MTL - Unique Legend-v20 Chapter 3 Ball Fish Secrets

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time:? location:?

Is he going down or are you going down?

Turning his head to look at us, the youth asked enigmatically.

Please let him go down. Saita had already done her answer before I asked.


What can't go down?

I didn't even know what ghost they were discussing. The next second, I suddenly felt that someone was kicking from my ass, and then the whole person was kicked out of the arch bridge and fell to the bottom of the pond.

Is there anything wrong? Should you give me at least a mental preparation?

Heishanjun then jumped down, grabbed my collar and turned to Buster: Please help us open the enchantment.

Buster bowed, and quickly made a few gestures in the air.

The icy mist spread around all of a sudden, and soon the people on the water pool and the bridge were invisible, leaving only the shadows of the mold.

The fog was getting thicker and thicker until nothing could be seen. Only us were left here.

At this time, I found that the water pond was actually very buoyant, and the bottom was very deep, and we could not see the bottom, but we naturally floated on the water, and we did n’t even need to float anything.

Well, although the time is short, you can talk to the soul a little.

Looking at me, the young man whispered: maybe less than a few seconds. Maybe blinking is not enough, he is not awake yet, very reluctantly, can you understand what I mean?

I nodded.

After receiving my response, the young man put his hand on the still-smooth soul, and gently felt like he was spelling something. He didn't understand it well, didn't feel good but didn't feel any malice.

You know his name. In the puddle of time, let this person and this elf have his name. Now you don't have to worry about the ghosts who will chase the taboo name again. The young man's finger on the other hand painted my forehead, and then said so stupidly: After awake again, he will have it, and use your power to let him regain the name.

I knew the senior's name, and he told me personally at that time.

Looking at the pale to almost transparent face on the water, I remembered that day when the senior himself said ...

Seminya Ishuro Batheran.

That's his name.

In front is the spirit of the ice tooth and then the beast name of the fireworks. The young man stretched out his hand, opened his fingers, and the bright black objects dropped from his palm one by one, immersed in the water: Amia? Ishouelo? Basselan, who passed away in time, died Sober in the dream, this is the voice of the Siyin? Heishanjun. After hearing it, I awakened through the song of death, just listening to the call of the yin, opened my eyes gently, and re-experienced the flow of wind and the sound of atmospheric spirits, and once again accepted everything in the world until life. Completely ended.

As soon as he finished speaking, I saw that the girl's translucent body was beginning to look a little bit struggling, and the unconscious face was exposed like a painful **** se.

I have hardly ever seen the senior with such expressions, and stepped back subconsciously, but wanted to go forward to help him. As soon as I reached out my hand, my palm passed through my body. Unlike the girl, I couldn't even touch this person I knew.

The wind rolled around.

At this time, I saw a black se line suddenly cut away not far from us. I didn't have time to realize what it was. A black se had been stuck out of the line. It didn't look like a human hand. s things.



After the young man shouted at her, she let go of her hand and swept silently near the hand, then took a bright object from the bottom of the water and placed it on the palm of the thing.

The thing held up its fingers and then opened it again, wondering why it seemed to make people feel less satisfied.

Give him earrings too. Freed his hand, the young man took the earring that was meant to be given to Buster, and after taking the thing, the girl put it on that hand, and after lifting her fingers, the hand left silently from the seam again. , As if it had never appeared before.

These pictures made me look at them for a moment, totally ignorant of the meaning.

Just that ...

That is the informer of time. Our position is basically the same as that of Wudian. We cannot affect the flow of time at will. Usually, we will bribe the informer if we do such things, otherwise it will be very troublesome. Will leak things, or wait for them to disappear forever. Looking at me, the young man lifted up the senior from the water, took out a small transparent thing in his sleeve, and burned it, and immediately had a strange aroma around him.

The impact of time is greater than you think. Even a small part will have terrible consequences, so we will try not to get involved in such things if we can. The youth being involved said softly, and then stretched out an empty hand to me.

The moment I took his hand carefully, I was suddenly pulled out of the water. When I dragged out of the water, all my clothes and hair followed, and then we were on it.

I said that time is short, please take it easy. Let go of my hand and the youth stepped back.

After the raised black se line fell with the wind again, I saw the person standing in front of me.

... Chu?

At that moment, I felt like something called the sanity line was broken.

Before I have time to say anything, I just feel a sore nose, staring at the senior who looked at me slightly shaking Yin se's eyes, and then going down to my head as usual, with little strength and almost no feeling .


He snorted, disdainful as usual.

Idiots, idiots are not here yet ... Rubbing my eyes hard, I suddenly feel that my resentment is all gone. He actually yells at idiots without knowing who the idiot is!

Wiping his eyes, anyway, the senior is just the senior, and I do n’t expect him to say anything good to encourage me. Such a precious short time he would rather use it to bar my head!

Normal people should seize the opportunity to say two words of encouragement ... forget it, I still don't expect it.

Now that you've come here, what more can you complain about. The icy radian was brought up, and the senior said: Are you a fool? What is there to cry.

Don't you cry me!

Reached out, the person who was still a soul pushed directly over my head: there are still many things to do. Now that I'm done crying, I will waste less time doing this kind of things.

Human race will be more brave than before.

I'm a demon teacher. I heard that everyone called it like this recently.

The demon division is also a human, otherwise you will take a gun and look at your head when you go back. If you don't die, you will not be human. The warmth of the speech did not suggest me indifferently.

It should blow out your brain directly when you open it ...

Why do we have to discuss this issue, I have a feeling of weakness.

That's it, no matter what others say. Now that you have come to this stage, you have realized that you will have a mark of change in the traces you have walked. It belongs to you and not to others. Stay and escape, you will face you in the future. You can have a lot of friends to suggest you, and there will be a lot of enemies against you. I have been removed as a leader for a long time. From now on you will learn Distinguish your way until the day when it should come ... He evoked a smile, not the usual cold smile, very similar to the ghost king grave at that time: Don't forget the choices you once had.

Senior ...

This concludes our conversation.

The youth walked silently, helped the people who fell down, and let the girl who came over take over.

After closing his eyes, the senior never woke up again, and let the child take him back to the depths of the pool, and fell asleep quietly.

Can you understand what he wants to tell you? Looking at me, the young man asked rhetorically.


Nodded silently, I looked at the face in the water slowly covered by the mist of white se, I did not want to look away: I know ...

That's good. The youth reached out to me.

The moment we met him, the fog around us made a strange sound like an explosion, and then it spread out suddenly. After seeing the surrounding scene again, he and I were no longer standing on the water but back to the bridge, and Saita stood by and looked at us as if we had never left.

Is this OK? Buster, who had recovered as a big bird, flew over to ask.

Yes, thank you very much for your assistance. The polite hostile Blackbird nodded, and the latter made a few calls and then disappeared before us.

Put this elf here for the time being, and come back one year later. After the black bird disappeared, the youth told us this.

Huh? Shouldn't you take it back first ... I froze and looked at him a little bit puzzled.

Fastest ... Flame Valley is only one year old. There are still curses in his soul. Although you have the ancient **** of the Yu tribe, he cannot bear the curse on him. He is no longer the person in the past. With ancient spells, if you want to solve the problem by the power of the demon teacher, you will have to pay your life. The young man talked casually, not as if he was talking about important things: this pool can repair the injured souls, but I can't take care of your body. There is a Phoenix in the world over there to protect the body. After one year, wait until the curse is over After the pool is cleared up, you can take him back. At that time, as long as the problem of imbalance is re-balanced by the two kings.

Are you going to help the senior to lift the curse?

I thought I heard it wrong. I didn't expect the young man to help us deal with this, a curse that even Vance could not solve.

The curse continued to hurt his soul, but there can be countless lights in the pond to repair the damage in his soul. The curse's gap will slowly disappear until it is completely gone. The young man looked at the water. After the girl shuttled a bit below, she arranged the dots, and then floated from below to beckon us.

Time will take away many of the past pains, until the day of the agreement, let the mistakes start again.

Who did you agree with? Seita looked at him and questioned hesitantly.

The young man blinked with no expression on his face: At that time, the sad life was scrambling everywhere, and he was unwilling to be summoned in the Hades and the Resting Place. It was too late to realize in the communication between Hades and Hades. The wishing demon master let his blessings stay in the pool, like many people who are too late, here are full of those wishes that cannot be realized in the world, and the last hope that only survives is the last one everyone wants to give The promise of opportunity.

He turned around and looked at me, shaking his uncle's smile: it was n’t me who helped him lift the curse, it was the old demon master who hoped to lift the curse for him, even if the demon master was gone forever but his hope Has not disappeared.

Looking at the youth, I suddenly had an urge to ask him a question, and I really asked: Will the ghost clan disappear forever? Disappeared in time?

That's a problem everyone knows ... the ghosts have no soul.

Every life will disappear in time, but in the end they will return to the place they belong to. The same is true of the ghosts. They just return to any corner of the world. Speaking softly, he stretched out his right hand and put his palm on the air: even if there is sin, the world still embraces them. They are scattered in the air, in the sun, in the water, in the wind, and people sing. In poetry. Even without a soul, in the end their place is in the light world they can never embrace.

So our conversation is over.

Time is up.

Saita held my shoulder.

Would you please let me exchange it with His Highness A? It is our decision that an elf is awake and an elf is asleep. Accepting the imminent death quietly, Saita said without any fluctuation in her expression.

The youth tilted his head to look at him, then the corner of his lips suddenly moved a small arc.

I lied to you.

Don't look up, I bet the tower's expression must be wonderful now, because I'm almost the same.

He lied to us? He lies?

You have been cheated. The girl shouted from the water and made a big laugh. She was surrounded by small water patterns and smiled happily: The owner of Hei Se didn't like too many people. You were cheated. Not elsewhere, we don't care who trades souls for whom.

I was still shocked to see the young man who was not at all joking. If he really lied to us, then we were just struggling! And because of this, I was interrupted by the bone, and was directly interrupted!

It seemed that the tower didn't respond for a moment, and the whole face appeared with two words called blank.

The girl grinned again and again, a lot of small animals emerged near the pool, and disappeared again.

After the laughter almost stopped, the young man said again: I have a partner who owes you kindness, so this thing is regarded as repayment.

Huh? He has a partner who owes me kindness?

However, I have no impression that I have met with people I have met at any time. I hollowed my head and still can't think of it.

When did I meet his partner?

Then, there was a sudden noise in my head. At this time, I suddenly remembered why I think the name of time communication is familiar.

In fact, not long ago, when I went to the teahouse where people can be blinded with Meow Meow and their seniors, a message was received from the Three Kings Thai House.

He said Lord Shirakawa fled again.

The white se ball fish.

As if seeing my thoughts, the young man smiled coldly.

The yin master? Lord Shirakawa is the **** ball fish.

There seemed to be a kind of gurgling sound in my head, the plastic voice couldn't match the youth in front of me.

I'm sorry I can't imagine that such a serious Chinese costume king would mark the document together with a white se ball. My imagination is too poor, I really can't understand the picture.

It ’s not funny in this sentimental time!

You are mistaken, Lord Shirakawa was originally humanoid like me. The young man was still smiling coldly, but I saw that his hand on the bridge had seized five long marks from the black jade bridge, and also made a weird and whispering sound: just , He likes to simulate various life forms traveling in the world, and it is completely integrated into it, even the ability is sealed and undetectable ... you can understand that last time I heard the monarchs tell me that he was walking on a pillar with the termite colony and Can't they tell when the mood is! ?

Actually I can appreciate it.

His mood at that time should be that he didn't want to distinguish which one, he would rather grab them one by one and choke them, anyway, they would always catch them. If they do n’t, when they are out of breath, they will be relieved.

... what the **** is that Shirakawa master!

I suddenly felt that the youth in front of me was not only unfriendly, but also very poor and approachable.

Although I thought the white fish was very strange, but I didn't expect him to have such a history. At that time, I stepped on him in a steamer ...

What exactly does he want to do?

Thank you for saving his life in the Steamship and Garden Tour. If Lord Shirakawa dies due to lack of water or is eaten by strange things, I will feel ashamed as a colleague. The still calm young man took a deep breath, as if suppressing his temper to be soaring: So this time, it is our kindness to return to you.

The whole situation took a drastic turn.

What's up now? Does it mean to care for small animals and save lives of unknown origins?

I suddenly felt that the logic of this world really was not suitable for ordinary humans.

… I will find that this is the owner of Shirakawa. Is it because the ghost fish used the healing technique when they attacked the academy? After returning to God, Saita took the topic calmly.

Yes, because of the familiar strength, I have asked the monarchs to chase him. I hope I can invite him back this time. She shook her hands, the young man said shyly.

That is to say, it seems that the girl just said that the master of black se wants to interrupt the master of white se.

I suddenly started to imagine what would happen if the ball fish broke his leg?

However, I want to ask this person to send me something.

Just when I thought the ball fish seemed to have no legs, the young man's eyesight shifted to me again.

thing? I don't seem to be worth anything, right?

There is a certain flow of time in you.


Suddenly I remembered it, and then I took out the clock number from my pocket and started to twist.

The young man took the number, and seemed to touch it with satisfaction. I saw a twisted dark breath behind his back, so that he could make a chain of time ... I see where he can be bound if he is bound.

I shuddered unconsciously, I don't know why I intuitively felt that He was in the mouth of Heishan Jun. He was just talking about a companion who had become a pillar of termites.

After receiving the numbers, the young man beckoned to the side, and I saw a transparent thing running over, a small animal like a squirrel: this is the price of the exchange, and it will be sent on your journey after one year Useful.

The squirrel made a sound, jumped from the youth's hand to my shoulder, then flashed a small light and fell on my hand. After positioning again, the squirrel was gone, and I saw a small silver se coin quietly Lying on my hands, there is an archaic word on the coin, I don't see what it means.

Shouldn't it say one yuan?

At this time, I should refuse as usual, after all, the youth helped us a lot, and it felt like he was taking advantage of him. However, when holding the coins, I suddenly had a strong feeling that this thing would definitely be useful, so I accepted it, thanked the youth, and carefully placed the coin carefully.

Then I suddenly thought of something.

Now that the soul can be repaired here, I think of another person whose soul has also been injured.

Can you hear my wish again?

The young man looked at me, just like before, his purple se eyes were full of clarity: if you are asking me to repair the angel's injured soul, that's more than I can do for you.

Even if I don't need to say, he knew that Anin had been torn apart by Andean.

Seta seemed to want to say something. He looked nervous, as if he wanted to tell me not to ask the Montenegro.

However, he is my friend, and I want to ask for your help. Anin has been injured many times and I want to help him do a little bit.

You can exchange with me. The youth looked at me with a kind of gesture: exchanged with me the power of the elven hundred songs. After the exchange, you will never be able to use the elven hundred songs. No matter how you remember it, no matter how someone teaches you, you will not remember In any word, you can't start that natural ballad. If you want to exchange, you will lose the blessing power and protection of the elves, and the angels will no longer feel pain for the soul's harm.

Should I say it's a good deal?

Because a year ago, I didn't even know what a hundred songs were, and now it's just back to that time. If that's the case, why can't I trade with him?

What's more, those things I heard from the senior side and from the elves' mouth in Vance's memory were not originally things that I should learn.


Before Seta broke my bones, I changed with him.

This time, I'm not kidding. The young man stretched out his hand and put it in front of my forehead: After losing it, no matter how you regret or ask, I will not return these things to you, so you can hesitate again.

I don't need to hesitate, just change it.

At this time I was very happy. I can do something to help them.

Then, there is another more important thing, which also exposes the potential danger, because more than one person who has torn the soul, plus the senior, Andi's poisonous hand has killed three people ...

Don't even think about it, do you think this is a second-hand stall exchange? Shooting directly to my forehead, the voice of the youth added discomfort.

But Edo treats me too ...

Before I finished speaking, something flew over and hit me directly. Because of the hardness, I almost didn't hit me on my head to bloom.

If you want, give yourself the power to find it, don't keep thinking about shortcuts. The young man who narrowed Zi's eyes and threw the weapon at my head still had a cold tone.

After the thing fell off my head, I quickly caught it. It was a piece of parchment paper that was yellow to almost unrecognizable, and there were a lot of broken places. It felt like a kind of ancient map. A water se stone.

I froze for a second, and suddenly I knew what it was.

This is the third stone of water essence. If you have a way, you can find the rest yourself. The young man shouted, as if that thing was completely unimportant to him, and he easily gave away valuable items.

Looking at the stone in my hand, I looked up, Seta nodded and let me accept it, so I did not waste the goodwill of others and carefully collected it.

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