MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 64

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Jiang Lin quickly tasted the bitter fruit of his crimes, and found that his hands were soft and still hurt the next morning.

Jiang Lin spread himself into a piece of cake, regretting, regretting that Wei Yunzhao had eaten so much mutton yesterday, and even more regretting that he easily got on the thief's bed just to touch his hot abdominal muscles, and then he became what he is now.

Wei Yunzhao brought Jiang Lin's clothes to him, and asked Jiang Lin beside the bed, "Madam, do you want to help you dress and wash for your husband?"

Jiang Lin tilted his head, looked at his clothes coldly, and then at Wei Yunzhao with dissatisfaction, "I don't want to see you now, stay away from me."

Wei Yunzhao comforted him with a smile, "It will be a matter of time, Madam will get used to it in advance, but Madam don't worry, I won't be so aggressive as a husband in the future."

Jiang Lin: "..." Oh, he doesn't believe it.

Man's mouth deceitful ghost.

"Then why don't I relieve my wife tonight?" Wei Yunzhao suggested, thinking that it would be nice to have a relationship.

Madam just wanted to pretend to be dead, Jiang Lin pulled the quilt over his head, but he lifted it off after only a moment, because he had done something bad under the quilt, and there was a smell.

Jiang Lin: Shame jpg.

Jiang Lin glanced at Wei Yunzhao, but turned over anyway.

Wei Yunzhao smiled, handed the clothes to Jiang Lin graciously, twisted the handkerchief and handed it to Jiang Lin to wipe his face, and even actively made steamed buns for Jiang Lin during breakfast, which made Jiang Lin lose his temper .

When Wei Yunzhao went out, the butler ran to report that there were several carriages outside the door, "Young Madam, it's Jiangnan Yun's family who brought you a New Year's gift."

Hearing several horse-drawn carriages, Jiang Lin immediately became interested, and hurried to the gate to have a look. After seeing it, Jiang Lin realized that the butler's good word was not an exaggeration at all. There was a long row of carriages, covering the entire alley. congested.

A middle-aged man in the lead saw Jiang Lin coming out, and stepped forward to salute, "Yun Mo has seen Young Master Lin."

Yun Mo pointed to the carriageway behind him: "These are annual gifts prepared by the old lady and the Patriarch for Young Master Lin, I don't know how to arrange them?"

It really deserves to be a rich family that is incomparably rich.

Jiang Lin ordered the housekeeper to arrange for someone to move the things into the house, and then asked Yun Mo, "I don't know what should I call you?"

Yun Modao: "The villain is a small steward of the Yun family, Young Master Lin just calls the villain by his name."

"Okay, Yunmo, let the people outside come in and have a sip of hot tea for a rest, you just entered the city this morning, you have worked hard."

Since the end of the twelfth lunar month, the snow in Shengjing has never stopped. Jiang Lin saw snowflakes falling on Yun Mo and the others' shoulders, and their faces were flushed from the cold, obviously they did not come from the city.

Yun Mo said with a smile: "Master Lin is smart and has too many things. He was afraid of being missed, so he didn't dare to enter the city. Although the Yun family has some reputation in the south of the Yangtze River, this is Shengjing after all. There are too many nobles, so it's better to be careful .”

Jiang Lin nodded, and said: "In the future, you can send someone to send a letter to the Wei family first, and I will send someone to pick it up. By the way, have you received the things I sent to the family before?"

"I received it, I received it, the old lady and the Patriarch both said that Young Master Lin has a heart. By the way, here is another letter from the Patriarch."

Because Zhao Qiuru was a hindrance, the original body had cut off contact with the Yun family, and Jiang Lin hadn't thought about how to resume contact with the Yun family after transmigrating. Jiang Lin took this opportunity to prepare because he saw someone selling New Year's goods on the street a few days ago. A few carriages of New Year's goods were sent to Yun's family.

No matter what the Yun family's attitude is, but he took advantage of the Yun family's influence, and he also took advantage of Yun Wanyan's dowry, so this new year's gift is just a little bit of his heart.

Jiang Lin thought, if the Yun family wants to have a relationship, they will treat them as relatives in the future. If the Yun family doesn't respond, he will slowly return Yun Wanyan's dowry, and they will have nothing to do with each other in the future. But the Yun family sent so many things at once, which still surprised Jiang Lin.

And counting the distance, before the things he gave arrived, the people from the Yun family set off. Yun Mo said that he had already received the annual gift, so the Yun family probably got the news in advance.

Jiang Lin didn't delve into this, and ordered his servants to entertain the servants of the Yun family who came with Yun Mo, and led Yun Mo to the front hall to talk to him.

The Yun family basically had no plot in the original book, and Jiang Lin didn't know much about the Yun family, so he asked Yun Mo about the situation of the Yun family.

Jiang Lin learned from Yun Mo that the Yun family is a big family, with four generations living together, the population is thriving, and the family business is getting better and better. The cousins ​​are also very promising.

After saying this, Yun Mo said, "Actually, I came to the Yun family this time with the intention of seeking asylum. I was dissatisfied with Young Master Lin's statement that the wealth of the Yun family is comparable to that of a country, but it is also true. The tree attracts wind, and it has recruited thieves twice this year." .”

"Thief?" Jiang Lin was puzzled.

"That's right," Yun Mo sighed, "Some thieves who cared about the Yun family's money robbed openly and secretly. Come to the disaster."

This kind of thing has always happened. Money itself is not a crime, but people's hearts are unpredictable.

Jiang Lin told the truth, "The Wei family can't protect the Yun family now, and may even implicate the Yun family."

Hearing Jiang Lin's words, Yun Mo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, he cupped his hands, "Young Master Lin, don't be in trouble, it's fate whether it's a blessing or a curse."

Jiang Lin smiled, "Good fortune and misfortune can be avoided, don't worry, I have a solution." Compared with making money, spending money has always been much easier.

Yun Mo and the others were going to rest in Shengjing for two days, and then they were going back to the south of the Yangtze River after purchasing some goods. Jiang Lin asked him to come to Wei's house before leaving, and he had a letter for Yun Mo to take back.

Jiang Lin suddenly remembered a plot just now. There will be a catastrophe in the face of Da Yue, and he wants to use the disaster relief to change the identity of the Yun family.

There were a lot of people from the Yun family, so it was not good to arrange them to live in the Wei Mansion, and they were restrained. Jiang Lin asked the housekeeper to arrange for someone to take them to the inn. He didn't even have time to read the gift list, so he plunged into the study to write his plan went.

And so many carriages loaded with goods appeared at the door of Wei's house, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

The fact that the Yun family came to give Jiang Lin a New Year's gift soon spread to the Zhao family's ears. Back then, Zhao Qiuru used Yun Wanyan's dowry to subsidize the Zhao family, and they lived happily. But later Zhao Qiuru took back all the things she sent to her natal family and gave them to Jiang Lin. The Zhao family was very dissatisfied with Zhao Qiuru.

They all blamed their daughter for being useless. A majestic Mrs. Hou can't beat a **** whose mother is dead and doesn't care about her. She can't even keep the dowry. The Zhao family is not only dissatisfied with Zhao Qiuru, but also hates Jiang Lin. Taking back Yun Wanyan's dowry is robbing them of their money.

It's just that the Zhao family still had some brains, and they didn't dare to trouble Jiang Lin directly, but thought about making trouble secretly, but after seeing that everyone who targeted Jiang Lin ended badly, they stopped thinking.

However, this time the Yun family gave Jiang Lin gifts for so many years, and the Zhao family, who were short of money to spend, became active again.

The Zhao family made a plan, and Zhao Qiuru's mother and two sister-in-laws went to Uncle Anyang's mansion to find Zhao Qiuru, and asked her to listen to Uncle Anyang, forcing Jiang Lin to send this year's ceremony to Uncle Anyang's mansion. No matter how you get a piece of the pie, it's not.

But they didn't know that Zhao Qiuru had been ill for half a month until they arrived at Uncle Anyang's mansion, and it was getting worse. Zhao's mother and Zhao Qiuru's two sisters-in-law looked at each other, complaining in their hearts that Zhao Qiuru didn't live up to expectations.

Zhao's mother still felt sorry for her daughter, and after hearing what the maid said about these days, she had to ask Uncle Anyang to find out. She was an elder, so she didn't believe that Uncle Anyang would not give her face.

Zhao Qiuru's two sisters-in-law were talking with her in the room, and as they talked, they mentioned the Yun family's New Year's gift to Jiang Lin.

Zhao Qiuru has dealt with them for many years, but she still doesn't know who these two sister-in-laws are. She sneered, "You are here for that year's gift, I wonder why you are so kind to come to see me."

Although Zhao Qiuru's illness was not known to the Zhao family, everyone knew that she was frightened by a ghost at first. Been here and never delivered anything. This time, the three of them came to the door together, and Zhao Qiuru knew something was wrong as soon as he guessed.

She made the point so clearly that her two sister-in-laws didn't feel embarrassed. Sister-in-law Zhao said: "Why didn't you come to see you? You said you were too, and you didn't send a letter home when you were so sick, right?" Do you treat us as your mother's family?"

Zhao Qiuru didn't answer the words, so it doesn't matter if they pass the words or not, the two of them can sincerely hope that she will be well.

Second Aunt Zhao went on to talk about Zhao Qiuru, and the two blamed Zhao Qiuru's illness on her. Second Aunt Zhao also persuaded, "Isn't it just a bought vixen? You don't know what a man is, so it will be fresh for a while, and it won't be long. You will get tired of it, you are so concerned about what to do, you are the wife of the uncle's mansion."

"Relax, get well soon, and then you can deal with that foxy girl, otherwise she will really think you are afraid of her if she keeps being so sick."

Mrs. Zhao, "No, if you want me to say, you are too stupid. You said that you don't want a good son, so you have to marry him off. In the end, you took the dowry away, and now the Yun family has given gifts for so many years. .Your precious daughter, the crown princess, has become a disaster instead of being a concubine. What do you think you are trying to do by tossing the good Hou Mansion like this?"

Zhao Qiuru's face turned colder, but the two sisters-in-law of the Zhao family didn't notice at all that they were still criticizing Zhao Qiuru. They felt that she didn't let Jiang Lin marry her, and now the things that the Yun family sent were all from Uncle Anyang's mansion. At least half of them belonged to their Zhao family. Now they belong to someone else's family, they are really not reconciled.

"Get out, get out now!"

The two were talking vigorously, when Zhao Qiuru blushed suddenly and roared angrily, picked up the pillow and threw it at the two of them, "Get out, I don't want to see you, and I won't come to the uncle's house in the future, get out!"

Both of them were stunned. They didn't expect Zhao Qiuru to suddenly go crazy. Mrs. Zhao caught the pillow and threw it back, "Zhao Qiuru, why are you so crazy? We are your sister-in-law. How dare you let us go? Also, what did we say wrong?" If it wasn't for your broom star daughter to force Jiang Lin to marry her instead, would things have turned out like this?"

Zhao Qiuru coughed twice and glared at the two of them angrily, "Who are you to call my Yue'er, what are you, dare to act wildly in the uncle's house, I don't want to see you, I'll say it one last time, get out of here, disappear immediately In front of my eyes, otherwise don't blame me for being rude!"

"Zhao Qiuru, you want to turn the world upside down, and dare to call us sister-in-laws. I warn you, without the Zhao family, there would be no you. Don't be rampant in front of us."

"Being a sister-in-law teaches you how to dare to get angry. Madam Hou hasn't improved at all after being a sister-in-law for so many years. No wonder you can do such stupid things."

The two sang together and trained Zhao Qiuru again. Zhao Qiuru was so angry that he coughed and ordered the servant girl to drive him out, but how could Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao be willing to leave just like that? Slap in the face, saying that Zhao Qiuru can't teach servants.

It was at this time that Uncle Anyang and Mother Zhao appeared. As soon as Uncle Anyang entered the door, he saw Mrs. Zhao slapping the maid.

She turned her head and said to Mother Zhao, "I said that Uncle Anyang's mansion is not good at teaching servants, but your Zhao family is well-educated. If you go to other people's house to play wild, what do you think of Uncle Anyang's mansion!"

Sister-in-law Zhao and second-sister-in-law Zhao obviously didn't expect Uncle Anyang to appear at this time. Just now, he was quite rampant when he beat and scolded Zhao Qiuru, but now he is dumb.

Zhao's mother was also very embarrassed. She knew that these two daughters-in-law were not good-for-nothing, but she didn't expect to be caught when someone else's house was messing around. After training Uncle Anyang for a long time to make her be more considerate to her daughter, it will come to naught. Uncle Anyang is afraid that he will anger his daughter because of the words and deeds of his two sisters-in-law.

Zhao's mother glared at the two daughters-in-law angrily, "What are you doing in a daze, your sister is sick, you are still angry with her, why don't you apologize to her quickly."

Zhao's mother asked her two daughters-in-law to apologize to Zhao Qiuru, thinking that she didn't care about face, and the matter was over.

Mrs. Zhao's sister-in-law and Mrs. Zhao's second sister-in-law didn't dare to talk back, she honestly made amends to Zhao Qiuru, but it's a pity that Zhao Qiuru didn't let this matter go, as Zhao's mother thought.

She said coldly: "I don't dare to accept this gift. Mother and the two sisters-in-law should go back, and they won't use it in the future. The daughter won't die, and I can't help you to grab the annual gift that Yun's family gave Jiang Lin. If you want, go to Wei’s house by yourself to see off the guests!”

After Zhao Qiuru finished speaking, she immediately covered her with the quilt and lay down again. She didn't intend to give anyone face.

"What kind of New Year's gift? Did the Yun family give Lin'er a New Year's gift?" Zhao Qiuru ignored him, but there was Uncle Anyang beside him, so he felt something was wrong no matter how he heard it.

Zhao's mother and the three were very embarrassed, and shook their heads with a smirk, "It's nothing, it's nothing, it's all Ru'er's angry words, uncle don't take it to heart."

Zhao's mother pretended to look up at the sky outside, "It's getting late at this time, we'll go back first, if uncle is free, please spend more time with Ru'er, she is your real wife."

Uncle Anyang couldn't see the two, Sister-in-law Zhao and Sister-in-law Zhao, and only perfunctorily said that Zhao's mother said that mother-in-law should go slowly, and had no intention of sending them off at all, but the three of them didn't have that face. I'm afraid the Zhao family will lose all face and have to fall out with the uncle's house.

As soon as they got into the carriage, Zhao's mother began to reprimand the two daughters-in-law. They knew that they had caused trouble, and they were scolded honestly with their heads down. Hate her very much.

They left this way, but Uncle Anyang didn't let go. He looked at Zhao Qiuru who was lying on the bed dissatisfied, "Since you are sick, you should take care of yourself. What are you making a fuss about? You asked your natal family to support you, your natal family It’s fine if you’re a good one, but look for yourself, those are some people who don’t stand up to the stage, and you are the one who invites you to be angry.”

"You, you shouldn't spend less thought, this disease will be cured sooner." Anyang Hou felt that Zhao Qiuru from the Zhao family had invited him, he said after being beaten by Zhao's mother, and saw Zhao Qiuru's two sisters-in-law like shrews. Bo's house is wild, this heart is on fire.

Zhao Qiuru turned around and turned her back without saying a word, but the servant girl defended Zhao Qiuru a few words, saying that the Zhao family was not raised by his wife, but by himself, and he had something to do with his wife.

Uncle Anyang asked what was going on, "And what about the annual ceremony of the Yun family? What does the annual ceremony of the Yun family have to do with your Zhao family?"

The maid wanted to tell the story to Uncle Anyang, but Zhao Qiuru stopped her with a scolding. Uncle Anyang felt that Zhao Qiuru was angry with her natal family and now she was defending her natal family. If the Zhao family recites the book, then you can recite it, and don't involve the uncle's house in it, hum."

Uncle Anyang snorted coldly, shook his sleeves and left.

As soon as he left, Zhao Qiuru grabbed the quilt and her eyes were red, and the servant girl persuaded her, "Ma'am, why are you doing this, it's not your fault, why don't you tell uncle clearly, and tell him not to misunderstand you."

Zhao Qiuru shook her head and didn't reply to the maidservant's words. What's the point of saying it, it's her natal family, no matter how you explain it, Uncle Anyang won't believe her, he just thinks that she is just like her natal family, not only thinking about Yun Wanyan's dowry, but also about Yun Wanyan's dowry. The family wanted all the New Year's gifts that Jiang Lin gave to Jiang Lin, but she was greedy and couldn't get on the table.

Zhao Qiuru thought about it carefully, why things became like this.

It seems that things have changed since Jiang Lin married into Wei's family. Zhao Qiuru couldn't help thinking, if Jiang Lin hadn't been asked to marry instead, and Yue'er had married herself, wouldn't Yue'er have died?

Thinking about it, Zhao Qiuru's face became gloomy. It was Jiang Lin, it was that little **** Jiang Lin who stole Yue'er's blessing, it was Jiang Lin, that **** who killed Yue'er!

Zhao Qiuru sat up abruptly and called out to the servant girl, "Changing clothes for me, I'm going out for a walk."

The servant girl was worried and happy, "Ma'am, can you get up now, it's cold outside, why don't you go out?"

Zhao Qiuru got out of bed, "No, I have to go out, I want people to know that my uncle is still alive, and I want to avenge my Yue'er."

Zhao Qiuru said the last sentence very softly, the maid didn't hear clearly, and seeing that Zhao Qiuru couldn't be persuaded, she began to help her get dressed.

It was still snowing outside, and the wind was cold. Zhao Qiuru stood at the door and looked at the opposite yard, and asked the maid next to her, "The vixen who uncle brought back lives opposite."

The servant girl nodded, a little aggrieved, "Yes, I don't know what the uncle thinks, but he insisted on arranging the person opposite Madam to make Madam unhappy."

Zhao Qiuru didn't think about this, she continued to ask, "Are you saying that all men in this world are the same, and they will be seduced by seeing a beautiful woman?"

The servant girl couldn't answer, and felt that Zhao Qiuru would be sad no matter how she answered, so I advised her not to think too much, she is the decent wife of the uncle's mansion.

Zhao Qiuru wasn't sad, but instead had a smile on his face, "I didn't think much about it, I just know that all men in this world have the same virtue."

What about Wei Yunzhao, can he also resist the temptation?

Jiang Lin, I will take back everything you stole from Yue'er, let's see!

Read The Duke's Passion