MTL - Unique Legend-v20 Chapter 4 Here and there

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location:? time:?

You can leave.

Seeing that everything was done, the youth spoke out a guest order.

Alas, the hundred songs you want ...

Already taken. He opened his palm, and I saw something that disappeared on his palm.

As he said, I quickly thought about the ballads I once remembered, but now there is no word. No matter how hard I think about it, I don't even remember the first simple sentence or any single word.

Some part of his head seemed to be hollowed out, and devoured about Baiquge.

… He just took it away?

If the ball fish is still looking for you, grab something to catch him first.

This is what the youth finally told me.

In the next second, the picture of the bridge and the puddle collapsed.

I don't know how we got out of that place.

In short, when Seta patted me hard, I returned to my mind, and there was a dark place around, and the streamer still moved, as if everything just happened was an illusion.


Saying nothing, Seta grabbed my hand and suddenly started running forward.

As soon as he ran, I noticed that the light around us was no longer avoiding us like it was just now, but suddenly began to approach us, as if there was something in our body that would attract them.

There was no further explanation. Seta rushed forward at a fast speed. Later, I was dragged by him.

I do n’t know why Seta is so nervous, just like when he came, he is familiar with the road here, and after a short time we returned to the beginning.

He pushed me out of that gap, and I stepped on the ground of Ghost King's Mound, and then he followed.

Almost as we all left, the gap to the flow of time disappeared.

After looking at Seta, the two of us sat down on the ground at the same time, and suddenly a strong feeling of tiredness covered my whole body. It felt like I had been sleeping and going to work for many days without sleep, tired and tired .

You have grown taller.

At this time, Seta suddenly said this sentence, and even before I had time to refute him, it was already on: Don't doubt the memory and test of the elf, you are at least three centimeters tall.


I just came in for a semester instead of a school year! If you really get taller, you will be scared!

Then I laughed and laughed a lot. The whole person lay back on the ground. The cold feeling made me take a nap, but I still laughed very happily.

Many things happened this time, I don't know how long I haven't laughed with them.

Sleepiness and tiredness swept through me. I couldn't move. I wanted to say that I would just fall asleep here. The rest of the matter would wait until I woke up.

I think, when I am awake, I have to tell the senior Xia Su, Heishanjun has already helped us, and I have seen the soul of the senior, so everything is fine. I also want to tell Ledo and Yado about the stone of the water essence, they will be very surprised, maybe I can help find that thing.

Find more than five if possible.

Also, I also want to ask Li Ye about ancient gods ...

When my consciousness was hazy, I felt as if someone had gently carried me on my back, without any vibration.

He walked a short distance and sang the ballad.

That's a fairy song, I can't understand it.

Then, before I really fell asleep, I seemed to see King Seong Seok.

The destroyed college has been restored as it was, and there are other students around. I heard a familiar voice coming from afar. Someone came over, but I couldn't tell who it was.

I am very tired.

Just rest like this before waking up.

I later learned.

Actually, it wasn't only one afternoon or one night that Seta disappeared with me that day. After I went to Onizuka with him, that short time made us disappear for half a month.

Meow, they found nowhere to find people. These things were told to me after I was awake for almost two days after sleeping.

When I woke up, I was at home.

Located in my home in Taichung, Taiwan, beside my room, there are other decorations I am most familiar with.

The room was a little dim and the lights were not on. The sunlight outside came in through the gap through the curtains that were not drawn. There was no sound of air conditioning but the room temperature was quite low.

… Apart from the energy saving light bulbs in Guangying Village, which village can turn on air-conditioning?

Your school has resumed classes a week ago. Sitting next to the ring, Ming Ling said to me: It is said that more than half of the students already know about the demon teacher. After your bald head guide agrees, I will move you back to avoid strange behavior by students.

Uh ... I don't really want to know what is strange behavior.

After speaking about the school thing in general, Ming Ling stood up and took the juice prepared next to me: I put the technique in your room, so my mom does n’t know if you have come back, to see what you think If it doesn't matter, I'll unlock the concealment.

Uh, can I stop it for now? If I go home at this time, my mother will definitely make a fuss again.

He shrugged and walked to the side to open the curtains.

I watched her movements and drank the drink, and my spirit was almost restored: yes, I forgot to ask you about your inherited abilities ...

Acquired ability is the accumulated power of medicine, surgery and time learned by Vance at that time. Generally speaking, normal life forms will disappear after a while, but I think I should also Needless to explain, at that time there was no time to wait for these dissipated souls and abilities to be dismantled, so I will inherit this kind of thing that should not exist. Her voice is very flat, and there is no such thing as hug or complain, just like the Chu Mingyu I know, no matter what happens, it can't disturb her.

After a while, neither of us spoke mysteriously.

Any thoughts on going to a place of time communication? It was another person who broke the silence.

I bet that after Seta returned, all the people who knew should know where we were going. Maybe there are still a bunch of people who are hunting down the white se ball fish that has disappeared without trace.

Uh, the Montenegro mons are very good. It's just the appearance of indifference.

Looking at me, Ming Ling raised his iron can. You ran all the way to a place where few people can go. Do you think only people are good?

Have a strange feeling! Before she dropped the jar on my face, I quickly added other thoughts: I think it is better not to go as far as possible.

Although the monarch of Montenegro is good, the more I thought about it later, the more weird there was. Even if time passed, the vaguely felt that something was wrong there.

After telling her thoughts to Mingyu, she smiled sneerly: It seems that you have grown a little bit in your head. Keep it going, and it will be useful in the future. After that, she opened the door and went out.

I made a sound and shouted at her: Was that ... the desserts before were really sent by the suitors? If so, those suitors are too rich.

Ming Ling looked back at me: half of it, the other half were sent to Cynthia, they know you like dessert, so when you have time with Cynthia, you will make a snack and ask me to come back. I didn't know you at the time, but she was still very happy.


Any question?

No, no more.

Then the door closed in front of me.

I lay back on the bed, feeling the world seemed to be quiet.

I don't know how long it has been, it seems that the pointer has just moved forward one frame. I turned around from the bed and looked around, and it turned out that Ming Mi had also sorted out my other things.

There is a cell phone next to the backpack.

When I opened it, there were a few newsletters, all of which were sent by Meow Meow, and even Ryan sent it once, but the content is only when I saw the rice ball to buy for him, and the others explained A brief update.

Although the atmosphere in the college after school was not bad, it was not very good.

Many people have heard the good news of the ghosts being forced to retreat, but many people have also heard about the appearance of the demon teacher in the college. Some people protested to the school, but they were rejected by the school. The school did not seem to think that It is a bad thing to have a demon teacher.

The meow wrote in the newsletter, and the class guide even told the class like this ...

What's so bad about having a demon teacher! You little class C ghosts, think carefully, so that the representatives will not be arrested in the future to rob the bank, and you can eat for a lifetime!

I heard that one-third of the people in the class were hacked, and two-thirds were in favor of robbing the bank.

Then the class guide was kicked out of the classroom by the monitor.

I laughed when I saw the newsletter. By the way, I replied to Meow and asked her to tell the class guide. I may not go to the bank and be arrested no matter what I think. Please ask him to die and take the money back from the monitor. actual.

I was startled when I turned down and saw the text message from Nile.

I thought Nile wouldn't do these things ... Open it up and see some cheering words, although it feels no different from his usual speech, but it is what Nile will tell me.

Finally, and most recently, there was a five-se bun, and it was written that he would come to me in two days.

I took a look at the time, it was just sent out, okay.

If it was sent a few days ago, I should be dragged away as soon as I wake up.

That is to say, the five se buns finally escaped from the medical class ...

When I was still thinking about school, my cell phone suddenly rang, and it was the most normal sound. It scared me all over. I didn't expect that my cell phone would have a very ordinary sound.

Is it convenient to come out?

I heard the voice of lucky classmates.

Over here

Far away, the lucky student who called me from home stood on the bridge and beckoned to me.

At that time, the place where I was chased by the ghost and fell off the bridge was also here. There might be heavy rain a few days ago. The water level under the bridge was a bit high and faster. Some **** was washed down and rolled down, and then Take it to a distant place.

How are you doing? After I approached, lucky classmates threw a can of drink at me. The cold one should have just been bought.


Doesn't look good. Leaning on the bridge, the lucky student smiled at me: a lot of things happened?

Looking at him, I suddenly came up with an incomprehensible thought: How do you know that I am at home? And today is not a holiday. Our school is still in class. Theoretically, lucky students are unlikely to appear, right?

Hmm ... intuition, it feels like you're back. If you want to say nothing, just skip the class and walk around.

Staring at the lucky classmate, things that he hadn't noticed before are now faintly visible. There is a kind of bright air flow on his body, which is weak, but it feels very comfortable.

I think the senior would have seen this right? His power seemed to be getting stronger.

I said, if there are strange people on the road that are going to pull you to school, you have to think carefully. Pressing the lucky classmates heavily, I told him so.

what? After a few seconds, the lucky student laughed out: I said how strange you have been recently, shouldn't you be fooled by the weird tuition questionnaire again? Shouldn't you be cheated this time? Be careful recently. Fraud syndicates have become very rampant, and it is easy to cause problems by filling in random information.

I ’m not experiencing fraud. Sighing weakly, I squatted down the side of the road, a car just whistled past, and rolled up a pile of smoke.

Correctly, I encountered something bigger.

Want to say it? I will feel better. The lucky student squatted down beside me. His attitude has not changed at all from the past to the present. He still cares about me, no matter when he is.

Sometimes best friends are different from others.

However, I don't want to hurt him anymore.

Is it related to what chased you last time?

When I was in a daze, the lucky student suddenly made a word that made me startled, turned his head, and stared straight at me: I remember, for a moment, I seemed to see it. People ’s things are chasing you, but I do n’t know how to forget them. Recently I suddenly remembered it… And I think that the whole person has changed since you graduated from high school. Light. After a pause, he evoked a smile: and your senior, in fact, he was not black, right, when we went out at that time, in fact, I saw a different kind of face for a few seconds.

That ... Looking at him, he also showed a clear expression to me.

In fact, he probably knows a lot more than I expected.

Would you tell others?

will not.

That day we squatted by the bridge like that, like opening the conversation box, and regardless of the vehicles and the exhaust gas, I told him everything after entering school, including the war, including the seniors and many people died. thing.

I have no way to let me know a lot of people who are thinking about me, and there are some things that are too much for the seniors, those are things that have been left for a long time.

In this way, all told lucky classmates. He squatted next to me, listening quietly to me, and occasionally guided me to express what I didn't know how to say.

After speaking, in fact, the sky was completely yellow.

Our feet were numb and we waited for a long time before we could stand up.

Lucky student reached out to me and said to me: I think it's great that you can go to that school. He said to me sincerely, and then pulled me off the ground.

Do you believe there is such a place? It usually sounds like bullshit.

I believe you never lied to me. With a smile, he patted me on the shoulder: It's a pity, if there is an event next time, can I also visit it?

OK, but it will die?

Your senior said that I had good luck. Since you can't die, I shouldn't die easily, anyway, I will be resurrected, right?


We lie on the bridge watching the sunset and the gradually dark sky.

There, the different worlds of day and night are intertwined.

Now, Ming Yang, whether or not the people over there hate you, you have to remember that there is your home here, and my friend. Leaning his head, the lucky classmate whispered, the sunset reflected a faint light on his face, making him look more serious than ever: after returning, whether or not someone will crowd you out, do n’t care about them, Because you have never done anything sorry to them.

Ok, I know.

Then it was dark.

After seeing off the lucky classmates, I turned and walked slowly towards home.

Classmate, would you like to have a piece of chewing gum?

No thanks. Turning my head, I saw the guy who sells deadly things every time. I do n’t know when I changed the face of the hat, it became white, and the texture was strangely changed into hemp products: Does anyone in your family eat gum? Dead? Are you mourning?

Does it mean that such white snow is rare, bleached?

Impolite, this is my hat from others. The little linen hated me in a bit upset.

Isn't that guy having a grudge against you ... who would send out a hat?

Forget it, I'll give you one. It's a good idea to give it to people for personal use. If you are sick, you can train your body for the last hit without disease. Take it away. If you like, please patronize again. With that said, the little hemp hat threw a piece of black gum to me.

I just caught the long object that caught the black se. I do n’t think I would use this kind of thing ... I do n’t think even Andy will accept this kind of gift, let alone he still eats it. Nor will it die.

In order to thank me for your gift, can you do me a favor?

Basically I didn't ask you to give me something!

Looking very weak at the little hemp hat that even I was bullying, I turned to look at the place where he was pointing, it was above the electric pole, and I faintly saw that there was a black thing hanging on it.

It doesn't look like a bird or a cat. It has a flat body with long black hairs, a little bit more than a snooker, and six feet on the body.

... isn't it something like a flat cat?

May I ask what it is? I don't want to deal with random things casually.

That's the raw material for chewing gum. Can't you see it? Specially grown on electric poles, plants.

If the raw material of chewing gum is that, I can understand why it will die if it is eaten, because its raw materials seem to make people feel dead.

Wait, grow on the electric pole?

The moment I turned my head, I seemed to feel the wind blowing, and the deciduous sand around was blown away.

The scene of the world seems to change from now on.

On one of the most ordinary roads, I saw all kinds of unusual things passing by in all directions, the nearby electric poles were covered with chewing gum materials, and a few white-eyed white birds were eating the weird Something, strange big and small goldfish floating in the air, slender people passed by.

A serpent of blue ice ran past me, and jumped into a big sister in the next second: visible children, would you like to play with the older sister? There are good shops nearby, provided the children do not have access control at home at night. The fingernails coated with silver blue se swept across my shoulders, causing me to take a step back.

No, no need, thank you. I don't want to turn into someone's dinner after leaving home at night.

What a pity, come to see me next time. Hooking directly on my neck, the big snake that ran halfway out of my chest automatically pulled out my phone from my pocket and entered a bunch of numbers: I'm not afraid that my children are so few. Hello stuff.

After speaking, she automatically shoved the phone back into my pocket, tossed a kiss, and turned to the ground to return to the original look, and then slipped away.

This world is only one line away from my original place.

Turning back, I saw the little hemp hat still standing there, and those things around also disappeared.

You can clearly see it. Don't just pick some terrible things for yourself to see in the future. Young people will have to broaden their horizons to know how big the world is.

His voice was a little different, which reminded me of the gum-selling guy who seemed to be scared away by me. Why did he come to me so bravely?

Also, his hat is so white ...

Do you no longer have to fish?

Then the other side laughed, the kind of hearty laughter was not the sound of selling gum at all.

If you can find it, I think I should find another thing. Speaking like this, the little hemp hat suddenly started to rise, even higher than me, and all the clothes on his body had changed his face and style, similar to the clothes I saw before in the communication of time. , But he is more like the style of an attache, Bai Se's short hair randomly scattered in the air: I felt a familiar smell in my old nest broke in, I did not expect that Xiao He really let you go in to find him .

The person who appeared in front of me was a gren, which was totally different from the ball fish I often saw. If Heishanjun feels like a moon and a shadow, this person has the characteristics of the sun and light.

Hi Siyang, Lord Shirakawa. Politely, I bowed to him.

Alas, here are not the palaces, save it. Bai Se's youth waved his hand and said very casually: I don't pay as much attention to rules as Xiao Hei.

Are you planning to go back yet? Since he said that there is no need to be polite, I am too lazy to be polite with him. I heard that everyone is looking for you. I think it is better for you to go back sooner. Because his companions are going to build things to lock him, I personally think that going back early should still be able to get a half disabled.

He was left there to take care of him, and he was very skillful. If he really wanted to drag me back, he would not run away if I personally tried it. Since he only entrusted others to find it, it means that he too If you are interested, don't go back too early. He smiled and said, the youth told me generously.

… I can't see that his companions are interested.

In front of this guy, it really is a material that will become a termite pillar. 2k novel reading network

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