MTL - Unique Legend-v20 Chapter 1 Flow of time

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Location: atlantis Time: 12.53 noon

It was a small, weak light.

The moment I fell on my hand with the ice-cooled gentle silver se light, the thing I wanted to do most ...

let me out!

Already suffocated to the limit, I bet I must be rolling my eyes now.

It may be that they have completed their mission, and those elves and ghosts who do not need to breathe finally let go of me, and they can do whatever they want. But the point is here, I almost feel dizzy after receiving things, I can only sink directly ...

When I was confused, I seemed to see a gleam of light, which was particularly obvious in the water. Then I started to have a force grabbing my collar and trying to pull it directly. I was sent out of the water in about a few seconds. Into my nose and mouth.

After choking for a while, I saw that it was Saita who pulled me out of the water, and his whole body was full. His long hair was affixed to his face and body. It was particularly obvious under the faint light.

His eyes stared straight at my hand.

So I opened my palm, and we both saw the little silver se light, a translucent round ball, about the size of a table tennis ball.

You found him.

Very light, very light voice, as if talking about something insignificant, very flat voice.

I found him?

The things on my hands are so light that they have almost no weight, which makes it difficult for me to believe that the spirit of the elves is only a little bit, and if they are not good, they will be scattered and then disappear.

Pressing on my shoulder, the tower turned over and jumped up to where we had come, and then reached out and pulled me up.

This place is no longer the ghost king grave. Looking at the water surface below, Sai Tower waved his hands, and the water surface frosted immediately, layer by layer, quickly stacked up to completely seal the place, and then saw nothing. The place where the elves slept was intolerable Anything violates, Tansiya.

I froze for a while and found out that he was not talking to me.

Suddenly, something suddenly rubbed beside me, which scared me a lot, because I didn't expect anyone else here. After looking carefully, I found that it was actually a sharp-eared elf. The same faint light of the Tower.

This will be taken over by the elves, and we have coordinated everything with the guild. The elf who emerged from my side like a ghost didn't even look at me. His straight face had a certain sense of seriousness, and he spoke very seriously: we will not let any forces invade the West. Qiu's land, even if the ghost king returns, we will fight to death.

He wore light armor, which seemed to be from the side of the army, but not the same as Sai Tower.

This is Tansiya, the abyss of the wind. They will protect the sleeping land of the elves until the Lord God brings these past warriors back to the eternal land. Saita said softly, and helped me introduce this person who suddenly appeared.

The elf gently nodded at me, then the two talked for a minute or two in a language I didn't understand, and then the wind elf left as silently as when he had just arrived.

Seriously, if each of the elves is like this, I should be scared to death if I come back a few times.

This way of playing is different from what is described in the book!

We should start. He grabbed his hair directly with a movement that didn't match his appearance, and wrung out the water. When Seita loosened his hand, he was completely dry, and his clothes were fluffy and soft as if he had not been exposed to water.

set off? Theoretically speaking, shouldn't we say it, should we go back?

Next, go to Hades and communicate with the flow of time ... After the elves die, it is not easy to resurrect. Even the Phoenix ca n’t call us back from absolute sleep. We do n’t go to any rest place after we die. We rest only in the arms of the Lord God. As if explaining to me the difference between their deaths, Saita said: No elves have been resurrected by the Phoenix, and I don't think they understand the difference.

Huh? Haven't the Phoenixes resurrected the elves? I suddenly remembered that they seemed to be upset during the medical class.

Yes, someone tried it, but it didn't work. Saita took out a small transparent tube filled with a bit of emerald-green liquid, and felt like a flowing gem: it couldn't be resurrected, we could only be awakened.

After he finished speaking, I knew what he wanted to do, and he wanted to regain the senior's soul ... if I didn't get it wrong.

That is to say, why do I feel familiar with the name of Hades and Time?

Seems to have heard from others ...

Without giving me more time for thinking, Sai Tower unplugged the bottle and spilled the liquid directly on the wall, and then stretched out my hand: do n’t let go, it is easy to be washed away by the tide of time when entering the communication area .

I quickly grabbed him and shoved the ball into my backpack, but I was still curious: what happens if I get washed away?

… You may find yourself suddenly aging into bones or degenerating into a fetus.

I won't let go of you. What a terrible place!

Don't worry, it is said that people usually don't exist before they feel it, so there will be no deep painful impression.

I don't know if Saita said it was comforting or intimidating me. In short, I was completely afraid to let go. If I could, I really wish I had a rope to tie the two of us directly to a knot. It is safer.

The liquid spilling on the wall gave out a strong light, and soon I saw an opening appeared after the light, which was just large enough for a person to pass, and there was some kind of extremely strange whistling sound at the other end.

Holding my hand, Saita walked into the opening without hesitation, and I followed him closely.

At that moment, there was silence all around.

I saw the whole darkness.

There are still many silver se threads in the dark. For example, like a high-speed photograph of a high-speed highway, the streamer of silver se fills all around, and some of them are clear and silky. Very sad.

Looking around, there was nothing.

Match ...

Just wondering if this is where we are coming? Saita first shook her head to interrupt what I was going to say, and then slammed a sign for me, pulling me straight ahead.

Those silver se threads floated in the air, as if they were afraid to run into us. They let them go before we passed, and then kept flowing and floating, presenting a quiet but weird atmosphere.

It ’s very dark here, it ’s totally dark. If it ’s not because I feel like I ’m stepping on the ground, I just do n’t know where the sky is different from the ground ... It ’s also possible that we ’re not walking on the ground but In mid-air, because I saw the space under my feet that silver wire floating around.

Quiet to suffocate, those silver wires didn't even sound, and drifted silently in the air.

We seemed to walk aimlessly in these silk threads, but Saita clearly knew the way, because he would turn and change direction when necessary, as if something was guiding him.

It's been like this for a long time, maybe five minutes, ten minutes ... maybe longer, there is no time to feel flowing here, it is too dark and too quiet.

Walking, it feels a little hairy, no matter how long it has been, it is the same scene, and I think it is too long here, and I have not walked to the end for a long time.

Subconsciously, I turned to look at me, and at the same time, the people walking by looked at me.

But Saita always stayed a little in front of me.

A grey translucent person passed through the streamer, and then another person appeared next to him. My sight was through his body to see the other one, and my head was full of this kind of encounter with a ghost again. idea.

The elf holding my hand slowed his pace until he lay next to me: those things are memories of time. His voice was very low, a volume that was audible only to the two of us.


Squinting my eyes, I saw more similar things emerging, not all of them, some are animals, some are things I have n’t seen, and then there are some flowers and plants that appear in the streamer one by one and then disappear. Quick, but the face is very dark and translucent. After these translucent things, the space of deep black se can still be seen, no matter how you look, it feels weird, especially those things have no sound.

Something that has happened and life that has existed will leave some memories in the stream of time, some appear in the world strongly, some sad or already unconscious, will be washed away by the stream of time, It doesn't end until it disappears. Saita said softly. Some people or animals nearby heard the sound and turned to look at us. For a moment, something seemed to flash in their eyes, but they left.

Suddenly, those translucent things are increasing.

I noticed that Saita frowned slightly.

According to past experience, when the angle of se, which is too strong, starts to change their faces, it means that the matter is almost a certain degree of seriousness.

That ... I won't scream and run away. I used to be, but now I should not.

Saita gave me a glance and a gigantic smile: the breath of life will attract these memories of the past, let's speed up.

Born ... The one next to me should be called the living elven, so does the living mean me?

No wonder from the beginning, I have always felt that those things are leaning on my side ... This kind of things should be said before entering!

Uh ... what if you walk slowly? Inquiring softly, I shrunk my neck and dodged a gray thing that flew over and left reflectively.

It has become a little crowded, although it still feels empty.

You can imagine the feeling of hundreds of people rushing into your head at once. Seita made an implicit analogy, but after reading the message from his face that his head would burst, I decided to speed up.

As soon as he started, things around him became more and more.

At that moment, after passing through the layers, I was surprised to see a face that should have existed long, long ago, and he no longer exists.

The grey, transparent face looked intently at the front.

After I returned to God, I had broken off the tower's hand and ran in that direction.

Anyway, I have a lot to say to this person in person, we all have what he left behind, and he still has many things that I haven't explained clearly.

Yang Yang! Saita's voice seemed to be masked by something and became very weak.

I ran forward, and the man's shape was looming, as if he stopped, he would disappear in the next second.

Just as the strange things around came around, that person also seemed to notice the throbbing, and the gaze that was originally gazing at a certain point slowly turned back, and our eyes were also facing at this time.

Suddenly, all the things that I had hurriedly forgotten were forgotten.

His eyes were sharp, and a little different from other shapes. It seemed that he was here, but not like this.

It was the man who had lived in the war but disappeared.

You killed the child in Yana, my senior is dead!

When I saw him, I only thought of this sentence.

Vance looked at me.

Maybe he wasn't a memory image like Saitta said.


His voice was very light and light. I didn't see him speak until the voice stopped, and his expression was not fluctuating. I couldn't feel any surprise or shock. I couldn't have any expression: I haven't seen him ...

I can't understand whether he is a residual illusion, but he obviously responded to what I said.

He looks a lot like Yana ...

Then, that dumb ...

How to pick him up next?

The illusion said that the senior was a fool, but I was going to complain to this guy.

This is yours. I took out the thing that Andy gave me, which looked like a turntable, spread it out on the palm of my hand, and the illusion standing in front of it slowly stretched out my hand.

In that second, his hand penetrated my palm, and I didn't touch anything. I felt an unspeakable chill coming from that place, and I almost retracted my hand when it was so cold.

Suddenly, something passed like memory.

I saw memories that weren't mine. Someone in the memories ran over, and they didn't see clearly. They were memories of their past, and they came into my mind through this residual vision in front of me.

With a stiff and stiff smile, Vance pulled his hand back and sighed softly: all ... they ... were gone ...

In an instant, the illusion in front of me exploded, and suddenly fell apart, the dust turned into a streamer, and returned to the darkness.

After he disappeared, I hadn't recovered from the shock. I only saw a lot of those translucent things suddenly reached out to me after Vance's phantom disappeared, all rushing up.

I didn't expect these things to have such a sudden action. I was frightened suddenly. There was a full transparent shape on the front and back. There was no place for me to hide.

When the first strange image came in, my head was full of women's screams, so loud that my head followed. It was an old woman howling sternly, her princess was dragged away by the ghosts in the marsh, and the beautiful princess could not even drive the water, so the evil spirits in the water were completely pulled away, Never come back.

I saw the beautiful image of the princess. The vivid smile was still in front of me, and it was replaced by another kind of memory. The brave knight walked past it, but it was just a squirrel. After a long time, the knight fell on Under their big trees, they looked up at them with blood, in their incomprehensible eyes, the knight's pupils gradually enlarged and the leaves covered him, until after his death his body fell on the knight's bones and armor, Slowly forget everything in the world.

Unable to resist, the pile of things came into my mind like life, and for a moment I felt that my head was no longer mine, and it almost didn't explode.

When the consciousness was stunned, I saw a glowing thing running over. As soon as those forms saw the thing, all of them suddenly spread out, allowing me to catch my breath.

Hurry up and leave here. Saita hurriedly lifted me from the ground. The light on his body was different from usual. The whole was a cold and dark face. All the shapes avoided it when they saw it, and they dare not touch it.

I pressed my head, and was dragged up to stand up. Before I left, I seemed to see the illusion of Vance standing in the distance, nodded to us, and disappeared into the darkness.

After walking for a while, my head was still buzzing, and those messy memories could not be digested and it was a little bit messy.

It was originally not malicious. The voice of the elf sounded from my head, and was a little sad, but still very gentle: many memories that disappeared, just eager to one day be able to let the world know by clicking something, so it is often lost in time Attracted by the strangers, but these memories are too huge, no one can afford, even the elves often die because of heartache.

After listening to him, I felt better and nodded to him to understand.

In order to avoid being surrounded again, Sai Tower continued to emit this cold and dim light. I didn't dare to run around and spoke again. I was dragged by him obediently, and walked for a long time. Then, the elf stopped Stepped.

It should be in this area. Said softly, Saita looked around from side to side, stretched out his hand and held down the black se space in front of him, there seemed to be something real there, making a small noise.

After a few seconds, four two-story silver lines appeared in front of us and were lined with totems, followed by two closed lintels with the head of a large beast that I had never seen before, With a silver ring as big as a basketball.

Seita pulled the silver ring and tapped a few times, and the two door knockers made some kind of heavy and old sound, slowly opened from the inside, and an old man's face protruded halfway.

There should be no visitors in the flow of time. His voice was a bit sharp, and it felt as if he was forcing something.

Now that we have something urgent to find the host here, please open the door for us.

The old man squinted and looked at us both up and down: an elf, a human, what qualifications do you have to meet ... ah ah ah ...

Before he finished speaking, he followed the door panel and flew out.

The tower that opened the door very elegantly put down the hem and patted the dust on it: the doorman will only be opened if you hit it. If you can, I really hope that I can try not to use it.

You have already started!

Looking at the elf who just opened the door staggered, I deeply think that this action should be called kicking the hall in common language ... Aren't you making a special trip to help the senior prepare for the resurrection! What's up here?

I suddenly thought, shouldn't this person actually not be an elf I know? In fact, when we were chatting with Andy, he already ate my companion! The one holding my hand is called the improved black se elf, right?

Have you been here, Sai Tower? Shocked and shocked, I noticed that he was too familiar with it, and it was a bit unnatural to know.

Well, I went down with the Three Princes Palace a long time ago. Saita smiled with a sorrowful miss: At that time, he kicked the door ...

That's enough! Is this a good place for elves to exercise their feet?

Why would the three princes come here to kick the door? Being pulled in, I saw the old man struggling under the door panel. The other half of him was white bones and looked quite weird.

He took a roll of maps from a ghost friend and found me here shortly after, but at that time we did not see the host here and left after drinking tea. Saita explained a little bit, although I don't think he called it an explanation.

What I want to know is why Andy has a map here, and gave it to the elf to knock on the door!

Things really are hard to understand.

After pulling me in, it didn't take long for me to see a white-seated floor tile appearing on the vast land that was originally empty, like a courtyard, and quickly formed an orderly walkway. Stone lanterns, rockery, Flowing water, and then countless strange flowers and trees, the white birds flew over and stood on the high branches, all eyes were looking at us.

This walkway is very long, circling various landscapes, until finally there is a staircase leading to a huge ancient palace, the transparent jade of black se almost disappeared into the air.

A little girl ran out of the distant palace. The little face was ponytailed on both sides and it was erected with a bell, which reminded me of the kiosk.

The girl wore clothes similar to the ancient East, but not like any other country's clothes. She Qingse embroidered a strange pattern.

She first ran to the doorway on the ground, grabbed the door and threw it up like a biscuit. The door was immediately thrown back to the door frame, and it was completely set back to the original position. There was still some streamer that followed us Also completely isolated.

There were two outsiders there ... half the old man and half the skeleton weird yelling at us.

Oh. The girl responded cutely, then turned to us: an elf, a human, who are you looking for here? She lifted her cute little face and smiled slightly.

Is Heishan Jun here? Saita asked softly.

The owner of Hei Se is at home, the owner of Hei Se is missing, the owner of Hei has ordered you to rest first, and you can prepare to meet him later, but you ca n’t kick the door next time you come in. He told us something special, the girl turned, and the bell rang softly, and hummed the song forward.

Ignoring the skeletal old man who was still yelling, Seth pulled me along the trail with the girl.

Hasn't Bai Se's owner been found yet? Walking behind the girl, Saita opened her mouth and asked silently.

The girl turned around and looked at us, and said with a smile: No, it can't be found, the master of Bai Se hasn't found it yet, the master of Black Se said that he will break his leg next time he finds him ...

That's it.

Then they went on.

After walking on the trail, I noticed that it was a little strange here. There seemed to be a lot of creatures running around, but it disappeared in the next second. Obviously I saw something that resembled a white fox and struck my feet. Disappeared into the air again.

phantom? But it's real.

Looking around, I started to think it was a wonderful place. 2k novel reading network

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