MTL - Unique Legend-v18 Chapter 7 Rival

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Location: atlantis Time: unknown

\ "Wind property? \"

Suddenly I couldn't keep up with what he wanted to express.

\ "I heard that the schoolmates gave you bullets in the black hall, and it seems to be able to use them smoothly, so I want to compress the wind and let you shoot with magic weapons-to be honest, my injury is not completely Healing may not be able to withstand the wind pressure, but the magic weapon with the same royal property should be able to do it. \ "Quickly explained his ideas, Aslian looked at me very seriously: \" There is also another way , But I think this method should be the most secure. \ "

What if I shoot crooked?

I wanted to spit out my uneasy question like this, but even if I missed it ... it didn't seem to be that serious. I'm not the only disturbed person now.

\ "Is it too dangerous to let Yanglai? The wind in Baiyuan is different from the general, I think other ways should also be possible. \" Anin was the first to oppose this proposal: \ "If the magic weapon cannot be accommodated , Will have bad consequences. \ "

\"I'm fine.\"

Everyone's eyes came to my side. After subconsciously swallowing, I re-opened: "I can, please let me try it." "Betting on the power of the demon master, I think I can do it To the thing that Azlian said.

When I was in the black hall, the senior gave it to me without any problems. Other people could n’t do it without reason.

\ "Chu." Senior Xia Su looked at me, but didn't say anything.

\ "Since you have decided, then we will help, please be careful, if you can't really do it, please don't force yourself." "Tell me softly, Saita nodded to Azlian: \" The Wind Spirit will send all the white garden air here. \ "

After it was roughly drafted, everyone was dispersed, leaving only Azlian and the prince Qiu still in place.

Seriously, if only Asrian was left, why did the prince stay ... Suddenly it gave me a certain level of mental stress.

\ "Cheesy race ... hmm, if it fails ... \"

\ "Please do n’t feel that you will fail." Before Huthi ’s ruthless words were finished, Aslian pushed him aside to hang out: "Rather than hope that others fail, try some ways to help. \ "

\ "Help a lowly race-don't even think about it! \" The persisting prince turned his face away.

I'm so sorry for letting you talk about a lowly race to a lowly race. I really want to see that the noble prince who is shining also has a dog **** day.

I haven't thought about it sincerely, and I immediately saw something happening that made me laugh.

\ "Then go to Mr. Anin and they. \" Maybe it wasn't intentional, but Azrian, who was a little bit resentful, pushed the prince quite forcefully.

I didn't expect that the other party would suddenly push his Huodi a moment, the whole center of gravity fell to the ground in an unstable manner, and the posture was not very beautiful. All the military forces who witnessed this scene at the same time near us also stopped.

The Purple Robe blatantly attacked the Black Robe.

There was silence all around, only the master of the ghost king above was still screaming in anger.

Ah ... it's a very convenient innate ability.

I suddenly felt sincere and sincere that this ability was actually used well when it didn't fail.

\ "You, you actually pushed me ... \" Standing up immediately after making a mistake, Hu Di's expression was no longer the word to describe anger. His expression was distorted as if he could blow up Azlian on the spot at any time.

Immediately there was an army who was not afraid of death, and bravely grasped the prince: "Please, please don't quarrel here, and the enemy ..."

If he doesn't have a smile on his face, I think it should be very convincing.

\ "Ah, the enemy is approaching. \" Turning his head, Aslian looked at the master of the ghost king above, completely ignoring the black robe that was trying to make a fuss in the back: "" It's almost time, let's start. "

Then, he waved his saber, and the air flow around him soon started to move.

Because the time was not the right place, Huodi could only hold back the suffocation, and after leaving the military army, she smelled a face away from us for a short distance, and seemed very unwilling to approach.

With his eyes closed, General Aslian's knife was placed straight ahead, and the turf of White Se immediately shook violently, "" The storm is calling. "

As if in response to his voice, a whistling sound rushed from all directions, and vaguely you can see that there are many matrix formations in the center of Baiyuan. It seems that it should be Anin who set up the forces of Baiyuan.

The wind was very strong. On several occasions, I seemed to be overturned to the ground, and it felt like a typhoon rolled over quickly, and we stayed at the edge.

\ "Humble human, get ready for your magic weapon! \" While I was watching, the falling prince sent out hostility and reminder words from behind.

\ "Oh, oh well. \" Holding Minas up quickly, I noticed that the extra slot was faintly shiny.

After the wind pressure began to increase, even after the surrounding military began to stand still, Azlian waved the knife aside, then raised his left hand and opened his palm: \ "Compression."

The huge current flowed towards his hand. About a few seconds later, I saw a transparent bullet-shaped thing forming on his hand. As more and more wind entered, the bullet started to show a slight Transparent white se.

Almost at the same time, a little blood red face was also drawn from the palm of Aslian, and then two, the strong wind pressure began to emit a sharp wind blade.

\ "Hey! Enough! \" The falling prince made a yell.

Ignoring him, Azlian frowned slightly, even his arms began to be marked with bleeding red se.

\ "Ali senior ... \"

Just when I wanted to stop him, Aslian suddenly opened his eyes, quickly held the white se bullet and threw it at me, and the wind pressure suddenly scattered all around at that moment: \ "Student, Get connected! \ "

I did not expect that he would suddenly drop over, and I panicked and caught the white se bullet.

The shape of the bullet just fits into the groove of the gun. Unlike the previous one, which needs to be filled, it can now be used by snapping it in.

Is this an evolutionary version of Palm Thunder Quick Fill?

Before thinking about the formation of that groove, there was a sudden loud noise. The reborn Abbey Shrek quickly smashed into the enchantment and smashed it again through a hole.

\ "Minas! \"

While the master of the ghost king put his head in and yelled at other people very close, I seized this great opportunity to quickly press the bullet and fired a fierce shot at the big head that would not miss.

The bullet impact formed by the wind was bigger than I thought. After I fired, I didn't see if it flew out smoothly. A huge impact force took me out like a giant fist and flew backward. After finally falling to the ground for two or three laps, I felt a force to stop me.

After raising his head in dizziness, I saw the fallen prince stretch out his feet on my back with a disgusted expression to help me stop.

Three seconds later, Abby Schreck roared, and the whole man flew out.

\ "Success! \"

Aslian ran quickly and lifted me from the ground. I saw Abbey Shrek falling on the green grass, and all the black grass roots were smashed into a piece by her. The bullets of the wind played an unexpected effect. Almost 80% of the body of the master of the ghost king was torn, and the black scales and meat pieces were scattered and scattered, and she only left a lot. Half face and half body, lying on the grass of the green se, constantly exuding black blood and black smoke panting heavily.

\ "Now hurry up and give her the last blow ... \" I was thinking about going to stop the assarian who had suffered afterwards, and the whole person suddenly collapsed, and was hugged by Hudi, who did not change him to throw a dog to eat **** .

\ "Your injury is okay at all! \" The falling prince made a sound of blame.

\ "Ah, I can ... \" Anyway, that ghost clan is half dead, and the military and I should be able to annihilate it.

Although I think so, I found that I was wrong the next second.

I couldn't lift my right hand, and my left hand was still shaking, barely holding Minas.

A military army quickly ran over and grabbed my hand and looked around: \ "It may be the relationship of the impact force, the right hand is broken, please stay here to do the healing spell. \"

This nice guy told me with such a smile, then patted my shoulders before running back to the original position, and then commanded the other martial arts to form a line. About a dozen people stepped out of the light encirclement and surrounded the undead. A master of the ghost king, ready to destroy her in one breath.

Looking at the immovable right hand, I felt an infinite sorrow.

It is rare to defeat the master of the ghost king at once ...

\ "Will you use a healing technique? \" Sitting next to you, panting a little, Azlian turned and asked me.

\ "It's a little ... \" Baiku song, but can Baiku song be by hand?

I was very skeptical. I stared at the right hand like this. I started to think about the simple spells taught in the classroom, and then sadly found that most of those spells were used to deal with small wounds. Don't imagine that the first-level simple spells can instantly take back the bar Look like.

\ "I'll help you heal. \" I immediately saw my embarrassment. Athlian, a very nice man, stretched out his hand, but was struck by the falling prince with staring eyes beside him before reaching.

\ "I can't tolerate the noble people to heal lowly humans! \"

Come on, man, it ’s fighting now. Does n’t it mean that there is no grade when you fight? You can watch your people hang up because of broken hands. The reason why they are not treated is because you do n’t want to see someone help people.

What a great reason!

I sincerely hope he can fall a second time.

Hi, hello!

But obviously this time the power of the demon master did not work in a timely manner, the falling prince still stared fiercely at the place, as if I would kill his whole family with mental strength here, and refused to give in.

This deadlock was immediately broken.

\ "It looks like it was successfully completed. \" Xia Su, the senior who returned to Xiaoting first, immediately found out that I was in a sad situation, and soon came over to grab my hand to perform the healing spell: \ "Baiyuan should be able to continue. \"

That's the way to say it, but I noticed that he glared at the black robe prince a little, there was nothing wrong with the leapfrog, and it was quite natural.

While letting Xia Sui learn to heal his hands, I turned my head to look at the military forces.

After they surrounded Abbey Shrek, they set up another formation, as if fixed. After the Light Array appeared, the Master Ghost King made several murky sounds, but could no longer struggle. After confirming that the formation was successful, the military army who just spoke to me stepped over, and gave the most difficult enemy the head with a long wave of the sword. Chopped down.

Instantly, the black smoke spread out.

The formation method set up immediately reacted, and the black smoke had been purified instantaneously before it was emitted, and it was completely impossible to damage the surrounding green grass.

After the head was cut off, the military officer opened his brain. At this time, I looked away, and I didn't want to see him reaching into a pile of black and gray se.

About a few seconds later, the military army cheered.

Looking back, I saw that person already had a black shiny gem like a baseball.

As soon as that thing was caught, Abbey Shrek turned into black ashes at the same time, and the whole thing completely dissipated in the air.

\ "Finally solved Abbey Shrek. \" Azlian showed a relaxed expression and exhaled.

\ "But the power of Bai Yuan is too strong to be used for a long time. \" Retracted my hand, and Xia Sui gave me a little activity, and then turned around after I determined that the broken hand was cured: \ "Ain and Saita are still guiding them Merry, it is very difficult to fully use the power of Bai Yuan, just not even one-tenth. \ "Speaking, he changed to help Azlian heal the wounds scratched by the wind.

It ’s called one-tenth has n’t been used?

Suddenly, I felt that if I did n’t use it all, it would be the same thing ...

\ "Even if it is difficult to use, but it is necessary to be able to deal with the disaster in front of you. \" Looking at the green grass, the grass has been almost destroyed, and Azlian shook his head: \ "The blood of these ghosts It will take a long time for the contaminated land to recover ... It's pitiful, there will be no grass for a long time. \ "

\ "Destroy the Ghost Clan as early as possible, you will save a little more land, so you better raise your body quickly. \" Take a hard pat on the hand after the treatment, Xia Su Xuechang stood up.

Rubbing his red hand, Aslian stood up with a smirk: "I will."

\ "Yes, this is Abby Schreck's— \"

The military army holding the gemstone ran over with a happy smile, anxious to hand over the evidence that the master of the ghost king was destroyed, but he stopped suddenly a second before stepping into the light enchantment.

The person who talked to me with a smile just now could show the wrong expression on the whole face.

A big hole suddenly appeared in the chest of the person who stopped, and an arm penetrated through his back, and took away the black gem.

Like a slow playback, the military army fell in front of me, and the blood of the red se immediately covered the green grass.

\ "It turned out that Abbey Shrek was nothing big. \"

Playing with black gems in a very light tone, with the gradual appearance of the figure, the tremendous pressure of suffocation and breathlessness began to permeate the entire White Garden.

The armed forces behind were also almost unable to move, widening their eyes and looking at the people who suddenly appeared in the air.

The ghost king with a woman's face turned to me.

\ "What a coincidence, the blood relative of the demon division. \"

The bishop demon king holding a gem smiled with a killing smile.

\"Step aside!\"

Almost completely overwhelmed by the ghost king's momentum, I saw that Bai Se and Black Se rushed out one after the other. The heavily wounded military army was immediately thrown back to Bai Se's grassland, and then someone rushed to his emergency treatment.

Two long silver knives with cold silver light touched Bishin's neck one after the other.

\ "Oh ... do you think you can still beat me now? \" Do not look at the threat of black and white robes at all, Bi Shen fiddled with her long hair leisurely: \ "Jiejie has been destroyed, There is no thing that can reduce our strength, you low-level races, kneel down and beg for slavery. "

\ "It's too early to say such a thing. \" Ain with a cold face narrowed his eyes: \ "Go to hell. \"

The other side of the tower turned his wrist, and uttered without saying a word to the side of the ghost king.

As expected, Bishin shook his figure, and disappeared in the next second. When he appeared again, there was a short distance between them.

\ "Oh, it ’s fun, it ’s really enjoyable. \" Stretched his hands, Bishin began to hum a strange ballad, and while humming the music, a large group of black se appeared like wolves but there were two Root Horned Beast: "" It's a pleasure to see the lower races killed one by one. "

There was a loud noise, and one of the wild wolves was suddenly smashed into pieces, which was almost unprepared.

The source of the explosion came out from behind me, in addition to the expression of boring or boring, it is estimated that the account of Asrian was just calculated together: \ "You filthy ghosts who are cheaper than humans, Actually dare to speak inferior to the noble people. \ "Stepping out of the light realm, Hu Di looked at the ghost king in front of him fiercely, \" Ghosts are worse than bed bugs, and grass is not something you can trample on. \ "

Bi Shen narrowed his eyes: \ "Fairy tribe? Huh ... \"

Just when the two were facing each other, Saita suddenly appeared in front of me and Xia Su.

\ "Baiyuan can't hold it anymore. \" His expression was extremely serious, and then he glanced back: \ "If you are a master of the ghost king, we still have the chance, but the ghost king ... first save your life, you go to the water quickly The enchantment of the earth or the enchantment of the earth, let the other robes come together, at least one place must be left. \ "

\ "The strength of King Bishen Ghost is not high, we may be able to resist for a while. \" Athlian leaned over, but his face has become a little pale: \ "I just received the news, the guild has I sent the first team to come here, wait a minute ... these people should be able to fight back Bishen. \ "

\ "Yellow ghost king did not appear, we do not know which enchantment he went to, for the time being it is better to stay here to help. \" Xia Su also replied.

\ "So to speak ..." Saita hesitated slightly.

I don't know if it is an illusion. In fact, I think what he wants to say is more like asking us all to leave the college to avoid this war.

\ "Seta. \" Looking at the elf in front of him, Azlian put a smile away and looked straight at him: "Maybe in the eyes of the ancient elf, we are all just child-like years, but we are not A child who can only help with hind legs. \ "

The wind around him seemed to pause for a moment.

Saita Green Se is as beautiful as gemstone eyes on the three of us: \ "Sorry, maybe I am in a hurry. \"

He patted his shoulder, and Xia Su shook his head.

\ "Giggle, what are you talking about? \"

Suddenly, the voices of women who did not belong to us suddenly came very close.

Xia Su and senior students turned around at the same time. The black whip and long sword pointed at the person standing at the junction of the green and white se grass. The background was two black robes surrounded by monsters.

\ "Come on, the blood of the demon division, I can kindly let you live together and look at any inch of the corner of the world where my Yalu ghost king dominates. \" Just one step to the light enchanted Bishen to me Reached out: \ "Just like the people who have helped the ghost family, the demon teacher was born with us-\"

\ "I ate you!" The quickest response was Xiaoting. She grinned and bite down directly at the palm. She didn't even hesitate to eat a bad stomach.

Bishin may not have been attacked in this way. What was stupid was a shock. The subconscious reaction flew the kiosk away. The little sister of the black snake immediately fell into the grass of Bai Se and rolled several times.

\ "Damn cursed body! \" Bieshen's face twisted as he looked at the hand biting out a row of tooth marks: \ "I changed my decision, you all die. \"

I ran over to support the kiosk, and found that her left foot twisted in an unnatural direction. It should have been broken by the impact.

\ "Woo! He broke his new body!" "Sister Black Snake issued a fierce protest

\ "It's not time to care about this kind of thing now. \" I picked her up and hugged it. I guess Senior Xia Sui has absolutely no time for her to change her body now.

She extended her hand, Bishin opened her palm forward, and stopped just above the light enchantment. At the intersection of her palm and the enchantment, a strong spark and a totem printed suddenly, as if resisting the invasion of the ghost king. The light enchantment immediately and powerfully rejected, and the spark turned into a dazzling white fire immediately after two seconds.

\ "Is this a toy? \" Ignoring that the arm was devoured by white fire, Bishin smirked, and then took a step forward.

That second I heard a sound that sounded like glass shattered. Her palm broke through the white flame and penetrated into the enchantment. The enclosing wall in that place immediately bore a hole, and all around the hole became distorted. Black se, black se began to appear numerous fine lines like cracked eggshells, desperately climbing out.

\ "Don't try to destroy Bai Yuan's enchantment. \" Xia Su Xueyuan threw out the black whip and twisted it on that arm, then tightened continuously.

Bishin's expression didn't even change, and he did not have a particularly painful reaction to the attack on Zi Pao.

Similarly, the nearby tower waved a long knife, and passed through the enchantment and slashed on the shoulder of the ghost king, but only cut it a little bit and stopped. The high-speed regeneration flesh directly gave the sword to the body of the ghost king. Inside, she didn't waver at all, even the smile on her face became more and more terrible, and the pressure around her gradually increased.

I also started to feel a sense of difficulty breathing.

Looking to the side, the remaining military forces nearby also appeared slightly stressed. ‘

Raising his hand slowly, Bishin Goblin grabbed the blade of the elf's long sword, and then pulled out little by little: \ "Does the elf's little thing think it can hurt me? Do you continue to resist and continue Fear, the sweeter taste that kills you will be more satisfying. "

Saeta frowned, pulling hard for two or three times, but the long knife seemed to be fixed and could not move more than half an inch at all.

\ "Let ’s start with you. You were quite arrogant before, elf." "Bropping the long knife, half of the man suddenly broke through the enchantment with a quick action, and grabbed the tower neck.

This happened almost in the blink of an eye, and even Xia Suxue, who was next to him, did not react for a moment.

\ "Storm —— \" After reluctantly getting up, Azlian immediately wanted to help.

But he hasn't shot yet, and I'm completely stuck in front of the Bichen ghost king.

I saw not far away, there was an oversized thing jumping over a bunch of ghosts and the monsters towards this side. That thing was so hot that it made me suddenly remember that I didn't seem to touch him since the ghost king grave, and almost forgot that this character existed.

At the Games, the large Beast King who crushed a bunch of toothpicks rushed over at a terrible speed.

Unexpectedly, Bishin, who was ambushing in the back, was immersed in the joy of catching the elves, and before twisting the neck of Saita, a large beast claw shot from her head, her hand was in an unnatural direction At the same time, the elven hand fell to the ground at the same time, and then the whole person disappeared under the beak's claw, without giving time for ventilation. After the front foot was stepped on, the rear foot followed with a heavy blow.

Then human figures appeared in the huge footprints.

Seriously, I almost laughed out this second.

I thought that this kind of picture would only be seen in the animated cartoon, and now it is alive in front of everyone, and everyone will definitely want to laugh.

But I couldn't laugh after two seconds.

Because the big beast who had stepped on the earth to the ghost king rushed at me.

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