MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 68 07.01丨

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Nie Yuantong's voice is very charming, especially when he deliberately drops the sound so that he feels calm and magnetic. If he is voice-activated, he can hear the sound and estimate that the bones can be crisp.

However, since it is a sweet talk, as long as the object of the complaint is correct, then the other party will be happy regardless of the sound.

Zhou Xu said with a smile: "Is this the girl who loves me?"

Nie Yuantong is driving the car, Zhou Xu said this sentence very directly, directly to Nie Yuantong almost hit the steering wheel.

The car was unstable, and Zhou Xu shook his body. After Nie Yuantong’s car was stabilized again, Zhou Xu looked sideways and found Nie Yuantong, a man who had always had a bit of evil, and his earlobe turned red.

Zhou Xu smiled and asked the principal to suddenly silence the principal: "How, like me, are you afraid?"


The harsh brakes made people very uncomfortable.

The rapid brakes made Zhou Xu's body fall forward and was swayed back. Fortunately, he tied the seat belt. Otherwise, he might hit his head and hit the glass in front of the car.

Looking at Nie Yuantong with anger, Zhou Xu said: "Do you want to die?"

"Do not want to."

After all, Nie Yuantong untied his seat belt with one hand and leaned over to Zhou Xu.

Kisses are so overwhelming, from oysters to fierceness, consistent with the first kisses of all the world.

Kissing, suddenly a voice sounded: "Hey."

Then there was another voice: "Hey."

The man under Nie Yuantong’s lips suddenly fell down. Nie Yuantong sneaked and sneered: “Ha ha ha ha... Zhou Xu, did you touch the button to adjust the seat, hahaha...”

Zhou Xu presses the button that adjusts the seat again, and adjusts himself to the sitting position.

Zhou Xu was also very speechless, kissed and kissed, and suddenly fell flat. This experience was really the first time I met.

Slightly embarrassed, Zhou Xu said to the principal who was still laughing, "Let's laugh again, you will wait to die."

Nie Yuantong replied with a smile: "Good."

Drive the car again, on the road, Nie Yuantong said while driving: "Zhou Xu, the school is banned from falling in love."

Zhou Xu glanced at Nie Yuantong and then replied: "The school rules should be revised."

"Well, I think so too."

"Your behavior was too dangerous." Zhou Xu said that he said that the problem of Nie Yuantong’s sudden braking was just that, although it was stopped on the right side, it was still dangerous.

Nie Yuantong replied while driving: "You are the first to seduce me."

Zhou Xuyi replied, "The person who first seduce, should be you."

Looking at the front, Nie Yuantong laughed again and said, "Maybe it is me."

The two said that they went to the hospital with a smile, and after going to the hospital, Nie Yuantong took out a card, and both of them did not need to go directly to the senior customer service area.

“Can the hospital still do this?”

Nie Yuantong shook his card and said: "Of course, as long as there is money."

"How much is the annual fee for this card?"

"It’s tens of thousands of pieces, but it can save a lot of things. It’s very convenient to have someone to take care of it.”


Zhou Xu didn't want to say anything about this medical system. Anyway, he didn't have any mood to manage this kind of thing.

Fairness and unfairness are not the ones Zhou Xu has ever said.

Going directly to the orthopedics and taking a film, Zhou Xu saw that the bones of his toes did crack a little, but it was not serious. He could grow well in two or three weeks.

After confirming the situation, Zhou Xu also breathed a sigh of relief, but this hatred must be reported, the most annoying thing in his life is pain, a little pain will not work.

Finally, the doctor did not do anything to let Zhou Xu go, after all, it is not the arm that often moves to the place, so the doctor did not give a fixed, just told Zhou Xu to pay attention, in fact, these doctors do not say Zhou Xu also understand.

On the way back, Nie Yuantong said with a joke: "The lunch today didn't have to be eaten, hehe."

Zhou Xu replied: "Go eat together, finish, you send me home, how?"

Nie Yuantong certainly agreed, so the jokes seemed to have determined the relationship between the two lovers, and they were jokes. The two quickly entered the state of love, and the guns were generally quick.

The only difference is that the two will not go to the trampoline so soon.

The two still went to say the good Italian restaurant, Nie Yuantong is meatless, Zhou Xu does not matter, Nie Yuantong casually ordered the food, but after eating a few mouthfuls, Zhou Xu found that it really fits his appetite.

So Zhou Xu ate the whole piece of steak. After eating it, Zhou Xu said with satisfaction: "Not bad."

Stretching out the hand across the table, the thumb rubbed the oil stains of Zhou Xu's lips. Nie Yuantong said: "Zhou Xu, you are too attractive."

Extending the red tongue and tender tongue, Zhou Xuyi lowered his lips and smiled: "Resist."

In the afternoon, Zhou Xu did not go to class, because he was too lazy to listen to those courses. Even if these courses are already very good for him, he does not need to study any more, because he has already understood these things very well. .

After returning home, Zhou Xu saw that Ke Tuer was playing with her potted plants in the garden, so Zhou Xu took the book and sat down in the past.

Ke Tuer ignored him and did his own thing.

The two were so busy, but it was quite harmonious. However, two hours later, Ke Tuer sat next to Zhou Xu.

As soon as the chair sank, Zhou Xu looked sideways and Ke Tuer smiled and asked: "How come back so early today?"

The original Lord never paid attention to Ke Tuer, but perhaps because of Zhou Xu’s show this morning, Ke Tuer also wanted to show him well.

"Because the foot was smashed."

"Because what?"

"Nothing, playing with classmates, accidentally hurting."

Zhou Xu didn't want to bring him and Zhou Xueli's things to his home, especially to Ke Tu'er, because the woman and the two of them had no blood relationship.

"Be careful next time," Ke Tuer said.


When she got up, Ke Tuer was ready to leave. When she was about to leave Zhou Xu’s line of sight, Zhou Xu suddenly asked her: "Do you want to act?"

Ke Tuer’s footsteps stopped, and the slow motion turned around. She asked, “What are you talking about?”

Zhou Xu repeated, "Do you want to act?"

Ke Tuer smiled and said: "Even if you want to be able to do it, your father will not agree. As long as he does not agree, then no company will dare to ask me. Even if there is, I will definitely be hidden in the snow. So I have no choice at all, isn't it?"

"I didn't ask so much, just ask you, do you think, acting?"

Ke Tuer looked at Zhou Xu, her lips trembled. For a long time, she suddenly bowed her head and said softly: "Think."

After that, Ke Tuer turned and left, because she didn't think Zhou Xu would help her, or that she didn't think Zhou Xu could help her.

In fact, Zhou Xu did not want to help Ke Tuer, but wanted to use Ke Tuer to defeat Zhou Qiang.

In the previous two worlds, the first world, Zhou Xueli was killed by Zhou Xu, but in the end, he still did not end well, because Zhou Qiang’s many lovers, and later two children, the two women joined hands and finally All of Zhou Qiang’s property was murdered. Zhou Xu, in the end, still relied on his own accumulation, and did not starve to death.

In the second world, Zhou Xu was in turn killed by Zhou Xueli, and the reason for the death was that Zhou Qiang shut him up, and finally he forgot himself. When he remembered, it has been ten days, Zhou Xu’s The bodies are stinking.

In the two worlds, Zhou Xu could not count on Zhou Qiang, and Zhou Qiang’s feelings for Zhou Xu were just a name of “father”.

In this world, Zhou Xu did not want to engage in a filial piety with Zhou Qiang. Zhou Qiang was selfish and horrible, and Zhou Xu did not expect to rely on the strength of his father.

Zhou Qiang is not worthy of being a father at all, so Zhou Xu intends to help Ke Tuer.

Zhou Qiang has a lot of life lover and lover, but his favorite, even if it is Ke Tu, he did not divorce Ke Tuer in the last two lives, which explains the problem.

Closing the book in his hand, Zhou Xu did not expect that one day, he would fight against his father.

In fact, in a certain world, Zhou Xu’s father is also called Zhou Qiang, but Zhou Qiang, although a bit stubborn, can actually love children very much. However, the world’s Zhou Qiang is different. The world’s Zhou Qiang is a selfish hypocrite.

Selfishness is also good, but this person is selfish to his own children. He punishes the child and locks the child up, and he will forget it.

That was the reincarnation of Zhou Xueli, using the advantage of the prophet to defeat Zhou Xu a little bit, and after he was ruined by Zhou Xu, he handed Zhou Xu to Zhou Qiang.

Zhou Qiang knew that Zhou Xu’s actions were very angry and directly locked Zhou Xu, who was already dying, in the basement that could not be opened for a long time.

As a result, Zhou Qiang was busy. Zhou Xueli knew that Zhou Xu was locked in the basement, but he did not say anything at all.

Zhou Qiang after ten days thought of it, but Zhou Xu at that time was already a dead body.

The body was so dry, and Zhou Xu, who was very hungry in the basement, gave a decaying stool to him.

In the end, he was still starved to death, because in the basement, except for the stool, there was nothing.

This is the final ending of Zhou Xu after Zhou Xueli's rebirth, starving to death, how ridiculous!

A son of the richest man, starved to death, this news is probably shocking in the world.

Zhou Xu is not stupid. Zhou Xueli is the object of revenge. Zhou Qiang is naturally, such a father, such a father's family business, he would rather not.

However, before actually revenge Zhou Qiang, it is still necessary to make use of it, for example, Zhou Qiang's personal relationship.

The spring breeze is intoxicating, and Zhou Xu sat in his garden for a while before entering the house.

In the house, Zhou Xueli has returned. When the two met, Zhou Xueli took Zhou Xu, Zhou Xu directly ignored him and went upstairs to his room.

Zhou Xueli did not understand that in the last life, Zhou Xu was not designed to frame himself?

In the sports room, he is not letting a few younger brothers unite, throwing a basket of volleyball to throw their own?

Even if Zhou Xu was not in school today, his orders should be arranged the day before, but why didn't the younger brothers stop him?

However, he has already told the teacher.

As a result, the very worried teacher followed Zhou Xueli to go to the sporting goods room and found that there was no "little brother" at all, and there was no campus bullying.

Zhou Xueli was also anxious. He took the teacher to the West Building. If the memory did not go wrong, there were a few more serious pranks by Zhou Xu’s younger brothers.

And the prank is actually very dangerous, because they got a piece of wood on the second floor, and after Zhou Xueli went in, it should have been a slip, then he fell to the other side because of the oil on the floor. In the process of sliding the wall, he will touch a starter board. The starter board will open. The top will first sprinkle the whole bag of flour, and then a piece of wood will fall.

The actual situation is that Zhou Xueli went with the teacher. After entering the door, he did fall, and then there was no more.

Zhou Xueli looked anxiously on the second floor, but there was nothing there, no flour, no wood, but the floor was indeed oily, but the oil was very, very little.

But why is this? Does Zhou Xu know that he wants to bring a teacher?

But did he not go to the school clinic because of his injury?

"Zhou Xueli, what do you want me to see, see you acting?" The teacher followed Zhou Xueli, but he only saw Zhou Xueli because he accidentally fell, there was nothing to bully his classmates, and there was nothing harmful to life. The prank.

"Sorry, teacher, maybe I am wrong." Zhou Xueli can only apologize, but because he has always been weak, the teacher did not say anything about him, only because he was too timid and afraid to be bullied.

At this moment, Zhou Xueli at home was once again ignored by Zhou Xu, and he felt even more resentful.

He ran to his room, Zhou Xueli turned on the computer, he needed comfort, and his comfort was gentle.

When they were out of school, they also walked together. I thought that Zhou Xueli would be more comfortable in my heart, and I would be born again, at least he could be with Wen.

"Oh, are you home?"


Zhou Xueli confided his inner depression on the Internet, and Wen Yu has always responded very gently. However, what Zhou Xueli did not know is that although Wen Hao looks very gentle on the surface, in fact, because of depression, she is actually more impatient than anyone else.

Wen Yu’s father, the former headmaster Wen Xiangyu, has strict requirements for Wen’s. From a young age, he has to practice two hours of piano every day, two hours of dance, and one hour of calligraphy, every day. This is the case.

If Wen Hao has a little slack, then the one who greets her is the slap of Wen.

When Wen Wei first learned these things, he was only three years old. She did not know how many times she was beaten by her father before she had the current results.

Now she has a piano tenth grade, and the dance has also been selected into the ballet. The calligraphy has won the championship. However, if she chooses, she would rather not have all the achievements, but have a happy childhood.

It is this kind of environment that has been suppressed since childhood, which has allowed Wen to develop this kind of character, with a superficial set, gentle and weak; behind the set, impatient but not indifferent.

Under such a strict environment, the gentle worldview has not yet formed. She does not have much insistence on right and wrong, because he has been strictly protected by Wen Xiangyu for so many years.

She never knew what was dark, or that even if she did something dark, she might not know that it was wrong.

Just like her chat with Zhou Xueli at the moment, I heard Zhou Xueli saying that he was very wronged. After she was unwilling, she replied without thinking about anything: "Schoolship, or we secretly give him a crime, such as a strong traitor. This kind of person seems to hate this kind of person, what do you think?"

Zhou Xueli looked at the computer and didn't understand what Wen was saying for a while, but she was so tolerant, he really liked it, so he replied: "Thank you, Xiao Yan. But this crime is not good, or forget it. Let's go."

"I can help you."

There was a reply from Zhou Xueli over there. Their aunt told him to go down for dinner, so he replied quickly to "I went to eat, thank you, Xiao Yan", and then he went downstairs.

What Zhou Xueli didn't expect was that Wen Hao really started to prepare, and she was going to let the school flower to be a victim because he hated the school flower.

The father of the school flower is a financial predator. The school flower is also beautiful. It is perfect in every aspect. Most boys like her, but most girls hate him.

Wen Yan listened to the girls to discuss, so I felt that I also hated this school flower, but in fact, she and the school flower did not even talk.

When Zhou Xueli went downstairs, Zhou Qiang, Zhou Xu, and Ke Tuer had already sat down. Zhou Xueli sat down to the seat next to Zhou Xu.

The family did not speak, this is the normal state, but eating and eating Zhou Xu suddenly said: "Dad, we have a game in our school, it is a small video game, I want to participate, can I?"

Zhou Qiang was awkward. Generally, Zhou Xu would not ask him for advice. From this morning, Zhou Xu seems to have changed.

"Small video contest? What do you mean?"

"In fact, there is nothing. It is that the school wants to exercise our organizational skills. Let us serve as a choreographer and make a small story. The story must be finished in about fifteen to thirty minutes, but in the process, how to organize the actors, how to contact the venue, etc. These are all that we need to do personally. I feel very challenging and want to try."

Zhou Xueli didn't catch up with him for a long time. Why didn't he hear about this game?

"I do not know how?"

Zhou Xu turned back and said with a gentle smile: "Brother, you will also pay attention to the school's propaganda bar in the future. Many of the activities are actually quite meaningful."

Zhou Xueli instantly blushed, because he was embarrassed, and Zhou Qiang was very pleased to hear Zhou Xu’s words. He nodded and said, “Yes, do you need me to help? Do you want to give you some money?”

Zhou Xu smiled and replied: "Thank you, Dad, the money is not needed, but I want to ask you to borrow someone."

"Oh? Who to borrow?"

"It's her, your wife."

Ke Tuer was absent-mindedly drinking soup. Suddenly she was paralyzed. Then she contacted Zhou Xu in the afternoon to ask her in the garden. Her heart was warm, and Ke Tuer felt that it might not be such a bad thing to live.

Yes, in the two worlds, Ke Tuer eventually committed suicide, and her depression is actually starting from this time.

This is still the beginning. In the early days, she only occasionally remembered suicide. In the later period, she used a lot of perseverance to tell herself not to die every day, but in the end she still committed suicide.

This world, she died, Zhou Xu did not care, but Zhou Xu hopes to use her to fight Zhou Qiang, anyway, he and Ke Tuo have no hatred, but this father who lives and ignores his own life, but there is a great hatred.

Zhou Qiang did not understand the meaning of Zhou Xu, so he asked: "Xiao Xu, what do you mean?"

Zhou Xu said with a smile: "Dad, have you forgotten? Ke Wei used to be an actor. I want her to contact me with a few new people. I don't have to give money or give money, so I will guide you."

"It turns out, hahaha, of course, but you shouldn't ask me this, you should ask her directly."

After Zhou Xu listened, he turned to look at the opposite Ke Tuer. "Ke Ke, can you help me?"

Taking a leisurely smile, Ke Tuer said: "Of course."

Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu, and then looked at Zhou Xueli. The two contrasted and stood up. He sighed and said: "School, you will grow a little later. Really, compared with your brother, you are really useless. ""

The dining table has returned to silence. Zhou Xu will certainly not be a good brother at this moment. He is too late to watch the movie. Unfortunately, the play has not seen enough, and his doorbell rang.

I indicated that Auntie used to look at who was in the past, and Zhou Qiang was also guilty. "At this time, who will come to the house, I have not invited others."

At this time, Auntie came over and said to Zhou Qiang: "Mr. Zhou, they said that they are Dagongzi classmates, want to see his injury."

"Injury?" Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu with a puzzled look.

Zhou Xueli’s heart was suddenly hoisted.

Zhou Xu smiled and said: "Oh, I accidentally hurt my foot today."

Listening to Zhou Xu said that Zhou Xueli’s heart is hanging higher.

"This way, let them come in."

"Yes, Mr. Zhou."

The door was opened, and five Zhou Xu’s classmates came in. The family stood up. The five people also came very respectfully. They greeted Zhou Qiang first, then greeted Ketu, and then put the gift and sat down. .

After all sat down, Zhou Qiang said: "I haven't eaten yet, Auntie, give them a meal and prepare a meal."


Auntie left, a few people were very embarrassed, one of them said: "Zhou Shu, sorry to bother."

"It's okay, you care about Xiaoxu, I want to thank you for taking care of him at school."

"Zhou Shu, where are we taking care of Zhou Xu, they are taking care of us. Yes, Zhou Xu, you are fine, we went to ask, the principal told us that you finally went to the hospital. How is it so serious, I still I thought it was just a sigh of relief." The classmate said, secretly glanced at Zhou Xueli. Zhou Xueli was shocked and knew that he could not hide this time.

Zhou Qiang also asked: "Is still going to the hospital? What is going on?"

"Oh, nothing, just don't care..."

"What is not careful, that is, Zhou Xueli deliberately stunned, we all saw it."

"Schoolship, what's going on, you honestly!" Zhou Qiang's tone suddenly became strict.

After all, I still didn't escape. Zhou Xueli stood up and had a small voice. He said, "Dad, I am wrong."

Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu, who was sensible. Then look at this little son and it was even more angry. "You will roll me back to your room."

Zhou Xueli was sullen and gone, and the dinner table resumed his happy appearance. After the few younger brothers left Zhou Xueli, Zhou Xu was blinking and grimacing. The appearance of the invitation was not funny, but Zhou Xu found that he also seemed to Not so annoying to these people, at least, they really want to avenge themselves for the law at this moment.

"Dad, you don't want to be so angry, and the gift is not intentional. Don't listen to them." Zhou Xu continued to be his own son, and Zhou Qiang's phone rang.

Look at the electric display, it is Wen Zhu, this week, Zhou Qiang only respects and is the most feared person.

Pick up, Zhou Qiang's expression became respectful, "Hey, Wen teacher?"

"Zhou Qiang, your son is very capable, is this going to abduct my only daughter?"

The author has something to say: The author's words: Thank you for your landmines.

Read The Duke's Passion