MTL - Unique Legend-v18 Chapter 8 Reinforcements

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Location: atlantis Time: unknown

I deeply feel that, in fact, I should not die in the hands of the enemies of war, but I have a higher chance of dying in my family's hands.

When I saw the claws flying towards me with dirt on my side, I confessed that I was really dead this time, and I was stepped into the soil to change into a gren-shaped sad death.

\ "Yangyang! Be careful! \"

As soon as I was ready to be stepped on by my companion, a flushed thing rushed at me, threw me and the kiosk to the ground and fell to the side, and that paw rubbed against our body, a distance of one centimeter. It almost turned into meat sauce.

\ "Siriroye Oia, are you an idiot! \" Knocked us down and saved our lives, Chitose who arrived in time and lying on the ground, looked up and scolded: \ "No one else, you still To cut back on manpower! \ "

The large version of the five-head chicken head change that didn't catch the person ran forward for two or three steps, then stopped, then turned back, and suddenly changed back to the human appearance that was originally shiny and shiny with five kinds of hair: \ "ohha Uncle Ben was so happy all of a sudden, he wanted to say he was surprised and he forgot to change back. \ "

Your surprise is too scary.

I was a little bit upset by the sudden appearance of Ryan, and was also startled by him: "Aren't you all on the school wall?"

\ "The school wall is no longer good. The military army was mostly annihilated by the ghost master who was added later. However, Li Ye and Nu Leli have dealt with King Yi. Now they are dealing with the one that appears later. The rest have begun. Retreat this way, and there will be more people waiting. \ "Qian Dongshui quickly described the previous situation, and An In and Hu Di, who had just resolved the monster and returned, also heard this.

\ "If the school wall is breached, a large number of ghosts will come in, and now only the enchantment can be defended. \" While pulling the tower from the ground, Anin looked at the direction of the school wall and sighed. Tone.

\ "Instead of thinking about the school wall, it's better to deal with Bi Shen's evil ghost first, she can't fight back now. \" Looking at the human figure in the beast paw print, Hugh Di had no mercy at all, and rewarded her directly A huge blast.

Smoke and dust permeated the entire light enchantment, and all of a sudden sight was unclear.

\ "Yang ~ talk to me!" Wuse chicken head looked at him and ignored him, and came directly to grab my cheek and pull it out.

\ "It hurts! Let go!" "Do you want to pull my face off?"

\ "Your expression seems to change a bit. \" The five-se chicken head that can't communicate with people at all shows no sign of letting go, grabbing my face and pulling it left and right, staring at me in confusion as if looking around: \ "Yang ~ what happened? \"

\ "Let ’s let go before I say-\"

Five se chicken head immediately let go.

The cheeks that were ripped and swollen became hot, and I bet it must have swelled as if I had been punched: \ "Ghost King's grave, do I have to say it again ... \" Rubbing the sore face , I said a little angry.

\ "... Uncle Ben didn't know what was happening. \" It was a bit awkward, the face of Wuse chicken head was a bit awkward: \ "After you disappeared from the ghost clan named Andy, Uncle Ben was supposed to catch up, So how can you let yourself go for fun things? When I was about to leave, I was suddenly taken home by my boss and the **** old man, and locked in the 30th floor underground. This uncle is really inexplicable! What to say not to talk to the demon master and The ghost clan is connected, don't know if a man breaking into rivers and lakes should have taken danger as a pillow! There is no awareness of breaking into rivers and lakes! Hey! \ "

Was it locked in the 30th floor underground?

I feel that in fact the killer family still has love for their own family, but that love is a bit strange, "" You are locked up, why are you here now? "" I almost stepped into a meatloaf. "

\ "Ha! Uncle Ben said that there is a sword in the rivers and lakes, and even prison escape will not be too bad! If there is a kind, uncle Ben will be closed to the center of the earth, uncle Ben will escape to show them! \"

Oh, escape by yourself, right?

I fully understood the response of the five-seed chicken head.

It seems that he should really have no idea what happened to the ghost king grave later. I think that since the people in his family did not want him to contact me, he must have said nothing.

\ "I will talk to you later about these things. \" Because the reaction of Wuse chicken head was too exaggerated, I decided to wait for the enemy to retreat and then explain to him what happened on the ghost king grave.

Five se chicken head showed an expression of dissatisfaction.

\ "There is a ghost king now! Last time you could n’t beat the ghost king here, at least hit her first!" "Will I explain everything to you under the stare of the ghost king?"

\ "Has a ghost king? \" Five se chicken heads looked outside, the smoke on the green grass has begun to calm down: \ "Oh, it really has a taste, this uncle has not noticed just now, I would like to say advanced. \ "

Didn't notice that you could step on the ghost king?

Hah ... life is violent.

The smoke and dust completely dispersed after about ten seconds, and I saw a large hollow appeared in the place just blasted, and there was still hot smoke coming out, but there was no longer the ghost king's shadow.

\ "It should be back away. \" Saita pressed her neck and breathed a few times before she made a hoarse voice: \ "The attack just now may cause some parts of her wound that cannot be repaired immediately, I think I can rest a little bit now . \ "

Anin glanced at him, then closed his eyes and opened his palm.

A bright thing appeared from the palm of his hand. After the bright spot of the small light ball floated up, he burst out of the light enchantment, made a large circle around Baiyuan, and finally stopped at the hole made by Bishin. Then it melted in and repaired the hole.

\ "It has been determined that the breath of the ghost king has disappeared. Let the wounded rest. \" After touching the place where the enchantment was repaired, Anin turned and nodded towards everyone.

Upon receiving the order to relax, we all sat down on the grass of Bai Se.

Don't hurry up now, maybe you will be attacked again, and then you can do nothing.

After Xia Sui took the kiosk, he took the time to help her change her body.

Because they had already fought fiercely in the front, actually Chitose and Ryan, who had suffered a lot of injuries, and some of the armed forces who came after them leaned on the rest of the light enchantment to rest and recover a little spirit.

The sky is getting darker.

I took a look at my watch. Actually, it should be dawning soon, but the sky is still very dark.

Everyone doesn't speak.

Now I know why the former military army did not speak.

Sometimes it's better not to speak than to speak.

\ "Yang ~ Is the ghost king grave fun?"

But there are still exceptions.

Looking at the five-seed chicken head with a bright hair, I could not feel the serious atmosphere at all, and sat in front of me with a lot of joy in the buttocks, and began to seek No. 2 Noisy.

\ "... I want to take a break. \" And I don't want to chat with you happily.

\ "Chat is also a casual way, come on, come on. \"

I want to rest, not to relax!

\ "Excuse me, two people. \" The wounded army was just approaching us: \ "Use some water. \" Then, he handed a white water bottle, and also successfully made me realize that I was indeed I'm thirsty about this.

I probably didn't drink half a sip of water from home until now.

\ "Thank you ... \" After taking the kettle, I looked at the weak army: \ "Trouble you. \"

The military officer took a look at me and sat down with a smile: \ "I'm Hatchel, the fairy of the wind. This time, I can help fight the ghosts on the front line. It is glorious. Although you are wearing medical class clothes, but But it does n’t feel like a medical class. \ "

\ "Ah, this is borrowed. \" Pulled La Jiulan to borrow my blue robe, just rolled around and blasted it, there wasn't even a hook line on it, it was only dusty, It is really strong enough, no wonder it is said to be robe-grade special clothes, and the material is too good.

Nodded, the military army named Hakir stood up: \ "Please take a good rest, maybe soon we will not be able to rest like this anymore. \"


Watching him walk away, I gratefully drank the tea and got ready to take a rest.

\ "Yang ~ Chat with me! \"

Who will drag this chicken away.

\ "Chu, is it okay to continue? \"

After about half an hour, Xia Sui came over while I was counting watch time: "" After Bishin returned, I think it will be a hard battle, different from before. "

\ "It's okay. \" Answer him immediately, I took a look at Minas at hand: \ "Yes ... \"

\ "Ha, this uncle absolutely kills those ghost clan pieces without leaving!" Five chicken heads shouted very impassionedly, he didn't seem to notice that in fact, people were not asking him.

\ "That's good, like I said before, if you have anything, I hope you don't stand up. \" Slightly smiled, Xia Sui patted my shoulder for a long time, and then walked away to Aslian them again Discuss countermeasures together.

Looking at the group of robes around, I decided to take another break.

\ "Yang ~ Have you smelled a strange smell nearby? \" Staring at the outside of the light enchantment, five se chicken heads pushed me twice. "There is a strange smell moving on the right side."

\ "What weird smell? \"

To be honest, because of the old man's enchantment protection, basically if the taste is too strong, I still can't distinguish it.

\ "This side. \" Indiscriminately, the five-se chicken head directly pulled me from the ground, and then threw the beak out of the other hand, and dragged it all the way to the right direction a short distance away.

What I smelled is not the strange smell he said, but the tiny black spots that appear on the calf position around the calf.

\ "There is something! \"

The five-seed chicken head, which moves faster than the head, does not care what the thing is, and the beast claws wave directly.

With a bang, everyone turned to look at us.

And I saw an egg-shaped black thing being beaten by a five-headed chicken head, beaten from the original transparent appearance, and then flew out.

\ "Wow! Enemies! \" When you saw the five-seed chicken head that hit a **** egg, he jumped out without thinking, and chased the egg and continued to beat.

\ "Wait, that can't be chased. \" When Wuse chicken head was about to take the first step, I didn't know where Ryan came from quickly to stop his action.

\ "Why not? \" The blocked chicken looked at the person holding him with a flat expression.

\ "That thing will not act alone, you will be attacked as soon as you go out now. \" Chitose who soon came over took a serious face, then bent his bow and took an arrow directly to escape a distance of black The egg put an arrow, and the flying arrow penetrated the black egg almost instantaneously, and the whole egg was shot over the ground. The black egg made a weird sound like it was out of breath and dried directly on the ground. , But not completely eliminated.

\ "What is it? \" I looked at the black layer of leather and felt a little bad.

\ "Similar to a hidden protective cover. \" Qian Dongshui gave me an inexplicable answer.

Before further questioning, the small sound of crickets began to spread around, and then began to gradually increase; after that, even the green se grass could be seen to have things walking around.

That weird egg has grown and can be felt even without seeing it.

\ "The storm brought in. \" Azlian standing at the other end waved a saber and let the wind flow directly across the green grass: \ "Blasting wind. \"

A loud noise immediately came, and the strong wind just blown the whole green grass away, and at the same time, a lot of black eggs rolling out were rolled out.

After it appeared, the whole dense black se made us immediately notice that we didn't know when it was surrounded by this kind of things, but because of the fear of the light enchantment, there was no half invasion.

\ "Faster than we thought. \" Anin came over and stared at the black eggs outside.

\ "Did you notice that these things arrived? \" Looking at a black robe and a black robe full of disdain, their expressions were not unexpected, obviously they may have known it from the beginning.

\ "Of course, the lowly race will not understand." "The falling prince looked at the person with his nose, and still spoke very disdainfully.

I don't want to communicate with this person.

The five-seed chicken head who stood beside me seemed interested in the prince's fall, narrowed his eyes, stared at him for a few seconds, then suddenly grabbed me, dragged me aside to speak: \ "杨 ~ Is this guy on? The one I did n’t cover the next time? \ "

Not covered?

\ "Oh, yes. \" I remembered that there were conflicts during the party.

\ "The uncle is going to make up now-\" Throw me aside, Wu se chicken head is very excited and rubbing his fists.

\ "Wait a moment, you are still fighting against the ghost clan. If you succeed, you will have one less helper. \" Although I do n’t think he will succeed, the five-seed chicken head just stepped on the ghost king. I I don't think we can underestimate this person's inexplicable potential.

\ "Uncle Ben will finish his work together. \" With an evil smile, Wuse chicken head looked at the object he wanted to be beaten happily, but he didn't give out his eyes.

\ "Instead of that, you have n’t rushed to look at those eggs. There seems to be something in it ... \” Actually, I said that this was originally intended to divert the attention of the five chicken heads, but after I finished talking, I turned my head and changed I stopped by myself. There are really "" what's "inside the pile of eggs, each of them is straight, there are cracks on the top, and then something like black claws pierced the black film and slowly extended out, like It's the kind of scene in the ghost movie.

You know, if it looks like nothing, of course, but when you are surrounded by hundreds or thousands of such things and stretch out a bunch of hands at the same time, that kind of thriller can only be intelligible.

Then I heard Qian Dongshou's voice next to--

\ "The kind of black se is a hidden protective film for the middle-level ghosts. \"

After Qian Dongsui's understatement, I saw that the pile of hands continued to grow longer and more like a chicken, and then a head that did not know whether it was a fish or a dog came out of it, each of which was different, Some are scales and some are fur, which feels like human and animal shapes twisted together.

Soon, the skins of Hei Se all fell to the ground, paved with layers of black road. Those strange shapes stood up, and all the eyes of Hei Se turned around to look at us.

Unlike the ghosts that I often see before, these things have a terrible appearance, and it is clear that the IQ should also be higher.

Then I felt that the helpless crisis was among the middle-level ghosts born from the pile of black eggs. I saw that I didn't want to see it anymore, and how to beat her was still alive. King Bishin was a master and Selin.

Probably the most destined woman from the beginning to the present is her. No matter what kind of killing she has experienced, she has a way to run back completely and continue to attack us next time.

Isn't the master of Bishen actually very strong but very resistant?

\ "It takes a bit of effort to annihilate these things. They are not the same as the previous low-level ghosts. They are a dark and distorted evolutionary pattern, and it is not easy to kill." Qian Dongshou told me the attack carefully Way: \ "In general, their weakness is in the back of the neck, where it is very fragile, and it is the only place where the whole body can't defend, so it will be easier to pick him and let him die once. \"

\ "Is there only the back neck? \" I bet my bullet should not turn.

\ "Their core is in that place. \" Qian Dongshou turned his wrist, and a new arrow appeared: \ "But long-range front like ours can also hit the neck, good luck can run through to the back, but The skin on his front neck is very hard, if the weapon is not good enough to wear it, it will be a waste of effort. "

I guess Minas should be a good weapon.

\ "Selin, we will deal with it, you will focus on reducing the middle-level ghosts first. \" Anin took the long knife, the first one broke out of the light enchantment, and immediately followed the tower, two Individuals shot Selin a long way back and disappeared at the other end.

\ "It's time for Uncle Ben!"

The five-seed chicken heads with both hands turned into beast claws rushed out happily, and then began to hit the aliens with black se. He didn't pick a particular attack method, anyway, it was a direct attack.

However, the black se ghost clan who was not hit on the back of the neck was suddenly reborn suddenly within less than three seconds after splitting, and immediately turned back to attack the five se chicken heads.

\ "熙 熙. \" Lane, who appeared next to the head of the five se chicken, converted the magic martial arts weapon at a fast speed. The two swords slid through two arcs of light like an elegant dance. They were originally going to attack the five The head of the black se ghost family of se chicken head was cut directly from the neck, and the fatal point of the back neck was also damaged. The ghost family instantly became black and scattered in the air.

\ "Yang Yang, you can see clearly, this is the correct demonstration and the wrong demonstration. \" I am very responsible to treat others as a living textbook Chitose again.

\ "Oh, I see. \" It's simple and clear.

\ "What the **** four-eyed kid thinks this uncle is!" "Five se chicken heads roared outside.

\ "Wrong demonstration. \" Qian Dongsui answered him honestly.

\ "I'll kill you first! \"

Don't go against each other at this time!

I raised Minas with super powerlessness and fired two consecutive shots at the ghost clan that was almost next to the light enchantment. In order to prevent him from dying, I continued to make up until he became completely gray.

\ "Well, it's an unpleasant environment. \" Hudi went to the furthest from us with his most stinking face to conduct his long-range blasting.

Looking at a man who was beating up and disappearing soon, Aslian sighed, kicked his feet out of the light circle, and waved a saber, and soon swept away a large number of ghosts.

Leading the military army, Xia Sui senior ran to the other side of Fengyuan: \ "Keep this side, don't let anything run in. \"

\ "Be good!" Xiaoting raised his master and ran after him.

Looking around, Bai Yuan is surrounded by middle-level ghosts. All the invisible places are visible, all leaning on the light enchantment, desperately using his claws to scratch the white enchantment and light. Enchantment is like smashing the enchantment in a suicidal way.

The next time will pass between destruction and destruction.

Repeat then repeat, I suddenly understood that when Chitose was taking on the task, maybe it was also the fear from the beginning to the numbness. They can quickly annihilate the opponent in front of them without blinking, quickly and efficiently. Compared with them, I can't even beat the five-seated chicken heads.

Minas is very good, and can almost penetrate the ghosts, but to be honest, when I saw myself firing a shot and killing those things, I still had an unspeakable feeling in my heart.

I'm killing more and more.

It may become more and more things to kill me later.

\ "Ali! Be careful! \"

Qian Dongshou's shout pulled me back from the strange thoughts. I shot a shot to kill the black se ghosts in front of me, and at the same time saw the picture that made Qian Dongsui out loud.

Asilian, the ghost family near the five-seed chicken head, is being eliminated as quickly as possible. A space crack has appeared in the place less than ten centimeters on the left. Se's eyes stared at him sinisterly, but he himself beheaded the ghost clan at hand as if he hadn't found it at all.

Ryan, who suddenly appeared on his left, stabbed into the rift with a stab. After the eyes made a strange sound of pain, the sudden snoring sound disappeared completely.

As if alarmed, Azlian looked back at him with a miserable expression.

Rising his hair quickly, Ryan waved his sword aggressively to drive the ghosts on both sides back: \ "地 润! \"

At the time of the Games, the strange big knife I had seen rushed out from the ground, directly knocking away the ghosts who wanted to come over, forming a temporary barrier.

Taking advantage of this brief few seconds, Ryan grabbed Azlian, pulled his face in a very unwelcome manner, looked at it, and then turned his head back: "" Yes! His left eye is invisible! "

For a second, I felt my heart beat.

I thought it was complete for Azlian to return ... because the medical class is very strong!

\ "It's not the time to discuss this kind of thing! \" Without letting Qian Dongsui talk, Azlian took a tough attitude first: \ "Neglect will not have a second time, don't need to come over to take special care of me. \" He A brief glance at the falling prince who flashed far away only made us a group of people hear at a low volume.

\ "Oh! A man is a man even if he has fewer eyes! Get rid of them!" Five-seed chicken head kicked a black se ghost family, compared the time with a thumb, and then rushed into a bunch of ghost families .

\ "Lian! \" Looking at his partner, Chitose hesitated and shook his head at him.

Nodding his head, Ryan put away the double knives in his hand, and stood over the strange big knife on the ground: "" Di Run, provide a barrier, isolate and surround. "

The strange magic martial weapon immediately responded to his voice, and began to expand horizontally. The whole knife suddenly rose to a height of about one floor, and then the sides of the knife body buried in the ground were pulled apart completely; like stone Like a solid wall, the whole goes out at a fast speed, and the ghosts are quickly isolated from the other end of the wall.

After Qian Dongsui and I quickly dusted the remaining ghosts inside, the stone wall almost circled Bai Yuan, and under the blasting efforts of the prince who fell in the distance, it quickly got inside. The ghosts are almost clear.

The grass of Bai Se can also feel the shaking of the stone wall spreading, showing that the protective wall formed by the knife seems to be constantly moving.

A note was made on the palm, Ryan was stained with blood and did not know what string to write on the knife, and then dragged Aslian and the five-se chicken head who wanted to jump out to fight back to the light enchantment. .

\ "I said I didn't care about this thing! \" Azlian, who didn't quite agree with Ryan's approach, turned up the volume, then took the other's hand away.

\ "We don't want to care, just the middle-level ghosts are too troublesome, so let them get away a little bit." "Qian Dongsui stood in front and told him this way:" "Lean's Earth Run will go around at least five or six The outer wall of ten laps, this time is enough for everyone to rest, after all, the protection war does not have to be with the opponent for a long time. \ "

\ "Yeah! My grandfather hasn't been addicted yet!" Wuse chicken head put his head aside and complained a little, but he probably knew the seriousness of the matter this time, but he didn't rush out and continue to fight.

Did you finally clear your head after being trapped in the 30th floor underground?

I have no time to be touched by this kind of thing. I stared at Aslian's face. If it wasn't for Ryan's discovery, I really thought he had nothing at all, and his performance was not as invisible as his left eye—except for the flaw just now, if it did n’t happen May have left him confused.

Attention to my sight, Aslian looked at me: \ "Relax, it won't affect anything. \" He smiled a little, then took back the saber, \ "I was too anxious because of the war. It ’s embarrassing, two school brothers. \ "

\ "No, help each other. \" Ryan whispered, then sat down on the grass of Bai Se.

With the five se chickens sitting down, everyone wanted to kick him: \ "Are there no meals here? \"

Qian Dongsui gave him a white look, and didn't bother to talk about it.

Just when the prince fell in the distance and there was nothing to hit, he walked towards us with a sullen face.

Almost at the same time, I saw a bunch of people turning on the stone wall.

\ "The Guild's reinforcements arrived." 2k novel reading network

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