MTL - Transmigrated As Cannon Fodder To Marry-Chapter 61

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Probably because it was a little tiring to find a weakness, both of them got up late the next day.

When Jiang Lin got up, he learned from the housekeeper that Yin Ji sent someone to deliver a letter to him, saying that Ren Denggao had already recruited him, saying that he was instructed by the Anyang Bofu.

And what Anyang Bofu used to threaten Ren Denggao was to ask the academy to expel him. Ren Denggao didn't care about his studies. He failed the imperial examination for many years. He was very dissatisfied, and had the intention of removing him. The Anyang uncle's mansion passed another sentence, and Ren Denggao's book would definitely be unreadable.

Although Ren Denggao is obsessed with brothel courtesans, he is still looking forward to being selected as a high-ranking official. The academy is definitely going to go. What he wants is to redeem the brothel courtesans and then go to the academy. Qing Piao Piao's few words threatened him.

The last time Ren Denggao was beaten, he didn't see who did it. It was the people from Anyang Bofu who told him that it was Jiang Lin who did it, and only said his name in order to target Jiang Lin. The person who sent the message asked him to think of a way, no matter what he did, as long as he could go to the Yamen to sue Jiang Lin for beating him. Ren Denggao had been beaten back for a long time, and he hated the person who beat him to the bone. Now that he knew that Jiang Lin did it, Ren Denggao himself felt revengeful, that's why there was such a scene of pretending to be seriously injured.

In order to be realistic, Ren Denggao's face was covered with real wounds, and he had his own servants beat him up, but he still didn't expect that Yin Ji would directly let the white cloth be removed to examine the wounds, and it was immediately exposed.

Ren Denggao's attempt to take revenge on Jiang Lin failed, but the warning given to Jiang Lin by the Uncle Anyang's House had achieved its purpose.

After listening to the butler's recitation, Jiang Lin thought that it was as expected, but he wondered if it was Zhao Qiuru's idea alone, or Uncle Anyang also acquiesced.

But no matter what, as a filial son, he would never let his own father and stepmother go.

After breakfast, Wei Yunzhao went to the Ministry of War as usual, while Jiang Lin went to pick out birthday gifts for his own father, Uncle Anyang.

He knocked on the door of the brothel, which was closed during the day, and asked the bustard to call out the most beautiful, gentle and well-behaved girls in the building.

Seeing Yin Zi's eyes open, the old bustard naturally said what Jiang Lin said, and called seven or eight girls who met Jiang Lin's requirements to come out.

Jiang Lin asked them if they wanted to leave the building and if they would like to be concubines. In the end, only two were willing. Jiang Lin asked them to show off their talents, and chose one of them, a girl named Su Qiao, to take her away. up.

This girl has a nice name, and she looks gentle and graceful, she doesn't look like someone from Shengjing.

Jiang Lin didn't want to get to know people too much, he just talked to her, "If you are willing to be a concubine, then be a concubine for the rest of your life, and someone will protect you. If you don't want to live like this for the rest of your life, I will give You have a sum of money to let you go home."

"Su Qiao obeys Young Master Jiang's orders."

Jiang Lin looked at her with more scrutiny, "You know me, so tell me, your purpose."

Su Qiao suddenly knelt down in front of Jiang Lin, "Su Qiao wants to seek an impossible justice, Young Master Jiang, don't worry, Su Qiao is willing to do anything for Young Master Jiang."

Su Qiao looked at Shang Jianglin with firm eyes.

"Get up," Jiang Lin didn't see anything, but he didn't dare to use it, he felt sorry for his money.

Jiang Lin waved his hand, "Forget it, just be my young master and I will do good deeds every day. You can go."

Jiang Lin sold himself to Qisai Suqiao, turned around, and planned to find another brothel to buy again.

Su Qiao chased after her, "Master Jiang, everything Su Qiao said is true, please believe me, Young Master Jiang."

"Then make your purpose clear," Jiang Lin turned around, staring straight at her.

Su Qiao took off the jade pendant around her neck and gave it to him, "Master Jiang, take this jade pendant back to the general, and the general will tell you that Su Qiao will still be waiting for you here tomorrow."

After speaking, the man turned and left.

This made Jiang Lin a little confused, he felt that no matter what he did, something would happen to him.

It seems to have such a disaster star physique?

Jiang Lin took the jade pendant and walked back while looking at it. After looking at it for a long time, he didn't see anything special. He put the jade pendant away and planned to ask Wei Yunzhao when he came back in the afternoon.

Then I remembered what Su Qiao called Wei Yunzhao, General, except when he first came here, no one has called Wei Yunzhao that way for a long time, this Su Qiao, I am afraid that he has a lot of secrets hidden in him .

In the afternoon, as soon as Wei Yunzhao came back, Jiang Lin couldn't wait to show him the jade pendant.

Wei Yunzhao was a little excited when he saw the jade pendant, and asked Jiang Lin where he got the jade pendant, and Jiang Lin explained to him, "I'm going to choose a birthday present for my uncle, so I plan to go to the brothel to pick one for him. Good-looking concubine, this jade pendant was given by the girl I bought from the brothel, she said that you will understand after seeing this jade pendant, by the way, that girl's name is Su Qiao."

Wei Yunzhao held the jade pendant a little tighter. Jiang Lin saw the veins on the back of his hand and was a little nervous, "What's wrong? An old friend?"

Wei Yunzhao looked into the distance with deep eyes, "Maybe she is the daughter of an old friend, and I am entrusted by General Su."

"General Su's name is Su Yuan. He was my father's subordinate. He died at the border with my father. When I found them, he was dying. He gave me a jade pendant and asked me to take care of him if I could." Family, this jade pendant is a token of the Su family. He also told me that my father did not die in battle."

Before Jiang Lin could ask, Wei Yunzhao took the initiative to explain to Jiang Lin, talking about the past.

Wei Yunzhao asked Xun Qi to take the jade pendant for comparison, and the two jade pendants were exactly the same.

His father died, and he was poisoned after leading the army to retreat from the enemy. Many things were arranged hastily, and when he woke up, it was already several months later. Many truths and clues have been deliberately buried.

The Su family also...

Wei Yunzhao has been being investigated by people, but until now there are many speculations, little evidence, and no evidence. He wants to take revenge and seek justice for his father and those who died innocently together with his father, but it is far away.

Jiang Lin thought, no wonder Su Qiao said that she wanted an impossible justice.

But Jiang Lin has a question, "How does this Su Qiao know that you know Yupei? Could it be that General Su told her?"

Wei Yunzhao didn't know either, so he could only guess, "You guys have made an appointment to meet tomorrow, I'll go with you tomorrow, I've seen her once, I can recognize her."

Jiang Lin nodded, "If she's really a descendant of General Su, I'll have someone send her back to Jiangnan. Although I don't know how she ended up in the brothel, it must be a helpless move to get to this point."

It's hard for a general's daughter to be reduced to prostitution.

"Well," Wei Yunzhao nodded, "I failed to fulfill my promise to General Su and take good care of her."

Jiang Lin comforted him, "You can't protect yourself, you can't blame you for this matter. If you want to blame, you can only blame those ruthless dogs who kill donkeys and tear down bridges."

As for who the dog thing is, it is not clear yet, but no matter who it is, it is definitely right to scold him like this.

When Jiang Lin interrupted, Wei Yunzhao also had a smile on his face, "Well, let's go see her tomorrow."

In addition to Su Qiao's matter, Chang An also inquired about useful information, "Master, I went to see it today, and the people who went to the brothel were young people, and many scholars, all of them were fascinated by the oiran. Like, I saw that Hua Kui again today, and she thought she was so weird, she was full of evil spirits, and she looked like a person."

Chang An lowered her voice, "Like a dead lady."

The eldest lady Chang An said was Jiang Jinyue.

Chang An went on to say: "But her hands are good, both hands are good, I have checked it specially."

"Master, are there two people who look alike in this world?"

Jiang Jinyue, Jiang Lin chanted the name, and nodded to Chang An, "Yes, there will be two unrelated people who look alike, but it's rare."

It is certain that Jiang Jinyue's hand is broken, and there is almost no possibility of reconnecting it, and it is not realistic to make a fake hand, but this woman is very similar to Jiang Jinyue, what purpose does the other party have?

Jiang Lin didn't think it was for him and Wei Yunzhao. Even if Jiang Jinyue hated them, it was the queen who really killed her. Instead of seeking revenge on the queen, she troubled them first, which was putting the cart before the horse.

"Perhaps, the motive is the same as that of Uncle Anyang's House, it's a warning." Wei Yunzhao expressed his opinion.

Wei Yunzhao said: "Who would be afraid of a dead person appearing in front of others again?"

Naturally, there are ghosts in their hearts, and those who have harmed others before will be afraid.

Anyway, the first thing Jiang Lin thought of was the queen. This brothel that was open during the day attracted so many scholars. Sooner or later, this matter would become a big problem. As long as someone who knew Jiang Jinyue saw it, the word would reach the queen's ears.

Jiang Lindao, "It would be nice if we let Chu Ba leave later, maybe we can know whether she is really dead or fake."

"The coincidence of the burning of Fangyue Palace is strange, but what is certain is that no matter whether she is dead or not, someone will definitely make a fuss about her."

Chang An scratched his head beside him, "Master, shall I continue to stare at it tomorrow?"

Jiang Lindao: "You don't need to go in, just stare at it from a distance."

"Hey, that's great, then I'll step back first."

After Chang An left, Jiang Lin and Jiang Lin continued to discuss about Jiang Jinyue, "Do you think it is possible for Zhao Qiuru to know that Jiang Jinyue is still alive?"

Wei Yunzhao was also not sure, and analyzed: "In the situation at that time, she couldn't have escaped by herself. There must be someone behind her back to help her. Whether she can recognize Zhao Qiuru depends on the intention of the person behind it now."

"At that time, there were not many people who could save her in that situation. Maybe I guessed who it was."

Jiang Lin felt that he had guessed it too, the two looked at each other, and then blurted out, "Sixth Prince!"

The sixth prince, Yue Heng, had a deep blood feud with the empress, so it was not impossible to rescue Jiang Jinyue and then use Jiang Jinyue to deal with the empress and prince.

Although Wei Yunzhao didn't know the specific grievances between the sixth prince and the empress, he could tell that the sixth prince was not pure-minded and not a good person.

But Jiang Lin knew the truth, the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible.

The two moved to the bed while talking, Jiang Lin shook his head, "Forget it, I'm too lazy to think about it, will there be a conclusion soon."

"Well, go to sleep." Wei Yunzhao grabbed Jiang Lin's hand, but said sleep, but did not close his eyes.

Jiang Lin looked at him and smiled, "Why, do you want me to kiss you until your whole body goes limp again?"

Wei Yunzhao turned over and pressed Jiang Lin on his body, he whispered: "No, I will kiss my wife tonight instead."

For some things, if there is the first time, there will be the second, third and countless times.

In the early morning of the next day, Wei Yunzhao got up, and Jiang Lin lay on the bed staring at the top of the bed, he felt a little weak and couldn't get up.

Obviously he and Wei Yunzhao didn't do too much, and the fire avoidance map under the pillow hasn't been taken out yet, why is he so soft?

Jiang Lin was in disbelief in a daze.

He turned over and looked at Wei Yunzhao who was getting dressed, "Were you soft when you woke up yesterday morning?"

Jiang Lin felt that he was no weaker than Wei Yunzhao.

Although it was a question, but his eyes were fixed on it, full of threats, Wei Yunzhao understood it very well, he chuckled softly, "Soft, softer than Madam."

Jiang Lin: "..." She didn't seem to be comforted.

He sat up and said earnestly, "I don't think we can do this, it's too weak, and we need to make up for it." The fire-avoiding map started to soften after not being used, and if it was used, I'm afraid I might not be able to get out of bed.

Jiang Lin didn't want to embarrass himself.

"I've decided, from now on, let's eat better."

Jiang Lin rolled over and got out of bed, ready to make breakfast by himself, and drink more spiritual spring water, so as to make his body stronger.

Wei Yunzhao suppressed a smile, thinking that his wife was really cute.

Jiang Lin was limp on the bed for a while, and after breakfast he started to jump around, pushing Wei Yunzhao to see Su Qiao.

On the way, I passed the brothel that was doing business during the day, but it didn’t open today. Jiang Lin couldn’t help but said to Wei Yunzhao, “When will your legs stand up? I want you to accompany me to the brothel. None."

Wei Yunzhao looked at the brothel next to him, and just happened to see a window on the second floor. Someone was peeking at them from behind the window, and he judged it to be a woman. Wei Yunzhao didn't delve into it, and quickly looked away, joking with Jiang Lin, "I don't know which little girl Madam is looking for, and I want my husband to accompany her."

Jiang Linle, "Don't say it, the one I went to yesterday is not bad. The girls that the bustard called me are all good-looking, good at singing and dancing, and versatile."

Girls in the brothel have never done more than flesh and blood business. If they don't have any skills, they can't stay in the brothel for a few years if they only rely on skin and flesh business.

It is also great to see beautiful women singing and dancing.

After walking for a while, Jiang Lin asked Wei Yunzhao, "Is there someone upstairs just now?"

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "I'll ask Xun Qi to find out if that room is the residence of that oiran who looks like Jiang Jinyue."

Jiang Lindao: "What is certain is that even if it is not Jiang Jinyue, this oiran has a great relationship with her, otherwise she would not stare at us."

Jiang Lin looked back at the brothel that was no longer visible, he was worried that this would become the next Shuiyue Pavilion.

The second prince's Shuiyue Pavilion first collects money and then kills, it is really a place for tigers and wolves. If this brothel wants to follow the same path, then it cannot be allowed to develop.

Arriving at yesterday's place, Jiang Lin saw Su Qiao waving at them from a distance, but Su Qiao didn't approach, but motioned for the two to follow her.

Jiang Lin first asked Wei Yunzhao, "Is it her?"

Wei Yunzhao nodded, "She has something to tell us, let's follow."

The two of them followed Su Qiao into a small courtyard that was a little off. There were only Su Qiao and an old woman with poor eyesight.

As soon as Jiang Lin and the others entered the door, Su Qiao knelt down towards Wei Yunzhao, "Su Yuan's daughter, Su Qiao, has met the general and young lady."

The old woman moved a little slowly, and slowly knelt down, Wei Yunzhao hurriedly got the two of them up, and Jiang Lin also stepped forward to help the old woman.

After thanking Jiang Lin, the old lady said to Su Qiao: "Girl, please invite the general and the young lady to sit and talk in the room, and the old lady will make tea for you."

After she finished speaking, she walked away with a cane.

Jiang Lin pushed Wei Yunzhao and followed Su Qiao into the house. The small courtyard is a bit dilapidated and the furnishings in the house are simple.

The door guard Yun Zhao asked Su Qiao, "When did Miss Su come to Shengjing, and why did she enter the brothel?"

"The past is a bit long, let me talk to you two slowly."

Su Yuan died on the battlefield. At first everyone in the Su family thought he was killed in battle, but they didn't want to hear the news that Wei Yunzhao was poisoned and unconscious. The Su family originally planned to send family members to visit Wei Yunzhao. See if there's anything I can do to help.

But he didn't want to, "A big fire burned the entire Su family overnight."

Su Qiao's voice was a bit cold and sad, "Before the fire broke out, the Su family experienced poisoning and then a massacre. At that time, none of the dozens of people in the family survived. My mother, elder brother and sister-in-law, a pair of younger siblings, And all the servants in the whole mansion were burned to ashes by that fire, not even their bones left."

"Only me, my maid, Qiudong, and my nanny escaped unharmed because we went to visit my grandmother."

Su Qiao tightly clenched her sleeves until her fingers turned white, and her whole body was tense, "But those people didn't intend to let go, even my grandmother and uncle."

The Su family was destroyed by a fire, and she received the news the next day that a letter announcing the tragic death of the Su family was shot at the door of her grandfather's house. Su Qiao led the people to look back in a panic, but was stopped by the person who wanted to kill her at the door. Uncle asked her to run away first with her maid and nanny, and told her to go to Shengjing to find General Wei, and must avenge the Su family and the Lu family to seek justice.

She left, and the Lu family was also implicated by her. No one survived, including her uncle's child who was only a few years old.

The pursuit of her did not end, Su Qiao learned some kung fu from her father, and the maid Qiudong could also punch and kick, they fled eagerly, but Qiudong died in order to lure those pursuers away for her. The nanny blocked the poison for her, and her eyes were completely blind.

"I didn't know that it was so far from Jiangnan to Shengjing. We walked for almost a year. I took my nanny to be a beggar, and I also entered a bandit's den. In the end, I sold myself to a man, a man. Brought me and my nanny to Shengjing. Fortunately, I am good-looking, and I used to be considered a lady of the big family. I can play the piano and sing, and I sold it at a brothel for a good price. I beg my mother to give the nanny a place to live."

"Later, I made money, so I bought this small courtyard and let the nurse live in it. I was lucky, and was bought by the young lady."

Wei Yunzhao opened his mouth, wanting to ask her why she didn't come to look for him in Shengjing, but he didn't say anything. He said guiltily, "It's because of General Su's entrustment that I failed to take good care of Miss Su for him." The dead Su family and the innocent Lu family who were implicated.

Hundreds of lives were lost to him.

Hearing what Wei Yunzhao said, Su Qiao laughed instead, "If the general is in Shengjing to increase his official position, eat, drink and enjoy himself, and deliberately ignores the Su family, I might really blame the general. It’s been a while, and I know what kind of life the Wei family lived in Shengjing. Besides, the general sent someone to go to the south of the Yangtze River to find someone, I know, but there were people staring at me at that time, and I didn’t dare to recognize him.”

"General, Su Qiao doesn't blame the general. I just hope that I can do my best to find out the truth one day and ask for a grave for my dead family members."

There were no bones of the Su family, and the dead bodies of the Lu family were in the wilderness. There was not even an empty grave where she could worship. They shouldn't be like this.

Wei Yunzhao opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to say a word, "Okay."

Jiang Lin patted Wei Yunzhao on the shoulder to comfort him, "There will be that day, I will be with you."

Wei Yunzhao grabbed Jiang Lin's hand and held it tightly.

With Su Qiao's status, it would be inappropriate for her to be Uncle Anyang's concubine. She didn't want to go back to Jiangnan, so Wei Yunzhao and Jiang Lin let her live in this small courtyard first, and come to find her when they need her help.

Su Qiao didn't agree, she said: "Young Madam don't need to think about me so much, I am not innocent anymore, I am not afraid of anything. I also know some of the grievances between Young Madam and Mrs. Anyang, I think there is no one more suitable than me I'm dead, young lady let me go."

Jiang Lin shook his head, "This is a matter between me and Zhao Qiuru, you should not be involved, and chastity is not that important, you are a good girl, old men are not good enough for you."

Su Qiao was amused by him, "Young lady is really consoling. In fact, I don't think chastity is that important. If my parents are still alive, they will definitely not dislike me. But I still think I am the most suitable , not to mention that I was redeemed by Young Madam with money, so I can't waste your money, Young Madam."

"That's different," Jiang Lin hurriedly pushed Wei Yunzhao away, "You stay well, I will choose someone else, just wait and help us with big things."

Jiang Lin breathed a sigh of relief after walking a long distance, this was the first time he was a little afraid of a girl, so it can be seen that being too considerate is not a good thing.

Wei Yunzhao has been in a low mood ever since he heard what Su Qiao said about the Su family. Jiang Lin was a little worried about him, "Why don't you ask for leave today and stop going to the Ministry of War?"

"I'm going," Wei Yunzhao said, "I'm afraid there will be a war at the border."

Jiang Lin's heart skipped a beat. The New Year is coming soon, and the war started at this time. This year is not easy, and the battle is not easy, especially after winter, when it snows from time to time, it is difficult to march and provide food.

Internal and external troubles.

Jiang Lin was instantly more worried than Wei Yunzhao. He was afraid that if a war really broke out, someone would suggest that Wei Yunzhao lead the army. The prince and queen would never let go of such a good opportunity to target Wei Yunzhao.

It's not easy to deal with people in Shengjing. It would be much more convenient if Wei Yunzhao went to the battlefield and died like his father.

Wei Yunzhao can go to war, but not now.

Jiang Lin pushed him back, handed him over to Xun Qi, and asked Xun Qi to protect him well, and told Wei Yunzhao, "If you have anything to do, remember to come back and discuss it with me first, don't make a decision alone, you understand?"

His voice was a little hoarse, and there was a lot of worry in his tone.

Wei Yunzhao patted his head and said hello.

However, before the news of the border crossing came, another incident occurred in Shengjing.

That day he went to the brothel to choose a concubine for his uncle and father. When he came back with someone, he passed by the brothel. He saw the mess inside and some people started fighting, and some people were thrown out of the door after fighting. When he came out, the person fell to the ground, vomited blood and died on the spot.

Jiang Lin saw that the man's hand knocked on the ground and broke directly from the wrist, which was exactly the same as how Chu Ba described Changde Emperor breaking Jiang Jinyue's hand.

The author has something to say: I think I need some spiritual spring water. After sitting for a long time, my back hurts and my kidneys suffer...Thank you for voting for me during 2020-11-11 19:41:09~2020-11-12 20:00:59 The little angel of the ticket or irrigation nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: I clasped my fists for 2 old irons;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: walking alone, holding a fist in the hands of an old iron;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 1 bottle of pinellia in bloom;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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