MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 15

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Song Dazhuang was sent away, and Song Cun returned to the dormitory. The other three beds were already full. The other three looked older than Song Cun, and they were about twenty-seven or eight years old. They were a little surprised to see Song Cun, after all Song Cun is tall and straight, but his face is really immature.

Song Cun spoke first with a smile: "Which majors are these students?"

The male student with the longest face said a little shyly: "My name is Xu Jiankang. I major in animal husbandry. I am 30 years old this year. I used to be an educated youth in Northeast China."

"My name is Zhang Hechun. My major is land resource management. I am 29 years old and a retired soldier."

"My name is Li Dewei. I'm a professional plant protector. I'm 26 years old. I used to be an educated youth in Liu County."

"My name is Song Cun. I also study animal husbandry. I'm eighteen years old. I used to be a sophomore in high school."

After the introduction, they became familiar with each other. Zhang Hechun teased: "Fortunately, my wife likes to read books, and I follow suit. My younger brother is also in high school, and I often help him with homework. Many things can be remembered after reviewing them. That's all. I need my daughter-in-law to give me tutoring, otherwise after so many years, I may not be able to enter the university."

Xu Kangkang smiled and said: "When I was studying, my grades were not bad. I like reading books. If I don't have books, I don't have much interest in reading. When I have nothing to do, I like to think about the knowledge I have learned before. If you don't believe me, in those years, I often ran to read books. The waste station, when the farm is slack, squats in the waste station to read, and reads it all morning. Otherwise, I will not be admitted to the university after reviewing for more than a month. However, I applied for civil engineering, but was assigned to the animal husbandry major. Later Think about it, no matter what major you are admitted to a university, it is better than not getting it, so we don’t choose any more, let’s go to a university if we have one.”

Several people believed it because they also ran through the junkyard.

Li Dewei said: "No matter what the major is, since we have been admitted, we should treat it well. After finally going to university, we must not disappoint the school's trust in us."

Song Cun said with a smile: "We are the first batch of college students to resume the college entrance examination. No matter what our original identities are, since we have come to a dormitory, it is fate. We will live together in the next few years. What is not thoughtful? Please bear with me."

They all nodded, "Everyone tolerates each other, everyone tolerates each other!"

After the roommates communicated with each other, everyone had a preliminary understanding of each other. They were relieved about the upcoming dormitory life. Regardless of whether boys or girls live together, there will inevitably be conflicts. People's tempers don't seem to be that provocative, usually everyone is more tolerant of each other, and getting along will be much more pleasant.

Everyone thinks that it is not easy to be admitted to university, and some of them are admitted to university at the edge of the ball. Their own knowledge reserves are insufficient. Knowing the professor's lectures, the students entered the intensive study at the beginning of the term.

Even Song Cun, who claims to love learning, feels ashamed of himself. After all, he has become a habit of exercising. Every day when the other three people in the dormitory get up early to read, he will go to the playground to exercise for an hour, and then come back after breakfast and wash up. After taking a bath, I can pick up the book.

Zhang Hechun looked at him with a smile: "Wearing a piece of clothing for exercise in winter, you are in good shape. Compared with my previous body. Now that I have retired, my body is not as good as before."

Maybe it's because he has been with the grandpa for a long time. Zhang Hechun has the temperament of a grandpa. Song Cun naturally feels kind to him when he sees him. .”

Li Dewei looked at him in disbelief: "Ten years like a day?"

Song Cun nodded: "I have been exercising with my grandfather since I was in school, and I have been insisting on it until now."

Xu Jiankang looked at him enviously: "You have perseverance, I'm not in good health, or I'll go to exercise with you."

Song Cun said: "I only need to exercise when I am not in good health."

Xu Jiankang shook his head: "I don't dare to take off my clothes, my body can only exercise when it's hot."

Song Cun didn't say anything more. He was not in good health. He took off and put on his clothes for exercise in winter, so he was really easy to catch a cold.

Students who have just started school are still familiar with the campus and classmates. When the weather is getting hotter, although the enthusiasm of the students is still there, some students have proposed to organize class activities, such as arranging a movie or a holiday in the campus cafeteria Invite a few classmates to go on a spring outing, and even some single male and female students have already fallen in love, secretly hiding in the groves of the campus, holding hands and whispering.

In Song Cun's class, two pairs of male and female students fell in love. I don't know if he was too young to get enlightened, or he was delayed by his studies, and he still has no idea of ​​a partner.

Although he is not very old, there are several girls in the class who are about the same age as him, and one of them has made it clear that he wants to study and make progress together with him. He was stunned and didn't realize that he was confessing to him, and said that everyone in the class was studying together and making progress together, so there is no need to tell him specifically, he will study hard. Girls who are angry at others will get on with other boys in the class the next day.

At that time, the system came out to laugh at him, and he also said: "You don't need to tell me what is a confession, I'm not stupid so I can't even understand the confession."

The system didn't say anything, and it doesn't bother to say anything now. The hero has gone to college and doesn't marry the heroine anymore. The current situation of the host is completely different from the original plot. Anyway, this task cannot be completed. As for the punishment for failing to complete the task, it doesn't know, it's just a new system, and it doesn't dare to ask, for fear of being destroyed immediately.

Of course, Song Cun was worried about the ruthless ridicule of the system. Regardless of whether the girl confessed to him for real or not, she was another boy's girlfriend anyway, and he had nothing to do with him, so he would not comment.

After completing the schoolwork, he goes to the library every day on weekends and when there is no class. As a rural child, he has majored in animal husbandry and knows better than anyone else the role of livestock breeding in the development of the countryside. Now he mainly focuses on livestock breeding, breeding, Books on breeding, management, disease prevention and epidemic prevention, etc., especially books on raising pigs.

He thought about the current environment of his village or most of the villages in his county, which is more suitable for raising pigs to improve his family's situation. As for poultry, the conditions for large-scale breeding are not so sufficient. Free-range breeding of chickens, ducks and geese requires a spacious place, and it is easy to eat crops in the field. Captive breeding like some chicken farms in later generations requires not only a spacious house with barbed wire, but also special feeding, ventilation and exhaust, manure removal, and water for ducks and geese. All in all, the investment is large, and the return may not be high. And with the economic level of their village at this time, it is impossible to raise this kind of captive chickens.

As for the fact that we can only raise livestock according to the requirements, it doesn’t matter, there will always be times when we can raise them casually. He remembers that his parents in the first life once said that after the resumption of the college entrance examination, the country’s economy slowly recovered. A trader, at that time he believes that he can feed livestock at will to improve living conditions.

The library ran a lot, and the old man guarding the reading library knew him. The old man looked about the same age as Grandpa Song Cun. Song Cun handed him a book. The old man took the book, opened his borrowing records, and smiled. He asked him: "You spent the day in the reading library, and you still have to borrow a book to take back to read. You have borrowed it three times a week. Do you understand this book?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "Some understand, some don't understand. I asked the professor about everything I didn't understand."

If you don't understand it, it's tantamount to seeing it for nothing. Now that I've seen him, I won't let myself waste time by watching him, and I will always figure it out. After all, this is real professional knowledge, and only after thorough study can we apply what we have learned.

Another weekend, when Song Cun went to return the books, the old man guarding the library was gone. It was a girl, eighteen or nine years old, with a round face, dark skin, and big eyes. Seeing Song Cun asked him with a smile, "Return the book? My grandfather is not feeling well, so I will take his place."

Then Song Cun found that the girl not only had big eyes, but also had a sweet smile. He nodded, then frowned and asked, "Is Grandpa Guan okay?"

The girl said, "It's nothing serious, but my grandma asked him to rest at home for a day."

Song deposits his mind. The old man is about the same age as his grandpa and grandparents. Looking at him, he inevitably thinks of the old people in his family. When he hears that he is sick, he is somewhat worried.

After returning the book, Song Cun went to the library to look for books, found the book he needed, and read it in the library. He forgot the time when he saw it, until he smelled a scent, he looked up at the clock , only to find that it was noon. He stood up, stretched slightly, packed his things, and planned to go to the front desk to register for borrowing books.

When I got to the front desk, I found that the girl was eating bento. She smiled embarrassedly when she saw Song Cun, and knew that it was not good for her to eat in the library, so she said apologetically, "I wanted to eat out... .” She said and looked at Song Cun.

Song Cun said rather embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I forgot the time when I read the book, which delayed your time to get off work. I will pay attention next time."

The girl rolled her eyes: "I'm really hungry, I'm really embarrassed. I'll pay attention next time."

Song Cun also smiled: "If I forget the time next time, just remind me."

Smelling the aroma of the vegetables is fine, but I am quite greedy. Although the food in the school is not bad, the big pot rice is not as good as the home-cooked food.

After leaving the library, he quickly went to the cafeteria. Seeing that there was braised pork again today, he thought of the smell he had just smelled in the library, so he gritted his teeth and bought a piece of braised pork to satisfy his craving.

When we went to the library again, the guard of the library was replaced by the old man. Song Cun said with a smile, "Is Grandpa Guan feeling better?"

Grandpa Guan waved his hand and said, "It's getting better. I'm getting old and my body has all kinds of problems. My body is still in good shape. Many old guys who are about my age can't go out to work. I'm lucky."

Song Cun guessed that Grandpa Guan must have his own story, but Grandpa Guan didn't tell, so he didn't ask. After returning the book, I went inside to read.