MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 531 Martial arts are eight!

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The cyclone rolls over. Layers explode.

Between heaven and earth. Golden light is flourishing. The radius is ten feet. All were shrouded in.

Fortunately, the words of the demon fox. Give everyone a certain psychological preparation. They were able to kneel down in the first place. Did not cause too much casualties.

however. This is so.

"Cough... cough..."

A group of Xuanmen disciples. Still inevitably made up of the scattered smoke. One by one. How many wolverines are there.

"Leaf front. How about Ye Fengfeng."

The fox does not want to wipe the dust covering the face. Stand up and get up. Looking up at the direction of the leaf front.

"Leaf front. You..."

The scene in front of you. Let the fox and other people. Shocking inexplicable.

Crazy surging corpse. It is like a tidal wave. Take the leaf front as the center. Spread out to the surrounding.

I saw Ye Zifeng himself. It is almost integrated with the purple gas emerging from the furnace.

He is like being soaked in blood. Around the body around the entanglement of the corpse. At a speed visible to the naked eye. It erodes his skin.

A blood hole with a finger thickness. It was torn from his arm. But stitched up at the fastest time.

"Ghosts... how long can it last?"

The leaves between the leaves and the teeth are sucking in the air. Philip said openly.

If there is no ghost help. Even the leaf front. Accelerated absorption like this. There is a danger of a big explosion and death.

Ghosts gasp: "Up to twenty counts. If you exceed it, you will ask for more happiness. Update the first time."

"Good. Twenty is twenty."

Ye Zifeng abruptly returned. Look at the mouth of the furnace. The fist that was originally released. Suddenly between. Hold it tight again.


Such a squeeze. I saw a **** demon in the blood. From the top of the Dan furnace. I poured water on the top of Ye Zifeng.

"Twenty counts. Just take the rest of the **** gas. All absorbed."

A harsh scream. This is the whole story.


A tidal wave. Between the moments. The leaf front was absorbed into the air.

A round of wind. Scratching the cheeks of Ye Zifeng. It is like a razor. Leave a trace of deep or shallow blood.

"...12, eleven, ten..."

The corpse of the sky. Suddenly between. The top turned over the lid of the Dan furnace. Going to the sky. Surrounded by the edge of the leaf.

The cold moon sees it. The light flashed in the eyes. I am about to take the shot to help Ye Zifeng get rid of the corpse.

But see the leaf front down. The cold eyes glanced at the body of the cold moon. Shake his head a little.

"This..." The action of the cold moon was stagnant. Looking at Ye Zifeng's move with a little doubt: "This is... don't mean what I want to do."

next moment. Ye Zifeng took a deep breath. Retrograde tendons. It was the corpse of the group. Also absorbed into the body.

"What. Even the corpse is absorbed." The fox is pretty. She is always with her corpse. Naturally understand how much the corpse is eroding the average person.

"Leaf front. You stop. If you go on like this. You can't stand it."

"Fox fox. You calm down. I understand why Ye Zifeng did this."

Cold moon thinks for a moment. Immediately grab the corner of the fox costume. Don't let her rush forward.

She lifted up the alum. Suddenly said: "Twenty counts of time. If we get rid of the corpse again. Time is definitely too late. So Ye Feng is to absorb the full. Maximize your strength. Will do this..."


The demon fox eyes are condensed. Looking at the air, the leaf front is suffering from great pain. A beautiful pair of red lips.

"But. This is too risky. Say it again. Like now. We are not. Give everything to Ye Zifeng. He will come to the end. Is it alone?"

"That may not be. The first time to update" Han Yue suddenly smiled. Shake his head.

"What." The demon fox heard a glimpse. He looked up slyly. She has always been in a charming, cold look. There are only endless worries left.

"Because. After a while. We may have a job." Han Yue Qiao's face has a playful smile. Looked at the black inflammation that is constantly dimming.

"Qin Xiao?"

The demon fox stared at the black inflammation. This calmed down: "Okay. I know. Then I have to believe in Ye Zifeng. It is the last difficulty."


"Seven, six, five..."

Meditation. I am mad. Throw away all unnecessary distractions.

Ye Zifeng is around. The road to the rise is very different. It’s eye-catching.

The black spots outlined by the corpse. It is like a stinger on the back. It’s amazing.

however. The pain of the bones. At this moment, it has not affected the leaf front.

He is in the heart at the moment. There are only two beliefs.

One: to absorb the enchantment completely; the second: to live.

"Four, three, two..."


at last. The leaf front exhaled a long breath. The whole body is like floating in the air.

The pain is at its best. There is a feeling that it is very rare.

Can't cross. It may be the return of light; the past. Then it is the sky.

"Leaf front. Is it like this. Can you survive?"

The cold moon and the fox licked their lips. Qi Qi looked up and looked at the leaf front in the air. There is a hint of complexity in the expression.

after all. If Ye Zifeng is dead. Because of the role of 傀儡丹. They can't live anymore.

A short silence. Terrible exception.

Ye Zifeng here. It is like being in the air. like a statue.

"Don't look at Ye Zhenren's side. Look at it."

A white disciple looks blank. Raise your hand to point to another place on the horizon.

Qin Xiao's place.

A space surrounded by black inflammation. Suddenly, a cyclone was blown up.

"Oh... what about the master of Xuanmen? It’s only by the soul of God. Can you live in Qin Xiao?"

After a violent space tremor. I saw a long gap. This appeared in front of everyone.

"This... is not good. Qin Xiao is coming out."

"Scorpio. Even this black inflammation can't trap her. We will wait. Where is her opponent."

"Flee. Escape. It is no longer a time to consider this."

Among the slits. A small lotus foot took out the black inflammation gap.

"Escape." She smiled coldly. Asked one sentence.

Such a temperament beauty. Pretty face is white. Flying around.

Just look at it. People who don't know. I thought it was the big lady of the big family.

however. She is Qin Xiao.

"Qin Dian. Qin Dian adults. Great. You finally came out."

The colorful butterfly looks awkward. Dragging the body around the body. Excited me. Step by step toward the direction of Qin Dian.

"Qin Dian adults. I have already guessed it. It is your words. It must be able to come out..."

"Oh..." It sounds like a broken arrow.

Awkward. The shape of the butterfly is stagnation.

next moment. She is awkward. Almost fall to the ground.

She slowly bowed her head. I saw her chest. A bone spur is inserted.

"Qin Dian adults. You."

A swaying bone spur. It is very cool. Black corpse. From the chest slowly spread to the surrounding.

This is already the end of her strong. now. Even the last bit of life. Also Xiao Qin was broken.

"Don't blame me. Start with you and follow me. You should realize that you have such an ending."

I saw that Xiao Xiaoqiao’s face was cold and smiling. A blood that could not be suppressed came to the corner of the mouth. This overflows.

She paused for a moment. Continue and say: "For me. You are now. Dead is more valuable than living."

"This..." Zhongxuanmen disciples saw her just coming out. Just kill one person. Suddenly awkward.

"Magic... Devil. She kills even her own."

"Flee. Run away."

Qin Xiao’s face is uncertain. When it is red and white. obviously. After the fight with the soul of the ancient Yuanwu. Although lucky, he won. But for the loss of her own strength. It is extremely great.

"What's wrong with you. I still want to escape. I am simply delusional. Even if I am Qin Xiao's current strength, it is less than one tenth of the time of the heyday. It is more than enough for the low-level students of these martial arts."

The voice fell.

In the middle of the air. A strip of ribbon emerged from the hands of Qin Xiao. To the Xuanmen disciples in all directions. At the same time attacked the past.

Between the electric and the flint. The ribbon flutters.


A circle of Xuanmen disciples is like a boulder. Each fell off half a mile. Falling heavily on the ground.

The pain of the one after another. Endless.

And this time. Qin Xiao has stopped paying attention to these ordinary Xuanmen disciples. She glanced around the circle. I saw a Dan furnace of Xuan Pin.

"Oh. Interesting. When I was trapped. Ye Zifeng, are you doing alchemy?"

Immediately. She will look. The dazzling golden light that was thrown into the air.

She smiled slightly. Stretching a delicate hand against the sky.

"What is the **** demon? I changed my mind. Even if I don't want that practice. I will kill him Ye Zifeng."

however. Silent and silent around. lifeless.

"Blood gods. You..." Qin Xiao slightly stunned. Some are awkward.

The enchantment exists on the basis of the array. Invisible. Called by the owner.

In Qin Xiao's opinion. Even if the demon is broken by the leaf front, they break up. It can also be re-aggregated at this moment.

but. When she reached out. When you re-call the demons. It ended in failure.

"This... how could this be?"

In the golden light. Suddenly the light jumped a bit.

A **** sigh of blood. Was cited by Qin Xiao. Slowly flowing out.

The aura of wandering in all directions. It seems like what power is summoned. Gathered in the seven-foot space covered by golden light...

The leaf front is in the center of Reiki. Crazy sucking the surrounding aura.

After a while. The golden light of the group suddenly became dazzling. Almost unbelievable eyes.

Filled with blood. Once exploded, it was shot. It is like blood and rain. Falling from the air.

"The smell of blood rain... not good. Is it true? Bloody demon has been you..." Qin Xiao looked awkward. Looking up at the leaf front in the air. Some are speechless.

"Yeah. Guess it's right. Thanks to your **** demon..."

The leaf front looked down from the sky. Directly facing Qin Xiao's eyes. There is God.

Strong killing. Breaking out. Just like the substance. Pressed on the hearts of everyone present.

"Now me. It is already... the martial arts of eight martial arts."

The book starts from the first time to see the genuine content!


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