stage with Lu Qingqing sincerely, expressing that his dream is to debut as an idol once, and hope that he can He can break through the world with his own strength without relying on the help of his family at all.

Dressing up as a man can prevent netizens from revealing their real identities, and the final five members of "National Idol" are a limited boy group, which will automatically disband after one year of debut, which is just convenient for "Qi Mo" to resume her female identity and leave the entertainment industry.

The logic seems to be quite self-explanatory.

However... Qi Mo and Lu Qingqing's chat records did not contain such a content.

These chat records should have been faked by Lu Qingqing using another WeChat account, changing the avatar and notes.

After sending the long picture, Lu Qingqing made a wechat call.

"I know that if you let your uncle and aunt know that you are for He Ruilin, you will definitely have to shed your skin. That's why I said that. It should be hidden from you, but... Auntie seems to be a little sad. Please comfort Auntie."

Lu Qingqing's voice is very nice, clear and crisp, one can tell that she is a sweet little girl.

"You always run to He Ruilin on the show, and my aunt even asked me about He Ruilin, so I told my aunt that He Ruilin is very famous in the entire circle of trainees, and you also admire him very much, and want to learn more from him .”

"It just so happens that He Ruilin is indeed quite popular with the trainees. Zhou Cheng and the others are also very protective of He Ruilin. The program crew interacted a lot during editing, and He Ruilin came second. Auntie and the others didn't seem to suspect anything. I guess they still Wait and see. You must pay attention during the show, don't be too obvious, otherwise I won't be able to catch it."

He is a true friend who always thinks from the perspective of "Qi Mo".

Qi Mo had heard the voice exchange between the original owner and Lu Qingqing, and knew how they got along.

So she threw the slippers to the ground, rolled over and sank into the soft big bed.

"Don't worry." An arm choked the giant doll on the bed, and she lazily said, "It won't always be by He Ruilin's side."

Lu Qingqing has seen the madness of her good sister before, so she can't believe these words.

She snorted, "Don't pretend, promise me several times, don't you always come over? If you can bear it for two days this time, I will apply with my dad and take charge of the group after the group is formed. How about the brokerage affairs during the period?"

The program produced by Qing Ning of "National Idol", after forming a group, the five members will be in charge of Qing Ning for a year.

The night of forming a group coincided with Lu Qingqing's graduation, and after graduation, she definitely wanted to enter the company to practice.

If Lu Qingqing can take charge, Qi Mo can "get the moon first".

"Qi Mo" had mentioned it as a joke before, but it was up to Lu's father to decide which position Lu Qingqing would take after graduation.

What Qi Mo thought was that it would be good if Lu Qingqing was in charge of her affairs for the next year.

So she was half lying and half sitting on the bed, crossing her legs, "Okay, that's it."

The two chatted a few more words about their recent situation before hanging up the phone.

However, within two minutes of hanging up the phone, Lu Qingqing took the screenshot and quickly returned to the conversation bar.

Lu Qingqing: Have you taken off your fan base and joined the Lan Muzhou support team? ? ?

Lu Qingqing: I'm giao! Really love is like a gust of wind, after blowing it, leave? ? ?

The gymnasium prepared by "National Idol" for the trainees is not small, with complete fitness equipment.

At 5:30 in the morning, the sound of "rustling" has already sounded.

Lan Muzhou didn't sleep well all night.

He sent two voice messages to Qi Mo last night, and his tone was as gentle as possible, but Qi Mo didn't reply to him all night.

Not only did he not reply to his message, but he also never returned to the dormitory.

Could it be... because of his two words, Qi Mo retired with a weak heart?

But He Ruilin's fans have been chasing and scolding him for so long, and he can still persist... Shouldn't he be more responsive to being scolded by the fans of the person he likes?

Or is Qi Mo just a...M? ?

The angry expression on Qi Mo's face flashed in his mind.

Lan Muzhou: Grandpa looks at his mobile phone in the subway.jpg

The picture is so beautiful that he dare not think about it.

His mind was tangled into hemp ropes, he was distracted, and he was mechanically exercising on the treadmill, completely unaware of anyone approaching.

"It's so early for you too."

The gentle voice sounded softly, almost drowned in the sound of the treadmill.

He Ruilin stepped onto the treadmill next to Lan Muzhou, pressed the start button, and started walking slowly.

Lan Muzhou suddenly turned away, and glanced at He Ruilin out of the corner of his eye.

Tch, I really said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will be here.

"Yeah." He snorted softly.

The weasel has no good intentions in wishing the chicken a new year. he said in his heart.

After I finished speaking, I felt something was wrong.

Qi Mo... Did he blame him for what he said? What to say "it's not good to say that you are a chicken".

Lan Muzhou ground his teeth.

Neither of the two weasels was good.

"Speaking of it, it seems that you have not congratulated you for winning the game."

He Ruilin made a sound while walking slowly.

He stared at the wall in front of him, and while speaking, he slightly accelerated the speed of the treadmill.

"I didn't expect Qi Mo to improve so much all of a sudden...Although I am not bad at learning myself, it always feels a bit difficult to teach others."

He tilted his head and looked at Lan Muzhou with a sincere smile, "You still have a way."


This remark sounds harmless, but it is always inexplicable.

Lan Muzhou was silent for two seconds and stopped the treadmill.

He glanced at He Ruilin, "What's the problem? I just said a word, do you want to know what it is?"

He Ruilin also stopped the treadmill, seemingly curious, "What?"

Seeing Uncle Lan Muzhou hooking his fingers like a master, he smiled and leaned closer with a good-tempered face.

Lan Muzhou thought he was cruel and grinned, "I said, if you are eliminated, you won't be able to get along with He Ruilin."

He Ruilin's heart skipped a beat.

The image of Qi Mo shining like a star on the stage played back uncontrollably in his mind.

Thinking of the agency's next plan, the uninhibited smile on that delicate face in memory was a bit dazzling.

In order to get along with He Ruilin, he surpassed He Ruilin on the stage, making He Ruilin farther and farther away from the C position.

He Ruilin must have a wonderful expression when he heard this paradox of cause and effect, right?

After finally choking the other party hard once, Lan Muzhou took a step back quite complacently, and stared at He Ruilin's expression.

But he found that the expression on He Ruilin's face...was a bit complicated? ?

Read The Duke's Passion