MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 63

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Uncle Anyang's wife, Zhao Qiuru, fell ill due to being overly frightened by a ghost encounter in the middle of the night.

But the old and kind-hearted Uncle Anyang bought a poor woman who sold her body to bury her father on the way home. The bed joined the big family of Anyang Bofu.

Zhao Qiuru, who had been sick for a while, seemed to become even more ill after learning about this incident.

The two good elders, Jiang Zhen, are also very busy. They write letters and presents to Miss Du's family every day, trying to persuade Du Ying to agree to an engagement with him as soon as possible. it is good.

Jiang Lin asked Chang An to watch around Anyang Bo's mansion, and found that no one in the family said to go to the prison to see the oiran who looked like Jiang Jinyue.

Zhao Qiuru couldn't go because he was sick, but the other two wished that Jiang Jinyue would die in Fangyue Palace early in the morning, so that they would not be involved in Uncle Anyang's mansion anymore. As for the one in the prison who had nothing to do with Jiang Jinyue, that would be the best. I don't want to make any troubles again, which will make the life of Bofu even more difficult.

So it is impossible to see.

Uncle Anyang used to think that his daughter was blessed to be able to marry the prince and support the family as a concubine, but the following incidents caused the Hou's mansion to become a mess in the uncle's mansion, and the emperor no longer reused him. Lucky stars turned into bad stars.

Uncle Anyang just hoped that she could live in peace, and that no matter whether she died or not, she would stop harming the family.

As for Jiang Zhen, from the fact that he pulled his face down and tried to please Du Yingying with all kinds of calculations, it can be seen that he is having a hard time. In the past, when he was accompanying the Fourth Prince as a companion, Jiang Zhen felt that he was superior to others. He always took the lead when interacting with the princes and buddies like Shengjing, and everyone else had to respect him and give way to him.

But since he was returned home by the fourth prince, the situation has completely changed. It was not so obvious at first, until Jiang Jinyue was executed by the queen, and the second prince failed to rebel again. The whole body started to step on him, taunting him, looking at him with nothing but disdain.

Coupled with the fact that he has no job, and those who were not as good as him are now relying on their family to get a good job, Jiang Zhen is even more difficult to accept.

So under Zhao Qiuru's planning and arrangement, he hooked up with the most favored lady of the Du family, and everything went smoothly. He also made Du Yingying fall in love with him, but he suffered a setback when it came to proposing marriage. Tell him, let him write letters to her every day to give her gifts, persist for one year, and after one year, he will agree to the Anyang uncle's marriage proposal.

Jiang Zhen didn't like Du Yingying at all, a little girl who didn't understand anything, if he hadn't liked the Du family behind her, he wouldn't have bothered to talk to this delicate little girl. Not wanting to wait, he angrily tore up the letter on the spot.

But no matter how reluctant he is, there is nothing he can do. With the current situation in Uncle Anyang's mansion, it is impossible for him to marry someone who is powerful and favored by the family. Du Yingying is a small person who is easy to deceive, but anyone who is sensible and intelligent will not fall for him. count. Jiang Zhen was writing letters to Du Yingying almost every day, and then sent people around him to search for new gadgets and send them to coax Du Yingying.

Jiang Zhen didn't want to wait as long as a year at all, he needed to use the Du family's power to find a good job for himself immediately, so that his life could return to the way it was before, so the letter he wrote to Du Yingying became more and more eager to ask her to agree. engagement.

The rest of the Du family knew what Jiang Zhen was thinking, and Du Yingying gradually noticed something was wrong, thinking that Jiang Zhen only wanted to be engaged to her and didn't like her. Although Du Yingying is innocent, she also knows that she has a high family, and many people are trying to fawn on her. Jiang Zhen is just like those young ladies who come to play with her.

As soon as this thought came out, Du Yingying felt that she didn't like Jiang Zhen that much anymore. In addition, the girls from the Wei family and Miss Yin's family often invited her out to play, and Jiang Zhen was no longer a big deal in her heart.

Jiang Zhen never expected that he would miss something because of his eagerness.

Jiang Zhen panicked when he found out that Du Yingying no longer wrote back to him every day.

He panicked and went to his mother to discuss it, and he was also shocked when he saw Zhao Qiuru.

"Mother, how did you become like this?" Jiang Zhen was full of disbelief in shock.

In less than ten days, Zhao Qiuru lost a lot of weight, and lay weak and haggard on the bed, as if she had aged ten years.

Zhao Qiuru just glanced at Jiang Zhen indifferently, closed his eyes and pretended to sleep without saying anything.

Jiang Zhen quickly realized that his mother was dissatisfied with him. Jiang Zhen quickly apologized to Zhao Qiuru, and explained that he was busy recently so he didn't come to see her. Yao personally came to feed Zhao Qiuru.

It's just that Zhao Qiuru's reaction was flat, as if he didn't hear what he said at all, Jiang Zhen couldn't help it, so he had to ask the maid why his mother was like this, but she was a little frightened, why she didn't get better after lying down for so long, and it even got worse.

The servant girl said that not only was she frightened, but she was too worried. In addition, the uncle and the young master didn't come to see her. The madam felt that life was boring, and the disease became more and more serious.

Jiang Zhen knew why he didn't come to see Zhao Qiuru, but his father said, "My father isn't resting in mother's room these days?"

The servant girl shook her head, "Uncle has never been to Madam's courtyard." It's not that he didn't stop, but no one came to see it at all. Only the new vixen who came in brought soup every day, and he didn't know what he put in the soup. Madam Every time I look at it, I get blown away.

Jiang Zhen was busy dealing with Du Yingying in front of him, and just passed on the affairs in the house casually, without paying attention to them at all. He had no idea that his father was so fascinated by a woman from nowhere that he didn't even take a look at his wife when he was sick. .

Jiang Zhen was angry, he asked the servant girl, "Where is my father, I will go find him!"

The people in Zhao Qiuru's room were always paying attention to Uncle Anyang's whereabouts, and often invited Uncle Anyang to come over, but every time they finished talking about how seriously ill his wife was, the woman would feel pain in her heart and pretend to be dizzy, which made Uncle Anyang feel very distressed. No, how can I care about Zhao Qiuru, the official wife.

The servant girl pointed to the courtyard where the woman lived, "Uncle, he went there as soon as he came back from the court. He is really a vixen, and he can seduce people."

Jiang Zhen asked the maid to take good care of Zhao Qiuru, and he rushed to the opposite yard quickly with anger.

It has to be said that Jiang Lin has figured out his uncle's hobbies, and the girl he chose is very suitable for Uncle Anyang's appetite, and this girl is really capable, which fascinates people.

When Jiang Zhen broke in, the two were flirting and kissing each other. Uncle Anyang was talking about a little beauty, like a full-fledged old pervert.

Jiang Zhen felt completely blindsided, and couldn't understand why his father became like this, but before he could speak, Uncle Anyang, who had interrupted his good work, scolded Jiang Zhen first.

"You're so big that you can't even let someone tell you. Is this the place you should come to? Get out!" When Uncle Anyang reprimanded Jiang Zhen, he subconsciously hid the girl behind him so that Jiang Zhen wouldn't see her. to people.

The fire in Jiang Zhen's heart burned even hotter, "Father, do you still remember who you are, and do you still remember that you have a wife who has been ill for so long, have you visited her? Heart?"

Uncle Anyang was also angry when his son pointed at his nose and scolded him, "Presumptuous, who told you to talk to me like this, Nizi, why should I ask you what I do, get out!"

Jiang Zhen went straight up to pull Uncle Anyang, "Come with me, go see mother, she is so sick and you are still fooling around with this vixen here, father, do you want people to interfere with your doting on your concubine and destroying your wife? "

Hearing that he was about to be admitted, Uncle Anyang was still afraid, but that didn't mean he could accept Jiang Zhen's attitude towards him. Uncle Anyang shook off Jiang Zhen's hand, "If she's sick, go see a doctor. What's the use, I'm not a doctor."

"Okay, I'll see her in a while, don't make trouble here, if you are really filial, you won't wait until your mother is seriously ill to find out, get out!"

The father and son were in conflict with each other and neither of them convinced anyone. Jiang Zhen told Uncle Anyang to get angry, put down his words and left angrily, "Okay, if you don't want to see your mother today, then don't blame my son for being rude, and I will find you." .”

"And this vixen, don't even think about it!"

Uncle Anyang was so threatened by Jiang Zhen, he was naturally angry, and scolded Nizi severely.

And the gentle little beauty naturally immediately came to coax him to comfort him, and gently persuaded him to see Zhao Qiuru. Uncle Anyang was made happy by the little beauty after a few words, and felt that the little beauty was considerate and hugged others. After kissing for a long time, the little mouth said: "It's still my Qiushui beauty who is well-behaved and sensible, then I'll go and see her, and I'll come back to accompany you for lunch."

Qiu Shui nodded shyly, and pushed the man out of the room, "Uncle, go quickly, uncle will spend more time with Madam, I hope Madam will get better soon, I still want to visit Madam."

Uncle Anyang understood the meaning in an instant, and grabbed his soft little hand, "It's time to give you a title. I'll mention it to my wife when I go. Don't worry."

Qiu Shui thought to himself, I'm afraid that if you mention it at this time, you will directly **** your seriously ill wife to death.

I had no choice but to persuade this mindless uncle to talk about it later, and said that he didn't care about his status.

Fame is naturally necessary, but not now, after all, she has just entered the door, her foundation is not stable, and she is not the match of that lady. Qiushui was also afraid that he would stimulate Zhao Qiuru too much.

That can't be done, Young Master Jiang has confessed that Zhao Qiuru must suffer more.

Uncle Anyang walked forward, and Qiushui wrote a letter on the back foot, and someone quietly handed it out of the mansion. Chang An was guarding nearby, and when he got the letter, he went back to find Jiang Lin.

The end of the new year is approaching, apart from paying attention to the movements of the Uncle Anyang's mansion and the oiran in the prison, Jiang Lin has been preparing new year's goods and directing people to arrange the mansion.

This is his first year in this era, so it is natural to have a sense of ceremony.

Jiang Lin called Mrs. Wei and the aunts from the second, third and fourth rooms together, and asked them to help with the decoration, as well as arrange the New Year's gifts for each family. They even asked them to put on a show in each room. On New Year's Eve, the whole house had fun together.

Jiang Lin doesn't put on airs of his master, and often distributes the meals he cooks to the servants of Zhaoyunyuan. There is no one in the courtyard who doesn't like their young wife. Even so, none of them dared to disrespect the young lady.

Of course, it is what Jiang Lin says. Although Mrs. Wei and the others are somewhat repulsed, he has the final say in the house now, and all the houses have not been treated badly. He can often go out to watch theaters and buy things, which is more comfortable than before If there were too many, they wouldn't argue with Jiang Lin over such a trivial matter.

Jiang Lin directed the people in the mansion around, and he was not idle, so he bumped into Chang An who came back in a hurry. Chang An handed the letter to Jiang Lin, "Miss Qiushui handed it over, young master, take a look."

Jiang Lin directly opened the letter, and what Qiu Shui wrote was what happened in the Uncle Anyang's Mansion these days, all within Jiang Lin's expectations.

Jiang Lin asked Chang An to burn the letter after reading it, "Don't worry about Uncle Anyang's residence, go to the government office to watch, and ask Mr. Yin when the oiran will be judged."

Ten days passed, and the brothel death case was concluded. The two dead scholars were buried, but there were too many people who did the work, so they couldn't all be executed. Instead, they were exiled.

Scholars were all expelled from the academy, and they could not take the imperial examination for life. They were exiled to the coldest place in the north to do coolies for five years. Punishment is inevitable.

Although this matter is settled, the true identity of the oiran is still a mystery. The only thing Yin Ji can be sure of is that the other party is not Jiang Jinyue. Jiang Lin has known about this for a long time, so it is not surprising.

The reason why Yin Ji didn't come out for trial was that the old pervert in the palace was thinking about his master again. He went out of the palace and went to the prison to see him once. Let Yin Ji be tortured, and only let him ask every day, which can prove farts in the interrogation.

Jiang Lin even suspected that the reason why the people behind the scenes created such an oiran might be to re-attract Emperor Changde's attention and let this oiran enter the palace.

Chang An listened to Jiang Lin's order and ran to the government office, and came back not long after, panting and said to Jiang Lin, "Young...Young Master, it's not good, Mr. Yin said that the emperor sent someone to bring the oiran into the palace. Now, I have to announce to the public that it is the eldest lady, and say that the eldest lady is not dead."

Jiang Lin: "..." So his guess came true?

"When did it happen?" Jiang Lin asked.

Chang An cried and said, "Just today, when I went to the government office, Mr. Yin said that he was just taken away. Young Master, will something happen?"

Eighteenth, yes, otherwise, he would try his best to let Emperor Changde bring people into the palace to do something, he patted Chang An, "It's okay, it has nothing to do with us anyway, let's celebrate the New Year with peace of mind."

Chang An thought so too, anyway, his young master didn't get involved, and they couldn't be blamed if something happened, so he instantly felt relieved.

"Then I'll help the housekeeper run errands and buy things."

Jiang Lin nodded, but he wondered how the sixth prince managed to make such a similar Jiang Jinyue.

That's right, Jiang Lin is almost sure that the sixth prince Yueheng is the one behind everything. The target of revenge is not only the empress and the prince, but also Emperor Changde, because it is Emperor Changde who doesn't ask indiscriminately and doesn't listen to his mother. The concubine sent people to the cold palace with a single explanation, and Yue Heng hated Emperor Changde no less than the empress.

In the original book, Emperor Changde would die of illness a year later, and Yue Heng became active only after the death of Emperor Changde. The original book did not describe in detail why Emperor Changde suddenly died of illness, but Jiang Lin thought Yue Heng Heng's credit, otherwise how could this person become the big villain in the book.

Now what he plans to do with this fake Jiang Jinyue, this also makes Jiang Lin very curious.

But he didn't think about it until Wei Yunzhao came back.

When Wei Yunzhao came back, he found Jiang Lin sitting in a daze in the pavilion, with his face in his hands, very cute.

He pushed the wheelchair to Jiang Lin's side, "What is Madam thinking?"

Wei Yunzhao called Jiang Lin back to his senses, and Jiang Lin looked up at the sky, only to realize that it was getting late, "I'm back, are you hungry, do you want to eat first?"

"Not hungry," Wei Yunzhao shook his head lightly, "Madam is worried about something."

"Old Chang heard that the pervert had taken that fake Jiang Jinyue to the palace. I was wondering how the sixth prince managed to make such a similar person."

"Ma'am, there is an answer for my husband, do you want to know?" Wei Yunzhao looked at him with a smile.

Of course he wanted to, Jiang Lin immediately got up and stood up straight, urging him, "Hurry up."

Wei Yunzhao pointed to his face, "I want a little reward for my husband."

This little trick is really played every day, Jiang Lin bowed his head and kissed him, "You like me so much, I kiss you."

"I like it, not only like kissing, but also other things my wife does for me as a husband."

Jiang Lin heheed twice, "You are thinking about doing other things to me, don't you think I don't know that you asked Xun Qi to find you a book."

It was flattering to say that it was a book, and it also gave Jiang Lin a lot of insight. He always thought that the fire-avoiding map on his pillow was already explicit enough, but he didn't expect Xun Qi to find a more ruthless one. The most important thing is, It's pretty nice to draw.

"I want to learn more as a husband," Wei Yunzhao said modestly.

Jiang Lin poked his thigh, "Anyway, if you can't stand up and study, you won't have a chance to use it. Oh, by the way, we'll eat mutton tonight, so eat more and study hard later."

Jiang Lin didn't lie, he really ate mutton, and it was a whole lamb banquet, Jiang Lin kept urging Wei Yunzhao to eat more.

It didn't mean anything else, but after reading the beautiful fire-avoiding map, the idea of ​​letting Wei Yunzhao eat mutton sprouted in his heart, and he decided to sleep separately tonight.

Jiang Lin wanted to see Wei Yunzhao writhing on the bed with vicious interest.

His meaning was clearly on his face, how could Wei Yunzhao not see it, Wei Yunzhao helplessly ate the mutton that Jiang Lin put into the bowl, "Ma'am, do you really have the heart to see my husband suffer alone?"

Jiang Lin thought about it seriously, "Maybe I can't bear it, but it doesn't matter, I will force myself to finish watching."

Wei Yunzhao clicked on him, scolded the little scoundrel in his heart, but still let Jiang Lin pick the mutton for him.

The mutton effect came quickly, and he didn’t have to drink a bowl of poisoned medicine from time to time to deal with the imperial doctor’s pulse diagnosis as before. Now his body is fully recovered, and it is the time when he is young and strong, and he feels hot in a short time. A heart is just around the corner.

Jiang Lin was still hanging around in front of him like he was dying, asking how he felt, which made Wei Yunzhao angry and hated, and grabbed him into his arms, "Madam will know how it feels to be a husband after feeling it."

Madam didn't want this kind of feeling, he pushed Wei Yunzhao, "Let go of me, we agreed to sleep separately today."

"That's what Madam said. I didn't agree. Madam, don't you want to touch your hot abdominal muscles? Maybe it feels different," Wei Yunzhao whispered seductively in Jiang Lin's ear.

Then he had a shameful heartbeat.

"Then I... just touch it with difficulty?"

Wei Yunzhao chuckled, and took him to bed, "Okay."

The author has something to say: update one chapter first, there is another chapter tonight, okay~