MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Fanwai 70] Yunfu truth, brother's whereabouts

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The body of the meditation has frozen, and this appearance is not the same as that in the memory, but the breath is very familiar.

He stroked the other's cheek, picked up the other's face, and stared into her nephew: "... If?"

The little girl's eyes are red: "Brother is me!"

Her voice just fell, Qiao Weiwei came out with sorrow and anger, picked up the collar of the little girl, and threw it to the ground fiercely!

"Hey!" The little girl's buttocks fell, and she stood up and patted her butt, and glared at Qiao Weiwei with angrily. "Who are you? I dare to fall! See how I teach you!"

The little girl said, using the power of the gods to condense a sword.

Qiao Weiwei can't beat it now, she can only use it. She wants to make a few dragons to shake the other side, but it is called - "Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Little, lion, son, oh!

Meditation: "..."

Little girl: "..."

Everyone: "..."

The meditation went forward and blocked in the middle of the two. At this time, he had calmed down the shock of his heart. His eyes looked at the little girl gently and stroked her shoulder: "If she is, she is Wei Wei, her brother is down. Friends who met."

"It turned out to be a friend of my brother." If Yunxiao received the ice sword, she looked up and down Qiao Weiwei. Qiao Weiwei wore the women's clothes and used the cheapest material. She did the old-fashioned style and could not stand her. A pair of good figure, a peerless good looks, the skin is white and like the jade, the five senses are as exquisite as the carvings, the pair of bright and clear springs are even more beautiful.

Yunxiao Ruowei said: "You look so good, I am so embarrassed to like you!"

The meditation smiled softly and turned to Qiao Weiwei: "Wei Wei, this is my sister Yun Ruo."

Qiao Weiwei learned how to meditate, and the elders liked the shoulders of Fu Yunruo, like the little cubs who cares for themselves.

It’s clear that the 20,000-year-old Yunxiao Ruo: "..."

This is not a place to talk. The gods may come here at any time, so despite the many doubts in the mind, they are still temporarily depressed.

If Yunxiao seems to understand his brother's heart, he took his brother's hand and stepped on it: "Brother, we said on the road!"

In this case, the living image has already had a destination.

The meditation made Qiao Weiwei a step.

Haikongzi was afraid that they would be left behind and hurriedly called: "Shenjun! God King!"

The meditation did not care for them, let go of the curtain, and let the beast leave with a step.

Haikongzi, regardless of the three seven twenty-one, greeted everyone to keep up.

Meditation is sitting in the middle of the step, on the left hand side is Qiao Weiwei, on the right hand side is his own sister.

When the meditation left the realm of the gods, Yunxiao was only a child of seven or eight years old. Although she has been 20,000 years old, she seems to have no change in her mind except for her appearance and appearance.

Fortunately, there was a lot of food on the steps, and Qiao Weiwei went to eat shortbread and dried meat. He did not notice that Xiao Xiu was "grabbed" by another girl.

The meditation looked at the younger sister: "If you, how do you know that I am here?"

Yunxiao said: "I feel your breath!"

The meditation nodded: "What happened after I left? Baichuan said that Yunfu is gone, you and the aunt are dead."

If Yunxiao heard the name of God's adult, he came to the fire instantly, sat down straight and said, "The **** bastard! Yunfu becomes like this, it is all harmed by him! It was not him. Demonstrate that my brother has stolen the **** of the king, and God’s heaven will not send people to arrest us!"

"God King India?" Minor repairs, the memory has been too long, it has been somewhat blurred, and suddenly heard the name, some time there is no reaction, but it is certain that he did not steal this kind of thing.

If Yunxiao succumbs: "They said that you stole the king's seal and fled with the king of the gods. They let Yunfu hand you over to the king of God, but Yunfu couldn't make it. They thought Yunfu was deliberate. Then, the whole Yunfu people were exiled."

The body of the meditation suddenly turned a little cold and cold. He remembered what the gods and kings were. It was the guardian of the Yun family. It was not clear what he used to do. He only knew that he was told to remember. In the future, we must protect the king's seal.

He doesn't even want to keep it, how can he steal it?

Yunxiao continued: "I believe that my brother did not steal the king's seal, but he was a bookboy of the brother. The **** named Baichuan said that his brother took him to the temple of the gods one night before his disappearance. When his brother stole it, he reported that his brother was successful and was promoted. I heard that he is now a god, is it true?"

Meditation: "He is dead."

If you have a scorpion, "Is it true? How did he die?"

"I was killed by me." The meditation said.

If you have a cloud.

The gods know that Yunfu Shenjun is the highest **** in the whole world. He is not only highly gifted, but also has a good heart. He never kills. Even the ants are reluctant to step on the death on weekdays. Because of this, in the cloud After the incident of the **** prince stealing the **** of the king, many people said that it was unbelievable. The official statement is that the pureness of Yunfu Shenjun is loaded, and he is actually a sinister and sinister villain.

The Divine Realm finally accepted the official explanation. If Yun Yun knows that these so-called "interpretations" are all fake, it is not her brother, but those who filthy her brother.

Yunxiao was surprised that his brother actually killed.

However, this surprise only lasted for a very short period of time, and it was overshadowed by the revenge of the great hatred.

Baichuan damn, my brother killed him is it!

My brother has become different from the past, but no matter what, he is his brother!

Meditation knows that she is not the one in her memory. If I want to explain it to Yunxiao, I can see that Yunxiao seems to have figured it out. It seems that these years, he is not only growing up.

But for this growth, they all paid too much for the price.

Qiao Weiwei ate the shortbread.

Meditation naturally picks up the water bladder on the table, unplugs the stopper, and puts it on her hand.

Raising the dragon has been raised for too long. This is just an unconscious movement. I have not noticed that it is not normal.

If Yunxiao is a bit stunned.

"If you are."

The low and magnetic sound of the meditation has brought back the thoughts of Yunxiaoruo.

Yunxiao looked to the meditation: "Brother?"

The meditation asked: "What happened after Yunfu was exiled from the house?"

Yunxiao said: "After Yunfu was ransacked, God Heaven continues to trace your whereabouts. They are afraid that you will escape from the realm, so they block the passage to the outside world."

The dawn of meditation has cooled down: "Non-speaking!"

He was obviously forced out of the passage. The group of people all saw him go out and ruined his body, almost ruining him.

If it is as they say, it is to prevent him from escaping to block the passage. Then, when he opens the passage, there will be another light arrow pointing to the fairy world waiting for him. This clearly knows that he may make a comeback, thinking Kill him again!

"Brother?" Yunxiao was scared if he was murdered by the meditation.

Meditation converges on the air, and whispers to the clouds: "I'm sorry, scared you."

If Yunxiao smiled sweetly, holding the arm of the meditator, he said softly: "I am not afraid!"

"What about you? What is your business?"

Twenty thousand years have passed, and the cultivation has not changed in the slightest, and the appearance has changed. If it was not the familiar atmosphere in her body, the meditation could hardly recognize her.

If Yunxiao understands what his brother is asking, he bluntly said: "I didn't want to be exiled, and I escaped with the aunt. As a result, we were arrested by the gods. The aunt was locked into the town demon tower!"

Auntie is the younger brother of the meditation, and is also the brother of Yunxiaoruo, but the aunt is only one year older than Yunxiao. This age is no different from the twins in Yunxiao. In her heart, the aunt is like her. Big, aunt is not a brother, big brother is!

I heard that my brother was locked in the town demon tower, and the whole face was sunk.

Yunxiao continued: "I was very hurt, and I was saved by Snow Sister. Snow sister hid my **** and handed me out. They thought I was dead! My **** has been sleeping. Until two hundred years ago, Xue Jie reshaped the real body for me, I woke up again, Xue sister said that I can not use the original appearance, so I changed my face, and Xue sister gave me a secret. Zhuzhu, can cover my breath, my brother and you are bloody, so I can sense my breath, but others can't sense it!"

The glory of Qiao Weiwei’s Yu Guangyu saw the colorful beads that would glow in the hands of Yunxiao.

Qiao Weiwei took the beads in her hand.

As soon as the beads left the body of the clouds, the breath of the clouds swelled in the steps.

In addition to her own breath, there is a strange atmosphere.

Qiao Weiwei smelled it, suddenly across the meditation, and hugged the clouds.

The clouds shook his eyes.

After meditation, I saw Qiao Weiwei’s eyes. Xu was getting along for too long. Qiao Weiwei’s reaction was just as he could. He could guess the general meaning. He said to Yunxiao: “You have the taste of Weiwei.”

Yunxiao suddenly panicked: "Ah? Taste? What taste? Is there a taste on my body? I just took a shower!"

The meditation was teased by her, and the gloom of my heart was scattered a lot. The meditation turned to see Qiao Weiwei: "Is it the smell of the dragon?"

Qiao Weiwei thought for a moment: "Hmm."

It seems that in the past, if the dragon was used to reshape the real body, no accident, the dragon is the demon.

The demon statue is flying up to the world of the gods two hundred years ago. If the child is reshaping the true body two hundred years ago, the time is completely right.

Finding the Selangor will find the whereabouts of the demon, and the palace of Selangi is not far from the town demon tower, and the younger brother can be saved.

After making up his mind, the meditation concession stopped on a forest path.

As soon as the steps stopped, Haikongzi and his party stopped.

Going out of the steps.

The faces of everyone are a little scared and some are taboo.

Haikongzi took the lead and stepped forward, arching the archer: "Shenjun adults."

The meditation said faintly: "You should have heard the words."

They did not have an enchantment on the steps. With the ears of this group of Protoss monks, it is impossible to miss a word.

Everyone has bowed their heads.

I am correcting the color: "Since you heard it, I have nothing to hide. Yes, I am Yunfu Shenjun, the biggest wanted criminal of God's heaven. I've stolen the **** seal, and the whole gods captured me. Whoever has a relationship with me is an enemy of the whole world of God. You, now, can you follow me with fear?"

Everyone is holding back.

Haikongzi sighed and said with a fate: "I am also a person who is not allowed for the realm of the gods. As long as the **** does not abandon, I will wait to swear to follow!"

The cold wind encouraged the robes of the meditation, and he stood between the heavens and the earth, swallowing the mountains and rivers, like the emperors who returned.

The meditation looks succinctly: "Well, I promise you, my Yunfu regains the day of the gods, that is when you wait for forgiveness!"

The sea emptiness slammed down: "Thank you God!"

Everyone screamed at the ground: "Thank you God!"


The area of ​​the gods is broad and in no way inferior to the underworld. It is strictly speaking that it is not on the map of the gods. It is a space excavated by the priests. This space hangs on the edge of the most eastern part of the world, and their purpose The Divine Land is the most central boundary in the realm of the gods, also known as the middle domain.

The middle domain is not something that anyone can go. The middle-domain peripherals are enchanted, and only when they reach the realm of the true God are eligible to enter the enchantment.

If Yun Yun is a cloud of gold, it is a golden god, born higher than the true god, she does not have to worry about it, the group of people is not so optimistic.

The sea emptiness is the highest among the group of people, but he is only a top-level god, and it is a step away from the true state.

The most pitiful thing is Qiao Weiwei, this little girl is not repaired at all, it is a mortal!

Yunxiao looked at Qiao Weiwei with a grudge, really, how could my brother be with a mortal? Also brought this mortal to the realm of God? In addition to being good-looking, there is no such thing, and I don’t know how to be dragged by her later!

Yunxiao said with distress: "If there is a gold silk garment, it would be fine."

The gold silk garment is a treasure of the gods. It can make people exude the atmosphere of true deity. They succeeded in deceiving the enchantment. At that time, so many slaves in Yunfu were wearing golden silk robes and went into the middle field. God will be the king. The egg is also!

It is a pity that Yunfu was ransacked, and there was no gold silk clothing.

"Or, I will go to the snow sister to borrow a gold silkworm..."

After the words were not finished, I saw Qiao Weiwei grabbed a woman's hand and walked into the enchantment of the flow of light without any hindrance.

Yunxiao Ruo: "..."