MTL - Unique Legend-Chapter 1 Distribution error

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I hold the admission ticket in my hand.

I believe that anyone who has studied in the school can probably guess. Now I, holding the admission ticket, plus the title at the beginning of the title, you can probably guess what I am doing now.

That's right, this year's third year of me, I am facing the distribution of the joint entrance exams these kinds of life must pass.

The transcripts issued by the school at the table were uniform, and the neat marks printed on it seemed to be laughing at me.

Yu Yang, which school are you going to choose?

The students in the previous seat turned their heads and asked me about the tragic and red results on the table.

I wanted to reply to him at that moment. Do you think my grade is my school or my school ...

My name is Chu Ming Yang.

I don't have expertise. If I really want to say it hard, my expertise is probably ... I'm unlucky.

It's no exaggeration to say that, since the second I was born, my bad luck has never stopped. You have heard who was born with an umbilical cord around his neck. When I gave up the first aid and was going to pack me a bag and return it to my family for burial, a nurse lady accidentally accidentally dropped me on the ground into a baby corpse by mistake; but I did n’t know what happened by chance , When I fell, I actually fell alive.

But then I thought, if I knew that my life would be so unlucky at that time, then I should ask the lady to fall a little harder, and I would not blame her if I directly broke my belly.

After slowly growing up, every day's skin injuries have become commonplace, and more exaggerated conditions are emerging.

No one has heard of throwing a basketball in a physical education class. As a result, even the basketball rack fell forward. Fortunately, I ran fast and was only broken by one foot. Later I picked it up.

Halfway through the class, the ceiling fell off and the glass was suddenly shattered by a ball from a physical education class outside the classroom (I just sat by the window, and the magical thing is that our classroom is actually on the fifth floor).

Similar to these situations, I have become commonplace in my long ten-year career.

The title of "bad man" has been sticking to me like the nougat that has been thrown away since I was born. It is almost known to the whole school. Even if it is sent to the hospital for emergency treatment, doctors and nurses will tell how It's you again.

Classmate, the soul returns.

Sitting in front of me, the lucky guy who did n’t know what the ultimate unlucky thing was, suddenly pulled out a roll of paper and knocked on my head, and the past ten years of affairs flashed past my eyes like a marquee, and then I changed The student who was thinking about how to fill the school because of the tragic scar.

Not because of poor grades, but during the exam ... Damn I was actually poisoned by food!

Food poisoning!

Will it be too exaggerated? Obviously it was the bento ordered together in the class. Ordering thirty-nine ones was not new to me.

I believe destiny is right with me.


Haha ... Of course it's just a school that can be read. Taking away the first star school, in fact, my mother has given up on the matter of further education, and has changed to a state of bodhisattva as long as there is a school.

This way, I heard that there is a school engineering department in Zhongxian that feels pretty good. The lucky classmates simply turned the chair around and took a ballpoint pen to draw a circle in the blank of my list. If you can also apply, we can be classmates for another three years. The nose and eyes appeared in circles, and then the pattern of Mickey Mouse emerged.

talk later.

After giving the lucky classmates such a response, I flipped the thick pile of school materials several times. There were inconspicuous small letters behind the extreme, remote pages.

Small, almost imperceptible.

Is the name of a school.


Then I filled it out.

I put that strange name in my first choice.

On the day of the list, everyone started to search the newspaper network to check their data, including me, of course.

The weird thing happened. The other day, I clearly searched the major newspapers and searched the Internet. Even the school submitted the review information. As a result, I was told something in the news that came back.

… No such school

If you want to play with others, be smart!

I filled in a school that doesn't exist, otherwise, where did the ghost school name come from! ?

I dropped the school information on the table in the hosting center. Er, I corrected, it was not me but my sister.

What the **** do you guys do! Print this kind of non-existent stuff and fill it in for students, and now it is found that there is no such school.

I must admit that my sister is much more ambitious. She is three years older than me and has applied for admission to all prestigious universities this year. Obviously all from the same mother, in fact, I once wondered if all the good luck of my life was attached to my sister, so she was extremely lucky. Even the sign of the earthquake in the past few years was just scared. Injured.

The point is, the injured one was going out with her!

Several ladies at the counter passed the material over and over. Everyone who read the line of words repeated the same kind of expression, which can be regarded as a ghostly surprised expression.

Chu Mingxuan took the culprit back from the lady's hand, and fell to the table again, looking for the master!

Seriously, I always felt that my sister was very beautiful, that kind of cold-skinned beauty, and it was no worse than the artists on TV, singers and the like, so she initiated the kind of horror His expression also doubled.

Specifically, it should be like the feeling of being demanded by that beautiful ghost, um, it is the kind that TV movies often stage, and people who have time can consider it for themselves.

After a while, the information was passed on to another person. Obviously, this person's class is a little higher, and then he took out a handkerchief and explained cold sweat to my sister.

I heard that it may be that the printing house accidentally covered it with other data.

The high-level commentator came up with another copy of the same material, and opened it without the name of the school.

So my sister got angry again.

It may be possible to accidentally cover it, but the name and number of the school can be properly covered in the school selection grid, even with a border.

This may be harder than the lotto, I think.

It's been three hours since we started, and my sister will swear at people she sees without even daring to put a fart on it. It feels like a passerby, I did n’t even say a word. My sister slaps and swears and gets through.

Very bored.

I yawned and looked up, just to see a figure fluttering outside.

In fact, there is a sidewalk outside, let alone a person, it is not surprising that even one hundred people pass by, after all, this center is still near the downtown area.

Strangely, the man walked in front of the automatic door.

Automatic door, did not open.

According to my record of observing the electric door for three hours, this door will open even when a dog walks by, and then the newspaper or trash is blown in from the outside. It does n’t open when one walks by?

As if to prove my doubt, the man appeared at the door again.

This time it is certain that the door really did not open.

No way?

Is **** a great part of bad luck during the day?

A loud noise.

My elder sister who was very ambitious but had no conscience and morale took a thicker stack of data than just now and blew it out of my head. I almost did not blow my head out of my eyes, nostrils and mouth.

Behind your ears, I just asked you to fill in the data several times! The terrible face like Li Gui immediately enlarged in front of my eyes, and the courage doubled.

what? I opened my mouth and looked surprised.

As a result, the organizer also made mistakes that day, so I inserted my name and resubmitted to see if there were any schools that could accept them.

It's a bit ugly to see if there are any leftovers from the school.

After all, my grades are also very low, so low that my whole family is mentally prepared to be assigned to a school where they can study as long as they have money.

I didn't see a ghost outside the electric door that day.

Later, after a classmate in our class heard this, he told me that my bad luck might be corroding inward, and it was directly eroding to the Chinese character.

I have never heard of Ba Zi getting lighter due to bad luck.

However, I did know that the classmate's dad was a child boy.

On the day everyone received the enrollment data, I also received it. It was a very famous school. He is famous that anyone with money can read it, which is exactly in line with the imagination of my family.

From then on, I was destined to be separated from lucky classmates.

Of course, this matter has nothing to do with this and my future, just by the way. Lucky student reported to engineering school as he wished, congratulations.


However, it is impossible for me to end it.

Yang Yang, here is your admission notice.

As soon as I got home, the daring older sister was watching her TV show and handed me a kraft paper bag file in the other hand.


Did you just get the admission notice from school?

I took the kraft paper bag and saw the name printed on it. The first reaction was that I wanted to drop it on the ground, but then I didn't drop it.

Because the paper bag had a few big characters written on it with a red pen.

Seriously, I have never heard of a school writing this.

The wrestler is dead!

How concise it is so simple that it almost makes me think that this is not an admission notice, but a wrong threatening letter.

The name of the school is the one that is not found.

Carefully avoid the unexpected big scarlet letters and tear the seals. Sure enough, there are several registration documents for admission, which are quite thick and different from what I got today.

The thickest stack is organized with loose-leaf clips, called introduction to freshmen and how to protect yourself.

Probably the words of traffic safety advocacy or beware of bad guys on the road. Really, I am a few years old and I have to say every time I enter school. This school is even more exaggerated. It is still so heavy!

What the hell.

I stuffed the stuff back again, and only grabbed a few tuition materials.

It seems that it is much cheaper than the aristocratic school that I have today, and it is probably twice as cheap (the aristocratic school really eats more money).

The bag was a bit heavy, as if there was something in it. I avoided grabbing the safety data and grabbed it a few times, and an incredible thing was just pulled out by me.

A mobile phone.

I rubbed my eyes no less than ten times. The cell phone was still lying on my hand. It didn't turn into a stone or a leaf. It was impossible to suddenly turn into a snake and bite me.

It's a mobile phone, a living mobile phone.

Wouldn't it be a fool who was packing a kraft paper bag?

I didn't have to guess like this, because I had happened to myself, and sent a rag with my birthday gift to my former colleague, and a few days later he returned it to me.

What are you doing Halfway through the show, I went into an advertisement, and my sister turned to ask, causing me to quickly put the phone back into the paper bag.

No, I'm thinking how can it be so big. It's almost like a large package.

Hmm, it was delivered by home delivery. Seeing that there was no problem, my sister turned her head back to focus on her TV, and then picked up the snacks on the table and ate them.

Home delivery?

Now I'm more curious. What kind of school is so big?

And why did he find this school?

That night my mother bought a big roasted duck from a well-known restaurant in Taichung and several delicate dishes, saying that it was to celebrate that I had a school to read (what a crap), and it was very rich. .

So I talked about the important matters on the two schools' list once.

One is a famous noble school.

One is a school that has not been heard or even being distributed.

The biggest point is that the price of elementary schools is only half of that of noble schools.

That night, my mother decided my sad life with money, and the notice of the noble school was thrown into the recycling bin. The elementary school won an overwhelming number of votes for the whole family.

I can't make even a meager protest.

God knows which country school that slain primary school is, and there are words suggesting accommodation in the registration notice!

If so, I would rather go to an aristocratic school, I heard that it is better to mix education ...

That cell phone never sounded.

I was still waiting for the host to find it, but it was extremely quiet. No strange sounds were made. Even if I wanted to find a list of friends to call back, the list was blank.

This man must have no friends.

Yangyang, do you want to stay? My elder sister asked me while biting a roast duck roll, and your notice did not suggest things about accommodation.

You are a ghost! Absolutely!

My sister is such a terrible person. The notice did not pass by her, but she took me for granted, as if she knew what had been written on the notice.

I want to take a look at it during the training of freshmen. If it won't be far away, don't need to live. Just kidding, I lived without seeing that elementary school. I didn't know how to die.

My sister nodded and didn't keep asking.

Sometimes her thoughtful look was more horrifying than when she wasn't talking.

For example, have you ever seen a witch? At least I must have watched it in the movie or the album. The kind of black magic is about to kill (beware! It's not harmful!) It's the most appropriate way to describe my sister's use of poison.

Yangyang, when is your freshman training in that school? She looked up and took those beautiful eyes that were said to be fascinating, but all stared at me with their beautiful eyes.

To be honest, it feels like being looked at by a snake.

The last time I saw her look like this was a few days ago, and she was trying to organize the admissions center.

Fuck, sister, I'm your brother ...

Next Monday. In order to prevent the heart from being weakened by her staring, I immediately recruited.

It's not lack of backbone, believe me, if you have a sister like this, you will understand how I feel at this moment.

Sometimes mental killing is more cruel than physical killing.

And my sister is the one who knows how to play with the previous one.

Then I saw the woman suddenly put down the bowl in her left hand, grabbed her pocket with her right hand, and pulled out several things with the **** palace absolute spiritual peace symbol on it, in order to avoid being hit by the clock on the first day of school . She smiled weirdly, and I swear I saw it.

This dead woman!


After posting the last photo on the registration form, I fell straight to the bed behind me.

I'm going to that small local school in a few days.

I turned over and looked at the mobile phone I was hanging on the bookcase, and it was strange that the mobile phone usually hung up in a few days without charging him. I didn't expect this phone to be very strange. It's really alive.

I narrowed my eyes and stared at the display board, but there was only a small amount of electricity on it.

When did technology quietly progress?

This new type of mobile phone actually consumes so little electricity. After school, my mother also buys one for use.

Turned over again and looked at the white ceiling.

Graduation, I actually have a day to graduate, I thought I could read a few more years for my bad luck ...

At the same time I was thinking about it, there was a rattling knock outside the door panel. I immediately jumped out of the bed and opened the door. It was no accident to see that my elder sister was standing outside and still looked like that.

My mother often said that in fact the two of us had the wrong sex, and I felt the same way.

The woman spits out grape-like bubbles in her beautiful (speaking) mouth, and her long eyes looked at me again before slowly raising her right hand, the cake. She said that she was carrying a well-known small snack carton.

This kind of situation has been common to my family for a long time. My elder sister probably has n’t lacked so-called suitors since elementary school. If there are suitors, there will be gifts. So this situation has been going on for several years. Paper dolls have been walking in passers-by, and there will still be passers-by, Jia Yibing, who want to take her wallet to support her.

Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that my sister is a black belt of karate. She won the women's championship in their university this year.

My mother often said that she didn't know what my sister was thinking, and I felt the same way.

Do you eat?

The bubble burst, and the Black Belt Witch sent an impatient question. At this time, I'd better respond to her words, otherwise the next bubble will not be the bubble, probably me.

OK, thank you. I took the small box that was not heavy, and it was estimated that it was about six inches of cake. I don't know which stupid tribute came.

She hummed, and then moved downstairs without any sound when she came.

Turning around, I kicked the door, and with both hands he opened the cake box.

Unsurprisingly, there is a very delicate vanilla cream cake with the signature signature of the dim sum shop on it, painted with dark se chocolate, and it looks very clean.

Having said that, the thing my sister hates most is cake, which is exactly the opposite of me.

But I hate it, I still accept it every time I send her. Even my mother reads it several times, she still doesn't listen, so my family almost lives in a cake and biscuit life every day.

Actually, I don't really know my sister. 2k novel reading network

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