MTL - Unique Legend-v18 Chapter 6 White Garden of Wind

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Location: atlantis Time: unknown

In fact, for a short time I was not quite sure what happened.

The entire place where I was lying down fell almost instantaneously. The cracking sound above was not over yet. Someone beside me just dragged me up and looked around. There were all smoke of black and gray se. A little bit of silhouette, then the black and red se flare inside those smoke.

Keke ... As soon as I was pulled up, I was stingy. The smoke was full of thick gray soil.

Who told you to open your mouth and breathe! Wedge's hairy hands covered my nose and mouth directly.

Too late to answer, a rumbling voice approached us from a distant place, very fast, and even the feet began to shake constantly.

Dr. Xia Su, who was dragging me, lifted up the kiosk, and immediately started the transfer array.

The next second, we were moved to another place.

The loud noise suddenly became far away, and the diffused soot all disappeared. I stepped on the turf of white se, and the green se next to it. The two colors were particularly special when they were mixed together.

Chu! It's okay!

After letting me stand, I let go. Senior Xia Su looked at the soot that was not far away. The whole area exploded several floors high, and a large swath of smoke was rushing upwards, and there were stones around the missile.

All right. I saw a small pavilion with wide eyes next to me, and I took a breath, then noticed that we had moved to the border of Baiyuan, all around were strangers, and there were some who should have been transferred like us, just like us His whole body was ashes and dirt, and it was not easy to go anywhere.

Li Yan and Nu Leli are not here.

I know they must be there to fight against the Ghost King master, and every black robe is this kind of lifeless person.

Xia Sui, immediately alert, something came over.

Someone patted me on the shoulder, and a familiar voice came from behind.

After a moment of stun, I immediately turned around and saw Anin holding the long knife slightly smiling at me. He was still standing behind him in a white robe: Yang, ready for battle.

For a second I really wanted to ask him if it hurt him.

OK, OK. Without asking much, I immediately prepared Minas.

While holding the gun, I suddenly had a strange feeling, as if there was an empty place in the small gun, but it was not visible from the outside, and was faintly noticeable in the palm of my hand.

That said it was a hole ... but it felt like the shape of a small groove.

While I was thinking, wedge jumped down from me, pointing at the tower in a very arrogant tone in the eyes: that elf, put me to the enchantment of Bai Yuan.

Will Guangying Village also participate in the war? Looking at the rabbit, Anin asked.

Nonsense, I owe it! Of course I have to help. The rabbit snorted impatiently: Your Highness has spoken, shall I not come?

That will trouble you.

Hugging the rabbit carefully, Saita quickly ran into the White Garden and disappeared all at once. Following his back, I saw that all the transparent elves in the White Garden were gone. The entire forest and grass in Bai Se were silent, and all the military forces protecting the enchantment were silent. Only the large magic methods used by warlocks The array was turning faintly.

Not long after the Sai Tower went in, a lot of glowing totem characters suddenly appeared at the junction of Bai Se and Green Se grass, and began to quickly circle around the junction. The entire White Garden was circled within a few seconds. The light is not too dazzling, but it is very bright, making people feel very comfortable.

This is the unique protection enchantment of Guangying Village. I heard that it can only be used by the village chief. Anin bent down and put his palms on those lights: and he could recover some injuries and replenish his strength a bit.

Isn't it the same as some designated places in video games that can restore life to strength?

The ghost clan fears the light. This formation can discourage the ghost clan, but if it belongs to the ghost king, it should be broken soon. Patting Xiaoting's head, Xia Su looked at her: Can Xiaoting help?

The little black snake sister immediately raised the master: Xiaoting knew! Just eat everything you come in!

Do you eat it yourself?

You ca n’t eat it yourself, just eat the ghosts. Senior Xia Sui corrected her statement.

it is good!

As if he didn't know the danger of war, Xiaoting showed a big smile without fear, grabbed Xia Su's other palm without holding a magic weapon and raised his head: After eating out, Xiaoting helped his master make tea .

Hmm ... sorry. He still maintained a smile, but Xia Su's face seemed to be a little sad for a moment, and it was almost as if he had misunderstood whether he had read it wrongly, and he recovered his original feeling in a blink of an eye.

The kiosk is so strong that the owner need not worry.


Patting her little head, Xia Su smiled.

The front seems to be broken. After the brief conversation ended, Anin drew a rectangle in the air with a long knife, and the invisible space immediately appeared the image just over the school wall.

The white robes around leaned against some military forces.

I saw there a few minutes ago where we were staying. The entire long wall was blown open by a large hole. On both sides, a whole row of bricks and stones were broken. Also blasted into pieces, a cracked face lying among those stones, and was stepped on by a ghost family next second.

The martial arts army who was still able to act immediately rose up and immediately confronted the large number of ghosts coming in.

After seeing the situation becoming chaotic, King Yi and Aibi Xireike laughed happily and began to kill the surrounding army at will. Soon after the two black robes in front of the team reformed the team, they quickly confronted them, and the situation suddenly stalemate. The corpses around them quickly piled up.

All attention, the enchantment on the south has been destroyed, the medical class may not keep up with the speed of resurrection and healing, and the person who heals the spell will try to pay attention to his own safety. If there is time to treat the injured immediately, don't leave the light The enchantment is too far to be sustained. Adhering to the wind of the Baiyuan enclave, Anin shouted at all the aided military forces.

Soon, everyone responded with his arms raised.

In fact, there are not too many military forces here, it may be because the time is not enough and all places have been attacked. There are actually only a few hundred western enlisted men supported here. There are several robes in it. Insufficient.

I also raised my arms with others ... Maybe they just thought I raised my hand.


As the image disappeared, Anin slashed his long knife to the ground.

At the same time, there was a black thing rushing out from the ground of the green grass, but right in the middle of the blade, the thing immediately appeared to rush out of the grass by being split in half from the top of his head. Anin sprayed out in front of him, and the two split pieces fell out of the ground before falling left and right, continually twitching and twisting.

It was something that looked like a large tadpole, but with long hair all over it.

This is a black beast, and the ghosts have moved their nests down.

Speaking softly, Saita hummed a short song, the green grass quickly grew quickly, and then rolled up the long, large woolen wiggle that was still twisting, and repeatedly covered a thick layer until the thing was not After the meeting, dragged it into the ground.

If there is not only one nest, you need to be careful. Quickly turned around, Anin slashed the long knife to the ground again. Just like the previous method, before being unearthed, something was split in half and dropped to the side: there were at least dozens of nests.

Just after the words were spoken, there were several hollows in the green grass. I could see the black slender tentacles shaking in it, like cockroaches.

The martial arts moves faster than the predator. Several people cooperate to drag several hairy owls out and kill them immediately. As if feeling the killing intentions above, the contents of the land began to throb.

There should be more than dozens. Looking at the scarred green grassland from side to side, Saita sighed slightly, then crossed her hands on her chest again and sang the incomprehensible ballad.

In response to his voice, the entire turf cracked instantly, and the green grass grew upward, and the roots underneath exposed to the air became thick and long; when the grass roots reached the height of a floor, the bottom began to be Dragged out a string of black things, the grass-covered hairy owls were unable to move inside, and they were struggling with long beards, and they wanted to struggle, so there was no idea whether it was dozens or hundreds, and the whole was dense. It looks very disgusting.

Immediately after Mao Mao came out of the ground, the warlocks nearby used a certain spell to cause a large number of wind knives to quickly resolve all the black beasts.

In just a short period of time, those sloppy black blood stained the grass roots of the original beige se into black se, and it also emitted a burst of odor.

The corpses have not yet been cleaned up, and the chopped hairy maggots suddenly trembled again. Inside the broken corpses, something began to come out. The shape is similar to a child about five or six years old, but the whole body is black. It looks a bit like something like a dead body or a burning body, but it doesn't have any features, only the suspected hands and feet are waving.

Every time there is a word, the black se child in front of us has turned three or four times, standing on the green turf.

The black beast will regenerate ... Saita opened her hand, and the grass on the ground quickly grew entangled with the black ghosts. He froze for a moment, the whole face turned pale.

Quickly went forward and cut the little ghost into two halves, and the military quickly found that the children who had broken into two halves crawled out of the basketball-sized beetle, and the same quickly turned several times.

Immediately realizing that they could not be allowed to grow again, some warlocks immediately strengthened the enchantment and pushed those black se objects for a long distance, temporarily entering the range of ten meters outside the White Garden.

Saita couldn't keep it for too long. Use fire charms to deal with these things in one go. Quickly retracting the long knife, Anin patted the elf's shoulder next to him, and gave orders to others.

Are you okay? Looking at the tower a bit worried, I looked at them a little back and forth.

… It's okay, it's just that the elves of the ancient race can't kill lives. Now the scenes of this war may cause some discomfort. Squinting his eyes, Anin answered me instead of another person.

Just take a short break. With a mild smile, Saita exhaled.

Ok. Although I said so, I was still a little worried, and I glanced at them two or several times and determined that it really didn't matter.

Immediately, the next step was to quickly fold out the fire rune. Anin placed the bird-shaped rune paper on the palm of his hand. At the blink of an eye, the fire rune immediately turned into a big bird-shaped flame, bursting out of the protection circle. The children who entered the black se and the beetle burned several at once, and they were burned to ashes within a few seconds and could not be regenerated.

Seeing that the fire attack was effective, other people did the same thing, and quickly cleared the black beast completely.

almost. He waved his hand to let the flames go out instantly. Anin looked around and determined that there were no remaining black beasts before turning back to let the others approach the wedge of light enchantment.

And the moment Anin turned around, Xia Su and I, who were facing him, saw terrible things at the same time.

Anin! Be careful! I didn't think about it. I who was closer to him rushed forward and threw people directly to the ground. The senior Xia Su, a senior, immediately circled his hands, and a wind knife slashed out ...

Abbey Shrek, who appeared in the air silently, was beaten back several steps, and the fingers with scales just passed me and Anin's heads.

Minas! Almost reflective, I raised my right hand and fired at that finger.

Abbey Shrek made a sharp voice and quickly rose into the air, her eyes and the snakes all staring at us.

Anin's action of returning to God was very quick. One turned over and pressed me on the grass. The other hand directly blasted out a flame-type spell. While the master of the ghost king blocked it, he pulled me off the ground, and then pulled in. Among the white grass.

Li Yan, has something happened to them? Saita ran over quickly, causing the green grass on the ground to quickly try to separate Abby Schreck's fierce approach, but when the grass touched her, all turned into scorching gray, and could not play any role at all.

As soon as the Ghosts approached, the light enchantment on the ground suddenly strengthened, and when they saw the light, they seemed to be a daunting master of ghost kings and suddenly stopped and moved.

It should be, no time to confirm now. With a long sword, Anin strengthens a new layer of enchantment, and the whole light is even more dazzling.

All the seven masters of the Ghost King seem to be able to penetrate space, if there are people who are good at space spells. Looking at the ghosts trying to break through the light outside, Xia Suxian frowned slightly.

Space spell? I thought it would be transferred.

Regardless of that, Abbey Shrek is not a corner se that can be dealt with simply ... Looking at the ghosts outside, Anin clenches the long knife, as if she wants to rush out immediately and chop off her head.

Senior Xia Sui turned to look at him: Anin ... your injury ... maybe not all right. His tone was not questioning but affirmative.

It doesn't matter, even if I give up my life, I must let all those things be destroyed. An An, who has always insisted on this, has no room for concession. He stared at the ghosts above, with great momentum: I can't stand the fact that they have been taking their lives ...

That ... Grabbed Anin's wrist, I knew I was not qualified to say anything, but I suddenly wanted to tell Anin like this: Take your time ...

An Inland se's eyes looked at me.

That's right, what we need now is to think carefully about how we want to keep Baiyuan. She patted An In with a smile on her shoulder, and Saita looked back at the supporting military: An In, don't worry too much.

After a pause, Anin wiped his face: I know, sorry.

Can Xiaoting eat her? Pointing at the ghosts circling above, the little sister of the black snake asked questions. That's too strong, Xiaoting can't be approached, you know. She patted her head, and Xia Sui turned his head to look at us: Just now Li Ye cut off her hand, it seems to be fully restored now, the enchantment of Guangying Village should not be able to last long ...

Before the words were finished, the enchantment protecting Bai Yuan suddenly shook a bit, and soon there were signs of cracking.

Abbey Shrek showed a sly smile, and the huge snake tail began to slap the enchantment continuously. The places with scales began to emit the smell of corrosion as soon as they hit the enchantment, but soon recovered, just like this Repeatedly, the enchantment will soon be smashed out of the big hole.

This will still be the same as the school wall just now.

The storm came.

Just as Abbey Shrek knocked the enchantment out of a cracked hole, the wind around them gathered quickly, and the wind and air in the entire White Garden seemed to be all excited, rushing in the same direction, blowing everywhere. Gale, disaster wind!

With the sound, those winds were all rolled into a huge airflow, and the Aibi Shirek, which would completely destroy the enchantment, flew into a long distance, like a ferocious beast. There was no unstoppable wind. Pressed in a sharp roar, she tore her left upper shoulder and the entire arm directly, twisted into crumbs and scattered on the green grass.

After a strong wind, what appeared to us was the purple robe that I thought would not participate in the battle this time.

Ally! Xia Sui learns for a long time, and immediately recognizes who it is: you should not take a break in the medical class to leave!

The general knife was inserted back into the sheath, and Aslien turned back, still looking at us with a gentle smile: How can people with no wind attribute to suppress the wind enchantment, right?

That's too messy!

Appearing next to Azlian was Hudi, who seemed to have been hostile to me and heard that he was guarding the flames.

It is undeniable that I just saved your life when the enchantment exploded. With a smile blocking the prince's words, Azlian did not argue with him more.

… Frowning like a protest, Hu Di turned his head back angrily, and then I noticed that he was indeed injured all over, because the clothes were black, so he couldn't see them at first sight.

Why was the enchantment in the south destroyed? Anxious to know what happened on the other side, Anin asked: did the ghost king master go there too?

Andy went to another master of the ghost king, not knowing why they knew the setting of the college enchantment, we were destroyed before we responded. Unwilling to describe the situation in the south roughly once, Huodi said unpleasantly: It is really despicable ...

Another master of ghost kings? Saita frowned: It seems that they have brought the missing manpower this time, but why haven't Bishchen and Yerü yet appeared?

who knows! The tone was not very good. Hudi looked up, flicked her fingers, and the sound of the explosion exploded in front of Abbey Shrek, making her afraid to approach at once.

I suddenly knew who the king of Yi was like, and they were both bombs of the same type.

That being said, other enchantments should now be in a hard battle. Aslian thought for a moment and looked up quickly: the four enchantments would be destroyed and the college would collapse. Even if we could only hold one, we would not let Bai Yuan be captured.

This is of course. Anin quickly replied to him, and then pulled away and walked away. It seemed that it was necessary to rearrange the position and arrangement of the army, and the tower also followed.

Huodi, please take a rest near the enchantment of Guangying Village, this will restore some strength. As Xia Su said, he looked at the other purple robe standing beside him: Also, I had something to say to Ali.

Asley settled down, grinned bitterly, and always had the look that should come.

Rest assured, your injury is not good, I will not hit you now. Looking at the other party, Xia Sui sighed slightly: If this time, the ghosts will be forced back ... I will give you a fierce blow.

Helplessly continued to smile bitterly, Azlian nodded: I know, whatever you want to do, if so you can breathe.

I can't let it go anyway, you are so wayward. Shouted, Xia Sui did not start, after a while it calmed down: After that, please take good care of your injury.

Kiosk will help! Raising a master, the little sister of the black snake showed a terrible smile: it would help the host.

ok, I get it. Bending down and pinching the black snake's younger sister's cheek, Azlian raised his lips: Please be merciful.

A tongue spit out of Xiaoting's mouth, plus a grimace, then broke away from the other person's face and ran back to the owner, complaining, staring at the other person with rounded eyes: no!

Okay, now let's think about how to fight back Abbey Shrek in front of me. The topic was stopped, and Xia Su looked back at the ghosts that had begun to approach again.

The attributes of White Garden allow me to exert high power. If I can use the power of enchantment, I should be able to hit Abbey Shrek in a single shot. Wielding a saber, Azlian raised his voice, just to let the two who came back An An heard.

Do you need any help? Immediately asked, Anin strengthened the enchantment at will.

If you can, just increase the power of the wind.

After speaking, Azlian turned and looked at me: Xuexi, do you know how to use power now?

I didn't expect him to suddenly ask me, I was a little stunned, but I quickly answered: a little bit ... Li Ye has taught me some simpler ways in the past two days, but I am not sure if I can ... The ball, but it is always difficult to catch.

Ah, I am not talking about the power of the demon division. Azlian smiled apologetically, and then made a move to load the gun ...

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