MTL - Unique Legend-Chapter 3 Senior and Indigenous

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? ? time :? ? When I woke up, I saw the white flowers in the sky.

Then there is the smell of disinfection water.

This taste is the most familiar, I will be sent to the hospital every time I am unlucky. I do n’t know that I will smell it hundreds of times a month.

scare! ?

hospital! ?

Reason and thinking ability immediately returned to the brain, obviously it just hit the train the last second, why the next second woke up and become in the hospital?

Oh my god, wouldn't it have been killed?

This is terrible. According to the speed of the train, it has not been killed. It must not escape into a fate of severe disability. In fact, I have become a state called a vegetative state. What I can move now is only left. This brain ... and jumped to the front of the train to commit suicide, but also broke the train tracks without dying, I don't know how much to pay for being charged ...

As soon as I woke up and knew that I hadn't died, I couldn't be happy. After thinking about the cruelty of the facts, I started to complain a little bit about why the Lord of Death did not let me survive well.

Wait, after all, you have already seen the ceiling ...

Slowly I tried to move my head, but it turned abnormally smoothly.

I saw a white thing spilling over the bed like water splashing out of the bed, and several reds were scattered in it, like a lurking insect under the white cloth.

The **** of death is lying on my bed and sleeping.

Sure enough, am I still dead?

But having said that, this Lord Grim Reaper is really beautiful, and he is also very beautiful when he sleeps. It is a kind of weird cold and murderous gas that exists whether he is awake or asleep.

At the same time I thought about it, the curtain next to the hospital bed was suddenly opened by unforeseen force, making a loud snoring noise, and the whole room immediately echoed that very loud sound.

I saw a lion head.

Uh ... let me fix it, it's actually a guy with hair that looks a bit like a lion's head.

He is a very tall man with a foreign face. His long brown hair is puffed up like a lion's head. On the back, there are several strange braids with some weird decorations.

He gives the first impression, just like gorgeous indigenous ...

Well, at least for me.

The man glanced at me, with a very strange look, if he wanted to describe it, it was a little bit like a goose bump that was caught by a snake.

Then the snake-man natively looked away at the sleeping **** of death.

So they are companions?

While I thought so, what happened in the next second seemed to laugh at me for being too naive (yes?) Immediately.

The South American shaggy freak suddenly opened his hand as if he was going to grab a chick and pounce on my bed.

If this is strong enough, I believe the bed will be bumped up by him, and then lying on it, I will fly out in less than a second.

Neither of these things happened.

The chick moved faster, like a hurricane.

Bai Se ’s **** of death did n’t know when he was awake, holding a very sharp leap on the side of my bed (I do n’t know how he sat on a chair), and then turned around and went to the ground. His face went down.

Indigenous kicked and flew.

I suspect that this **** of death has a habit of brutality, because I was stabbed again just now.

Grim Reaper's face was still a little sluggish after going to bed, with long silvery hair pressed out from his face, and his red eyes looked at me blankly, as if he didn't realize that he had just flattened an indigenous behavior.

Reflex nerve ... is it?

The lion crawled from the ground in grief (without being kicked to death), and read a long string of foreign languages ​​that I couldn't understand.

No need to understand, he must be complaining, and two ridiculous nosebleeds on his face rolled down.

This time, the **** of death finally woke up, and the original frosty eyes instantly froze with cold frost, pouting at the nose and staring at the nose and blood. Even I can see that this expression is warning, but the native is still wow, wah-lah read out long strings, and indirectly gave out strange expressions.

Unsurprisingly, the indigenous people were taken back into place after five seconds.

Are you awake?

Death turned and asked me very badly.

Quickly nodded, am I in hell? I think, this place does n’t look like the world, it must be that I have not died and passed out. The beautiful death in front of me does not know what to do, so I dragged me back with my soul and made a plan ...

Red eyes glared at me, actually a little sneer, it doesn't matter if you want to be here underworld, but I can tell you, you better have to be mentally prepared, here is hundreds of times more difficult than underworld.

Thin lips spit out every word is a horrifying horror.

The native who had not been strangled climbed up again. This time, he didn't dare to provoke death. He crawled to my bed, like a fluffy bear, classmate, did you sleep better?

I was surprised that the native spoke Chinese! ?

Okay, better. At least I'm awake, I can continue to take the shock of my life.

The native smiled again, grinning broadly, and it was a very American style of laughter. That's good. If you miss the school ceremony, at least go to the classroom.

School attendance ceremony?


I looked up and looked at the beautiful death subconsciously.

Although he is very fierce, but I have been together for at least one morning, I believe that the **** of death should be nice, otherwise he would not invite me to drink.

Grim Reaper is sorting out the black se clothes on his body. The long looks like a uniform coat and a military robe.

This time I really saw it clearly. He had a chapter on his hand with the seal of the school I was going to attend today.

A series of things seemed to be gradually connected together with the school seal.

From that girl said that it was the school sister who jumped the train, and death appeared to the present ...

It turned out that I enrolled in Dead School ...

This is my conclusion.

Wow, I really want to cry.

There was a snoring sound from the tea drinking tea, and the tea spit on the bed.

Red eyes came over, cold and cold, much like the morning.


A shoe sole appeared in front of me in half a second.


This is atlantis college.

Just after the indigenous took away the sheets wet with tea, Reaper clicked the badge on his hand and told me.

Then I noticed that not only the chapter seal on his body had the school seal, but also the seal on the pillow I had lay.

This is the health center. As if to protest, the fluffy man shouted as he shoved the sheets into a large iron trash can (recycling bin?).

Reaper stared at him fiercely again with red se's eyes, and then looked back. Atlantis College, including what you call high school all the way to the graduate school, recruits students from all over the world, so almost all the subjects taught Different, it varies from person to person. He looked at me for a cold smile, but I suggest you take the psychiatry first.

I was still staring at death, no, I can't say it was death, just a minute ago I knew that he was a human and a student.

Just one year older than me, my God!

At that moment, a silent cry appeared in my heart, but it wasn't any opinion on psychiatry.

That train ... I opened my mouth wide and didn't know what to ask for a moment, but only thought of the train rushing forward. Why do I come to school after I hit the train?

The school gate is right in front of the train. There are only three shifts a day. If you miss it, you will not use it. Pulling the rubber band down and re-tie Bai Se's hair, he has told me that he has been downgraded from death to anthropologist.

School, school entrance! ? This time I really stayed out.

This time the train was okay. The last time I actually put it on the front of the plane, I still tried to get into the airport and hit the plane. I almost did not make a joke. Throw the quilt and came over with a grin and a grin. Three bottles of canned beverages are on my hand. The words on it are incomprehensible, but from the printed picture, it should be orange juice.

Hit an airplane?

I shifted my attention from the jar to him. In fact, in the middle of my heart, I was expecting that my ears were cramped and I heard wrong.

I do n’t know if it ’s a difference in language and culture. I did n’t understand anything they said from the beginning. What school door is on the train or airplane?

The senior grabbed two bottles of drinks quite naturally, and ... technically, he didn't even touch the indigenous, and then he threw one of them to me, and he would get used to it after a long collision.

I'm sure this sentence should be comforting to me, but it sounds strange to me.

I, I don't understand what you are talking about. Drumming up my courage, I finally shouted, but my voice turned into a small meow as soon as I took off my mouth, school, school ...

What I want to ask is what school is this?

Everything is beyond my ability to understand, including their conversation.

The senior raised an eyebrow, and then thought for a moment.

A few seconds later, the jar of orange juice was set aside, and my red eyes looked back at me for a long time. I asked you, do you know what the atlantis college is?

What is it

Aren't they just super cheap country schools?

I would like to say this, but Red Se's eyes are scary, so I shook my head hard.

The senior snorted, and the expression on his face was obviously changed to the kind that I guessed.

Classmate, you do n’t know where atlantis is. You dare to come to school, so you have the courage. He opened the beverage can and smiled at me while drinking.

I don't know if I'm overwhelmed. The smile always makes me feel like I'm watching.

Isn't it just general school ...? Isn't it a triad education?

Looking at the seniors and indigenous people in front of me, this possibility for a few seconds almost turned into authenticity in my heart.

Atlantis College is ... the College of Versatility. The senior looked at me, as if he was afraid I couldn't understand, so he made an action.

He put his hand on the orange juice jar, and when I thought he was sour and wanted to rest against something, the jar melted.

That's right, melted.

Under the palms of the gloves of the senior black se, the aluminum cans wrapped with orange juice melted rapidly like frost surrounded by heat. After a few seconds, I saw that the juice of the orange se covered the entire mattress, and I heard the indigenous Mourning.

My eyes were wide and my mouth was scared. This expression must be funny, like hell.

School of Ability Development and Learning, atlantis. The senior laughed and was still very cold. Welcome, younger brother. The latter two words are aggravated, seeming to bite their teeth.

The lion's head with an expression of anger resentfully took down the bed sheet stained with orange juice. Which classmate is welcome, I am the assistant director of the health room, Rollinstile, and the Chinese name is Feng Feng.

Phoenix? What a weird name.

I looked at the lion head in front of me ... Uh, it should be Mr. Fu Chang. He doesn't look like Feng at all. Why didn't he think of the name Griffin at first?

Then I immediately thought that I forgot to say my name, I, I was Chu Mingyang.

He took a subconscious look at the senior, and he didn't say a word. The line of sight was not the two of us in conversation, but it was placed outside the window on the other side, and seemed to attract attention.

The lion's head muttered my name a few times natively, mixed with a few who couldn't understand the language. Obviously, he might be complaining about how difficult it is to transform Chinese into a foreign language.

Just when I turned to look for the pretty senior to talk to each other, wasn't it because I asked the name, suddenly there was a huge sound outside the window. If there is a metaphor, it is like the terrible sound of the sky falling.

I felt that even the floor inside was shaking. Originally, the lion head drank half of the orange juice resting on the side and shook the vibration, and the thick orange se spread, as if the floor suddenly opened its mouth. Smiled as a mockery.

The lion head mourned twice.

Then I suddenly thought, no matter if the sky is down or the earthquake, what should be done now is not to look at the shaggy soil and mourn, but to find a place to hide or evacuate the building! ?


what are you doing?

As soon as I grabbed the senior's hand and rushed towards the escape door, the cold voice came immediately, and the owner of that palm issued an absolute warning sound, as if I would not let go the next second, he would chop Took my hand.

Life is as important as hands, so I let go.

Unexpectedly, the loud noise stopped.

While receiving those murderous red and red eyes, I walked to the window with a kind of companionship without a smile. I didn't know what was going on outside ... I changed the topic and immediately opened the blinds.

Another advantage of this is that if the senior is really rushing to chop my hand, I can jump out of the window and escape.

I froze.

As I turned to look out the window to ensure the escape route, the scene outside the window shocked me deeply. I wasn't so surprised when I was hit by a McDonald's sign.

To determine if I was reading it wrong, I rubbed my eyes hard, rubbed them again, and continued rubbing hard. The truth that didn't disappear in front of me told me: Even if I rub my eyes, he still exists.

I saw out the window and a square object ran over.

If the square-shaped thing is a magic cube, I might not be so shocked. The problem is that the thing that runs past is about n times larger than the magic cube. He has a door and a window.

The point is, there are people inside.

A square thing is not a run, because it has no feet, so it uses a jump. I don't know if this description is incorrect. In short, what I saw was a square-shaped concrete block jumping at a very high speed, and then headed straight to the bright side.

Every jump of that thing made a trembling sound just like that, and the buzzing echo came far away.

Suddenly someone patted me on the shoulder and mechanically turned back to see the lion's head indigenous. He looked at me with an almost silent expression, classmate, and wish you good luck. He said, but I saw another funny look on his face, just ran over to your classroom.

what! ?

I opened my mouth and made a huge dull questioning tone.

That concrete block disappeared into my sight long ago.

The kind lion head tapped the smooth glass surface with his fingertips, and I followed his hand to look out.

What you see is a huge white building.

I have never seen this kind of building. Yingying with white light dots does not know what material it is. It is as beautiful as a silver moon.

There are several hollow cavities in the building.

It's so abrupt that the ugly cement face is exposed inside the cavity.

Just as I watched the hollows in a daze, something that almost scared my eyes happened.

The cut line of Bai Se's beautiful plane suddenly drew a cutting line, which was a bit square. After a few seconds, the square fell out of the wall of Bai Se as if it were pushed out.

What fell off was the solid square of cement se.

The thing made a loud noise as it landed, just as we heard it.

A few seconds later, the exact same cement block rushed from my eyes twice, making a sound while jumping and disappearing.

I was stunned.

This is not a place to stay at all. 2k novel reading network

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