MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 69] escaped from thinking over the cliff, seeing brothers and sisters

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The **** lord woke up in a soft and fragrant fragrance. He had no dreams overnight, never slept so sweetly, until he moved his body, only to realize that he seemed to be sleeping.

He touched it in a confused way, pressed it, filled with the temptation of the hand, let him be obsessed for a moment, but the next second, he suddenly thought of something, opened his eyes!

Then he was scared to roll off the bed!

He looked at Qiao Weiwei on the bed in disbelief, looked at his hand again, and finally touched his soft cheeks, and his brain was blank...

The scene was a little messy. I didn’t know when the quilt had been hit on the ground. Qiao Weiwei’s bedclothes were also untied, revealing a white-colored embroidered lotus apron. The apron was pressed too long by him, and it was slightly wrinkled.

As the apron goes down, you can see the small waist that has not been blocked, the jade-like skin, the flawless flesh, the beautiful lines...

Going down... I went down to the gods and the monarchs did not dare to look at them. They covered their eyes with one hand and picked up the quilts on the ground with one hand and covered them with Qiao Weiwei.

This is the big bed he once slept, and the bed of Qiao Weiwei is behind the curtain.

The **** lord had no impression of what happened last night, but his trousers were dry, and he thought that he did not do anything unruly, but it was very strange, wasn’t it? He obviously sleeps next door, how can he come here?

Of course, the gods and grandfathers couldn’t think of Xiaolong’s self-sufficiency. When he was sleeping, he went into the house and slept back to his original bed.

As for how Xiaolong came to his bed, Shenjun’s brain was already in chaos, and he couldn’t think about it...

This is a bit shameful. The gods are not going to let anyone know, and this is ready to leave, but I know that Qiao Weiwei is awakened.

Qiao Weiwei yawned and squinted, confused: "Little repair."

Xiao Xiu’s throat slipped a bit, and a serious saying: “Early, I come over and get something.”

Qiao Weiwei sat down with the quilt and sat up: "Oh."

The meditation began to take something "freely".

Qiao Weiwei raised her eyebrows: "What is hidden in your pants?"

"Pants?" Looking down at the meditation, the white face of the handsome face is red!

He rushed to take a pillow and blocked his lower abdomen: "You read it wrong! Nothing!"

After all, he fled!

Just crossed the threshold, behind him came the sound of Qiao Weiwei's epiphany: "Oh, nothing."

"..." How do you feel that this is awkward?


At breakfast, Qiao Weiwei did not mention anything in the night, and the meditation was secretly relieved.

After breakfast, the meditation began to leave thinking about the cliff.

After all, thinking over the cliff is a cage of righteousness. In order to prevent the prisoner from fleeing, and to prevent outsiders from breaking into the cliff, the prisoner will be saved, and the cliff is set up with a very powerful enchantment. The enchantment is thinking. Cross the cliff and coexist.

Previously, the gods and the group of gods were able to enter without any effort. They wanted to get the acquiescence of the priests, and the people here wanted to go out, there was only one way, and that was to destroy the cliff.

The meditation looks to everyone who has already been ready to go: "I will tear the enchantment aside first, and you will go out quickly, and you will bring Wei Wei."

For the blessings of the great gods, they not only restored their cultivation, but also higher than the former realm. As long as the gods can tear the enchantment, they will not be a problem if they fly to the top of the cliff, and a little girl is not a problem.

Qiao Weiwei is not happy: "I don't want to."

The meditation looks to Qiao Weiwei: "You can't shape, obey, go out with them now."

Qiao Weiwei has a small mouth.

The meditation glared at her and placed it in front of the sea emptiness. Then, the meditation went to the mouth of the village, and looked at the gray sky, spread his arms, and the palms showed two huge energies. This is the body of his body. The power of the gods.

He poured the power of the gods into the sky!

I saw a thunder flashing, the original gray sky, fiercely cracked a half-length and wide space!

The enchantment of the cliff is not soft. Once it is forcibly broken, it will collapse with the thought of the cliff.

Everyone looked at the gods and gods with fear, and they saw the gods and men flying into the air with ease, raised their hands, and stabilized the enchantment that was about to collapse with the power of the gods.

Haikongzi shouted: "Fast! Go out!"

Hu Sihai flew out first, and then the brawny also flew out.

Haikongzi shouldered the heavy responsibility of leaving with Qiao Weiwei. He did not dare to stay in the end. After the strong man left the cliff, he grabbed Qiao Weiwei and would fly to the sky.

What do you know -


I fell a big horse!

Who can tell him that this little girl is so heavy for Mao...

Qiao Weiwei was eventually taken out by Haikongzi.

After putting Qiao Weiwei on the top of the mountain, Haikongzi felt that his **** power was less than half!

When the last person left, the meditation recovered its power of the gods.

A loud bang, the enchantment collapsed, and the thought of the cliff was gray.

Everyone stood on the top of the mountain and watched the village chief who had lived for thousands of years in a ruin. They couldn’t help but rush for a while. They never thought about the enchantment of the cliff. This is not how long. Inadvertently forced into it, are they all dead?

The gods were coming in at the time.

Mom! Thinking about how the cliff did not blow up? !

Everyone's hair is erected!

In fact, the meditation also said that he and Qiao Weiwei fell into the cliff, but could not touch the enchantment of thinking over the cliff, can it be said that her fairy body can also come in the enchantment of the gods Going free?

At the moment, it is not the time to worry about this. When thinking about the cliffs, such a big movement, the officers will be aware of them. Before the arrival of the officers, they will quickly escape.

But they all underestimated the ability of the priest, and here they thought that Cliff had collapsed. On the other side, the sky pressed a majestic shadow.

The entire sky was covered by shadows.

The sound of the majestic and powerful voice, like the thunder, sounds in the ears of everyone: "Who dares to ruin the thoughts of the priest?"

Everyone has changed his face!

The priest is coming!

The gust of wind rolled up the flying sand and also blew the robes of the meditation.

The meditation meets the wind, and the look does not change at all. He raises his hand and takes a palm to the shadow of the sky!

The shadow disappeared in a golden light!

This time, everyone was so shocked that they could not speak.

"That is the gods of the gods." Haikongzi took the lead to go back to God and sighed and said, "The priest has already discovered that his knowledge is destroyed, and now he should be on the way."

The meditation grasped Qiao Weiwei’s wrist and said to everyone: “We are leaving, let’s go.”

"Adult!" Haikongzi suddenly stopped him, and the meditation turned around. He piously blessed his body and said with respect and respect. "I am waiting for the waste of the cliff, and it is the **** who planted it for us." Linggen, for us to reshape and cultivate, we live and walk out of the cliff, all the gifts of the gods, our lives are all gods, we are willing to follow the gods!"

Meditation and sneer: "Are you afraid that you are not willing to follow this lord, are you afraid of being chased by the gods?"

The sea is empty.

Yes, he did have such a plan. He originally thought that if he thought of the cliff, he would be able to escape to a place where he was free, and he could only see the gods’ knowledge. I found myself innocent.

They can't do God's heaven, they will be caught back sooner or later, no one dares to take them, and no one has the courage to confront God's heaven, except this god!

Haikongzi said sincerely: "God is an adult, I know that you are also a person wanted by God's heaven. If you look at the realm of the gods, there are not many people who dare to be enemies with God's heaven. If the gods are worthy of their use, if the gods do not deny them, ......"

Meditation: "This is a disgust."

A sea glimpse.

In any case, following the command of the gods, leaving the gods, they all have only one way to die. In any case, they must ask God to take them in!

Just as Haikongzi racked his brains and thought about how to convince the gods, the southeast suddenly flashed a glaring purple light. The people closed their eyes subconsciously, and when they blinked, they added a fast-flying car. Hey.

Is it a **** official? The priest actually arrived so soon? !

Steps are coming towards the meditation and Qiao Weiwei.

The meditation and Qiao Weiwei’s intent to fly towards them, the meditation will protect Qiao Weiwei behind him.

At one step, the steps suddenly stopped.

Then, without waiting for the pace to stop, an eleven or two-year-old girl wearing a lilac cloak opened the curtain and jumped from the step.

The people have not seen who this little girl is, and the little girl has thrown into the arms of Ji Mingxiu: "Brother!"

------Off topic ------

Just looked down, the difference of 7 votes broke 100, seeking to break it!

Broken there are two more ~

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