MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 11 No matter what, the kid from the Lan family should...

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/ Mo Baqian

Qi Mo was slightly taken aback.

She only had memories related to the script in her mind, and she felt a little familiar with the person in front of her, but she couldn't really imagine it anyway.

He looked at the man indifferently, with a somewhat imperceptible scrutiny.

It doesn't look like this guy is lying.

Thinking about spending millions of dollars on He Ruilin within a month, "Qi Mo"'s family is definitely not an ordinary family.

It's also good for someone to pick her up, so she can learn more about "Qi Mo"'s situation in this world.

It just so happened that she also intends to leave "National Idol" to do something more meaningful.

Thinking of leaving the show, she paused.

Inexplicably, the scene of standing on the stage with the team suddenly flashed in my mind.

The lights, the stage, the sweat, the audience, the screaming.

Vivid memories surged up, as if right in front of my eyes.

The lyrics, music, and singing and dancing are different from those in the previous world, but they are also so interesting.

After being distracted for two seconds, she dismissed the thought and returned to reality.

Under the gaze of the man, Qi Mo nodded, "Let's go."

The program crew led them all the way to the underground garage.

The man opened the car door, "Miss, please."

She sat in the back seat of the car, and the man helped close the door again.

She didn't move a hand from beginning to end.

Although it's only been less than three days, Qi Mo feels that he hasn't enjoyed this kind of treatment for a long time.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang."

"Wherever it is, it should be."

After exchanging a few words outside, the car started slowly and drove out of the underground garage.

The man said: "The journey takes about an hour and forty minutes, Miss can rest for a while."

Qi Mo responded lightly and didn't say much.

Since the family came to pick her up, it's better to pay more attention.

She didn't know the way "Qi Mo" got along with this person, so talking about it would only make more mistakes.

The man didn't make another sound, but couldn't help but look up in the rearview mirror.

The young lady has been living abroad since she was in middle school, and she only returns to China occasionally, but every time she sees him, she always calls out "Amber" cheerfully. Such silence like today is really rare.

Those remarks on the Internet must have had a great influence on the young lady.

The sound insulation effect of the car is excellent, and the noise of passing by can hardly be heard.

Qi Mo turned on his phone, wanting to know more about the professions in this world, but saw the words 99+ appearing on Weibo.

"Qi Mo" is basically notorious in the show, and the number of fans is very small.

Previously retweeted related social events on Weibo, but it didn't cause any waves at all. The number of likes and comments was very small, and half of the few comments were cursed by black fans.

99+ popped up suddenly, something is not quite right.

When she opened Weibo, she saw that the two dance instructors in the program group were all following her, and even praised her Weibo post of "You are handsome and right, who dares not be right?"

After two mentors with more than 20 million fans liked it, the likes and comments on this Weibo increased crazily!

[Is this the Qi Mo I know? ? 】

[The class representative is here! Although I don't know who this person is, this Weibo post is very interesting. "If you are handsome, who dares to be wrong" is a pun. On the one hand, it says that the principal is a teacher. If he sets an example, the students taught by the school It can also be well educated; on the other hand, it is powerful, saying that if the leaders at the top are doing the right thing, who would dare to be unhealthy at the bottom? Who would dare not to investigate such a thing? [狗头] I’m afraid that this little idol’s account will blow up [狗头]]

[After reading the class representative, I feel that Qi Mo still has something in his mind? ? 】

[Hey, the company team must have thought of it! 】

[Which public relations team will let the artist say such words that may blow up the account? Besides, Qi Mo is a personal trainee, so where is the company from? 】

[The point is that both Zhao Congnan and Xu Ziwen are paying attention to Qi Mo! If Qi Mo was nothing, how could they pay attention? 】

[I don’t know about this little celebrity, but it’s good that celebrities can pay more attention to social news, and expose this beast more! 】

[Qi Mo sees that he is going to be eliminated because of all the scolding, so let's start turning this kind of thing to create heat! It's so disgusting, are the human blood steamed buns delicious? [vomit][vomit]]

[? Something is wrong with you upstairs. 】

[Upstairs is wrong +1, this incident has been going on for several months without any splashes, and it became a hot search today. I don't know who this star is, but it's better than a keyboard man like you! 】

Qi Mo quickly flipped through a few pages of comments, and then took a look at the trending search list. As expected, this incident was clearly listed!

Even the relevant local authorities have been unable to withstand the pressure of public opinion, saying that they will set up a special investigation team.

The two instructors moved their fingers and gave a light praise, which could actually bring out this effect.

Qi Mo was slightly startled for two seconds.

The Internet is prevalent in this world, and the influence of celebrity artists is also enormous.

Her mind was too messed up before, and she didn't even think of this level.

At this time, a WeChat dialog box popped up on the screen.

Lu Qingqing: Sister, I'm sorry for you [crying loudly]

Lu Qingqing: Aunt found out that you went to participate in "National Idol"

Lu Qingqing: Then I recruited them all

Lu Qingqing: My dad just confiscated my phone and went to the house to write a self-criticism, so I couldn’t tell you in time

The name Lu Qingqing did not appear in the script.

She has not been in contact with Lu Qingqing in the past two days since she arrived in this world, but according to the previous chat records, Lu Qingqing is the daughter of the CEO of Qingning Video Platform, and also a good friend of "Qi Mo" who talks about everything.

"Qi Mo" was able to disguise herself as a man to participate in the program "National Idol" thanks to Lu Qingqing's help.

But the more important message is—

"Qi Mo" has been studying in Country Y since she was a child. Her family didn't even know that she returned to China to participate in "National Idol".

Ah this.

So this time, Xingshi was the one who brought her home to inquire about her crimes?

Qi Mo subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and his body, which was loose just a second ago, immediately collapsed.

In an instant, he changed to sitting upright.

She is not afraid of the sky and the earth, let her roam the world.

But she is afraid of the Queen Mother.

The furious face seemed to be right in front of his eyes, the cold scolding and the sound of the broken glass cup seemed to explode in his ears.

Tighten her hand on her leg.

I don't know what kind of person "Qi Mo"'s mother is.

If this is what she remembers...

Let it go, destroy it.

When Qi Mo left, the people in the same group thought he was going to the bathroom.

Unexpectedly, Qi Mo did not come back until the end of the recording.

Several people found it strange, and asked familiar trainees, but none of them got any news.

As a last resort, they asked the staff of the program group.

The staff didn't know the specific situation, but Qi Mo was gone, which could be seen by everyone.

In the small private group, there has long been gossip and speculation.

"I heard that he is going to retire, but we don't know the details."

Upon hearing the word of retirement, Lan Muzhou froze for a moment.

Qi Mo...will retire?

Even if it was for He Ruilin, it was impossible for Qi Mo to choose to retire.

Thinking of Qi Mo's excellent dancing talent and the light that bloomed on the stage, he couldn't help but feel regretful.

Although he was not close to him, he really thought that Qi Mo was too suitable to stand on the stage.

The other teammates did not expect to hear such an answer.

Chen Ke asked, "Do you know why he retired?"

"Hey." The staff waved their hands, "The resignation is just a rumor, it's just a rumor, it may not be true."

After he finished speaking, he was also afraid that he had talked too much, so he carried the machine and left.


Jiang Mingchen suddenly exclaimed, as if he had discovered something shocking, and everyone immediately turned their heads.

He blinked, "It's not because Brother Zhou said he hates Qi Mo on stage, is it?"

Lan Muzhou:? ? ?

Staring at Jiang Mingchen, he almost opened Jiang Mingchen's mind to see what brand of paste was inside.

"It's none of my business. If he was so weak, he would have retired from the game after being scolded for so many days?"

After being glared at by Lan Muzhou, Jiang Mingchen shrank back.

"Even if I don't have a high EQ, I can tell that the instructors are asking you that kind of question because they want you to clarify the bad relationship."

But Brother Zhou, you directly stamped Qi Mo with the chapter "We just don't have a good relationship" on the show.

Qi Mo has already been scolded so badly by He Ruilin fans, if he is besieged by Lan Muzhou fans again...

Then really don't live.

Lan Muzhou frowned and looked at Jiang Mingchen.

Why...was he still a little persuaded by Jiang Mingchen?

"Momo, tell me about you, ah, why don't you study abroad well, why don't you go to the draft if you have nothing to do?"

"You are the only child in the family. If you don't do serious things, how will the group's affairs be entrusted to you in the future?"

"Look again, what kind of mess are you wearing now?"

"The hair is cut so short, how can there be a bit of a girl's look??"

In the rich and elegant living room, Qi Mo sat on the leather sofa.

The hale and hearty old man in front of him was leaning on a cane, speaking every sentence, with a look of hatred for iron.

Hearing the words "what a girl should look like", she frowned slightly.

Facing the old man, the "grandfather" of this body, she should respect, but such words...

Before she could open her mouth to refute, the old man thrust down the crutch vigorously, making a muffled sound.

"I know that you young people think differently. You all have your own ideas and choices. Your unwritten father is not too old now, so you don't need to worry too much, so these - just forget it."

"The important thing is, since you've gone, you should trample that kid from the Lan family under your feet anyway, right?"

Qi Mo: ...?

In the first half, he taught her a serious lesson, why did he suddenly turn a corner at the end?

That kid from the Lan mean Lan Muzhou, right?

Good guy, opening your mouth is to step on the first place under your feet.

Qi Mo's phone on the table suddenly lit up, and a message popped up.

With sharp eyes, the old man saw the name "Lan Muzhou" at a glance.

His spirit was shocked, and he raised his finger to the phone, "Look at what he told you."

Qi Mo tapped the voice.

Lan Muzhou's voice came from the phone.

"Things I said on stage...may lead my fans to attack you..."

"That's right, I didn't do it on purpose. If any of my fans scold you, I will make it clear."

The voice was so dull that one could even imagine him frowning with reluctance.

At the end of the two speeches, the old man almost clapped his hands and applauded.

"Right! Why do you have to let him maintain this attitude towards you? He was so hot-tempered in the previous show, so it's okay?"

Read The Duke's Passion