MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [Extra 67]

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In the northwest of the gods, there is a barren hill with thousands of miles, south of the barren hill, thousands of feet vertically, and there is a tattered village with dozens of villagers living in this isolated place. They are the only people left.

There used to be a very loud name, calling for a cliff.

Thinking of the cliff as the name suggests, is the place used to punish sinners. All here are gods who have committed felony but are not sent off to the gods. They are abolished, and they eliminate the roots, like the waste. In the same way, I am thinking about living a cliff all day long.

At first, some people tried to escape, but after repeated painful lessons, the people finally gave up resistance.

In a place where outsiders can't get in, and they can't go out, the days are actually quite quiet.

But this silence was quietly broken a month ago.

Thinking over the cliff began to make a "ghost", and some people's things disappeared inexplicably at night. At first they were eaten and drank. Later, they gradually became worn. Once, even one person's quilt disappeared. .

Although it was not a good person who was punished for thinking about the cliff, but it was not a chicken thief, who would not sleep in the middle of the night, ran to steal things? Moreover, even if it is stolen, you have to steal some precious things, such as Lingshi, money jewels, exercises... How to steal all the daily use of food?

A middle-aged man with a slap in the face slaps a slap in the head of a lean man: "His name Hu! Is it that you have committed night snoring?!"

The man surnamed Hu was slapped by the brawny, and his head was all wooden. Then he slowed down and slammed the brawny man: "I have to tell you several times, I have no night sickness!" Laozi used to scare you!"

The man surnamed Hu came to think about the cliff early, and he was bored. Every time he came, the newcomer would tease it, but I don’t know when it’s time, and there’s no new sinner coming over the cliff. He hasn’t had a “night tour” for a long time.

"Isn't you doing it? Why didn't things disappear?" The strong man had eaten the loss of the man surnamed Hu, and he did not believe that he had nothing to do with the matter.

The man surnamed Hu said: "My own things are gone, I want to ask you, is it because you hate it, so come to revenge me and retaliate against everyone?"

The brawny came at the latest, and the one who toss him at the beginning was more than a man named Hu.

The strong man said: "I want to retaliate, you have to wait until now? It’s not enough for me to be a fist!"

Seeing that the two are going to quarrel, a gray-haired old man stood up: "You don't bother."

His voice is not big, his tone is not heavy, and he can carry a majesty inexplicably, so that the two people who are arrogant and arrogant have instantly suppressed the fire.

The people around the four have also looked at the old man.

The old man said: "Don't sleep everyone tonight, who stole it, and you will soon see it."

At night, everyone in the yard in accordance with the instructions of the old man waiting for the rabbit.

But on the first night, the thief did not come.

The second night, still did not come.

Third night, fourth night...

Everyone doubts whether the old man wants to be embarrassed. This shows that there is a ghost inside, so that the ghosts are caught in such a big way. The ghosts inside know the wind, and naturally they will not come out to commit crimes.

Just when everyone was going to change the way to check the ghosts, the village was quiet.

A stuffed thing ran in.

Everyone took a closer look and was stupid.

"Squirrel?" The brawny was surprised.

The man surnamed Hu grabbed his mouth: "Hey, this is not an ordinary rat. I haven't seen it so big, has it become a strange thing? Be careful to eat it!"

The brawny was stunned and asked, "Oh?"

Thinking about the cliff and the strange?

The man surnamed Hu actually understood it, but he did not know how to answer it. After all, thinking about Cliff is the place to imprison criminals. It is a cage. The spirit of the gods here has been drained. No one can practice. No animal or plant can be refined.

He looked at the old man on the side.

The old man calmly glanced at the big squirrel, and there was a rare wave in the scorpion. He raised his hand and gestured to everyone not to act rashly.

Everyone really didn't move.

The big squirrel entered several rooms and was empty-handed, as if looking for something.

Finally, it entered the old man's house, grabbed a basket of herbs, and snorted away.

The old man looks awkward: "Follow it."

The people followed it lightly.

The speed of the squirrel was extremely fast, and everyone almost lost it. Fortunately, the herb taken away by the squirrel contained a very strong aroma. Everyone followed this scent and came to a cave outside the glory.

They have lived here for hundreds of years, thinking about where the cliff has not passed, do not remember there is a cave here?

Everyone looks at each other.

Soon, the big squirrel came out of the cave, and there was a small bamboo tube in his hand. It slid into the night with the bamboo tube, and soon he took a bamboo tube of clean water.

After it entered the cave, everyone was brave enough to follow up.

The cave is not big, but it is very clean, not only has no trace of odor, but also exudes a faint fragrance other than medicinal fragrance. This fragrance is fresh and elegant, and it smells refreshing.

Everyone thought that there was a strange race with the squirrel in the cave, but it was a slender girl.

The girl lay on the thick quilt, wearing a lost clothes of a female criminal. The clothes were a little wide. She wore it empty, as if there was only one skeleton left. Her hair was spread over the quilt. She should be sick. And even the bright blue silk has dried up and lost its luster.

Her delicate but pale side face was exposed to the attention of everyone, and everyone only felt that the heart was shocked.

She didn't know if she was fainting or asleep, and she didn't know anyone coming.

Instead, the little squirrel who took the herb and stuffed it into her mouth, felt the movement behind her, twisted her head, and a pair of gentle eyes, suddenly screaming a powerful murder!

The squirrel rushed over to everyone!

Everyone has no mana, and they fight one-on-one. Naturally, they are not the opponents of the squirrels. They can be attacked and attacked. It is not them who suffer.

Sure enough, after some fighting, the squirrel was caught by everyone.

The squirrel screamed!

Such a big movement did not wake the **** the quilt.

The brawny whispered, "Who is she? Is it a **** repair that has just been sent off?"

The man surnamed Hu took a slap in the back of his head: "Have you seen God repaired being laid down in a cave? People throw it directly, throw it! Throw! Throw! Throw it to us!"

The strong man yelled at him: "Come on my head again, I am jealous of you!"

The man surnamed Hu cut out and did not put his words on his heart. He grabbed a stick from the ground and went to poke the **** the ground.

I really don't blame him for being so careful, but there is actually a squirrel that has become a fine. The ghost knows what the origin of this gimmick is. If there is any skill they don't know, he can't dare to approach her.

The stick poked the other's feet.


The man surnamed Hu was ecstatic, put down the stick, and ran towards the little girl. Just as he was about to grab the other's arm, a golden light came in from the hole and hit the man surnamed Hu to the stone wall in front.

Everyone turned around with vigilance and saw the black lacquered hole. I don’t know when a man dressed in a crescent-white robes came. The man’s face and body were all stained with mottled blood. The cuffs were The thorns are cut open, and it looks a little ruined. It can be said that the man is tall and powerful, and the pair of bottomless eyes are like two holes in the hell. The murderous murderousness overflows.

Everyone's eyebrows jumped!

The man grabbed a newly-hunted pheasant in his left hand, and his right hand gripped something like a thing and slowly lifted it up.

"Ah--" The old man’s throat overflowed with a repressed scream.

When the people turned their heads, they saw the old man who was originally protected by the crowd. He was suddenly lifted up by the man and slowly lifted up.

The man surnamed Hu was shocked: "He has mana!"

Everyone has stepped back in several steps!

Thinking over the cliff is a prison cage. There is no **** spirit in the cage. Not to mention that the sinners here have all been dethroned and repelled, and even the practice of the law cannot be touched!

But this person... this person turned out to be...

The brawny jumped to the man of the surname Hu and stalked each other like an octopus: "Oh... I am so scared..."

Hu’s man’s legs are shaking, not scared, but by the strong man.

Nima, a man of two hundred pounds, can you not jump to him? !

He is only one hundred and one hundred!

The old man was stunned and his face was purple.

The man surnamed Hu yelled: "Go down!"

The strong man hugged his neck and cried with a snot and a tear: "Oh... don't come down... people are so scared..."

The man named Hu looked at the man with dignity: "Who are you?"

Not waiting for the man to open, a female practitioner in the left-behind village ran over: "Not good, not good, come on the head! Bring a lot of gods!"

Thinking over the cliff is the lowest prisoner in the realm of the gods. Those who are detained are all exiled by the gods. No one cares how they are doing. If they are sick or killed by the beasts, they will not be killed. The matter of the world.

Today... How could I suddenly send someone over?

Still a team of gods!

Everyone’s eyes fell on the man’s body. It’s irrelevant to say that this matter is not believed.

There was no panic on the man's face, as if he had expected the gods to come and catch him.

He tightened the big hand little by little. When the old man was beaten by his power, he said with a blank expression: "You go back, he stays, dare to give us out, I will Let him be buried."

Everyone looks to the old man.

The old man closed his eyes and nodded.

Everyone slammed out of the cave.


When the people returned to the village, the village had been surrounded by a hundred gods.

Every one of the gods' bodies exudes a very powerful and powerful atmosphere. Rao is that they have been sent off before thinking about the cliff, and they have never seen such a strong audience.

Everyone was a little shocked.

Leading the way is a **** in the azure armor, he is riding on a white flying horse, the Pegasus wearing a cold helmet, as its owner, mighty and domineering.

God will wear a helmet and a mask, only revealing a pair of cold eyes.

He spread his hand and used a technique to sing a portrait. The portrait is a man in a white robe with a crescent moon. The man's looks are beautiful and elegant. The temperament is elegant and clean, and the whole body exudes a powerful body. The spirit of the gods.

The crowd only recognized him and recognized him as a man in the cave.

Although the man on the portrait is more like a gentleman like a jade, unlike the murderous in the cave, but the appearance of the whole **** can not find a second.

“Who have you seen him?” God will ask majesticly.

Everyone shook their heads.

God will not be slow or slow: "As long as you who give up his whereabouts, I will let anyone leave the cliff and return to the realm."

The hearts of the people showed a hunger.

The man surnamed Hu said: "The **** of the gods will be an adult, I have seen him!"

God will look at him faintly: "Oh? What is your name?"

The man surnamed Hu said with a low knee and said: "The small name is not enough to hang on, it will tarnish the gods."

God will no longer ask him his name: "Where have you seen this person?"

The man surnamed Hu said: "In the village, in the middle of the night, he came to the village to steal things. After he stole it, he left. I and Haikongzi went to arrest him. As a result, people did not catch it. Instead, he was taken away by the sea. It is."

"Who is the sea emptiness?" God will ask.

The man surnamed Hu said: "Our gentleman, he knows everything, he knows everything. He is the smartest person who thinks about Cliff. He just took this point and took the sea emptiness! He took the sea. The empty space flew up, I saw it with my own eyes!"

God will have a terrible sense of God, and after searching through the cliffs, I really couldn't find any abnormalities.

God’s dawn was moved, and a silver light was shot.

Silver light shot into the eyebrows of the man surnamed Hu.

God said coldly as follows: "If you find him, you will immediately take you to the cliff; but if you let me find that you are lying, this will make you die!"


After the gods left, the people gathered around the man named Hu.

The brawny red eyes circled: "Are you okay? How are you? What did he do to you?"

The man surnamed Hu said with timidity: "He branded me with my knowledge. This brand can take me out and kill me here."

The strong man was tearful and said: "What do you do? They will soon find you lying!"

"First look for the sea, find him and say."

Everyone quickly went to the cave.

In the cave, the man has already put down the sea emptiness, and the sea emptiness sits quietly on the side, being instructed by the little squirrel, and taking medicine with the medicine.

One person and one rat raised a bonfire in front of them, and the little squirrel washed the cut pheasant with a stolen iron rod and grilled it on the fire.

The cave is full of rich meat.

The man sat cross-legged next to the woman, and his face was paler than a bit.

God’s knowledge of God is not so easy to avoid. If he retreats during his heyday, he will not rehabilitate himself, but he has not recovered yet, and he has spent a lot of soul power to heal the girl. He has already done some oil. The lights are dry.

The man surnamed Hu cleared his throat: "That..."

The man faintly opened his mouth: "You can go."

This is what I said to the sea.

Haikongzi did not say anything, put down the medicine, and got out of the cave.

"Haikongzi, you are going to give old Hushen, those people to him..." The voice of the strong man did not fall, and there was a muffled sound in the cave, as if something was on the floor.

The brawny rushed in and sneaked in: "Oh! He fainted!"

The female monk who reported the letter: "This is a good time! Just the **** will be branded on Laohu. They can't find anyone. Laohu will die! We will quickly hand over the people and make up for it!"

Haikongzi raised his hand: "What do you say? God will?"

"Yes, it is God! I don't know where God is going to be..." The woman repaired the things that happened at the entrance to the village and said to the sea.

Haikongzi looked at the cave and muttered incredulously: "He even escaped the gods of God... Who is he..."


The **** lord was awakened by a frolic. He opened his eyes and saw the strange roof. He sat up and watched the sea emptiness sitting on the side of the drug.

Haikongzi smiled slightly: "God is awake? How is it? Is it better? I gave you some herbs yesterday."

Shen Jun adults asked with vigilance: "What about the girl with me?"

Haikongzi opened the curtain behind him, saw the clean and soft bed, lying on the washed Qiao Weiwei, Qiao Weiwei dressed in women's clothes, the woman repaired her in front of the bed quietly.

The **** of the monarch looks a little embarrassed, and this looks at the sea emptiness: "Do you know who I am?"

Haikongzi said reverently: "If you are injured, you can avoid the knowledge of a god. The power of the non-God is not possible. But I don't know which **** you are. I didn't know the gods. Offensive, I also hope that God will forgive me."

The gods and gentlemen said: "I am just a **** who is wanted all over the place. Why don't you hand me over?"

Haikongzi said truthfully: "I am worried that they will destroy their mouths, not to mention... I believe that God also has a way to save the world."

The gods and monarchs sighed coldly: "There is a brand of gods in the district. This is really not in the eyes. Ben can save him at any time. This gentleman can not only save him, but also save all of you from thinking over the cliff." ”

------Off topic ------

Trembling, the gods! I am repaired!

Read The Duke's Passion