MTL - Unique Legend-v20 Chapter 2 Communion Palace

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location:? time:?

The girl led us forward.

In fact, we haven't walked for a long time. It didn't take long for the black jade palace that seemed to be far away to appear in front of us. It was spectacular when viewed from the near. Paper lantern ... isn't this a haunted house?

Just as effortlessly as before, two large door panels were opened, and the girl continued to lead the way for us.

There are many delicate decorations in the palace, as well as many courtyard decorations. Each looks very labor-intensive, and it feels like a place where the ancient royalty lived. It is serious but luxurious.

After walking some distance, the balcony and windows leading to the outside began to appear on the side. Through the panes, I could see a large white se palace hidden in the mist, and I could not see clearly. It's like a phantom.

There is where Master Se lives. The girl immediately noticed that I was looking outside and jumped over and took my hand to introduce.

For a moment I overlapped her with Xiaoting, but in fact they were completely different people.

Bai Se's master's place is actually in the same place as Black Se's director's place, but it can't appear in the same place at the same time. If Bai se's master comes back, he will usually see Bai se's master and black The owner of se is together, maybe here or there.

… Actually I don't quite understand where her logic is.

Looking out, the mist dispersed slightly.

Then, I saw that there was a shadow in the courtyard. A person wearing a black robe was standing over there. The long black hair was almost dragged to the ground. The clothes were gold embroiderers. It felt very valuable. s things.

At that moment, the sound around me seemed to be very far away. When I looked back, the little girl and Saita were gone, and there was no figure in the corridor.

They go too fast, right? Is this a legendary flash?

Because I could not see them at all, I stared at the man in the courtyard, walked forward daringly, and waved to him across the corridor balcony, considering whether to climb down the courtyard.

As if in slow motion, the other person slowly raised his head and glanced at me.

Seriously, at that moment I suddenly felt hair all over my body, and immediately felt that I should find my own way to ask for directions.

Are you an alien human?

Almost instantaneously, a cold voice came from behind me, and when I turned around, I was almost scared to jump outside the balcony.

The man who was still in the courtyard just now stands in front of me, a little pale face gives a spooky look, but if you look closely, he will actually look good, and the purple se eyes under the black hair stare at me , Giving people a sense of uneasiness.

No, I'm sorry to disturb, I seem to be separated from my companions ...

May be many years older than me, but a person who looks like a young man raises his hand to stop me. His appearance doesn't seem to be right. You have reached the point of time mismatch, and you will meet you after walking Companion.

Staggered? Should I just see a corridor just now?

And walking back seems to be going to the gate, so does he mean that I can turn around and get out?

Just walk back. He narrowed his eyes, and the young man said coldly.

Uh, okay. I glanced at him secretly, but I still think he was a little weird: May I ask if you are uncomfortable and need help?

The disturbance of time by outsiders is the main cause of my discomfort. After speaking, he turned away and gave an inexplicable feeling.

It means we should get out early ...

Immediately after he walked away, the hallway was gloomy. I think it would be better if I walked back according to his words. I didn't feel right at the front. Of course, if I wanted to escape, it was better to be closer to the door.

Just after turning around and taking three steps, Saita and the girl suddenly appeared in front of me.

You almost fell into the gap between time.

The girls said this as soon as they saw me.

Huh? After a moment of stun, I immediately turned to look at the tower.

You were gone as soon as we were there, and you appeared in front of you in the blink of an eye. He answered me like this and couldn't hear it.

It's almost time to rest. Interrupted us, the girl announced happily.

Not long after she finished speaking, I saw that the corridor seemed to have some changes in light and shadow. A door appeared momentarily near the door, and the lintel seemed to be ready for us to enter.

When I was about to go to that place, the surrounding scene flashed a little, there was no real sense, and then a black crow flew in from the outside and stopped by the balcony and opened his mouth ...

Lilu, brought people directly to the hall.

The crow's voice was the voice of a young man. The girl froze as soon as it spoke. The crow flew away when it turned around.

Strange, just now the owner of Hei He said that he would give you a rest first. Why did you suddenly change it ... forget it, please follow me, please don't lose it this time.

After that, she didn't have much room for us to ask, she turned and went to the other side.

I glanced at Seita, he shrugged and said he didn't know what was going on, so he had to keep up.

As I walked, the surrounding scenes began to change at a weird speed. All of a sudden, the promenade was a variety of different courtyard landscapes. It seemed to pass through the palaces of different ages, and each was beautiful. Terrible, but also filled with a breath that can't be reached for a long time.

After we walked along the promenade, the girl led us directly into a very, very large place, such as a temple, with black stone withers on both sides, some beasts and monsters: there was a certain atmosphere of silence and silence, Even breathing here feels a terrible heaviness.

The girl ran in and stood in the middle of the palace: I brought the guests!

As a result, we found out that there was no one sitting on the highest seat of the palace. Saita was a little surprised. It was obvious that he had not found a fourth person when he just came in.

There, I saw people who had just met.

The black se's long hair was draped freely on the body, and the wide black robe embroidered with the golden se totem was covered with exquisite clothing. It was similar to the girl, but much more noble.

The man was sitting on a large black jade chair, with a high back, with a fierce unicorn pulling open the lion's neck, and the gems were set on the two fantasy beasts, which looked terrible but had a strange beauty.

The room was a bit gloomy, but I got used to it all at once. I did n’t have any expression on the face that looked just as good as before. It looked a bit like a noble stone statue. It started with the same thing.

Hello, Siyin, Heishanjun. Saita slowly let go of my hand, bowed half-heartedly to salute the young man who was as high as an emperor.

When I saw the trembling attitude of Sai Tower, I quickly bent my head and body down.

It turned out that he was the one that Saita was looking for, but why didn't he show his identity in the corridor just now and someone else came here intentionally? It seems that this character should be very good ...

After a while, the eyes of the youth Zi se stared at us, and the sound sounded in the air, just like the voice just said by the crow: Lilu, a place for them to rest.

Sure! The girl ran away, then moved a low table and a cushion and tea, and arranged it closer to the steps.

After leading me to sit down, Saita continued to speak: I dared to come, I think it should cause trouble to you ...

The young man raised his hand to end his words, as if he had just moved in the corridor: I know what you are here for this time, but why should I do this? This is the place where the flow of time communicates with Hades. We do n’t care about anything, and nothing is under our control. What do you want to ask for?

It ’s not Hades, it ’s not a place of rest, it ’s not the Lord God or the Creator God. The reason why you ’re here is because it ’s not related to any time, it ’s the same position as Wudian, and it ’s the only place where you can let the elves. Sober again.

So, what do you want to exchange? The young man leaned on his jaw and leaned on the armrest of the black jade chair: an elf woke up, and he must have an elf to continue to sleep on his behalf, so as not to disturb the existing time.

If one elf must wake up and the other elf fall asleep, let me fall asleep instead of His Highness. Saita said softly, as if she had already made this decision from the beginning, without hesitation.

Wait, it seems like Seta will die! Watching their transactions seem to be going in a wrong direction, I quickly interrupted them, but I saw two people staring at me at the same time, I felt bad.

What shall I say next? nice weather?

You can be a demon teacher. The young man evoked a cold smile, the kind of feeling is like a smile on the skin, a very uncomfortable psychological pressure: the demon master and the elves are basically the same, an elf is awake and a demon master sleeps, you can There are two options.

In other words, will I die or will Tower die? It's really simple and clear.

Then I ...

When he was about to grab a place, Saita suddenly gave me an elbow with an elegant smile, and he did not hesitate, and then pulled me back to the seat with the pain of bending down. : I think we can continue the topic just now.

I think I was fooled by the elves before. Saita must be the kind of guy who strangled people with a smile!

The demon teacher next to you cried. The young man glanced at me and lay lazily on the arm of the chair.

Thank you for noticing my tears.

He just felt happy for the friend who was about to wake up, and shed tears of joy.

Why can you open your eyes and talk nonsense, I am obviously crying by you ... and your hands are too heavy, I think it seems that a bone is broken, and the pain in the meat is so speechless .

The soberness of an elf exchanges the slumber of an elf, so there should be no problem. Saita turned around and looked at me, please give your soul to Heishanjun.

... you broke my bones and asked me to give up something?

Raising my hand, I gritted my teeth to endure the severe pain, and my other hand pressed to the place where it was interrupted: I protested ... I should vote.

Probably the first time I heard someone say that they wanted to vote. For a moment, I seemed to see the eyes of the youth Zi widened, but only for a moment. After blinking, he lazily returned to his original position: Do n’t be in Heishanjun ’s The palace bargains, the two of you haven't communicated well, please go to rest first and get your bones back, then come here later. There was no room for us to refute. The young man looked at the little girl, Li Lu, and asked them to go back to their resting place.

Sure. The girl ran to us: a place for you to rest, please follow me.

Seeing that the youth did not intend to continue the discussion, Saita got up first, although it was very painful, but I barely climbed up.

After going out, a little girl named Lilu sent us to the room where she was going to go in and ran away.

The entire room was large enough to make almost no sound.

I sat down and exhaled.

I didn't expect you to argue with me about this.

Seita sat down in a chair next to me, stretched out her hand and healed the bone he had broken with a healing spell: young students shouldn't argue with the long elves about life.

Seriously, I do n’t want to argue, I just think it ’s better to replace it with a sata. Sata is much more useful than me. If he replaces the senior, the loss will be great. If I change it, I will probably kill one. Ants are no different.

Just now I thought so.

If you want to choose one of the two, I think the demon master is more suitable. Anyway, everyone hates the demon master ... haha ​​... I felt the pain disappeared after the bones were connected. I told the elf in front of me, but the other person disapproved Shaking his head.

Young life needs more time to explore the world, you will find that the identity of the demon master will not have much impact. In addition to the elves, many people will not mind these things, as long as you are willing to step out of the world step. Withdrew his hand, Saita's voice sang softly into the air like a singing voice: the old elves don't care about death or not, we only desire to sleep forever in the arms of the Lord God. I have passed a very long time , From the beginning of the white elves to disappearing, from the black elves to the reclusive world; the myth of Aorissa has been no longer sung, the prosperous Idovia era has disappeared, and the modern world is suitable for more young Children, don't give up your life easily, young life deserves more beautiful to accompany, not death after giving up.

Looking at Sai Tower, I felt for the first time that he had a long sense of oldness.

His appearance is very young, but his soul is very old, and the far-reaching time makes me unable to imagine.

Move on to more places, that belongs to you young. With a gentle smile, Saita touched my head like an elder: listening to the voice of the wind elves, it will lead you to find more beautiful things, accept the suggestions of the water elves, and you will get more Wisdom, talk to the earth spirits, it will tell you more, let the fire spirits challenge you, and people will become more brave after the test; all atmospheric spirits have blessings for life, young children We are about to take more first steps in the world.

I wiped my eyes and my face was a bit wet, and I knew I couldn't compete with Saita. I can't talk about him, and he's already prepared.

It's like many things have been scheduled for a long time.

So, have you made a decision?

The sound of a sudden sound surprised both of us.

If it was only me, then it was obvious that the tower next to me was wrong. The young man in a black suit who appeared on the window sill of the room played with his own long hair. It was as if he was just traveling. Sunning in the sun over there, it can be seen that this guy especially likes this sudden and scary way.

Yes, as I said just now, we have reached a consensus in the sleep of an elf in exchange for the sobriety of an elf. Saita told her this way, still without hesitation.

I think, if there is a little hesitation in Sai Tower, I will definitely grab him before, but he is too determined to make it impossible for him to win.

It makes me feel a little sadder than this kind of thing at this time.

Do n’t start, for a moment I think the outside scenery seems to have changed again. Although it ’s the same as before, it looks different. I do n’t know if it ’s my illusion. Lush Tree Views ...

Then come with me.

The young man said, as before, he didn't give us any hesitation, and went straight out.

I glanced at Seita and immediately followed.

The outer corridor collapsed like a shard the moment we walked out, and then started to re-form into another space.

In front of us is a black jade arch bridge and water pond.

Just like those ancient monuments I saw on television, the withered arch bridge is elegant, although the withered decoration on both sides is gorgeous, but it is by no means a very tacky but elegant and sublime impression.

The black jade is all like a fantasy beast, and the shadow on the water is flying and dancing.

The young man walked up to the highest point of the bridge, then reached out to me and said gently: Give it to me.

After looking at Saita, he nodded, so I followed up and took out the silver ball of light and placed it on the youth's hand.

His hands were pale and cold, feeling a little transparent and unfriendly.

After receiving the silver white light ball, the young man lay on the edge of the bridge, and then released his hand to let the thing fall into the water. All the movements were natural and quiet. He looked at the silver se in the water like an outsider. The photosphere started to germinate like a seed, and the petals were transparent, like petals, began to grow outward, and the white mist was quietly spreading on the water surface.

Buster. With a pale hand out, the young man shouted softly into the air. In the blink of an eye, a **** bird appeared in the air and landed on his hand, like an eagle but not very much. A single horn, a small but delicate gold se jewelry hung on the body.

His fingers pinched the black bird's neck, and the young man looked at the big bird's red eyes: I want to awaken the spirit of the elf, and the guy who can help is not ...

What deal are you going to get? Before he finished speaking, the black bird opened his mouth and asked a strange tone.

Do you want gems

No, there are enough gems. Give me what you have, any one is fine.

Not knowing what they were talking about, I quietly stepped back a little distance and just hit the tower standing behind.

He said to me in a low voice: It is the **** beast Buster, a holy beast that shuttles in time, and has similar power to the phoenix, but it comes from the **** of death.

That being said, I probably understand that Heishanjun is exchanging terms with this bird ... This **** and beast may be exchanging something, maybe it is to help the senior's soul be sober?

I don't have anything on me. Clothes and accessories. Which one do you need? Let the bird jump on the bridge, and the young man asked: Or do you need the accessories from the **** of death? He tapped the silk and hung a small black se earring on his right ear.

The black bird called out: give me your hair.

Forgive me ... Do you want to make a wig?

I hesitated for a moment. Was Heishanjun just joking? I don't think he is a joker, why did he just seem to hear him joking?

Do you care if I have a wig! The black bird pierced the young man's forehead directly, and his voice became sharper.

Rubbing his head, Heishanjun shrugged. When he dropped his hand, his forehead had returned to the original white and smooth look, and then he quickly picked up the long hair. After turning his right hand, a machete appeared.

Don't be that long, it's almost my height. The black bird prevented him from cutting himself directly into his sister's head, and gestured, probably cutting to the thigh.

According to the words, the black hair was cut and handed over to it. After the young man put away his machete, he leaned on the bridge and watched the movement of the black bird. Is this okay?


Turning around a bit, the next second we saw the **** bird suddenly disappear, and then replaced by a woman, she had a thick black eye shadow and lips, wearing clothes decorated with black se feathers.

She picked up the bundle of hair and put it in her sleeves with cherishment. She respectfully gave a gift to the youth: Thank you for your cessation. The things on the host where time meets will give us more strength. , It's up to you now.

It's okay, I just need to reconnect the elf's soul with time, and come back from the sleep of death. Pointing at the change under the bridge, the young man said softly: If Bai Se's guy is still there, you don't need to borrow your power at all.

The woman smiled: I knew that this time I picked it up. Having said that, she turned over, and the soft clothes made a beautiful arc in the air. It instantly felt like a fairy in the picture book, and then when he landed, Buster was already standing at the other end of the pool.

Standing on the bridge, the young man waved his hand into the water, and those white mists swirled around to form strange shapes, and then the water surface fluctuated round and round, and small lights and shadows strayed into them.

The transparent petals blended the black se, then spread out and recombined, and gathered together into a shape.

Lilu, fix the soul. Lying on the bridge, the youth shouted the girl's name.

I don't know when the girl who appeared by the pool raised her hand: okay. Finished one by one. She jumped down with a white buzzer, and drilled like a fish to the shape without having to breathe, and then gently carried the thing out.

The moment I got out of the water, what I saw was silver-white to almost transparent hair, fair skin and closed eyes. The original red se had disappeared ... It seemed that it was all in the body of the medical class.

The girl lifted his shoulders, exposed her head and a little body, but it was enough to make us sure that this was really his soul.

He fell asleep quietly without any movement.

The spirit of the elves was faint, just like every elven I had seen.

The dean appeared before us. 2k novel reading network

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