MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 68] First kiss, Wei Wei wakes up

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The gods lived in the village where they thought about the cliff.

There were no villages in the past, and all the prisoners lived in the mountains and forests. It was the sea emptiness that brought the people together and opened up a refuge.

Most of them who have been punished for thinking over the cliffs are actually committing serious crimes. Haikongzi can hold this group of people and see their skills.

However, Haikongzi is the most inconspicuous of all prisoners from the outside. Shen Jun can grasp him at a glance without knowing it, and he needs more skills.

God did not say who he was, Haikongzi did not ask, but in order to facilitate the name, Shenjun told Haikongzi, his surname Ji, called meditation.

Haikongzi has never heard of any **** who called this name. He wants to be a pseudonym. A pseudonym is a pseudonym. Sometimes he knows too much, but it is not a good thing.

The little squirrel was tempered by the spirit of the gods, and it was refined to make it go to the village to take things. Now that the meditation and Qiao Weiwei live in the village, they don’t need this one. Little squirrel.

The meditation put the little squirrel back into the forest.

Haikongzi knows a little about medicine. After getting the trust of the gods, he started to heal the seriously injured girl. He didn't know what the girl was with the god. He only knew that the other person was a very close person and wanted to please God. Adults, you can't sloppy the girl.

Haikongzi gave the pulse, checked the injury, and said with a dignified look: "The girl's injury seems to be unable to heal... Can I ask if the girl was injured by any weapon?"

The meditation was paused, and there was a hint of coldness in the scorpion: "Arrow."

Haikongzi took a cold breath: "Is this not like an arrow injury?"

The arrow was not so big, and it was not so hard to heal. The girl's chest and back were all split. It wasn't that the **** had been hanging her last breath with divine power. She had already lost her soul.

"And..." Haikongzi pinched the pulse of Qiao Weiwei. "She doesn't seem to hurt her body, the soul is also scattered, and her soul is very weak."

There was no speech in the meditation, the arrow was directed at him, and some people did not want him to return to the realm of the gods, so he wanted to kill him at all costs. The light arrow was shot by the **** bow, not only could destroy him. The reinvented flesh can also tear his soul.

Xiaolong has such an arrow, the consequences can be imagined.

Both of her bodies are devastated by devastating damage. She can't turn the dragon and not return to the ice lotus.

To make matters worse, her gods are all broken up, and the flesh is too weak to be ruined. The flesh can't help but scatter the gods, and every day she can see her soul overflowing from her body.

She spilled a little and repaired it to her, but it didn't solve her injury fundamentally.

What's more, there is no power of the gods in the cliff, and the meditation can only go out, the mana is almost exhausted.

Haikongzidao: "The human shell is like a vessel, and the **** is the ice in the vessel. The gods of each of us are intact, and they are frozen in the vessel. The girl’s condition is now, the ice is broken. The utensils are also broken. I want to stabilize the girl's injury, the utensils have to be repaired, and the ice has to be re-frozen. She is not old, but the trauma is still treated. As for her broken gods... I am afraid only Can use the soul of the soul."

Meditation: "Do you think that there is a ghost in the cliff?"

Haikongzi shook his head and said: "No, Gathering Dan is extremely precious in the whole world. How can we have such a low-lying cage? But if God believes in me, you can leave the girl here, the gods go Thinking about the ghost outside the cliff."

After a meditation, I saw Qiao Weiwei next to me: "I can't leave her alone here."

Haikongzidao: "But she was hurt like this. God took her out to find medicine. If it is dangerous, I am afraid that the situation will not be good."

The meditation looked to the sea and the empty child: "This prince asks you, if the prince gave you your cultivation, would you refine the soul?"

The sea emptiness is a glimpse.

After meditation, he said: "What kind of medicine is needed to refine the soul?"

Haikongzi said: "Yuan Shen."

"How much?" asked the meditation.

Haikongzidao: "It depends on what grade of medicinal herbs are refining. Generally speaking, ten yuan gods are enough. The grade of medicinal herbs varies according to the grade of the gods. The next product is the product of the gods. Gathering Dan, the Chinese product is refining the Chinese product to the soul of the soul..."

Meditation does not think about it: "What about top grade?"

Haikongzi sighed: "The top grade is difficult, and there are seven seventy-four for the top ten gods."


Hu Sihai was eating a noodle in the corner, and the strong man was beside him. He picked out the fat in the bowl and put it in the strong man bowl.

The strong man ate and ate the food while eating, while ambiguously asked: "The gods have all lived, and when do you want to get rid of that stuff?"

Hu Sihai drank a thick noodle soup, and the whole body was comfortable. He said without care: "It’s boring to live with it."

The strong man looked at the fat in the bowl and his mood was low: "That is not the case."

"What do you say?" Hu Sihai ate a bite and tried to comfort the strong man and said that he was scared of him. He still didn't live enough. He still wanted to live for a few hundred years. He didn't export, the light on his head was dark, he was A large shadow shrouded.

He looked up slyly: "God, God, God..."

The gods grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted him up. The other hand was a little bit in his eyebrows, and a mana unlocked his eyebrow seal.

After the seal was released, Hu Sihai’s nephew slammed straight...



Thinking of the seven hundred and eighty miles east of the cliff, riding a white Pegasus to search for the fallen gods, the adults suddenly felt a tingling in the eyes, and he took a sigh of relief according to his eyes.

The guard on the side asked: "Adult, what happened to you?"

God closed the eyes of the adults and hurriedly evoked the lips: "I saw him."

God Wei asked: "Where is he?"

God will be a great man: "Thinking over the cliff."


God left the adult's eyebrows on Hu Sihai's eyebrows naturally not only to be able to control his life and death, but also the life and death of a prisoner. God did not put the big talents in his eyes. The reason why he did this is to doubt the cliffs. People have concealed from him and want to use the eyes of Hu Sihai to find out the gods.

The meditation saw his tricks early. When Hu Sihai and others searched for the cave, they quietly sealed Hu Sihai’s eyes until the seal was lifted. Hu Sihai’s eyes passed the correct picture to God. .

God led the adults to lead a hundred gods to surround the village that thought over the cliff. There was no one in the village except the meditation on the open space.

In the meditation of the white robe of the crescent, the black hair is scattered casually, like a black ink color, straight down.

Even if 20,000 years have passed, this looks are still pretty and unsatisfactory.

However, his temperament has changed, and he is no longer a teenager with a warm and jealous memory. His eyes are full of chill.

God will not dare to recognize him for a time.

The meditation faintly opened his mouth: "What? You still have to look up and talk to you? For two thousand years, the shelf of a small book boy is so big."

When it comes to book children, God instantly changes the face of an adult.

The meditation said sarcasm: "How? Ben confessed? You Bai Moyu is not a dog at the foot of this prince?"

God clenched the hand of the adult holding the reins: "Do you think that you are still a high-ranking Yunfu Shenjun? Don't dream, Yunfu is gone, you are nothing! You are not even as good as my dog. !"

The dawn of Ji Mingxiu was cold: "What do you say? Yunfu is gone?"

God will smile with the adults: "Yes! Yunfu is gone! Hundreds of people up and down are all exiled! Your brother and sister are also dead! If you know each other, you will give me a bang, I may read I will give you a good time in the past!"

The body of the meditation suddenly gave off a powerful murderousness, and the desolate thoughts of the cliff seemed to become a human purgatory for a moment: "This is a pleasure to leave it to yourself."

God shocked the grown-ups by his body, but it was only for a short while, and when he thought of the difference between the two as they are today, God would have never put him in his eyes.

God spread his arms to the adults and said with arrogance: "Look at your virtues today, but it is a funeral dog. Can you still think about this?"

"Then see if I can tell you what happened." After the cold and cold, he found out the long, jade-like hand, pointing his fingertips at his eyebrows, and a dazzling golden light shot.

God would have thought that this golden light was directed at himself, and he took out the Shield of Heaven. He knew that the golden light had turned in the middle of the road and penetrated his mount in one fell swoop!

Pegasus sighed and fell on the spot!

God will lose balance and fall from the air. Of course, he is a **** after all. His cultivation is enough for him to cope with such a crisis, but what he never expected is that he has just stabilized his spells. The figure, I want to give a reply to Yunfu Shenjun, but I was surprised to find that the Yunfu God on the open space disappeared!


A cool sneer screamed softly in his ear.

God gave the adult's body a spirit, and he jerked back to God, but unfortunately it was already late.

The big palm of the meditation took his celestial cover, and his power of the gods rushed toward the body of the meditation.

Everything happened between the lights and the fire, and when the sanctuary of the containment reacted, the repair of the gods had already been sucked up.

The sea empties in the house and others all looked at it.

Not only they, but even the onlookers were fooled by this scene.

What happened just now? Their gods will be ... even in the face of a hundred gods, was crushed by an alleged criminal?

It’s a blow that kills all the mana. If it fails, he will become the soul of God’s knife today. Fortunately, he won the game and he got the gods. Repair it!

God will understand the big intentions of the adults, thinking that the other party will reshape the real body soon, and the arrow of the **** bow will be extremely serious. How can he still explode such an attack?

Meditation and shackling of God will lead the adult's neck: "This prince will give you, and this prince will be able to take it back."

After all, he did not hesitate to grab the **** of the gods.

Not only did he win the cultivation of the gods, but he also took away the **** of the gods, which is unbearable!

Hundreds of gods attacked frantically toward the meditation.

The meditation absorbed the cultivation of the gods, and the mana recovered a lot. In addition, it stayed in the underworld for so long. Others did not learn. The gods grasped a certain standard, but they had to squat, and they thought that the cliff would sound a cry of ghosts and screams.

Meditation into the house, throwing the Qiang Kun bag filled with the Yuanshen into the hands of the sea emptiness: "A hundred top-grade gods, plus a **** of the gods, is it enough for you to refine the soul-soul?"

Haikongzi began to tremble with excitement: "Enough enough! Too much!"

He has lived this age, and he has never seen so many powerful gods. This is simply... you can make a great soul!


It’s night, the meditation has re-planted the roots of the sea, and divides the repairs that God has received from the adults into half, helping him to break through the realm of the top-level gods, which is more than he thought. The front of the cliff is still higher than the whole realm.

Haikongzi never dreamed that he had a day to be rebuilt, and his tears came out.

The meditation said faintly: "Don't be too happy, if you can't refine the soul, Dan will take back your repairs."

It’s hard to get the repairs, and the sea emptiness is reluctant to let the gods take it back, and immediately grabbed the Qiankun bag and went to his Dan room.

Haikongzi can't remember how long he hasn't touched the Dan furnace. He thought that there would be no more days to start it in this life. He didn't expect him to run in his later years, and he could become a generation of Danshen!

After three days and three nights, Haikongzi refines a superb soul. He took the medicinal herbs to the house of Shenjun adults and presented the medicinal herbs to the gods with respect and respect.

The meditation took over the medicinal herbs: "You retire."

"Yes!" Haikongzi spirited out of the house.

Meditation looked at the egg-sized pill in the hands of the pigeons, and some worried that Qiao Weiwei could not swallow it.

He walked to the bed and sat down. The slenderness of the jade gently picked up the lips of Qiao Weiwei. Her lips looked small and felt soft and full.

He gently pressed his fingertips, and his heart passed a trace.

He put the brown pill in his hand into her mouth. As he expected, she was totally unconscious, and she didn't know how to swallow it.

His fingertips on his legs moved and hesitated.

For a long while, he leaned over and closed his eyes slightly, covering her soft lips.

The tip of the tongue moved gently and the pill slipped into her belly.

He slowly opened his eyes and was not separated from her lips.

His heartbeat was a bit fast in a flash.

"That..." Haikongzi hit the curtain.

The meditation straightened up and looked at the uninvited sea emptiness in a dangerous position, and asked seriously: "What?"

Uh... is his illusion? Why is the ear of God a little red?

Haikongzi said: "I forgot to remind the god, the pill, its taste..."

A meditation on the serious saying: "Well, very sweet."

Haikongzi smashed the scorpion: "With the lotus heart, it is very hard... oh... nothing."

When Haikongzi whispered and was interrupted by the gods, then, how did he come in with fruit, and then he went out with fruit.


The effect of Gathering Dan is good, and with the unique drug of Haikongzi, Qiao Weiwei's wound will soon heal.

It is worth mentioning that in the days when Qiao Weiwei was injured, the people who thought about the cliff had been worried that so many goddess and a **** would have died. There would be a **** officer coming to search, but it turned out that they wanted more, and the priest It seems that I don’t know that someone has thought about the cliff, and there is no movement at all.

Everyone can't help but worry, it's like having a big knife hanging over their head, but I don't know when it will fall.

This matter will be revealed sooner or later, they must rush to leave the cliff before the death, but the little girl will not wake up, the **** will not take them away.

Everyone prayed and prayed. Finally, on the afternoon of the third day, Qiao Weiwei woke up.

The meditation stayed in front of her bed, and she woke up, and she quickly found her hand and touched her forehead: "How are you feeling? Is it still hurting?"

Qiao Weiwei shook her head.

The meditation used the **** to detect her body, the injury really healed, and the body and the gods were still very weak.

She needs tonic.

The meditation took back the hand: "Is it hungry?"

Qiao Weiwei nodded: "Hungry."

The meditation whispered, "What do you want to eat?"

"Roasted pheasant, braised rabbit meat, sauce and elbow, sweet and sour fish, shrimp soup bag..." Qiao Weiwei reported more than a dozen dishes in one breath.

Write down one by one.

The monks of the gods do not need to eat. They eat as much as mortal tea, but they are all elegant, but not everyone has such an elegant, clever, and the prisoners who have thought of the cliffs all have no such yaxing.

They sent off their thoughts on the cliffs and relied on food to fill their hunger, but they would only do a few bowls of noodles, and they wouldn’t have heard of them. As for the names of the dishes that Qiao Weiwei reported, they have never heard of them.

So, all of them looked at the high-ranking God Jun, like a hard-working little wife, silently into the kitchen.

After burning seventeen or eight kitchens, the dishes that Qiao Weiwei shouted were finally a little over, and the rest of the rest had no ingredients and could not be done.

The dishes made by the gods are quite good. The braised pork knuckles are made with wild pig's trotters. The meat itself is a little strong, but it is also stewed so badly. When the sauce is poured, the elbows are placed on the table. It trembles, soft and bullets, and it shines brightly.

Qiao Weiwei used a pair of chopsticks to instantly remove the bones, leaving only the shiny elbow skin and the soft but not the elbow meat.

Qiao Weiwei sucked the elbow skin into her mouth.

Salty and sweet, the entrance is instant, soft and bungee.

Ordinary people are seriously ill and can't be so big and big, but Qiao Weiwei is a dragon, and the belly is naturally not so delicate.

Qiao Weiwei took another piece of elbow meat, and such thick meat was very tasty. She was so eager to scream.

The lips of the meditation evoke a light smile.

"You also eat." Qiao Weiwei gave him an elbow meat.

At the time of the Millennium, she always fed Ji Xiaoxiu, and Xu was eating habits in the past, and now she opened her mouth subconsciously.

But when he was about to hold the piece of meat, he slammed his body back slightly: "I don't eat, you eat."

"Oh." Qiao Weiwei decisively fed the elbow meat into his mouth.

Next, Qiao Weiwei did not feed him again. One person killed a hare, two grilled fish, and a pot of wild vegetables.

"Your father and Ganoderma lucidum have also come to the realm of the gods." When Qiao Weiwei finished the last bite of food and put down the chopsticks, the meditation calmly opened his mouth. "When we entered the realm, we were transferred to different powers by the power of the gods." Place, I fell down with you, I don’t know where your father and Ganoderma are. After I go out, I will contact people to find them. You don’t have to worry too much.”

Qiao Weiwei slammed his throat and looked at him: "Why did I fall behind with you?"

Because I have been... holding you...

The surface of the meditation passed a trace of unnaturalness, but it quickly fell. He stood up and said with a blank expression: "The time is not early, you should go to rest first, and I will take you away from the cliff tomorrow morning. ”

"Where are you going?" Qiao Weiwei asked.

The meditation said: "I am going next door."

Qiao Weiwei glanced at his bed: "Oh."

Where does the girl’s eyes look?

Meditation correction color: "You don't misunderstand, you were hurt earlier, I am afraid that if you die, you will stay here and look at you. Now you are good, I should go back to my house."

The sea emptiness outside the door: "..." Does God have his own house? when? !

When the meditation stepped out of the door and crossed the threshold, Qiao Weiwei stopped him: "Do I have to sleep here? Can't I go to sleep with you?"

Meditate with a brow: "Of course not!"

"It used to be."

"It used to be small, now you are big."

Qiao Weiwei: "Oh."


After he had repaired the house, he did not immediately go to the next door. After all, he really couldn’t live next door. He could actually stay. No one would say anything. He didn’t know what happened to him. He even came out like this.

Can be out, and then go back with a thick cheek.

The gods and monarchs fixed the gods and called all the people who had thought over the cliff to the open space at the entrance of the village, reshaping the spiritual roots for them one by one, and gave them all the spirits of the gods absorbed from the hundred gods. they.

After finishing these things, it was the middle of the night. His mana was so overdone that he returned to the room that Haikongzi had sorted out, and he fell into a drowsy.

After a quarter of an hour, his door was slowly pushed away.

Qiao Weiwei walked in and drove him out of bed.

"Just say that I can't go to sleep with you, and I didn't say you can't come to sleep with me, right?"

Unconscious, the **** of the king, just like the little dragon who recovered from the illness, easily dragged back to his bed.

------Off topic ------

Feel it? Xiu’s feelings for Wei Wei have changed.

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