MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 13 What is he struggling with? ...

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/ Mo Baqian

[Zhouzhou is going to record "Happy Gathering Place" next week, who will be there? 】

[@MOMO boss going? 】

【What do we prepare for our support gift? 】

【snack? jewelry? Limited edition dolls or something? 】

Qi Mo had long been drawn into the large group of Lan Muzhou's official support club.

After reading the news in the group, she remembered that the top five trainees of "National Idol" will get resources provided by the program team every time they perform. This time, the top three can record variety shows, and Lan Muzhou is naturally on the list .

Joining the Lan Muzhou Support Club and being praised as a big boss every day, it seems inappropriate not to spend some money.

It just so happened that the original owner himself was not a big spender, but also had some investment savvy, so he had saved a lot of money.

Sitting on the back seat of the car, she raised her head and said, "Let's go to the nearby shopping mall first."

[I'll prepare the aid gift, whoever is going, give me the address, and I'll ask someone to send it to you. 】

The group was silent for two seconds.

【Wow! Take a photo with the boss! 】

【What should MOMO prepare? Suddenly a little bit of anticipation! 】

[Let me wait for mortals to learn more [secret observation]]

[Wow, thank you MOMO for your efforts! As soon as MOMO is shot, you will know if there is one! 】

[For the sake of saving, we choose the one with phobia until the head is bald [狗头]]

The news in the group spread very quickly. After a burst of rainbow farts, everyone chatted with each other, and soon they talked about the second performance.

[Ah, ah, I am so looking forward to the weekend! It is said that Zhouzhou and his group are particularly fried! 】

[I heard from others who went to the scene that Qi Mo was the hottest among several groups this time, I was shocked]

[? Qi Mo stretched his hips like that last time, I think He Ruilin fans called him crazy]

[In this way, we should thank Qi Mo, hahahahaha, He Ruilin plus 50,000 votes surpassed Zhou Zhou [狗头]]

[Thank you, Qi Mo? She obviously didn't deal with Zhou Zhou in the first three episodes, so it's not bad if she doesn't scold him! 】

[One man, I feel pity for him as an opponent [狗头] I think many passers-by feel sorry for He Ruilin, so they voted for him]

While chatting happily in the group, a line of words suddenly appeared.

National Idol-Lan Muzhou airborne this group

【Zhou Zhou is here? ! 】

【God, is this true? ! 】

Qi Mo also raised his eyebrows.

His finger paused on the screen, but he did not exit the group chat in the end.

Lan Muzhou landed in the air, but he remained silent for five minutes.

The fans were all "???", and Qi Mo also felt that Lan Muzhou's airborne landing was inexplicable.

Could it be a mistake.

At this time, the car stopped slowly, and the driver reminded: "Miss, the mall is here."

Qi Mo originally planned to go directly to the program group, so she didn't ask anyone to accompany her. There was only a driver to take her off.

It just so happened that she didn't like people following her, so she asked the driver to wait in the car.

She called Lu Qingqing, "Are you busy? I want to buy some cheering gifts, are you free to give me some advice?"

"Supporting gifts...?" Lu Qingqing seemed to have just woken up, and her speech was vague.

After a pause of two seconds, she jumped up from the bed, "You don't mean to support Lan Muzhou, do you?"

"That's right, I'm in the X mall now, helping me with my staff." Qi Mo entered the mall.

"Your change of heart is really fast enough... Okay, let me think about it." Lu Qingqing sat on the bed, "X shopping mall, I remember that there is a handmade leather goods shop on the third floor of Block B, which has become very popular on the Internet recently. If you want to You can consider that one if you are buying a small crowd, I will find the name of the store and send it to you, and you can search it with the ○ degree map."

Hearing that it was a leather goods store, Qi Mo himself became a little interested.

She looked down at the store name Lu Qingqing sent, "Okay, I'll go and have a look."

After hanging up the phone, she searched on the map, and a blue line map appeared immediately.

Hey, this world is really too advanced, it is really convenient to go out.

Follow the map and go up the straight ladder.

It was the first time she felt this kind of weightlessness, but she didn't stand still and fell over.

These strange obscene skills are really evil.

Qi Mo muttered something in his heart.

The elevator door opened, and just as Qi Mo took a step, a girl rushed towards her with a nervous and sad expression.

She shoved a USB flash drive into Qi Mo's hand, "Please save it, I'll come back to pick it up later! Really please, this thing is really important!"

After finishing speaking, without giving people too much reaction time, he immediately entered the elevator and descended to the first floor in a blink of an eye.

"what's the situation?"

"Don't look, let's go!"

"Go, go, don't cause trouble!"

Seeing this sudden situation, the people around all scattered.

Immediately afterwards, a dozen burly men in suits and sunglasses ran over!

Looking around, the darkness is very oppressive.

Seeing that Qi Mo was alone, the leader said viciously, "Did you see a woman in a brown coat? Where did she go?"

As they spoke, they pushed forward a few steps, almost surrounding Qi Mo in the middle.

In front of the display screen, someone said "hoo", "Isn't it because you were frightened?"

Everyone around ran away, but this little brother didn't move.

"You have a good-looking face, and you're a little too timid. If you pee in fear, you'll be ashamed."

As soon as Qi Mo raised his hand, the USB flash drive was hooked on the rope by his fingers, drew a graceful arc, and hung in the air.

Not only did she look normal, she even had a faint smile on her lips, "Are you looking for this?"

The strong men were slightly taken aback.

"Take him away!"

With an order, the two strong men rushed towards Qi Mo at the same time!

Qi Mo's smile widened.

I just took advantage of this opportunity to make gestures with this body.

The USB flash drive was thrown high into the air by her—

He took a wrong step slightly to the side, and while avoiding the hand in front of him, he grabbed the strong man's wrist. In the blink of an eye, he heard a muffled "bang", and the strong man had already leaned back. He fell three meters away!

Before the other could react, he felt a sudden pain in his elbow and knee, and he could hardly stand up.

Immediately afterwards, the thin-looking teenager was already close to his body, turned around, and punched his back hard with an elbow!

In less than two seconds, the figure in front of him fell to the ground, and Qi Mo raised his hand.

With a "crack", the U disk fell into the palm of the hand.

The other burly men in black looked dumbfounded for a long time, "Wait..."

But before they could finish their words, the boy appeared in the crowd in the blink of an eye!

In the display screen, there was a cold smile on the young man's thin lips, and his brows were stretched. It seemed that everything in front of him was just a simple level in the game, which could only arouse him a little bit of fun, but could not force him He is serious.

director:? ? ?

One second he was still complaining about the other party's "cowardice", and the next second he showed this to him, and he was completely stupid.

After staying for two seconds, he watched helplessly as the boy raised his hand.

The boy's palm was so white that it glistened, and the veins on the back of his hand were bulging, and it was about to hit someone's neck!

"Wait, stop! Stop!"

The director reacted suddenly, grabbed the microphone and yelled twice.

The palm stopped instantly, less than half an inch away from the strong man's neck.

The strong man was tense all over, and there was a "grunt" sound in his throat, and cold sweat was even forced on his forehead.

The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of a person, if this palm goes down...

Qi Mo paused for a second, and his thin-looking palm turned in a circle in the air, seemingly casually hitting the strong man's chest.

But the strong man seemed to have received a lot of force, and he took seven or eight steps back in one breath before he stood still.

This body has a high degree of flexibility and looks a little thin, but its muscles are very elastic, and its reaction speed and instantaneous explosive power are excellent.

Qi Mo fully understood his physical condition and lightly clenched his fists.

She turned her head to follow the sound and watched a group of people rushing over from the side of the mall carrying the machines.

A staff member came over to help several strong men who had been beaten up.

The director of the show is still a little bit unresponsive. Who would have thought that a slender boy could fight so well? ? ?

If he doesn't stop, I'm afraid this show will kill someone!

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, that's right, we are actually recording a prank show."

He was obviously frightened by Qi Mo's blows, he kept bending over while talking to Qi Mo, and folded his hands unconsciously in front of his chest.

The girl who stuffed Qi Mo's USB flash drive before also rushed over when she saw what happened.

She looks like an actress, she looks very pretty, with a small face the size of a palm, and a pair of eyes that are very lively.

At this time, she was also a little embarrassed, and apologized to Qi Mo together with the director.

...Tricky show?

Qi Mo was startled for a moment before realizing that it was a variety show in this world.

Knowing that she had misunderstood, she looked at the strong man who was beaten, "I didn't expect it to be the effect of the show, are you okay?"

In this world, killing people at will is punishable, and her attack is not too severe.

"It's okay, it's okay. The program team will take them to the hospital for an examination. Don't worry about this, they will definitely not find you responsible."

The director took the initiative to talk about the solution, and immediately arranged the work.

This program was originally intended to watch the reactions of amateurs when they were shocked. Who would have thought that they would be the ones who were shocked this time? ?

But with this effect, the editing will definitely explode!

Qi Mo didn't intend to be responsible, and it wasn't her fault.

"That... your kung fu is so powerful, you can't be a martial arts athlete, right?"

The girl looked over with a pair of big eyes, and asked.

Immediately, several people followed suit.

"It's really amazing, it looks so young!"

"I almost thought I was making a Kung Fu movie just now!"

"Those few strokes were really quick, I didn't even see clearly, people flew out!"

"It's only been a few years of study."

After Qi Mo finished speaking, he paused lightly and said, "You did a good job."

It's not easy for her to fail to see the clues in a hurry.

The acting skills were recognized, and the girl seemed very happy, "Hahaha thank you! It's the first time to perform like this, and I'm quite nervous."

While speaking, she couldn't help but look at Qi Mo a few more times.

The young man has a handsome face, red lips and white teeth. He seems to be a little delicate when he is quiet. It is hard to imagine that his kung fu is so good.

It's just... This face seems to have been seen somewhere.

The recording of Er Gong just ended the day before, and the program team did not immediately let the trainees enter the next stage of training.

It happened that the next day was Arbor Day, so the program team organized an Arbor Day event and took the trainees to Moon Village to plant trees; at the same time, the tree planting event also set up a small award, that is, the group with the most accumulated trees , you can get a privilege for all members to shoot special programs in the group, solid fans and fans.

Moon Village.

Qi Mo didn't show up until noon.

Their group Wang Zixuan withdrew from the competition, and the program team stated that when counting the number of trees planted by all trainees, the average value of trees planted by all trainees will be counted as the number of trees planted by Wang Zixuan; but the program team did not mention Qi Mo’s name, did not say that Qi Mo retired from the competition, but did not see Qi Mo's figure.

"Qi Mo didn't come to the event today...he won't really retire." Xu Rong whispered.

Chen Ke nudged Xu Rong gently with his elbow, "Stop talking, Brother Zhou has been frowning all morning."

He and Lan Muzhou were in the same group for the two performances. He knew that Lan Muzhou looked carefree and rough, but he was very delicate and cared about his teammates.

He planted trees all morning, so he must have blamed Qi Mo on himself.

The few people didn't talk anymore, and they went to the bungalow where they rested in Moon Village to get lunch.

Lan Muzhou was full of thoughts about Qi Mo not replying to his WeChat.

He was going to explain it to the fan group this morning.

But Qi Mo didn't even reply to him. He was so eager to explain, as if he cared about Qi Mo.

It's obvious that Qi Mo is a nuisance who has been picking on him for a month.

My heart was heavy and I was struggling all the time.

He was a little distracted, frowning and pushed open the door of the room, but a sweet and creamy scent came out of his nostrils.

I saw Qi Mo sitting comfortably in front of the table, and there were seven or eight cute little boxes on the table.

A cardboard box has been opened, and the half-eaten cupcakes look extremely tempting.

Lan Muzhou: ...? ? ?

He struggled all night and morning, what was he struggling with?

Read The Duke's Passion