MTL - Unique Legend-Chapter 2 Hit the train

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taiwanam6: 20

Location: Taichung Railway Station

I think the term "overwhelmed" should be used to describe my current situation.

Waking up early in the morning, I followed the route map on the notice sheet to the train station, and only then did I find something weird.

There are only a few train names on this list, but no school address.

Based on the various things that were played by this school before, my response to forgetting (is it really forgotten?) The address above is more calm than I expected.

Early in the morning, there are actually very few people at the station, not to mention that this place is a relatively remote station. Naturally, unlike the city center, people come and go at any time.

There are only three people in the waiting area, including me.

One is the grandma who gets up early in the morning and then transfers to the urban area. Do n’t ask me why I know her destination. The answer is definitely not to secretly love her because the grandma lives next to my house. few times.

Five minutes later, Granny took a bus and left.

The other one who was left was not seen.

Tall and thin, wearing national style clothing that is very popular this year, it looks like my sister is about the same age. I do n’t know which college student?

The older sister turned around and smiled at me suddenly.

I immediately lowered my head. It was definitely not because of shyness. I did not admit to killing.

Classmate, are you going to join the freshman training? The beautiful older sister leaned in, and I realized that she spoke a little accent. I don't know where she returned from studying abroad, right?

how do you know! This is my first reaction.

The elder sister pointed to the kraft paper bag in my hand, and I was studying. She laughed again, Gogo's eyes looked like a deep pool of water, it seemed unconscious to drown in it after watching it for a long time ...

I seemed to notice my daze. My elder sister turned her attention away. She could go straight to high school from high school in the academy, and she would also teach her a lot of students and students.

For a moment, I felt that the elder sister's eyes seemed to turn green, but when she turned to smile slightly, it turned black again, just like I did.

Hello Sister. I don't know if it's a quick response, I immediately jumped out such a sentence.

The school sister still had a soft smile, then clicked the paper bag in my hand, and read the safety manual in it? I don't know if it's an illusion, her voice is getting softer and softer, like the feeling of a feather pillow.

seen it already. In fact, I haven't seen it at all, but I don't know why in the eyes of this school sister, I dare not tell the truth?

Xuejie nodded, and smiled and said nothing.

That laugh, what a weird look.

A huge car humming came, this time is not a pit stop, but a passing train.

At this moment, the school sister suddenly stood up immediately, the car came, follow her quickly, don't get lost. She said, clutching her handbag, she hurried outside and rushed forward.

Follow me?

I limped up, there was a small car head on the far side of the track, and I gradually approached in this direction.

That car is not going to stop at this station.

With my eyes widened, I just watched what happened.

The school sister held the handbag and jumped down to the platform like this, with a pair of beautiful eyes and doubts, as if asking me why I didn't jump down with her.

The train ran into it.


My ears are hurting by the huge wind pressure.

My feet trembled, and they kept trembling, and there was no urinary incontinence to represent my shock now. The girl who was speaking with me a few seconds ago jumped off the platform and was hit by a train.

I didn't see any blood-splattered corpses spitting in the comics, and my head was blank inside.

In an instant, the train whistled past, as if not aware of hitting someone.

There was only me alone on the platform, and I couldn't afford the courage to walk over to see the tragedy under the platform, and I was afraid that when I saw the burger I had eaten in the morning, it would immediately spray out of my stomach.

Someone died in front of me. I usually watch TV and read newspapers. Someone in the news jumped off the building and hit the train to commit suicide. They only maintained a good-looking attitude. Occasionally, they said that this person was really stupid and did n’t know what to think. The spiritual ingredients to eat together.

But it really happened in front of me. The feeling of incompetence and dizziness is completely unattainable. The whole head is black and white and then mixed together.

What called me back from my daze was the sudden ringing of my cell phone.

The unknown phone that has only two power supplies missing since it was picked up.

Hey ... Hey? I took the phone out subconsciously, and my brain was still empty. I just placed the phone next to my ear, and still stared at the place where the girl jumped.

Why didn't you follow the crash! ?

Suddenly impatient voice came from the other end of the cell phone. It was very young, and it was a boy's voice that should not be too loud. But the point is not here, in the words he said.

Follow the crash?

I opened my mouth and staggered for three seconds. What ... followed the crash? At that moment, I suddenly thought in my head that the owner of this mobile phone would not be an instigator.

The thought of goose bumps all over my body came to my mind, and I looked around nervously, afraid that I would suddenly put a hand out of midair and push me off the platform.

I'm young and don't want to end my life at all!

I slept late and asked my friends to pick you up by the way, but you didn't jump! There was a gurgling sound over the phone.

Jump along?

The second thing that floats in my mind is that this phone will not go directly to hell! ? Then his master was a **** of death. Now I'm talking to a **** of death who wants me to die. He also called another woman to die with me and take me to the grave.

Don't think that I'm thinking about it. There are deaths in Japanese comics that throw away my notebook. What's so strange about throwing a mobile phone now.

The person on the other end of the phone seemed very impatient, and continued talking without waiting for me to respond. Forget it, I used to pick you up and leave me in the same place. Very commanding tone.

With a snap, the phone disconnected, only a beeping sound was heard.

Then I became hairy and cooled down from the soles of my feet to the forehead.

He said he would come and pick me up ...

Could it be that this means that I can only live to this day in my life?

Although I often complain that it is not as good to die early and live as early as possible if I want to be so bad in my life, God, that is a complaint! Does n’t mean that I really want to die soon, you ca n’t tell what is complaining! ?

The platform was empty, only I was alone, the wind was blowing, and a mass of **** rolled over my feet.

I'm going to die soon.

But I don't know what the will should be written.


I don't know how long I stood holding the cell phone until a very thin voice came from behind me.

So as the saying goes, it is true that when people are extremely nervous, they can often reach their full potential. I can turn around in less than a few seconds, and I'm so surprised that the other party is a little stunned.

The other party immediately changed to me.

In fact, as far as Taiwan is concerned, foreigners are not hard to see. Usually, there are several groups passing by from the side of the road, and they have become a little numb.

But I have never seen such a good looking foreigner.

As a foreigner, his facial features are still like those of an Oriental.

Long silver se hair up to the waist, only the forehead was dyed with a bright color se like blood, it is obvious that this person came in a hurry, and the thin long hair was only tied normally The bento kind of rubber band was tied around my head casually.

Red se's eyes, like the gems displayed in a jewelry store, make people want to touch to see if they are real.

The oriental features are much more beautiful than that of the older sister, but with a very cold feeling, especially he stared at me directly, feeling the same kind as my sister who would kill with sight.

His skin was very pale, pale like the face of a dead man, especially compared with the black uniform of the whole body, which was obviously even more weird.

A little scary.

This person is not very human, more like the beautiful monsters and ghosts in the comics.

You dumb guy!

He spoke, the standard Chinese, almost the same as the voice just heard from that cell phone; so I immediately knew his identity, that was to take me to death.

Lord of Death! I rushed to speak before him, and God knew if he would kill me directly and drag the soul out. I still have a will to think about, so give me a little time, OK, without delaying your work Already. He almost knelt down and begged him.

The will will at least have to write a day to die for me, and the family members know that this is not an accidental death!

Grim Reap suddenly looked at me with a neuropathic eye, and then took the cell phone out of his black pants pocket, which was almost exactly the same as the one I have now.

Probably I was too scared at that time, so I didn't remember exactly what the **** of death said to the other party, and only faintly heard a few questions, what made sure that I didn't receive anything like neurosis this year.

His tone was not very good, and then I finally knew for the first time that death would also have such things as getting up and hypotension.

After a while it seemed like a good thing. Death turned the phone off and turned to look at me again. The weird red eyes are no longer like jewels, like **** beast eyes. They want to open the school door again. If you do n’t go in again No need to register anymore. Very bad breath, extremely poor.


I finally realized that these two words were quite personal.

Then I saw the uniform worn by the **** of death and something similar to a badge on his hand. There were several large characters rusted with gold se threads on it.

Isn't that the name of the school I am going to attend?

The general tram will come in ten minutes. Looking at the watch, Reaper made a slightly unpleasant sound, and then red se's eyes glared at me, and he sat down on the rest chair on the platform.

Ten minutes left?

In other words, I still have ten minutes to write my will?

Regardless of the school name on his body right now, I quickly took out the pen and paper from the backpack. By the way, I heard that you need to settle your things first, and tell your family not to be too sad or something ...

The grim reaper who was sitting in a chair with his eyes closed (I guess he was going to sleep) half-opened his eyes and looked at the act of writing a will. The good-looking face floated a little doubt, and then he gave up sleep (I guess ), Come over and see what the blank paper I wrote while sighing.

When he could see clearly that the testament was written with two large characters on it, I happened to write that if the body was too fragmented, please help me to collect the words without crumbling, and cremate it directly.

Do you already consciously write a will first? With a sneer, Death pulled me over half of the blank paper without any effort, and it was so light that I didn't even notice it, but he just took it away in a blink of an eye, but rest assured, if not If the death is too outrageous, basically there is still hope for resurrection. He turned around, and red se's eyes smiled, making me look creepy.

Could it be that he would let me resurrect infinitely and be reconciled by the car?

I actually encountered a crazy pervert!

Heaven is unkind!

After three seconds, I decided to die rather than die first, and I didn't want to be played by this perverted god!

The tracks are shaking, and the next train is coming.

Holding the must-determined determination to be crushed, I closed my eyes firmly and rushed to the end of the platform at the speed of buying lunch at noon, which was the place where the school sister died.

The rumbling sound was just around the corner.

This is probably the most courageous thing I have ever done in my life.


After a second, the smoke disappeared.

The buzzing of the train passed directly above me.

I opened my eyes secretly, and at the same time noticed that my collar was dragged by people, and looked up, the death **** took my collar easily, and my wish was only one step away ... Hate!

Death gave me a glance, but there was no weird expression, just let go after the car passed, and throw a sentence without pain or itch, you rushed wrong, it is not this class that will hit. I'm probably out of medicine.

what! ?

Is it necessary to limit the number of shifts?

I sat on my knees on the platform, leaving the black line shadows on my body. If this is a comic book, there should be a ghost fire beside me now.

Speaking of ghost fire, wait ...

I didn't think too much when I was about to rush, and now I notice.

Of course, it should be a little bit of blood to kill someone's platform, right?

It seems to me that the surroundings are clean, and a huge question is constantly eating my conscience like a black vortex, creating more **** curiosity.

Shaking hands and crawling to the side, I made the highest psychological preparation, and then stared at it for a second!

Theoretically, the thing reflected in my eyes should be an incomplete corpse or a corpse fragment. Otherwise, it should be a half-rolled head staring at me with her horrible eyes, or a brain or The intestines splattered; next I should scream, then my eyes turned white and I passed out.

I was screaming.

But the reason is not this.

Nothing under the platform.

So I screamed.

Obviously I saw a living person jump down with my own eyes, how could there be nothing?

What a ghost is called! I do n’t know when the **** of death standing behind me rolled the will with my will and knocked it out of my head. That angle and accuracy were not lost to my sister at all. The powerful force almost beat me. To the railroad tracks.

Nothing, nothing ...

For a moment, I forgot that the good-looking person in front of me was a **** of death, shaking my fingers under the platform, and answering him with a voice that sounded like electricity.

So there was a blue vein on the face and forehead of the **** of death. According to me, he should feel that he was being played.

Sure enough, the soles of my shoes suddenly appeared in front of my eyes, and I kicked them directly on my face.


Grim Reaper only gave me one word. I didn't hear the next one clearly, because I was dizzy and I couldn't hear clearly, but he probably didn't scold more swear words, because after I managed to focus, he had left I'm a distance away and I'm throwing a drink at the beverage machine next to it.

I haven't seen Death Drink a drink.

And he actually drinks honey soy milk!

Take it. He bent down and pumped out two cans of honey soy milk, and tossed them over to me, and drank to see if his mind would be awake. Note this sentence.

I am probably the first person in the world to be asked to drink a drink.

Grim Reaper sat down next to the beverage machine, probably because his clothes were dark enough so he was not afraid of getting dirty. Long silver hair was posted on the display glass of the beverage machine. Transparent silver bright face se.

If he is not a **** of death, the feeling of drinking a drink quietly now seems like an angel in a picture book.

Those ten minutes were probably the most memorable ten minutes of my life. I drank the same drink with a beautiful death god, on the same platform ... well, wait for death, the reason is still a bit weird.

I don't know if he took my soul away after he died, did he take him directly to hell?

I glanced a little bit worried, and then I held it again.

The **** of death actually drank honey soy milk and suddenly fell asleep when he was half asleep, or slept on the beverage machine. The half-section straw was stuck on his mouth, and the other side received the honey soy milk jar.

Is it really tiring to die?

Even a soul must take the opportunity to sleep.

I checked the time, and the train was about a minute away.

Secretly moved the pace, I got a little closer to death, I haven't been so close to observe this kind of thing, uh, the sole of the shoe just now does not count.

Grim Reaper's eyelashes are very long, covering his face like a doll, and the red se hair is hung halfway to his face, which will flutter as he breathes.

Strange, death will breathe?

Another major discovery.

I began to think about whether to write a pen on the platform. Even after my death, such a major discovery must be for future reference.

If I have learned sketching, the first thing I must do now is to quickly paint a portrait of the **** of death. If each **** of death looks so beautiful, it should not be a terrible thing for him to lead him to **** But it would be better if he was walking to heaven.

The rails under the platform suddenly started shaking.

The train is coming.

At that moment, I saw that red eyes suddenly opened, and then he jumped up from the ground sharply and threw the suction hall and jar in his mouth into the recycling bin next to him.

I should commend him for knowing the rules of the human world and knowing to classify.

Hurry! He screamed, looking at me as if he was moving slowly, and ran over to drag me off the ground.

Coming from the Ziqiang train, there is no stop at this station.

I know it's going to run over my cart.

Even with countless psychological preparations, the moment I was grabbed by the **** of death and jumped off the platform, I still screamed, and I felt like I was being killed.

The only difference is that the pig was killed by a knife and I was run over by a train.

Therefore, I still fear death.


Then I saw the locomotive crashing.

The next second, I lost consciousness. 2k novel reading network

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