MTL - Unique Legend-v18 Chapter 5 The beginning of the attack

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Location: atlantis Time: unknown

Time passes in silence.

After all the students were evacuated that night, the buildings in the school also loosened, and everything like classrooms and dormitories sank to the ground, and nothing was left in the garden.

In the early morning of the next morning when I was awake in the medical class, what I saw was a super empty space that was completely empty to the extreme. From a distance, I could see a few figures like a legal array and some remaining stone-like artifacts. Some of the more obvious are the stone sculptures.

Then you can see the four protected enclaves.

I heard that before the earliest college was established, it looked like this.

As I looked at the open space in front of me, the wedge next to me told me this: Earlier, I heard that I lived at this junction. It seems to be an elf family, but I do n’t know which one, it has disappeared before the college was founded. There are only some ruins. ,

Nodded, I saw the green trees and flowers growing on the ground.

In the early morning of the third day, in addition to the things I saw before, plus the flowers and trees that have grown fully, it looks like a whole jungle feeling.

The school wall is probably the only thing that still exists. That side is regarded as the first defensive place. There are all temporary camps nearby. Every day, you can see different people walking around with the team.

Everything was changed in silence.

These were less than the fourth day.

In the evening of the third day, at the time of day and night conversion, the thick clouds of black se didn't know where to start spreading out, and the original golden se sunset began to be enveloped.

At the sight of this, everyone tightened their nerves and stared outside the school wall.

In fact, I don't feel any warning.

Chu, watch out!

While I was still looking a little farther, the senior Xia Su, who was standing next to me, suddenly shouted at me like this, and then wedgeed my neck directly with my feet to give me a vertical drop technique.

I did n’t have time to protest so that my neck would be broken and I fell to the ground. At the same time, I heard a huge and amazing popping sound above my head, and I saw a very harsh white se light in my corner, like tens of tons of explosives. Like the detonation, the terrible tremor of the entire ground and the strong hurricane detonated immediately blown off. I was blown several times before I could protect my head. Then someone grabbed my hand and did not let me fly directly.

The explosion lasted for a long time, almost turning the entire turf over. A lot of soil was drilled straight to my nose and mouth. The furry hand next to the wedge stretched out to cover my face, but I was not blocked. Almost suffocated.

The enchantment subsided. In the medical class near us, and farther teams chanted the spell, as if being pulled away by people, and the storm and vibration were interrupted unnaturally in an instant.

The person next to me immediately pulled me up, and I noticed that it was Xia Sui, who opened his enchantment, so we didn't get hit by the broken wood and gravel.

It was too late to give us time to clean up, and suddenly there was white light again.

But this powerful explosion did not reappear. I saw Li? He turned over the top of the school wall, took the bow and arrow and pulled it up again.

The white bird's phoenix turned into the sky, breaking through the light and tearing the black cloud.

I saw something with black light slowly descending from above into the air.

Not the royal family who scouted the previous two days, but something else.

I don't really describe the whole noun, but the first impression really reminded me of the word Erawan. But they are completely different things. There are also four faces coming down from the sky. The four faces are completely distorted to make people feel scared. Some people have angry expressions and some beasts. They are mostly malicious and bad.

That thing has only one body. It ’s not so much like an idol, it ’s like some kind of evil buddha. There are dozens of swinging hands on the huge body, and then there are black se bones underneath. The stingy skeleton skeleton monster soared in the air.

Ghost King Master? I looked at the ghost above and felt it was too exaggerated.

For a moment, it really made people feel ... the master of Bishen was really kind.

It wasn't before, it should be now. Wedge looked at the thing above which felt like a demon king that would appear in the electric, and answered me like this: This is the ghost family, the king of Yi, who has been in the prison world before, but now it seems that he has joined the hands of the ghost king Already.

I found one thing.

Wedge's intelligence seems to be very proficient, because the next senior Xia Su's expression just said: He didn't know the existence of this thing. And looking at the past, the nearby teams are all wrong, and did not expect such opponents.

Be careful. King Yi is best at large-scale attacks. I just saw it as his handy trick. I didn't notice that I was watching his wedge and continuing to say what he knew.

Why are the kings of Yelu ghosts all the royal family? Is he too far behind Bishin?

The rabbit's eyes turned and looked at me: Yelu is the strongest ghost king in the prison world, and the rule of the king of the ghost clan is that winning is king, so there must be many royal clan to challenge him, and if he loses, he will be his subordinate What's so strange about this?

Isn't it strange ...

It was just this kind of man ... I suddenly understood why the Elf War was so violent. ? Just when the sorcerer immediately repaired the defensive enchantment and others were ready to face the attack, the dark clouds in the sky were deeper and thicker, sticking to the sky like thick and strange thick objects.

Then on the other side of the King of Yi, an unpleasant familiar laugh came.

A few days ago, Abbie Shrek, who had been making a fuss over here, came down from the other side of the sky, accompanied by more black dragonflies, and millions of wings flapping sound It feels creepy.

The air pressure dropped instantly, and the surrounding air became more and more turbid.

It's interesting. It seems that the offense is about to start.

A heavy sound, I turned back and saw Nu Leli didn't know when I was standing behind me with a huge mallet. The hair of the red se swayed around those cold winds, as if it had its own vitality. Just the same: bloody, war, the more I can strengthen my strength. She made a very beautiful smile, but it was also very dangerous. Then she looked at me. Would you like to go to the front?

Noule ...

Before Xia Su's words were finished, I reached out to the demon.

Almost in the same second when I touched her, we and Nu Lili had been transferred to the school wall that seemed to be far away at the same time, all around were armed with bows and swords.

Xia Su's senior didn't keep up until two seconds later.

In front of my eyes, there was a whole long black object.

There are so many.

Jumping off the high wall, is it actually near Lei? Standing directly next to Nu Leli, she dropped her bow on her hand, and rested it on the wall leisurely: all ghosts, but did not see Bishen and Yelu, only two royal families.

As he said, the school walls are full of mobile ghosts.

Before, we stood at the back and did n’t know it. Now when we look up, we know that the situation is worse than I thought.

The ghosts are like cockroaches turning over their nests, all of them are outside, and at a glance they are all black waves, and the end is almost invisible.

Where is Loan? After looking around, apparently, Nu Leli, who was lacking in the ghosts outside, looked at the two big ghost kings who had not yet acted, and asked casually.

Loan and Randall went to the East Gate and the North Gate respectively. Although the Ghosts did not attack there, they still had the enchantment.

Because I came with the black robe, no one questioned my presence this time, or maybe I was wearing a blue robe and they were misled.

I looked at it a little, and I didn't see Chitose them near here, I don't know where to go.

I just came back from the guild. The guild was also attacked by the masters of the ghost clan under Yelü, and is now resisting, but it is not as troublesome as ours. Nu Leli evoked a happy smile: I heard that in the past two days, many races have also flooded into the Ghost clan attack, and the teams that originally wanted to be delayed have been delayed for a while. This is really like a war It's a copy.

When she said that, I noticed.

In fact, there are fewer people in the college than I thought. Most of them are concentrated at the high school gate. Although there are many people, there are not so many people. The resident site is nowhere near the school wall.

Oh, I have to use the current manpower first.

Immediately after the conversation, the two black robes moved.

Lei? He jumped back directly, and when I thought he would just fall directly outside the school wall, a large white object slammed out of the air directly from under his feet.

Like the giant white eagle, the bird with a two-headed dragon tail turned to the top of the sky instantly. Soon, the female ghost clan king caught up directly.

Now that you're here, let's join the battle by the way. Nu Lili said this in a very relaxed and disapproving tone, and then looked aside: Ryan, you are responsible for sweeping everything underneath.

I followed and looked at it, and it turned out that the two of them were actually not far away, and there were several people in white robes. All of them nodded with a common sense and started to bend their bodies. Wearing bow.

Almost at the same time, the above King Yi regained his movements. He reached out his two hands, turned his palms up, and then the black light ball began to appear. The light ball became more and more intense, as if at any time. Like the explosion.

Let you see what it means to protect the campus security team. With a terrible beautiful smile, Nu Leli stowed the magic weapon and then bowed, stroking the cornerstone next to him and rising to the sky.

I saw that the black bat's huge bat wings sprang directly out of her back, and suddenly stretched to a very large size, and then the devil's body began to twist and grow rapidly, and the skin with purple and black se reappeared between those wings , Curly hard corners are drilled from the original wave hair side, and the entire red se hair is upright like a flame.

Her body is twice as big as it was ... or bigger, it doesn't look like a human body, but it feels like a semi-beast. The nails on the black se has scales on it, reflecting the king's face.

At the same time Nu Lili showed the whole prototype, there was also a throbbing outside the school wall.

Originally, I thought that the stone statues on the wall were simply decorated, and there were several sounds. One after another, they were pulled from the wall, and the broken stone debris raised the dust. As soon as it moved, the nearby ghosts were also shocked. Suddenly gave up a lot of space.

Suddenly shocked, the so-called security team still has this kind of thing ...

Yangyang, since you are going to fight, you must be careful. Chitose, standing next to Ryan, was wearing a mask, but he couldn't see his current expression, but he told us carefully, and then took out the magic weapon.

it is good. Holding Minas, I looked at a lot of ghosts in front of me.

To be honest, if it's just such ghosts, there should be no danger.

After all, this situation is not the first time. I thought that when the senior was in the park, he could not kill so many in one person ...

Looking at it, it turned out that the other white robes and Xia Su also didn't put the big block of ghosts below in their eyes but looked elsewhere. They were looking in the same direction, that is, we were facing directly above. Two other ghost masters.

There was no problem in Nu Lili, because one was a big demon and the other was an evil god. The two looked quite similar, and the feeling given by the King of King was obviously a bit taboo to Nu Lili.

But Lei? That aspect seems to be very far apart.

Abby Schrek didn't seem to put him in his eyes at all, and the black dragonfly in the sky didn't take a second as it did a few days ago, and suddenly the whole piece fell down.

Because I already have the experience of the previous two days, in these days I know that those warlocks have changed the defensive enchantment above again, so this time they seem to be more at ease, and those dragonfly fireballs did not look like the first time It was fierce, but it was still starting to explode.

Boy, look carefully at those people. The wedge of the wedge grips my hair directly and pulls it hard: Haven't you practiced the power of detection in the past two days? There should be results, and you should feel others carefully.

other people? The problem is that I haven't practiced it myself.

[Li? The method of teaching me is actually very simple and easy to use. There is some difference from what the senior has been talking about, although the two people want me to look for something similar.

Try not to close your eyes to make the feeling, but it ’s almost weak to others. You can only know that Xia Su, the senior student beside me, seems to have some kind of airflow similar to Chitose. .

It's almost like this, it can be easily distinguished by long-term training.

The rabbit told me so.


Wait, I found something very wrong.

Without much thought, I immediately dragged the rabbit off my shoulder and stared at his red eyes.

Chu, what's wrong? The senior Xia Su, who was next to me, was shocked and turned to see me.

All right.

You hear it, right?

I think you heard something, right?

The jewel eyes of red se reflected the cold streamer, and my shadow was reflected on it.

I heard. Wedge stared straight at me: this was originally the ability of Guangying Village, but Bingyan's High School learned from me.

You have no right in the village!

That's why we can only live beyond time and cannot appear in this world as entities. Wedge's voice was very bland, as if it didn't matter at all: right, the demon class.

I let go of the rabbit and let him jump over the school wall.

Understood ... As long as they are not in the same space, the light and shadow family will even be respected by many people.

The choice of road is different.

It's not exactly the reason. The rabbit pinched his ears and turned his head away: anyway, a lot of things are all right, forget it, let's finish the things here first.

Just after wedge's conclusion came out, there was an unusually sharp sound above.

That voice came very suddenly, and almost everyone else who was attacking the ghosts below was scared; and it was not only us, but also the ghosts themselves.

It was mixed with some terrible and screaming sounds like scraping the glass with a nail, and suddenly a lot of black blood was scattered from the sky. The stone statue on the school wall was melted and split on the spot. , And the ghost family is not good to go, most of them are shrunk to black as if they were splashed with strong acid.

Strengthen the defense enchantment! Xia Suyue shouted to the warlocks below, and the upper enchantment was melted more than halfway. Several fireballs fell into the ground and even saw someone being smashed into a pool of mud on the spot.

After the fright, we looked up and saw the terrible picture.

Abby Shrek yelled frantically, holding the shoulder that had lost one arm. The blood of the black se continued to spray from the broken part of the shoulder that lost the hand, and a thick black se smoke was emitted. Be deeper.

I said, the air is not for the ghosts.

Lei? A shot was fired at her.

The broken hand that flew upwards fell in astonishment to everyone, and was caught by the black robe standing on the white bird. The time passed only one second, and the arm was immediately ignited by the flame of gold se. No ash was left after burning.

The female master of the ghost king issued an angry cry, and re-grown the broken hand at a speed that made people miserable, but this time it was not the hands that grew out, but two **** snakes entangled together. The black robe bounced in the direction.

Holding the bird's back directly and flipping back, the black snake turned away, Li? He flew up at a rapid speed and then walked around a large circle to return to our vicinity. At the same time, Nu Lei, who broke the big skull of the King of Kings, also turned over and fell back to the original state.

Did they not attack with full force? Xia Sui Xue runs long to Nu Leli: Why?

I don't know, it feels like waiting for something. Looking at the above two ghost masters who have been smiling but did not continue to attack, Nu Leli was also puzzled.

The sea of ​​ghosts outside did not have a tendency to attack desperately, but was constantly bombarded to death and then a new one appeared. The number seemed to have not changed at all.

Why is there no action?

Looking at the strange movements outside, I desperately thought of what was possible.

Basically, the two masters of the ghost king seem to be enough to be ghost kings, then if they attack directly, we will certainly not be able to stop them, but they do n’t have it, and they even seem to be killing time ...

Wait, where do I seem to have seen similar things?

Ah, right!

Xia Sui senior! There are ghost races coming in!

This way, I have seen it in the memory of Vance.

Everyone immediately put their eyes on me.

They are waiting for the enchantment to be broken by the mixed people! If the enchantment is now, we will not die anyway, so their attack is also invalid.

what! Indeed! Didn't see other ghosts, including Andean! Nu Lei stunned for a moment, and immediately waved his hands and shouted at the military below: immediately sent additional staff to protect the four enchantments ...

Before we shouted, we first saw the whole black sky spread out.

It was a large group of black se bats flying around.

Something happened to the east!

North side too. Someone pointed in the direction of the Northern University Department, and a lot of light began to radiate there.

All those who are free, immediately support the direction of the enchantment! Nourili shouted.

When I and Xia Su were going to Bai Yuan, a black thing came out of his clothes, and the sound of gurgling turned into a large black snake, and then turned into a black snake. younger sister.

Master, over there ... Xiaoting is standing still, her expression is a bit dull, just like I saw her go down one night, but now she seems a little conscious, and her little finger is pointing south: Have a previous host ...

As the words fell, I felt a dull vibration coming from below.

Not quite like an earthquake, but a kind of wave-like, undulating vibration.

Almost instantly, the direction pointed by Xiaoting suddenly rushed out like a huge volcanic column of flames like a volcanic eruption, and there were constant gold se sparks falling down around it, which looked very scary. The steady airflow was rushed like this, and the space around the pillar of fire was immediately twisted, and the fierce heat continued to emit the gray face.

At the same time that everyone was still, the golden flame of the flames suddenly began to dim, and then it looked like something had been stained, and the entire huge pillar of fire suddenly turned into a black and purple strange texture. se, straight through the sky constantly burning.

The enchantment to the south was destroyed!

too fast!

Nourili froze for a moment, as if she didn't want to believe this thing: who is there in the southern enchantment!

There are two black robes and four purple robes and martial arts, all of which are fire attributes! Soon someone shouted like this.

Blazing ... Hudi, they have an accident. Looking at the black se-fire pillar that continued to rush upward, Li? ? Eyes open: The sneaking ghosts know our academy very well, and they attack the enchantment first ...

What will happen to that? I think their faces have all changed, knowing that things are serious.

Oh, it will be like now. After the wedge standing by the wall jumped on my back, patted me, the rabbit's palm pointed directly above.


A black se stall stalled all over.

There was no time to react. The black thing fell on the layers of the enchantment, like a fragile eggshell. The entire enchantment was smashed into a large hole, and the large enchantment was originally maintained underneath. The warlock was shaken away by that force.

The enchantment was broken in an instant.

[The black object that broke a large hole on the ground slowly rose from the dust, and showed a terrible smile to everyone around.

Abbey Shrek broke through the realm!

The martial arts underneath immediately regrouped, encircling the master of the ghost king to the regiment, and almost instantly joined together to make a large spell out of the wind system. Instead, it made her feel a little happy.

The entire enchantment of Yan Se began to be blackened, and it began to shatter like glass. Before the warlock repaired it again, the King of King Yi also took the opportunity to break in.

Then they started laughing.

My people, open the door and enter. Abbey Shrek's voice is very high, like a sharp female treble, with a volume that makes the eardrum seem to be broken.

Countless black snakes rushed out of her broken hand, and several nearby military forces were too late to be blocked by the black snake, and the blood of the red blood immediately paved the red liquid road on the ground. .

The emperor, who lost his mount, also laughed, and the light of Hei Se focused on his hand.

Get down! Lei? He shouted and immediately overwhelmed me and Xia Su to the ground.

The white bird immediately rushed to the front and opened its huge wings.

The air shook a bit, like the feeling at the beginning. A hot wind suddenly rolled towards our front, followed by the sound of a violent explosion. This time, the loud ears hurt. For a while, I could only hear a buzzing sound. Those military forces shouted or were exploded The whine that spreads, and even the sound of the ground turning up, sounds as if it were far away.

I saw Bai Se's big bird being torn into several pieces from the middle, and the whole bomb flew out.

The weight pressed on us became very heavy, and there was a scream of a kiosk next to it. The school wall began to shake violently, shaking it with a terrible arc, and even lying on it could feel which one The pieces began to peel off, and the sturdy wall tiles began to flip up one by one, turning into fragments and flying around.

Before I can react any more, I find that the place where we are lying down is all down ...

The wall collapsed! 2k novel reading network

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