MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 69 07.01丨

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"Mr. Wen, what do you mean by this?" Zhou Qiang asked.

"Ha ha ha, nothing, it is your family's education and my family's little sister, it seems to fall in love." Wen Zhuo jokes generally said.

However, Zhou Qiang does not think that he is joking. Wen Zhuo pays more attention to his daughter. Others don’t know, Zhou Qiang is the most clear. When he followed Wen’s help, he spent almost all his energy except work. Train your daughter.

The current gentleness is excellent in all aspects, and the character is also smooth. It is the greatest pride of Wen Zhu, and since he called this way, he said that he did not agree.

In fact, Zhou Qiang feels that it doesn't matter. People who are almost twenty are talking. Isn't it normal to talk about love, but if you fall in love, the object of love is Wen's daughter, and that is definitely not possible.

"Teacher, you can rest assured that I will take care of the teaching ceremony."

"Hey, don't say anything about discipline, such a big child, let him converge, just want to fall in love, just graduate, now is not the time to fall in love, and I am the last principal, This school is not allowed to fall in love, if it affects the atmosphere, then it is not good."

"Yes, teacher, I will definitely not look for a small sister after the ceremony."

"Well, that's it."

"Goodbye, Teacher Wen."

Putting down the phone, Zhou Qiangqiang endured anger in his heart, and the guests said a few words to let the students eat first, then went upstairs.

Zhou Xueli was also depressed at the moment, holding a mobile phone, ready to call Wen Hao, but has not dialed, his mobile phone was beaten by Zhou Qiang to the ground.

I still don't understand what happened. Zhou Xueli looked at his father, but he was greeted by Zhou Qiang.

After Zhou Xueli finally reacted, he began to flee, because Zhou Qiangguang fan he was not deflated, but picked up the stool next to him.


The solid stool was smashed, indicating that Zhou Qiang was really anxious.

Looking at the stool on the ground, Zhou Xueli was frightened, and across the table, Zhou Xueli asked: "Dad, what happened? Why?"

Zhou Qiang sighed a few breaths and pointed at Zhou Xueli's anger: "You dare to ask me what's wrong? You shouldn't fight? Who is Wen Wei? She is the daughter of your teacher, you dare to hit her idea, If I don’t have any respect in my life, I will help you one. As a result, you have to go to sleep with his daughter. I didn’t kill you. It’s light.”

Zhou Xueli is not comfortable in his heart, because he hates Zhou Qiang's words, what is called "sleeping his daughter", do you like a girl just to sleep her, can't you wholeheartedly treat her?

Yes, my father’s lover is countless. Speaking of it, playing a woman for him is not to sleep.

"Dad, I really like Xiaoyan."

"You still dare to argue, OK, then you can see if I can't beat you." After that, Zhou Qiang went out, only came back a few seconds later, with a golf club in his hand.

Zhou Xueli is afraid of this. Is it really going to kill people?

"Dad, you calm down, calm down, I am wrong."

Zhou Qiang held a golf club and asked: "Where are you wrong, say."

"Dad, I shouldn't like Xiaoyan, I won't go to see her later."

"Well, I will give you a chance. If you dare to look for her, I will definitely interrupt your leg. I will do it."

"Yes, Dad, I promise." Zhou Xueli said eagerly, because Zhou Qiang really said it.

Zhou Qiang turned around and walked away. Zhou Xueli tried to calm down and spit out the blood in his mouth. He began to think about how Zhou Qiang knew about him and his warmth.

Only knowing himself, Wen Wei, the principal, Zhou Xu, the principal is impossible, only Zhou Xu.

He clenched his fists and he swears that he will never let Zhou Xu do anything in his life.

At this time, Zhou Xueli also found out that although he was born again, he did not know whether it was a butterfly effect, and Zhou Xu would not do the last thing, then what should he do?

After thinking for a long time, Zhou Xueli decided that in any case, he needs to exercise his body first, because he does not want this world to be chased by Zhou Xu.

Just as Zhou Xueli swollen his face and prepared to wash his face in the washroom, he and Zhou Xu met again.

The face was beaten red by Zhou Qiang. Zhou Xueli lowered his head and smiled a little. He didn't want to be seen by Zhou Xu, so he was laughed again, but he was so good on his face, Zhou Xu had already walked over, and Zhou Xueli was the whole air. .

I don't know why, Zhou Xueli felt that this ignorance was even more irritating and irritating. Standing in the corridor, he clenched his lower lip to calm himself, because at this moment he did not have the strength to fight Zhou Xu.

Once again, Zhou Xueli felt that he had at least learned to bear.

Zhou Xueli is still forbearing here, but the other side is gentle, but he is standing in a dark space, or a storage room.

When she was a child, she would be beaten if she didn’t listen. After she was in junior high school, Wen helped her not to beat her. She was all sent to her, but now she has already gone to college, and she has to be punished.

Wen Yu’s father, Wen Zhu, really knows her too. All her habits are known to Wen Yu. So when I was eating, Wen Yan said casually, “The course is very smooth today, the teachers and classmates are very good.” Wen I guessed it.

"Oh, what happened today? Tell me the truth, don't wait for me to find out."

Wen Wei is only shocked, and what she doesn't know is that she almost never uses "very" in front of her father. For example, she usually says that the weather is good, not that the weather is "very good". She will say that the course is OK. Instead of being "very" smooth, all her words will converge, and today's answer is very frank. This kind of frankness is what she wants to hide and hide.

Looking down, Wen said: "Dad, I am in love."

"Who is the other party?" Wen Zhuo's words are very cold. He said that Wen Yan is not allowed to fall in love during college. She is different from the second generation of the second generation. She can't indulge.

"Zhou Xueli of Zhou Shujia." Wen Yan confessed, because she did not have the need to hide, or that she was useless, Wen Jian will still find out.

Then she was confined and confined. In this dark little room, Wen Yan repeatedly asked if this was really the life she wanted. Is this really the father she wants?

She told herself over and over again, yes, yes, but another voice inside, but more and more loud, this voice has been saying: "No, this is not the life you want, your life is free. Your life should be free, no longer being controlled."

Strictly controlled life, strict protection of the daughter, Wen Zhuo is an educator. When he was a 17-year-old principal, his students were all over the world. He had his students in politics and business, and some even became big. Crocodile, and he is educating his daughter, but he has been walking extremes.

In the dark space, Wen Hao repeatedly calmed himself. After waiting for three hours, when the door opened, Wen Xiaoshun smiled and said: "Dad, I am wrong."

Wen assisted and nodded and said, "Well, then go to practice the piano. I haven’t practiced for two hours today."

Wen Hao looked up and saw the wall clock on the wall. At this time, it was already 11 o'clock in the night. The piano that was practiced for two hours was one o'clock in the morning. After practicing the piano, she still needed to practice an hour of calligraphy.

Fortunately, she doesn't have to dance every day, otherwise she won't sleep this night.

When I thought of the two-hour piano dance for two hours a day, Wen Wei suddenly felt ridiculous. In her life, the most annoying thing was to play the piano, followed by dance.

Perhaps, if Wen is not so strict, she may not be so annoying, but now she is very disgusted to see the piano.

She likes to paint, likes to look at other people's strokes to outline a lifelike character, likes the oil painting, but she has no choice.

When practicing the brush, she occasionally secretly draws a small animal with a brush, but it will be torn off immediately after painting, because Wen will help to check, she said that the shredded rice paper is scrapped every time. At this moment, Wen Wei felt that the shred is not a scrap, it is all her happiness.

For two hours, Wen Hao was playing the piano like a puppet. When the bomb was finished, Wen Xiangyu came up and gave her a cup of warm milk. "Go to bed early, don't have to practice the brush today."

"Okay, thank you Dad."

After drinking the milk, washing it, lying on the bed, Wen Wei found that her mobile phone is gone, replaced by a new mobile phone just listed.

The phone case is pink, very light and cute, but Wen Wei doesn't like it.

She was prescribed a road, but this road is more and more unwilling to leave.

Wen Hao doesn't remember Zhou Xueli's phone number. Zhou Xueli's cell phone has already been broken. The two miss each other and sleep.

Zhou Qiang’s movements certainly couldn’t be hidden. Therefore, when Zhou Qiang didn’t go downstairs, Zhou Xu let the classmates go home, and he discussed with Ke Tuer how to make this video.

Ke Tuer asked Zhou Xu whether they had a theme for this event. Zhou Xu thought for a moment and said, "I have to ask the principal, because the poster of the event has not been posted yet."

"Then how are you..." Ke Tuer snorted and suddenly understood that there was no such activity at all. Zhou Xu said so, just to help her.

“Why help me?” Ke Tuer asked. “I don’t think there is anything I can do for you, or, do I have any use value that I don’t even know?”

The lips are slightly curved, Zhou Xu said: "Of course, because I want to work with you, bring my dad down."

"What do you mean?"

“Literature,” Zhou Xu said, getting up and leaving the table. He continued to say when he left. “Everything has not started yet, you can refuse me at any time.”

Zhou Xu went upstairs. In the corridor, he met Zhou Xueli, who was full of redness and swelling. He looked at his own vision and let Zhou Xu understand that it seemed that he had put the pot of the complaint on his head.

Too lazy to care for him, Zhou Xu returned to his room.

After returning to the room, Zhou Xu began to organize the small video contest plan, and began to design posters, because he was originally nonsense, but since the relationship with the principal is "small," Zhou Xu will certainly take advantage of this advantage.

I will complete the planning case overnight and make the poster design. When I sleep, I will see the watch at 1:30 in the morning.

Quickly wash and prepare to sleep. Before going to the trampoline, Zhou Xu opened the phone and looked at it. Then he saw the message from the principal Nie Yuantong.

"I want to kiss you."

With a slight smile, Zhou Xu returned to a text message: "You promise me a condition, let you kiss yourself tomorrow."

After the release, Zhou Xu planned to sleep. After all, it is already early in the morning, but the text message has just been sent in a few seconds, and the reply is over there.

"No matter what the conditions, I promised first."

Zhou Xu’s mouth couldn’t help but rise again, and replied again: “In this case, I will remember my promise.”

Then Zhou Xu shut down and went to sleep, but Zhou Xu thought about the reaction there.

Early the next morning, Zhou Xu went to school. Rice was not eaten at home, and Zhou Qiang left early. Because of his company's problems, Ke Tuer was ready to pick up her acting career. As for Zhou Xueli, He is getting up again late.

He always likes to sleep late, and sleeps late last night, so today the bed has passed class time.

Hurry to eat some breakfast, get on the car, he went to school.

In the end, Zhou Xueli’s first class was missed, and the teacher of the class just named it. Zhou Xueli knew that he could only sigh, because the teachers in this class always paid attention to the usual results. If the usual name is not, then the score will be given during the exam. Very strict.

When the key to the sophomore, the teacher is the final examiner. If he disagrees, then even if he chooses the favorite department, if there are many people who choose this direction, then the usual name will not be eliminated. .

No way, Zhou Xueli thought that this is already the case anyway, then try to review it carefully during the exam, and at the moment, Zhou Xueli has no thoughts on it at all. All his thoughts are on Wen.

He promised that his father would not be in contact with Wen Hao, but he couldn't help but think about it, especially the gentle and watery appearance of Wen Yu, who always scratched his heart.

He had to find a chance to talk to Wen Hao first. After all, he didn't want to hide his gentleness. If he could, the two would be better off, and they would be together after graduation.

Zhou Xueli is still thinking about how to be warm and docile, and Zhou Xu has already applied for the small video contest.

In the morning, Zhou Xu came to the school early, and after he arrived, he was waiting at the door of the principal's room. Perhaps it was a heart and soul. Nie Yuantong also came to the school in advance.

In the empty corridor, in the light morning light, Zhou Xu single-handedly put a pocket, leaning against the window sill of the corridor, and saw Nie Yuantong coming. He kept his one-handed pocket leaning against the window sill and waved to Nie Yuantong, his voice was clear, he said "Good morning, principal, adult."

Nie Yuantong confirmed again that he really liked this person, because the rapid increase in heartbeat has already sold him out.

Going forward a few steps, turning back, confirming that there is no one in the corridor, Nie Yuantong will pull Zhou Xu into his arms and hold tight.

He was held by Nie Yuantong, Zhou Xu is very comfortable, because he likes this familiar embrace, very safe and very secure.

"President, hold enough, let's go to your office?"

He was held by Nie Yuantong, Zhou Xu said, not because of anything else, because Nie Yuantong’s unnamed position has been hardened, and he thought that he was the head of a school. Zhou Xu still had to leave him a few faces. Otherwise, this is seen by the students. It is estimated to be disillusioned. After all, the prestige of the principal is still very high among the students.


Turning back, taking out the key to open the door, Nie Yuantong took Zhou Xu into his office, and after entering, Nie Yuantong turned his head and locked the office door again.

Zhou Xu heard a crisp voice, his hands clasped his chest, smiled and played, he asked: "Why, what do you want to do to see something unpleasant? Also lock the door?"

Then Zhou Xu knew what this unpleasant thing was, because Nie Yuantong grabbed him and cuddled him, and then the two entered a small rest room in the principal's room.

There is a single bed in the lounge, and at this moment, Zhou Xu has been overwhelmed by the bed.

Nothing is too late to say that Zhou Xu’s lips have been sealed, and Nie Yuantong’s kiss is coming from the face. As for what the kiss is, Zhou Xu thought, um, sweet bean juice.

At the end of a kiss, Zhou Xu said to the man who was pressing on his body: "My bean juice likes the original taste."

Nie Yuantong was speechless, only listening to Zhou Xu and said: "However, I can try to add sugar several times later."

Nie Yuantong thought for a moment before he understood what Zhou Xu meant. The corner of his mouth evoked, Nie Yuantong said: "Zhou Xu, I want to love you."

Zhou Xu raised his thigh, and his thigh just touched a certain part of Nie Yuantong. He said, "Get up, don't want to do this kind of animal life in the early morning. I really have something to discuss with you."

Nie Yuantong looked down at his little tent and then got up and said without hesitation: "This is the nature of human beings, and what animals are not born."

"Well, you make sense."

"You are too perfunctory, right, what's the matter?"

Nie Yuantong sat in the chair of the office. Zhou Xu also sorted out his clothes a little, then walked out of the rest room and went to the opposite side of Nie Yuantong.

Submit the prepared plan and poster design to Nie Yuantong, Zhou Xu said: "I want to ask you to do an event, can you see it?"

Nie Yuantong took over the things that Zhou Xu handed over, quickly browsed it again, and then carefully looked at Zhou Xu's design, and finally said: "This thing is on me, although I can't do it myself, but I guarantee that this activity can be do."

Can't smile, Zhou Xu said: "Thank you."

"But my reward?"

Zhou Xuzheng is ready to leave. After listening to Nie Yuantong, he bowed his head and looked different when he looked up again.

The narrow eyebrows are slightly curved, the tip of the tongue slides over the lower lip, and the neckline is unwrapped with one hand, revealing a beautiful neckline. Zhou Xu’s voice is fascinating: “President, what do you want to do to me?”

Nie Yuantong’s eyes were hooked on Zhou Xu, and the throat was swaying for a long time. Finally, some of his hard-to-soft parts were hard.

Zhou Xu was very satisfied with Nie Yuantong's reaction and arranged the neckline. Zhou Xu said: "There are opportunities in the future. The principal of the principal is still forbearing for the time being."

After that, Zhou Xu turned and opened the door that was locked inside, went out, and left.

Zhou Xu left, and Nie Yuantong in the office was single-handed, and he laughed. He really took Zhou Xu, and he really liked this wild guy more and more.

After seeing Zhou Xu’s plan again, Nie Yuantong looked at it seriously.

The design of the project is very good. From how to start, how to do propaganda, and even how to develop in the medium term and post-marketing are very clear. The key is that the feasibility is very good.

If you follow this plan, then this event may raise the school's reputation to the next level, and this activity is indeed a very strong ability to train students, but it may be a little difficult to personally organize, it is better to let each class, department No, organize in the name of the group, and you can't force students to participate.

Nie Yuantong made a slight modification to the plan and confirmed that there was no problem. He took the plan to the school's Standing Committee.

Several management regular committees have just arrived, and they are very surprised to see Nie Yuantong, because this principal is basically synonymous with “God is gone,” and it’s okay to pretend to be a student to attend classes, and to go to school as a gardener, nothing to do. Studying the aerobics in the sports electives with the students, in short, using a word to describe the principal, probably is not reliable.

However, although the principal is not reliable, but no one can match his strength, his article in the financial special issue is not written by all of them, and two very professional books have been published at a young age. And after a year of books, it became a postgraduate program at a university.

In short, this principal is a godly character for them, and the most important thing is that his background is too hard.

Several members of the Standing Committee were very puzzled and very flattered. Nie Yuantong smiled slightly and said with great respect: "The teachers are good, I want to promote an activity, come over and ask what opinions you have."

Several members of the Standing Committee quickly sat down and asked, "What activities?"

Nie Yuantong handed the plan to them and smiled: "Video contest."

After talking about Nie Yuantong, he found a chair in the corner and sat down, letting several regular members of the committee face each other.

The Standing Committee did not dare to scream, only to use eye contact: "How did the principal sit down?"

Another member of the Standing Committee shook his head and blinked, meaning: "Where I know, look at the plan."

In this way, several members of the Standing Committee who had just arrived at the office were under the pressure of Nie Yuantong. They did not dare to look at the plan book for a second, and there was only one plan for the plan. Several of them could only plan the plan. The nails are opened, and one person passes the page and then passes it on to the next person.

An hour later, several members of the Standing Committee read the plan, and at this time Nie Yuantong was sitting in the corner leisurely, putting pressure on them.

Looking at each other, the head of the Standing Committee opened up: "President Nie, this plan is very good, we support."

Nie Yuantong got up and said with a smile: "Well, then, who is the host, who will be the propagandist, who will be the judges, we will discuss it together, and set it directly."

What can the Changchun Committee say, can only nod, and quickly find someone to convene the school's Academic Affairs Office, the teaching office, the logistics department, and other departments, and temporarily convened the school assembly.

When he was out of school at noon, when Zhou Xueli went to Wenxi, he saw the school's propaganda column.

There is a huge poster in the bulletin board, and there is still a small number of numbers under the poster. Zhou Xueli looked at it carefully. It turned out to be the date of printing. This date is obviously two hours ago. So how did Zhou Xu know this yesterday? active?

The author has something to say: Thank you, the landmine known to you and the vanilla~\\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

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