MTL - The Strongest Dan God-Chapter 529 Let you deal with it!

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"Leaf front, you are..."

The fox and the cold moon looked at each other and looked at the movements in the crystal ball. The pretty face was slightly moved.

However, the next moment.

The leaf front smirked and the wind swept away.

Immediately, a piece of Xuan Pin Dan furnace, he was taken out of the ring, from the midair, fell to the ground, appeared in front of everyone.


A group of Xuanmen disciples have widened their eyes and looked at the actions of Ye Zifeng unbelievably.

"No, when is this time to refine alchemy? Even if you want to keep fit, don't wait for this time."

"Ye Zhenren... Are you because the pressure is too big, and some are not quite right?"

Ye Zifeng was looking up, very incomparably, and looked at the disciples.

"How can I refine Dan in such a short period of time? Time is tight, and if you want to live, give me over and take the lead."


Everyone looked at Ye Zifeng's look, and some of them were unclear: "Since it is not alchemy, what do we want to do over?"


"Good, good..."

Seeing the face of the leaf front is serious, the disciples are confused, but they are still honestly coming around, surrounded by his body on Monday.

"Ye Zhenren... What do you want us to do?"

Ye Zifeng glanced at the crowd and said, "Don't worry, the things to do are very simple. The first step is to bring the aura of your body to me."

"It turned out to be so good to say." The faces of the people suddenly improved a lot.

As long as you don't enter the battlefield yourself, and you don't have a life-threatening situation on the **** demon, then it's no big deal to make a contribution.

Not a moment.

Those Xuanmen disciples took a deep breath and put their hands together on their eyes and looked awkward.

"go with!"

The rich aura, suddenly gathered around the Ye Zifeng, lingering.

"Good, just like it is now, keep it."

The face of the leaf is dignified and feels the aura that fills the back.


After the trend of this aura was gradually controlled by himself, he nodded, sighed and took the first few steps, facing the position of the butterfly and the **** demon.

The butterfly stunned and stared at each other: "Ye Feng, what benefits are maximizing, what the **** are you doing?"

"Actually, nothing..."

Ye Zifeng slightly raised his head, his eyes and eyes were very incomparable, and then he looked awkward, and in the magic crystal ring, a cold flying sword fell from the air.

At the same time, he had a resounding aura on his wrist, and he also lit a bright red light.

Ice Emperor Sword!

"I just want to think, in the end, to get the most out of this **** demon."

The voice fell, and in his coldness, he crossed the light of a fine light.

His wrist turned over and the ice sword swung.


The blizzard of ice, in an instant, is like a ice dragon roaring forward, all the way to the feet of the **** demon.

Under the restraint of one big and one small, and the attack of Zhao Lao, the **** demon has long since ceased to be the first courage.

He pressed his instincts and lifted his feet to avoid the icy air. The white cyclone suddenly rose and he frozen one of his raised feet.

One foot on the ground, but one foot is suspended in the air because it is frozen by ice.

This scene is especially strange.

However, this is not over yet. Starting from the frozen feet of this **** demon, the cold gas continues to spread toward the surrounding area, floating upwards, and has almost frozen to the waist.


The butterfly saw a glimpse of it, and some looked at it unbelievably.

In her view, the **** demon is an intangible thing, the sword can not hurt and its points, only the illusory things like the martyrdom and the soul of God can really hurt him.


But now I did not expect that Ye Zifeng actually used the breath on the ice sword to freeze the **** demon.

As everyone knows, Ye Zifeng had already understood the power of this ice gas before he tempered the soul of the ancient Yuanwu.

"I will give me more strength and freeze this **** demon. It is not enough to rely on this aura."

Ye Zifeng indulged for a moment, jerked back and yelled at a group of Xuanmen disciples.

It is obviously not realistic to want these newcomers to fight in the future. The Ye Zifeng is not empty, and they are going to take the trouble to command them. Therefore, it is the best choice for Ye Zifeng to take his own hands and let these disciples deliver the aura.

"This... Ye Zhenren, we have used all our strength. You see that everyone looks pale and has no spare capacity."

"Isn't it, we don't want to help Ye Zhenren, but everyone, it's really reached the limit."

At the time of combat, the actual situation may not be satisfactory.

Ye Zifeng cold eyebrows glanced at them: "Hey? Is there no strength? Well, I am here, I will find a way to give you some energy and energy."

"What way?" The crowd looked at Ye Zifeng with a little doubt.

Although these Xuanmen disciples seem to use all their strength, in the eyes of Ye Zifeng, they are far from the limit.

So, he paused for a moment and gave the demon fox a look: "Fox fox, give you a job to do, you see these people, who conveys the least reiki, then, whatever you like, how to torture them. ”

Under the words of the demon fox, the mood suddenly improved.

"Is this true? Is it really okay to torture?"

"Yes! This time, let you dispose of it!" Ye Zifeng's words have their own unquestionable feeling.

Her hatred of the human man did not substantially reduce it, only because it had been mixed with the leaf front for so long, so it converges.

This time, she got the opportunity, and there are reasons to let go.

"Okay, great! Give it to me!"

The fox screams slyly, and the fox claws are sharp and swayed into the eyes of these disciples under the illumination of the sun. It looks very scary.

"Either look at how you have been lazy, you are good!" She circulated beautifully, but her sneer was sneer, but it gave a horrible sense of horror.

"Do not worry, it is not very serious, it is almost an unforgettable degree."

"I... I don't! Ah!" A scream of screaming and screaming, it was on the spot.


After witnessing a torture that can be called a "tragic", a group of Xuanmen disciples opened their mouths and swallowed a few mouthfuls of spit.

"Quick, hurry! Use the power of breastfeeding too!"

"It’s a real life, and Ye Zhenren’s side, how can there be such a horrible character?”

In this way, people are still those people.

However, under their full force, the quality and quantity of the aura passed to Ye Zifeng has made a great leap.

"Aura is almost enough."

Ye Feng’s eyebrows screamed and immediately volleyed and stepped into the small array. His figure was like a dragon. He stepped on the edge of the foot and waved numerous icy ice.

Between the electric and the Flint, I saw the frost on the **** demon. The thicker the knot, the harder it was, the more difficult it was to move, and the light in his eyes became more and more bleak.


As Ye Zifeng drank this word, the ice emperor sword was stabbing on the front lines, numerous ice-creams, like blooming flowers, blooming around the **** demon.

After a burst of noise.

Until now, the **** demon is considered to be completely frozen, motionless!

"Great. This is the case..."

Ye Zifeng only sighed a little, and hurriedly waved a long golden line toward the air, letting the wind king dagger plunge into the ice crystal of the giant.

"Then start, ready to absorb the breakthrough!"

Immediately, he looked tight and yanked back.

A large piece of ice crystal shining with dazzling red light fell into the hands of Ye Zifeng.

And he almost didn't stop, throwing it backwards, throwing it into the Dan furnace and quickly covering the lid.


The colorful butterfly sees Ye Zifeng's series of movements, in one go, like rehearsing in advance, suddenly a little speechless, I really do not know what kind of opponent I have encountered.

"Oh, yes, color butterfly. You know, why do I still let you live?" Ye Zifeng's fingertips ignited a **** flame, igniting the bottom of the Dan furnace.

The raging fire illuminates the thin face of Ye Feng’s thin face, flickering.


The butterfly heard a word and began to think about it.

She looked at Qin Xiao's side and sighed. The corner of her mouth was a bitter smile: "Is it because, according to the reward of Ling Wuzong's pursuit, is it more valuable to catch a living than to die?"

"No, you only said half right."

Ye Zifeng smiled and shook his head.

The colorful butterfly was slightly stunned, and one was indifferent, and was attacked by Zhao Lao’s attack. His body was awkward and he almost sat down on the ground.

"The other key reason is that because of your existence, you can enhance the strength of this magical demon. So, if I leave your life, I will be able to absorb his aura to the greatest extent."


The colorful butterfly stared at the expression of Ye Zifeng, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching, and some were speechless.

"I want to ask, when is Ye Zifeng, when did it start to play the idea of ​​this **** demon?"

Generally speaking, the existence of this monster level, ordinary people can't avoid it, who would have thought of absorbing its strength, it is simply a behavior to find death!

On top of that, people who want to maximize the power of the monsters are even more difficult to understand.

Ye Zifeng smiled slightly and returned.

"Of course it was the first time. It was time to see this **** demon at first sight..."


At this time.

The Dan furnace trembled and swayed violently.

He looked a little, paused a little, and said with a smile.

"Okay, not much to say, time is tight, I am going to start to absorb breakthroughs!"
