MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 532 Crazy!

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"Warrior is eight?"

Under the horror of Qin Xiao, it was discolored and the expression was inconspicuous.

"...and, what did you just say... Did you absorb the **** demon that I have carefully nurtured?"

The realm of the Eighths of the Martial Arts has already become a high-ranking martial art.

If it is placed in peacetime, Qin Xiao will naturally dismiss.

But now, after she experienced a fierce battle, she was weak and one strength, and even one tenth could not play, and naturally she would be jealous.

"This is the case!" Ye Zifeng smiled and nodded.


Qin Xiaoyi, not a little bit, then "snapped" and laughed out.

"I just talked about it, are you really okay to admit it?"

Ye Zifeng smiled and looked at the past: "So, you don't believe it?"

"Letter? Why do you believe?" Qin Xiaohe sneered, a pretty face became awe-inspiring: "Only you want to absorb my **** demon? Ye Zifeng... You really thought, I Qin Xiao so deceive What?"

She is suspicious of nature, even if she does not believe it, she will not easily believe other people's words.

In her opinion, this is just an excuse for Ye Zifeng and his own return, looking for an opportunity to escape.

"Then I advise you, the best, or believe it is wonderful." Ye Zifeng sneered, his body turned into a streamer, flashing from the position of the air.

"You..." Qin Xiaoming smashed a strange color.

I saw the leaf front standing in the middle of the air, and the body shape flashed like a sudden disappearance, without a trace!

Not a moment, a bunch of **** light, mapped to the back of Qin Xiao.

The haze is practiced and lingering.


Qin Xiaohe sneered a sneer, and repeated: "I use the old strength, one strength can not play one tenth, can say, the strength of the Wutu Jiufeng peak, but still there is definitely not your Wu The eight-fold realm can be compared!"

When the voice fell, she took a deep breath and turned away. She raised her hand and shot the snake. Then she slammed it and attacked a seven-foot shadow.

"Leaf front, hiding in this place, I thought I could not find it?"

She sneered and screamed: "Give me!"

A circle of bizarre shackles, like blue waves, with a murderous murderous, shrouded the leaves of Ye Feng.

The burning electric fire broke through the sky and made a "squeaky" sound.


Between the moments.

The figure of Ye Feng’s figure suddenly flashed a bit, and he avoided this layer of electric fire, and the strange scene was staggering.

"This..." Qin Xiaoyi.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is a beam of blood, which is directed to Qin Xiao's side.

"Qin Xiao, you just said it, do you want to hit me?" Ye Zifeng began to stand up.

"There is no reason, it’s crazy!"

Qin Xiao’s anger snorted, and once again raised the jade hand, the electrical power that was lingering, became the size of the finger, flying in the body of Ye Zifeng, and it became a huge aperture.

"This time... see where you are going to escape!"

Qin Xiaohe sneered a sneer, and the slender hand pointed toward the direction of the leaf front and jerked tightly.

I saw a huge electric aperture, which was reduced by a few times!

Changed the ordinary Xuanmen disciple, it is estimated that even if this electric aperture is not strangled, it will inevitably be electrocuted.

However, Ye Zifeng just stood in the same place, quietly looking at Qin Xiao's movements, faceless.

"It's useless."

Immediately, he took a step, the ethereal figure, it was like smoke, once again hidden in the darkness.

I don't know how long it has been...

The same scene, repeated again and again.

Every time, Ye Zifeng seems to have escaped Qin Xiao’s attack. During the shuttle, a bunch of red light lights up.

"How could this be?"

Qin Xiaomei was very incomparable and looked at it all incredulously.

If it is once, it can be explained by coincidence.

However, this is one after another, what is going on?

“Why are you so surprised?”

Far away, Ye Zifeng appeared somewhere behind Qin Xiao.

His smile at the moment is very light, just like the spring breeze.

"You..." Qin Xiao heard his voice and jerked back.

Ye Zifeng smiled and looked at her: "Qin Xiao, you are smart and clever, but unfortunately too conceited, even when you are in danger, you still refuse to believe the facts at hand. And, cultivate this **** demon for so long. Don't you know, what kind of features does it have?"

"What?" Qin Xiao took a moment and thought about it.

In fact, she did not think about this possibility.

However, the repairers of the realm of the martial arts, in a short time to absorb a whole **** demon, this is too shocking, even they dare not try, let alone, is this leaf front?

"And, Ye Zifeng has always been a simple person... You think, why do I want to, and you are so jealous, say so much nonsense?"

The leaf front star is shining, and the broken body is full of abnormality.

"Don't you say..." Under Qin Xiaoying's god, the blood of the whole body was hot, as if it were flowing backwards, and the back was slightly cold.

She slammed around for a while, and Ming Hao continued to grow.

"not good!"

I saw only the blood line was densely covered, and it was buried in the ground. Although it looked disorganized, looking at it carefully, Qin Xiao’s escape route was completely sealed.


Ye Zifeng seems to be chatting with Qin Xiao in the wind, but in fact, his main purpose is to distract the other party's attention.

Offense is the best defense, but it is also the best way to cover up the layout.

Under the horror of Qin Xiao, he was disregarded and retired.

Intuition tells her that if she stays there, she will regret it.

"Have you escaped?"

Ye Zifeng sneered a sneer, his body shocked, rubbed the magic crystal ring, purple electric flying sword fell into the hands of the first time.

The ice emperor sword is mainly used for control, but the purple electric flying sword is the pursuit of the ultimate speed.

Under the guise of a group of Xuanmen disciples, their hearts were shocked and they were still lying on the ground and talking about it.

"Ye Shiren, be careful, don't be too impulsive!"

"Yeah, that Qin Xiao is so powerful, maybe it is deliberately pretending to run away?"

"In my opinion, do you still have to save your life first, Ye Zhenren, if we have something to lose, I am afraid, you are not good to explain to the master of Xuanmen."

Being able to force Qin Xiao is a good thing for them.

At least, it means that Qin Xiao has a hint of jealousy on the leaves, thus ensuring that these Xuanmen disciples can survive.

They didn't understand why Ye Zifeng knew that the other party's strength was tyrannical, but he still had to face his edge. If one couldn't do it well, Ye Zifeng lost to Qin Xiao, and the lives of these people could be suspended.

However, the problem is.

Where does Ye Zifeng have time to manage their voices? Why should he explain to the master of Xuanmen?

In his opinion, you must not let Qin Xiao run!


Countless stars, with the sound of the leaf front, gathered in the position of the sword.

If the martial arts are six heavy, this light will not condense, only to enhance the power of the sword.

However, now, Ye Zifeng is already a martial artist. The control of the breath can be said to be the high level of the martial arts.

At the same time he waved his heart, he released the surging swords, wrapped in the wonderful power of the soul, and chased Qin Xiao's back.


A slap in the face of a sword, screaming.

"Leaf front, annoying things, really correct my current situation."

Qin Xiao's eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and he turned back and slammed a blow.

Although she seems to be running away, she is actually using this opportunity to restore her strength.

Even if she recovered to the strength of 20%, where can Ye Zifeng and others get her?

When she kills a carbine, she annihilates the sacred door, such as Ye Zifeng. Then, the person who wins will still be her.

However, she did not expect that her forefoot had just left, and the leaf front immediately followed, and it was simply not giving her a breather.

The sound of "铿锵" is endless.

One of the swordsman, accidentally missed by Qin Xiao, broke Qin Xiao's hair, and a silver ribbon gently fell.

Immediately, a few green silks also fell from the sky.

I saw Qin Xiao’s long hair that was as dark as ink, and he spread it out and fluttered in the wind.

"Leaf front, you..." Qin Xiaoming said, she has always been used to it, when was it so humiliated?

Her lips are white, creamy, and the blown hair can be broken, and the sun shines straight down.

The leaf front looked at the past carefully, and his face was slightly scared. You must know that the other side is not absolutely lost to Liu Bingqian's absolute beauty when he looks at his appearance and body.

However, this idea is only in the mind of Ye Zifeng, there is a moment.

After all, it is now in battle.

next moment.

As he struggled to do his best, he raised his hand in awe-inspiring manner, and a **** sigh of wind surrounded him.

As the **** gas slowly gathered to his boxing heart, he took a deep breath and slammed his fists!

Countless blood lines rise slowly from the ground and are mapped to Qin Xiao's body.

Gather together!

The color of the sky is saturated with blood.

Time, as if it was fixed in an instant.

Qin Xiaoyi stopped at the same place and looked very stiff.

From the corner of her mouth, a blood was spilled.

At the same time, Ye Zifeng's purple electric flying sword arrived at the right time, and stabbed straight to Qin Xiao's shoulder, and he was about to break into the body.

A loud bang of "Boom."

Just listening, from behind the Ye Zifeng, suddenly there was a thrilling explosion.

"This... what happened?"

Ye Zifeng looked at it with a sigh of relief, calmed down, and resisted the urge to go back.

"No matter what."

Therefore, the speed at which he broke in did not slow down because of the explosion.

Killed Qin Xiao at the fastest speed, at least abolished Qin Xiao, the only thought in his heart now!



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