MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 62

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The scholar got into a fight in the brothel, and two of them died. This incident attracted Yin Ji, the acting governor of Shengjing.

After taking all the people involved in the brothel into custody, Yin Ji entered the palace first.

Yin Ji went to the palace and reported to Emperor Changde that there was an oiran in the brothel where the accident happened today, and his appearance was very similar to the beauty who had passed away in Fangyue Palace, except that his hands were intact. But the two scholars who were beaten to death in the brothel today had their hands broken. Yin Ji described the method of breaking the hands of the two scholars.

That hand was exactly the same as how Emperor Changde interrupted Jiang Jinyue's hand that day.

Emperor Changde was surprised. He was sure that Jiang Jinyue had been executed by the queen when he woke up and got the news.

The empress first poured poisoned wine on him, then gave him a white silk to hang him, and a sudden fire broke out, Jiang Jinyue had no chance of surviving.

"Big fire..." Emperor Changde quickly thought of something wrong, probably because of the fire.

"Where is the man at this moment?" Emperor Changde asked Yin Ji.

Yin Ji said: "All disasters are caused by the competition for this oiran, so I locked her together in the prison of the government office. Does the emperor want to interrogate this oiran?"

Emperor Changde refused, "No need, you go and seal up the brothel immediately, and then try to find out who is behind the scenes of the oiran. I allow you to leapfrog and arrest people, no matter who they are, do you understand?"

Emperor Changde narrowed his eyes, his eyes were very dangerous, "I really want to see who can come and go freely in my palace, even dare to touch my concubine."

"Yes," Yin Ji cupped his hands, "I'll do it now."

Yin Ji withdrew, and Emperor Changde was disturbed by this.

In this year, he fell ill twice, one time was poisoned, and the second time was even unknown until now, which made his health a lot worse.

He had suspected many people, including the concubines in the harem, who had been checked by the secret guards, but the result was that these people were eager to move but did not have the courage to do anything, and the courtiers were similar, so he let Emperor Changde I want to know more and more who is playing tricks on him time and time again.

Yes, Emperor Changde classified his two illnesses as a joke, because in Emperor Changde's view, the other party can attack him without knowing it, and definitely has the ability to kill him directly, but the other party did not kill him Hand, this is not a game, what is it?

After a while, Emperor Changde called Qian Yongfu, and said: "Go to the government prison for me, and see if that oiran is a moon slave."

"Yes, I'm going now, my servant. Your Majesty, if it's Moon Beauty, do you want to bring her back?"

After waking up from his illness, Emperor Changde had not recruited any concubines, nor had he looked for a new substitute to vent his anger. When Qian Yongfu mentioned that he would bring her back, he had some thoughts.

"Don't worry, let's get to know the person first. If it's really her, where else can my concubine go besides going back to the palace?"

"Yes," Qian Yongfu responded, and stepped back respectfully.

The news that Yin Ji entered the palace with Emperor Changde soon reached the Queen's ears. When the Queen heard that Jiang Jinyue was still alive, she was shocked, "That **** is still alive?"

Before anyone could answer, the empress denied it herself, "Impossible, I saw the poison she drank with my own eyes, it was extremely poisonous, as long as I drank it, I would definitely die, there is absolutely no possibility of survival."

Qiu Xi said: "Your Majesty, this is indeed the news from over there, but the servant thinks that it should be a similar person. Then Jiang Jinyue is dumb and her hand is broken. How can she be an oiran."

The queen got up and walked around the room a few times, "Qiuxi, you said that the fire in Fangyue Hall was so coincidental, did that **** Jiang Jinyue really not die?"

Qiu Xi didn't know either, she just wondered, "But who in the palace will save her?" Jiang Jinyue didn't have a good friend in the palace.

"Yes, who could it be?" The queen whispered, then suddenly looked at Qiu Xi, "Go, invite the prince here, I have something to say to him."

After the second prince's rebellion, the prince was naturally released from the confinement, and the empress regained power in the harem. The mother and son lived a happy life like the previous second prince as a single family, and they were very satisfied.

The mother and son's biggest expectation now is that Emperor Changde will die soon so that the crown prince can ascend the throne.

The queen thought about choosing a concubine for the prince again. After what happened last time, she also learned to be smart. She planned to choose only one concubine, and the other concubines would be selected after the prince ascended the throne. At that time, the prince wanted any woman. become.

Moreover, the two girls of the Wei family have also grown up. As long as Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin die, the two unguarded little girls enter the harem, a place where people eat people, and there is no need for her to do anything, and someone will take care of them. they.

That's right, the queen is still thinking about destroying the two sisters Wei Yunjia and Wei Yunwan. Although Jiang Jinyue's achievements are more than failures, the queen is satisfied with this vicious idea.

"Having seen the mother, what is the matter with the mother calling the children?"

The prince entered the door, and the voice of greeting interrupted the queen's contemplation. The queen asked the prince to sit down with a serious expression, "Prince, the queen mother asks you, have you ever saved that **** Jiang Jinyue?"

The prince was not very happy, "Why did the queen mother suddenly mention her, it's bad luck," the prince said with disgust.

The Queen told the Crown Prince the news she had heard from Emperor Changde, and the Crown Prince frowned after hearing this, "This woman is really a disaster, she didn't die like this, the Empress Mother should have beheaded her right away, and it's over once and for all. "

The queen also regretted it. She should have given Jiang Jinyue another dagger, so that Jiang Jinyue would die completely, and now she would not come out to be a demon again.

It's just that the prince's attitude surprised the queen. She remembered that the prince liked Jiang Jinyue, so the queen asked her doubts.

The prince snorted disdainfully, "Mother, this woman is a bastard. At first, I thought she was good, but later I found out that if I get involved with her, everything goes wrong. I don't want to do it again." It has nothing to do with this broom star."

The crown prince wondered what the queen meant, "Queen mother, you don't think it was my son who secretly rescued her, did you?"

The queen said: "The queen mother has thought about this, but after hearing the emperor's son, the queen mother is relieved."

"It's just not you, so who could it be?" the queen asked in puzzlement.

"Whoever he is, he's been caught, and he can't be interrogated by Yin Ji's methods. Queen Mother, we'd better not get involved in this broomstick thing, so as not to be unlucky again."

The queen wanted not to mess with her, but if the oiran was really Jiang Jinyue, the other party would definitely seek revenge from her.

"No, you can't sit still and wait for death. I will order someone to check the identity of the oiran. If it is really Jiang Jinyue, this person must not stay."

The prince didn't care about Jiang Jinyue's life or death at all, so he went with the queen, only asking her to be careful and not let his father find out.

After finishing speaking, the crown prince wanted to leave, but he fell back after a few steps, pointing to the back of Changning Palace, "Queen, has he been honest recently?"

Ever since the second prince's rebellion, the empress had torn faces with Yue Heng, so she couldn't pretend to be a loving mother and filial son before, Yue Heng didn't come to greet her, and she wouldn't take the initiative to see Yue Heng, she was very strange.

"Tell me what that little **** is doing. If I am here, what kind of trouble can he cause? Don't worry, I will not let him threaten you. If there is such a day, it will be his death."

The prince knew what happened back then, and he knew even more that there was a blood feud between him and the sixth son. If the sixth son knew the truth, he would definitely not show mercy to him and his queen mother. The prince was also always vigilant against this younger brother.

"Yes, the son knows, but the queen mother should send more people to keep an eye on him. Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. If the emperor or the courtiers know what happened back then, our mother and son..."

The queen is clear about the consequences, "I will send more people to watch him."

As soon as the prince left, the queen asked Qiuxi to arrange someone to check on the oiran, and then sent more than a dozen people to Yueheng in the name of serving, all of whom were clever and loyal.

And Yue Heng was not surprised to learn that the queen had arranged for more than a dozen people to serve him. He only said to the big maid beside him, "The more people come, the more it means that she is afraid. This is a good thing."

Yue Heng looked outside the door, and said lightly: "As long as they are satisfied with the gift from the hall."

I don't know who released the news, and soon everyone in the street knew that someone had died in that newly opened brothel, and the oiran inside looked exactly like the emperor's favorite concubine, and the people talked a lot.

Jiang Lin asked Chang An to keep an eye on the brothel, and when he returned home, he learned from Chang An that the reason these scholars fought was to compete for the oiran's first night.

It's not about whoever pays the highest price, but whoever writes poems can catch the eye of the oiran, can linger in the brothel for a long time, and a group of people who are obsessed by an oiran and don't even go to the academy, how much knowledge can they have, and the poems they write are nonsense , naturally can't get into the eyes of the oiran.

Then some people started cheating, spending money to ask others to help write poems, this behavior naturally aroused the dissatisfaction of those who could not afford to hire ghost writers, first they quarreled, and the quarrels became angry, and then they fought.

It's just that no one expected to beat someone to death, and even broke his hand, which made things worse.

Although he expected that something would happen to this brothel sooner or later, Jiang Lin didn't expect such a thing to happen. For a while, he couldn't figure out whether the other party was targeting the empress, Emperor Changde, or both.

It also ruined his good deed of respecting his father and stepmother. After such a disturbance, the girl who just bought from the building will definitely not be able to give it away.

This time, Jiang Lin didn't feel that he had a malevolent physique, he felt that he had offended the brothel, and the brothel beat him!

When Wei Yunzhao came back later, the first thing Jiang Lin said to him was, "I will never go to brothels again in my life!"

Wei Yunzhao also heard about what happened in the morning, and he comforted Jiang Lin, "Okay, then I won't go."

But the topic still couldn't get around the brothel, the two couldn't figure out what kind of chess the people behind it were playing and what they were seeking.

Just when there were more and more doubts in the hearts of the two of them, and they felt that they couldn't solve it, a guest came to the Wei family - the sixth prince Yueheng.

Yue Heng sat across from the two, looking at Jiang Lin and the two with a smile, "Is it surprising?"

Jiang Lin nodded, that was indeed surprising.

Wei Yunzhao asked, "I don't know what the sixth prince came to see me and my husband today?"

Yue Heng coughed twice, "It seems that the hall is not very welcome, it can't be done, this hall is here to ask you to seek great things."

The sixth prince lowered his voice, "Wei Yunzhao, would you like to help this hall so that this hall can succeed in rebelling?"

This man's words were astonishing, successfully making Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin change their faces together.

But Yue Heng himself continued to lobby as if he didn't realize it, "Don't worry, when things are done, this hall will return the innocence of all the innocent people in this world, and this hall will seek real justice for all innocent dead."

Jiang Lin saw hatred, even coldness, in Yue Heng's eyes.

Yue Heng didn't ask for a definite answer, it was more like he came to tell them what he was going to do, and then let Wei Yunzhao choose whether to stand by himself or not.

Come and go fast, not even the gate.

Every time he came back and forth, Jiang Lin was even more puzzled, "Why did he suddenly come to tell us these things?"

Wei Yunzhao thought for a moment and said: "It's a warning, let us not get involved in his affairs, or let's not spoil his plan."

Jiang Lin was furious, he stood up on the ground, "Warning, warning, what will these people do besides knowing the warning, a group of people are all sick!"

"Besides, whoever cares about meddling with their affairs will call them ancestors if they don't cause us any trouble."

"He also rebelled and helped him, who knows if he has the same virtue as his father, and he will cause trouble later, there is no good thing!"

Jiang Lin was furious, swearing in circles around the room with his hips on his hips. When he was tired, he took a sip of the water that Wei Yunzhao poured for him, and then continued to swear. When he was really tired, he sat down to rest and catch his breath.

But my heart is still very angry.

Wei Yunzhao pulled the man over to sit on his lap, and kissed him, "Okay, don't be angry, these things, all things, will come to an end one day."

"But this process is very frustrating," Jiang Lin was dissatisfied.

"But we have to endure, and we can only endure," Wei Yunzhao hugged him tightly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"It's none of your business, well, although it's because of you and me that I'm so aggrieved, so you have to make it up to me," Jiang Lin buried his head in Wei Yunzhao's neck, his voice muffled.

Wei Yunzhao said, "Okay, thank you madam for being willing to accompany me to suffer so much."

Jiang Lin thought to himself, then he shouldn't thank him well, he has to follow himself, he has nothing to worry about, whoever dares to make him angry, he can beat anyone until his mother doesn't know him, even that dog emperor old pervert.

Jiang Lin hugged Wei Yunzhao for a while, but he felt that it was not good, and he still couldn't let go of his tone, "I'm going out tonight, anyway, whoever makes me unhappy, I'll find it on him."

Wei Yunzhao poked his angry cheek and agreed, "Well, be careful, don't make people suspicious."

"Okay," as long as no one knows that he has the cheating artifact of space, no one will suspect him.

It was also because Jiang Lin was angry, so there was always going to be a sad night.

Jiang Lin went to Uncle Anyang's mansion first, and entered Zhao Qiuru's room. His uncle was not there, so he might have gone to sleep with his concubine. Zhao Qiuru didn't sleep well, she kept chanting Jiang Jinyue's name, she was a good mother, so Jiang Lin leaned into her ear and said, "Jiang Jinyue is dead, Jiang Jinyue is dead, he did too many bad things and was burned to ashes."

When Xu Shi heard this, Zhao Qiuru began to sweat on his forehead, and became more and more uneasy. Jiang Lin continued, "You will also go down to accompany her. You have done all kinds of bad things. In the next life, you will only be a beast, a beast."

"No, no, I didn't do anything bad..." Zhao Qiuru screamed and sat up, and called in the maid who was guarding outside.

Zhao Qiuru couldn't tell the girl what she dreamed about, so she just took a sip of water and sent the girl away.

But she couldn't fall asleep after tossing and turning. She was chanting Jiang Jinyue's name, cursing Jiang Lin at the same time, and said that if Jiang Jinyue waited, she would definitely get rid of Jiang Lin and avenge her.

Jiang Lin let out a cold snort, and repeated what he said before. There was no one else in the room, but the voice kept lingering in his ears. Zhao Qiuru was so frightened this time, he sat up and looked around and asked who it was.

The voice disappeared when the servant girl opened the door and came in. Zhao Qiuru was so frightened that she shrank into a ball, not daring to let the servant girl out this time.

Jiang Lin didn't leave in a hurry. After waiting for a while, seeing the maid was drowsy, Jiang Lin turned his gaze to the bronze mirror beside him and smiled.

After writing a few **** characters, Jiang Lin blew out the candle. Zhao Qiuru, who was lying on his side, saw that the light was gone, and immediately called the servant girl's name. The servant girl didn't have any kindling on her body and had to go get it elsewhere. Zhao Qiuru urged her to go quickly. However, just as the servant girl went out, the candles in the house lit up, and before the mirror, the **** eight Chinese characters were reflected - do all the bad things, and die badly!

Zhao Qiuru's terrified screams made Jiang Lin's ears numb, and he started to fill in the four words on the bronze mirror again - Lunwei Animal Road, "Jiang Zhao Shi, this is what will happen to you."

Seeing the appearance of the blood characters with his own eyes, and hearing the sound of "ghost" in the house, Zhao Qiuru was so frightened that he fainted.

When the servant girl ran into the house looking for the screams, Jiang Lin had already wiped off the blood and went to the next place.

He was very busy that night. Apart from Uncle Anyang's mansion, he also visited the imperial palace and the prison. The imperial palace was nothing special, except that he put something on the bed of the sixth prince, Yue Heng. These people like to play warnings. Then he also likes to put some bugs, ants, dead mice and so on, such a small hobby is not a respect.

As for the government prison, it was interesting. In the middle of the night, when the night was dark and the wind was high, it was a good time to kill someone.

Jiang Lin watched the whole process as a bystander, and the oiran was a ruthless master, so it was definitely not Jiang Jinyue.

When Jiang Lin left the cell, all the people who came to kill the oiran lay down, and the oiran squatted back to the corner to sleep quietly, as if nothing had happened and didn't know anything.

Jiang Lin felt that this night was really exciting.

When he returned home, he found that Wei Yunzhao was awake and had been waiting for him.

Jiang Lin took off his clothes and went to bed, and rubbed against him, "Are you worried about me?"

Wei Yunzhao grabbed Jiang Lin's hand to warm him up, "It must be cold outside."

Jiang Lin didn't feel much in the space. He shook his head and asked Wei Yunzhao, "Sleep first or let me tell you what I saw and heard tonight."

"Sleep," Wei Yunzhao put him in his arms instead, "We'll talk about it tomorrow."

As long as Jiang Lin came back safely, he wasn't very curious about some things.

"Okay, I just happened to be sleepy," Jiang Lin leaned over and kissed Wei Yunzhao, then closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

The next day, Jiang Lin woke up a bit late, Wei Yunzhao had already finished his breakfast and went to the Ministry of War, but his two good brothers came to accompany him to have breakfast.

Seeing Jiang Lin's look of not waking up, Zhou Cheng kindly reminded him, "You and Wei Yunzhao take it easy at night, don't ruin your body at a young age, or you will have to live as monks in a few years. That would be terrible."

Zhou Chengwang curled his lips and shook his head as he spoke, feeling that just thinking about such a day would make him uncomfortable.

Du Yuling also persuaded, "Lin'er, Wei Yunzhao is a military commander after all, and his body is stronger than yours. If you can't stand it, just say don't hold on, don't embarrass yourself."

Jiang Lin: "..." He is really a good brother of his, and even started to worry about such things for him.

Jiang Lin took a sip of the porridge and was very dissatisfied with it, "Am I so useless in your eyes?" Why would I ruin my body, I can't stand it.

"Also, you two big virgins, where do you have the face to talk about me?"

Dayue women usually get married in their sixteenth or seventeenth year, but men are at a certain age. Zhou Cheng hoped that Du Yuling and Du Yuling would soon reach the crown, but neither of them got married.

However, real rich families are not happy to stuff a bunch of people in the son's room before the wife enters the door. If this spreads, they will not be able to marry a good girl. Although some theoretical knowledge has been reserved, it is only theory.

The two of them were stabbed backwards by Jiang Lin, and they silently changed the subject and talked about serious business.

His two visits were mainly to deliver good news to Jiang Lin, "Do you know about the ghost haunting in Uncle Anyang's mansion last night?"

Jiang Lin thought to himself, he was responsible for that ghost, can he not know, but he didn't show it at all, and shook his head, "I don't know, how is it haunted?"

Zhou Chengwang chuckled, "Your stepmother said that someone was talking in her room in the middle of the night, and she wrote blood on the mirror to curse her. It is said that people fainted from fright, so I called the doctor in the middle of the night."

Du Yuling added, "There is also Jiang Zhen. It is said that he also saw a ghost last night, and was **** with a rope by the ghost. The servants outside the gate didn't hear a single movement, let alone saw anyone coming in or out. Jiang Zhen is doing well. He slept on the bed, but the next morning, someone pulled him out from under the bed."

Jiang Lin looked back and forth between the two of them, "Tell me the truth, have you arranged someone in Uncle Anyang's mansion? You even know about Jiang Zhen waking up from under the bed."

"The one about your stepmother was passed on by people in their house. As for Jiang Zhen, it was written in the letter by that lecher himself," Du Yuling changed Jiang Zhen's name again.

Mentioning Jiang Zhen, he was still angry, "This shameless toad actually wrote all such embarrassing things in a letter and asked someone to send it to my little sister, and said in the letter that he was frightened. Scared, I want to see my little sister, and said that as long as I see her, I will not be afraid of anything. Pooh, what the hell!"

Appropriately showing weakness, showing that you need the comfort of your beloved woman, not only can attract the attention of the other party, but also make her feel soft-hearted. This kind of soft-heartedness, you have to agree to something that he wants to push forward.

Jiang Lin also had to admit that Jiang Zhen had great potential in being a scumbag, and it could be said that he was indeed Uncle Anyang's real son.

Jiang Lin asked Du Yuling, "Has your sister gone?"

Du Yuling said, "How could we let her see Jiang Zhen alone? I told her a bunch of things that Jiang Zhen didn't care about his mother's beating a ghost, but instead came to meet you. How unfilial, he is definitely not filial if he is filial. He would say something like this, but write a letter to tell you that he has to serve his sick mother recently, and he has no time to write to you, so that's right."

"My little sister thought it made sense. Although she still missed Jiang Zhen, she didn't say she was going to see him."

Jiang Lin felt relieved, "Anyway, don't give them a chance to meet alone, and you can ask your sister to make more demands on Jiang Zhen in the future, and toss and toss him, he won't last long."

"That's what I thought. By the way, your stepmother got sick after hitting a ghost in the middle of the night. Do you want to go back and see her?"

Jiang Lin pondered for a moment, then smiled, "Go, of course, not only go, but also give her a gift, you two do me a favor."

Jiang Lin asked the two of them to get closer, and whispered for a while, and when Jiang Lin finished speaking, Zhou and Du looked at him with admiration, and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely let you get your wish. "

"Go, what are you talking about, what little lady, it's just a filial piety to my son, filial piety to my father, and it's all just my filial piety as a son."

Zhou Chengwang and the two agreed, "Yes, yes, it's all due to your good son's filial piety."

Jiang Lin, who showed his filial piety, quickly took the gift and took a carriage to Uncle Anyang's mansion. Uncle Anyang hadn't come back yet, so he went to openly and aboveboard to annoy Zhao Qiuru, and then conveyed a message for Du Yu If Lei □□ never wants to eat swan meat, Jiang Zhen was so angry that he almost fought him.

Then, Jiang Lin forced himself to have a meal at Uncle Anyang's mansion, and he didn't leave until Uncle Anyang came back.

When Uncle Anyang came back, he was followed by a pitiful but good-looking weak beauty in ragged clothes. Jiang Lin circled around the two of them and sent his blessings with a smile on his face.

He didn't listen to Uncle Anyang's explanation, and left after congratulating him, but Jiang Lin believed that as long as this girl joined the big family of Uncle Anyang's mansion, their family would live a happy life together.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-11-12 20:01:00~2020-11-13 20:06:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: I clasped my hands for one old iron;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of pinellia in bloom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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