MTL - The Villain’s Face Slapping Counterattack-Chapter 70 07.01丨

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Temporarily put aside his doubts, Zhou Xueli went to find Wen.

Wen Hao is lying on the table at this moment. She is empty in her mind and she does not know what she is thinking.

There are no people in the classroom. Apart from Wen Hao, there are only two boys who are playing games on their mobile phones.

Going to the front of Wen Yu, facing the gentle, sitting on the stool on the front table, Zhou Xueli also reached the gentle table.

Four eyes are opposite, Wen Yan sees the appearance of Zhou Xueli's smile, and feels very warm in an instant.

Zhou Xueli whispered, "What's wrong? See you have no spirit."

"Nothing, it seems like it will be fine after seeing you. Yes, my mobile number has changed. Did you call me after last night?"

"I just want to tell you, my dad knows about the trick. He dropped my phone. It seems that we can only temporarily..."

After waiting for Zhou Xueli to finish, Wen Hao quickly took the next sentence: "Let's go underground."


"Well, we will use the secret code in the future. For example, in my new mobile phone, I will save your number to the same table, so even if my dad sees it, I can edit it."

After thinking about it, Zhou Xueli said: "Good. And, I really don't want to be separated from you."

With both hands in the grip, Wen said: "Me too."

"Right, you haven't eaten yet at noon. I'll go buy something for you. What do you want to eat?"

"Forget it, I will be careful when you come to me later. I think my dad has a lot of eyeliner here. We will be careful later, but no matter how hard it is, I will be with you." Wen Yan sat up and said .

"it is good."

The two of them looked at each other on the same table for a long time. The more they saw it, the more they liked it. When Zhou Xueli went, Wen Xin felt that his heart was empty.

She found that she really likes Zhou Xueli. His handsome temperature is different from that of all the boys in the school. The male students in the school are all famous in the family. They are proud of being like leopards. Only Zhou Xueli is born in such a wealthy family. It is really hard to get this kind of character.

Especially compared with his brother Zhou Xu, Wen Wei thinks that they are simply different from each other. If one uses Yang Chunbai to describe it, then the other is the lower Liba.

Recalling the complaints of Zhou Xueli last night, Wen Yu decided to help Zhou Xueli, because Zhou Xueli was the brightest fireworks she encountered in her life. She was willing to be a firecracker and a moth.

Two hours of lunch break, Zhou Xueli has been spending time with Wen Hao. He didn’t go to dinner at all, and Wen Wei didn’t, because both of them felt that they could stay together and were more interesting than eating.

At this time, Zhou Xu was called to the principal's room by Nie Yuantong, and looked at Nie Yuantong behind the desk. Zhou Xu asked: "Is there something?"

Nie Yuantong’s mouth was hooked and he replied: “Of course.”

"what's up?"

"Hello you." After that, Nie Yuantong took out a food box and opened it. Inside was a brightly colored meal, freshly cooked sweet corn, small tomatoes, fried squid pieces...

Said to be a food box, Zhou Xu feels a little wronged, this is simply a work of art, it seems that Zhou Xu is a bit reluctant to eat.

"What did you do?" Zhou Xu asked.

Nie Yuantong nodded and said, "Well, look good."

"Not bad."

"Yeah, I used it for two and a half hours last night."


"Food box, I made it myself, it’s good to see."

When Zhou Xu was eating, he felt speechless. As a result, Nie Yuantong laughed and laughed. "It’s not what I did when I teased you. Just now my mom came and wanted you to taste her craft."


One pair of chopsticks, sharing a three-tiered food box, the atmosphere is quiet, and the years are quiet.

After eating, Zhou Xu wiped his mouth and said: "Good job, the video contest is very fast."

"Of course, your husband can be a veritable principal."


"Right, I have a lot of places to do a good job, do you want to try?" Nie Yuantong said the word "dry" is very heavy, and the meaning is self-evident.

After Zhou Xu listened, he smiled and replied: "No, you are doing better, I am not interested now."

"Ha ha ha, scared you?"

"No, I want to scare me, you better practice it."

After Zhou Xu turned and walked away, even the thank you Nie Yuantong’s lunch did not say, but Nie Yuantong wanted to be more happy. He felt that Zhou Xu was a wild wolf, and he could feel his fierce sight anytime and anywhere, but it was tame. This kind of wolf is interesting, isn't it?

The support was low, and Nie Yuantong decided to really change the school rules. For example, the principal can talk to the students about what they love, if you can write a new school rules.

This evening, after Wen returned home, she first practiced the piano and practiced calligraphy. After Wen’s consent, she returned to her room.

Closing the door, Wen Hao took out the portrait of the mother, staring at the soft-smiling woman inside for a long time, slowly buckled the photo frame on the table. Behind the photo frame, there is a list of mothers left to Wen Wei, and this list is the "key" to open a certain insurance box of the bank.

Wen Hao didn't want to move the money. She kept it, because this is the only thing her mother left for her. She couldn't bear to put this list, just like this list, it seems to represent her mother.

Deeply bury all my thoughts, Wen Yu is more silent in front of Wen Zhuo, silent to the two people except for the most basic communication, this family will not have other voices.

Wen Wei felt that all of this was caused by her father. She was already big and didn't want to be the marionette again.

At this time, Zhou Xu’s dinner table, Zhou Xueli finally asked, “Why did you know about the video contest yesterday? But the school’s poster is clearly posted today.”

Both Zhou Qiang and Ke Tuer looked at Zhou Xu, but the two did not actually take Zhou Xueli's question seriously. After all, Zhou Xueli's performance was too disappointing, especially compared with Zhou Xu.

Drinking soup, Zhou Xu heard Zhou Xueli's question.

I swallowed the soup in my mouth. Zhou Xu wanted to answer. As a result, Zhou Xueli went on to say, "I asked, there was no such poster in the bulletin board yesterday, and none of them knew about the video contest. Everyone is I saw the poster after school at noon today. What you said yesterday is a lie."

Because Zhou Xueli’s tone was too serious, Zhou Qiang and Ke Tuer, who did not take seriously, also began to earnestly. Zhou Qiang also asked: “Xiao Xu, how did you know in advance?”

I took a white napkin next to me and wiped my lips. Zhou Xu said slowly: "Because this activity is my initiative, and it is also my plan, I certainly know."

“What are you planning?” Zhou Qiang and Zhou Xueli said at the same time.

"Yes, and it is directly approved by the principal. Even the poster design is made by me. Why, brother, do you have opinions?"


"And, there was a poster yesterday, but my design at the beginning was a 'small video contest', but the principal said that it would be better to remove the 'small' word and call it the video contest directly, so after posting it, that poster It was withdrawn. The people who passed by this incident must know that I would like to ask, what are your friends doing, why do you not know this kind of thing, they are all like you, there are delays Symptom, so this matter is over, only to go downstairs?"

Zhou Xueli was unable to say anything when he was found, and he was also defeated by Zhou Xu.

This reaction once again fell into Zhou Qiang's eyes. He was really disappointed with his younger son. He even began to think that Zhou Xueli really could not be on the table, just like her dead mother.

Although the idea in my mind is like this, I can't say that, after all, the deceased is big, Zhou Qiang can't mention Zhou Xueli's mother.

"School, oh, you will follow your brother to learn something later. Just exercise yourself. Don't spend your time on these aspects. Is it good to improve your own abilities?"

"I know, Dad." Zhou Xueli bowed his head and started to eat well, but he began to wonder. The previous Zhou Xu did not do this kind of thing, and it was simply a dude. Why is this week? Has Xu changed completely?

Zhou Xu became Zhou Xueli and didn't know. Zhou Xu of the previous life was bullying himself every day. After he was born again, Zhou Xu turned out that the whole person had changed his gas field. What is this?

A thought came to mind, Zhou Xueli was shocked by a cold sweat. Is Zhou Xu also born again?

However, in this case, Zhou Xueli feels that Zhou Xu may not be disadvantaged to himself anymore. Maybe it is also a good thing. At least he does not have to go to school every day with trepidation. Moreover, in this case, his Taekwondo course can not go on, after all. The course of Taekwondo is in the morning, he would rather sleep for a while.

Thinking about it, Zhou Xueli was so relaxed, even after the meal was particularly delicious, because he felt that if Zhou Xu was born again, and Zhou Xu became very motivated, he would not care about himself, then it means himself. In the future, you can safely retaliate against Zhou Xu.

If this idea makes Zhou Xu know, Zhou Xu must be sneer, because no matter whether he is not up, Zhou Xueli wants to deal with Zhou Xu, he has no fundamental change, then there is only one result, that is: impossible.

Just as Zhou Xueli raised this, Zhou Xu said to Zhou Qiang: "Dad, I have already thought about a theme. I want Ke Wei to give me guidance, can I?"

"Of course." Zhou Qiang looked at Zhou Xu Yue is gratified, Zhou has an heir.

"Right, this process may take a month or two, and what I originally thought was a small video contest, but our principal felt that the event was very good and seemed to be ready to work with a video site. Fees can get hundreds of thousands."

"Yes, Nie Yuantong, this guy, the brain has always been very good, Xiaoxu, you can do it, let Ke Wei cooperate with you. Yes, picture?"

Ke Tuer smiled and replied: "Yes."

Ke Tuer knows that Zhou Xu is still helping himself. Without Zhou Qiang's permission, he can't return to the art circle again. However, after this incident, Ke Tuer also found that she must not rely on Zhou Qiang in her future. Must have their own skills, otherwise, she will always be attached to this romantic man.

Perhaps because Zhou Qiang was taught by Wen Zhu, he was somewhat similar to Wen Zhu in some respects, and that is the abnormal control desire.

Wen Zhuo controls his daughter, and Zhou Qiang controls Ke Tuer.

Zhou Qiang did not control Zhou Xu’s biological mother, nor did he control the later two wives. He only had to control Ke Tuer.

Perhaps this also shows that, among all the women of Zhou Qiang, his favorite is Ke Tuer, but in the two worlds, he forced the woman who loved to die because of this desire to control.

If you remember correctly, Zhou Qiang should have already hooked up with the two women who gave birth to his child in the previous life. This time is also the time when his control of Ke Tuer is the weakest. Therefore, Zhou Xu also deliberately chose. During this time, let Ke Tuer help himself.

In fact, in this process, Ke Tuer does not have to do anything, as long as Zhou Xu said that the cooperation is good.

After eating, the family began to be busy, Zhou Qiang went to his lover's home, Zhou Xueli and Wen Hao were on the Internet, Qing and I, Zhou Xu began to talk to Ke Tuer about his plan.

The plan is not very thorough, because Zhou Xu is not in a hurry to deal with Zhou Qiang, and he will go to Zhou’s internship in a few months. At that time, he will eat Zhou’s little bit and finally Selling Zhou's whole, he would like to see what kind of reaction Zhou Qian is after this, is there any thought to find those messy women.


The time of companionship is always short-lived. Especially for Zhou Xueli and Wen Yu, the two chatted on the Internet and it was already late at night. After good night, both of them laughed and fell asleep.

However, because the feeling of love is so happy, Wen Yu is more steadfast after waking up, she must help Zhou Xueli.

Get up early, Wen Wei simply ate something, went to school.

The first class was a physical education elective. After a few minutes, Wen was injured. Several students sent her to the school clinic.

A teacher in the infirmary was playing a game. After seeing Wen Hao coming in, he came over to check it out. He only looked at it. He didn't find anything unusual. He looked at Wen Hao, and Wen Yan also turned his eyes to the school doctor. Finally, the school doctor said: "The ankles are gone, you should go back first, let her rest here for a while."

The classmates are gone. Wen Hao just sat up and said, "Thank you teacher."

The teacher is dressed in a white coat, very handsome, and his body looks a little thin, but he is said to be the Sanda champion of the previous year.

"Your ankle is up, I just let you rest and rest, thank you for doing it? OK, sleep." After the school doctor, he pulled the curtain and then put on the headphones to continue playing the game.

Wen Hao knew that he was pretending not to know, so he slowly got up, changed the clothes prepared in the infirmary, put on a mask, and went out of school.

The bank's working hours and her class time are coincident, but if she has no special reason, Wen Zhu is absolutely not allowed to take her leave, so in order not to be informed by Wen, she can only take this approach.

When I arrived at the bank, Wen Hao took a lot of effort to take out the money that her mother gave her, and then re-opened the account, and saved most of the money in her account, and a small part was put into her own bag.

After that, Wen Hao went somewhere, where she contacted a little punk who had been chasing her.

After the little punk saw the money that Wen Hao took out, his eyes were straight, and Wen Yan said his request.

After listening to Wen’s request, the little punk is happy, and the feelings have such good things. I can both cool myself and get the money. So no matter what little contradiction I had with Wen, I immediately nod and agreed. Awkward trading.

Finally, I went back to school before twelve o'clock. Wen returned to the infirmary again. Just after going back, she opened the door of the infirmary. She was scared because the two school doctors were kissing, and the two school doctors were clearly male.

Frightened gentle, originally wanted to go in and exchange for his clothes, but the result was only on the spot.

In the morning, the handsome school doctor noticed Wen Yu and kicked the leg to another school doctor. Another school doctor could only release him. When I saw Wen Wei, the school doctor who was kicked said with a smile: "Little classmates, it’s not to be seen, it’s not to be seen."

"Oh, yes, sorry."

"Don't ignore him, just put on your clothes, lunch time is coming."

"Okay, ok, thank you teacher."

Change the clothes back to the classroom, the bell has already rang, and Wen Hao walked a little to the direction of his classroom.

The position of the infirmary is relatively biased. When returning to the classroom, Wen Hao just saw the headmaster of the principal's room taking a person into his office, but wasn't he the person who was Zhou Xueli's brother Zhou Xu?

I don't know why, Wen Wei feels very strange, and the more I think about it, the more I feel wrong, and I am thinking about what happened. She met Zhou Xueli who was looking for it.

"Oh, what's wrong with you? I heard that you are hurt, I am worried about you."

Throwing the thoughts to the side, Wen Xiao smiled and replied: "Nothing, schooling, it’s just a foot, lying in the infirmary for a while, now it’s alright. At the school's northern restaurant, book a private room. I will pass five minutes, so we won't be caught by my dad and your dad."

"Okay, then I will go first, wait for you."


This high-level business school is all good. If you really say that there is something wrong with the school cafeteria, all kinds of creative recipes will make the students unpredictable. In the end, they have to go to various restaurants outside the school.

It is precisely because of this that the various restaurants outside the school are very popular. One year, these restaurants have given the school chef a banner and wrote a few big characters: for the country and for the people, to get rich.

This incident was ridiculed on the Internet, but the chef was still in the same state of the old god, still happy every day, a few days ago because of "sea salt yogurt mixed with cucumber" and popular on the Internet.

Wen Zhuo also knows that Wen Hao is actually going out to eat, so no one will care about where she went during noon.

Zhou Xueli booked a two-person single room, first ordered a few dishes, and then quietly waited for it to warm up.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, Wen Hao came.

The warm spring is irritating, and even if it is not seen for a few minutes, the two feel separated for a long time. See you again, the two hug, kiss, eager to have the other party, until the waiter knocks on the door, the two talents separate.

The opposite of the warmth, the more beautiful the look, across the table, Zhou Xueli took her hand and said: "Small, I can really meet you in this life is really good."

Wen Wei bowed his head slightly shyly.

After a meal, the two of them ate very calmly. Until the end, Wen said: "School, do you hate your brother?"

"Yes, he killed me."


"I mean, he wants to kill me every day. This is not a secret in the school. Anyway, we can never be friends."

"The things I said last time, do you think so? I will help you."

Zhou Xueli thought for a long time that he didn't think about what Wen said, and asked: "What?"

"It is to give him a crime, such as a strong rape."

"But how is this going to be safe, Xiao Yan, are you kidding?"

"No, I am serious, study, if you agree, I have already found someone, that is..."

Wen Yan said her plan. From beginning to end, Zhou Xueli only needs to do one thing, that is, bring Zhou Xu to the warmly designed lane. At the same time, Wen Hao is responsible for bringing the school flowers, and the rest is what the little punk should do.

The atmosphere was a bit embarrassing, the two looked at each other silently, the gentle look was still as gentle as ever, Zhou Xueli was entangled for a long time, and finally thought of the last time he was sold to the bar by Zhou Xu, and was tortured to death on the streets. I can't bear it anymore.

Nodded noddedly, Zhou Xueli said: "Well, I will definitely bring Zhou Xu to this afternoon."

Wen Hao said with a smile: "I will definitely bring the school flowers to the past."

"Yeah. Thank you, Xiao Yan, I have prepared so much for me."

"because I like you."

The line of sight is again anxious, and the cockroach is fermented in this small single room. The two men hugged and kissed, and then Wen Yu left first. After ten minutes, Zhou Xueli came out of the single room.

However, Zhou Xueli did not do this kind of thing after all, so the expression looks a bit strange, especially when he walked out of the single room, his expression was very heavy, and his mind was very heavy, no matter who could see it. After that, he took a few deep breaths, and this pretended to go back to school as if nothing had happened.

Weng Cheng just happened to eat in the single room next door. The glass was dark and could not be seen outside. The people inside could clearly see the situation outside, and the seat she was sitting on was just facing the glass, so she would be Zhou Xueli. The performance is in my eyes and I remember it in my heart.

After school this day, Zhou Xueli stopped Zhou Xu’s way.

Zhou Xu looked at him faintly, "Is there something?"

"I want to talk to you."

"What can we talk about?"

"Brother, even if I beg you, let's talk about it."

"Brother?" Zhou Xu sneered in his heart and said, "Okay, brother."

The author has something to say: Thank you for knowing the vanilla and knowing the landmines (( ̄) ̄)

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