MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 16

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In May and June, the weather gradually became hotter. Compared with the dormitory where Song Cun lived in his first life, the conditions in this dormitory can be said to be very poor. There is no air conditioner, not even a fan, and the dormitory is small. Significantly narrow. I didn't feel it when it was cold, but when it came to summer, people were sweating profusely due to the sweltering heat in the air, and I could hear the breathing sound of the bed next to me.

Xu Jiankang sat up, holding a book and fanning it non-stop: "It's too hot. Why don't you go to the countryside? At least you can move the bed outside to sleep."

In the summer in the countryside, there is no fan. At night, people move their beds outside to sleep in the open air. At that time, they thought it was strange, but they really slept in the house all night. They couldn’t stand the heat, so they followed the example of the villagers. Move the bed outside to sleep. Looking back now on what happened when I was an educated youth, although I was tired, there were still moments of joy.

Song Cun was also very hot. He held the book in one hand and fanned the wind with the book in the other, "Be patient, it's the same in other dormitories. Think about it in such a hot day, there are still many people working in the fields, but we Being able to sit in the classroom or in the dormitory and fan the fan and read a book is not a good day."

Of course, Song Cun’s words were just to comfort himself. After all, during the year and a half of high school, he lived in the same way. A wooden sofa, just enough for one person to lie down.

He has a thick skin, and when discussing problems with the teacher, he sleeps on the wooden sofa in the math teacher's dormitory, and helps the teacher clean and correct homework papers by the way.

At that time, the college entrance examination was not resumed, and it was enough to graduate from high school. Only some students studied hard like Song Cun. Many students were not so serious in studying, and the relationship with the teacher was relatively ordinary. There was not much for him to rub the wooden sofa with the teacher. People care.

In college, it was not easy for him to do this. The age gap of the students was huge, their previous identities were varied, and their personalities and thoughts were also different. It was inevitable that people would question him if he did so, not to mention that it would be difficult for so many students, teachers and professors.

The other three people in the dormitory have already married and have children. Xu Jiankang’s son is already in primary school. He said with a smile: “My wife is from the countryside and has no education. The money I have is used to buy nutrition or school supplies for me and my children.” Cunzi, at a young age, the school gave you a subsidy and living expenses are all for yourself. You can live like a married person. Look at He Chun, who went to eat western food with his wife again today? ? Don’t read books all day long, go talk to someone, eat some foreign vegetables, or some foreign meat.”

Song Cun smiled. His classmates had a lot of fun when they entered the university. Now watching movies can't satisfy them anymore, and they are curious about Western food, but he is really not interested in Western food. His first-life parents often take him to eat . As for the object of conversation, he felt that it would be good to let nature take its course.

What makes him quite depressed is that when he went to the library recently, he often saw Grandpa Guan’s granddaughter delivering meals to him. Grandpa Guan smiled and explained to him that his granddaughter insisted on giving him food every day because he was afraid that he would not be able to eat well in the school cafeteria. Deliver meals.

He said in his heart, it's okay to bring you food, but it hurt me so badly, smelling the fragrance, drooling greedily, can I still read the book?

At that time, Song Cun missed the meals made by his grandma in various ways, especially the old people at home. He wished he could go home immediately, and he never knew that he was such a greedy person.

Li Dewei next to him said: "Do you think that Western food is cheap? It costs only a few dozen yuan to go there? What are our subsidies enough for? If you have that money to eat Western food, you might as well order a piece of braised pork in the cafeteria."

Xu Jiankang said, "Only He Chun can afford to go."

Several people lived together for a few months, everyone's family situation, economic level, and each other knew it well.

Song Cun remained silent. In fact, he also thought that with that money, he might as well go to the cafeteria to eat a piece of braised pork, but he has financial support and is willing to eat Western food, which is different.

After taking the final exam, Song Cun didn't get any grades, so he packed his bags and went back to his hometown. The terminal of the long-distance bus was at the county seat. When he arrived at the county seat, he went to the high school and planned to visit the teacher. At this time, those students who did not take the winter college entrance examination and those who failed the winter college entrance examination had already finished the college entrance examination this time and went home. .

The teachers were very pleased to see him, and asked about his situation in the university. Song Cun told them one by one. After saying goodbye to the teacher, he went back to the town by car. There was no bus going to Songjia Village in the town, and it was almost noon at this time. He hadn't eaten in the morning, and was already hungry. He ate a bowl of noodles at the state-run restaurant in the town, and then walked home with his things.

When he arrived at the door, he looked at the closed door, his heart tightened, and he shouted: "Grandma! Grandma!"

Seeing no one answered, he shouted again: "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Hearing his voice, Zhang Xiaohua ran out from the next door, and her face burst into a smile: "Er Cunzi is back? Your grandparents should go to your grandpa's house for dinner. During this period of time, their life is very good, every now and then If you want to go to your grandpa's place to eat something delicious, don't care about us..."

It was okay at the beginning, but Song Cun didn't like it when he heard it. He interrupted her at the right time: "Mom, since grandpa and grandma have gone to grandpa's place, then I will go to grandpa's too."

Zhang Xiaohua said: "The meal is cooked at home, let's eat it at home. You like leek boxes. I made it at home today. I even cracked eggs."

As she spoke, she looked at Song Cun expectantly, no matter how much she disliked this son before, but seeing his handsome appearance, he was still the only college student in the village, those dislikes and Song Cun's words against her in the past were all rejected She selectively forgot, and besides, she thought about it slowly and she had some aftertaste. Song Cun contradicted her because she favored Zhiwen's weak body, and he was jealous. As long as she treats him well, the son will still be her son.

Song Cun didn't hear her voice, and if he heard it, he would definitely say that he was definitely not jealous in his heart, and he didn't value the love of his parents. But he is alienated from his parents, and it is indeed because they favor Zhiwen and are unprincipled, which leads to the resistance of their brothers and sisters against them.

Zhang Xiaohua seldom asked him to eat, Song Cun of course gave him face, he nodded: "All right."

Zhang Xiaohua was overjoyed again, looked at him and said repeatedly: "Come in, come in!"

Song Cun followed Zhang Xiaohua into the yard with his luggage, Song Zhiwen came out of the house, saw him and subconsciously asked, "Why are you here?"

Song Cun raised his eyebrows and asked him back: "This is my own home, why can't I come?"

Song Xiaomi also looked at Song Zhiwen with her arms crossed, "Yes, this is also the second brother's home, why can't he come back?"

The gloomy look on Song Zhiwen's face flashed away, and he smiled and said, "This is also the second brother's home. Of course he can come back. I'm just surprised. After all, since the separation, the second brother came back from school and rarely came here." .”

Zhang Xiaohua smoothed things over with a smile: "It's rare for your second brother to come back. It happened that we made a leek box at noon. He was lucky enough to be able to eat the leek box."

It would be better if she didn't say this, Song Zhiwen's face became stiff after he finished speaking, it was obvious that he wanted to eat the leek box, so he suggested to let his mother make it, and his mother called Song Cun over to eat, because Song Cun had a lot of food, those few Who can eat a leek box?

Song Cun didn't care too much, put down his luggage, found a stool and sat down, Zhang Xiaohua cut a piece of watermelon and handed it to him, "Come back when it's so hot, eat a piece of watermelon."

Song Cun took it, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of Song Zhiwen's black face from the corner of his eye, and said with a smile, "Thank you, mother."

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at him: "Thank you."

Still waiting to say something, Song Zhiwen whispered next to him: "Mom, I also want to eat watermelon."

Zhang Xiaohua looked back at him: "If you want to eat watermelon, cut it by yourself." Usually I can cut it by myself, why can't I cut it by myself today.

Song Zhiwen pursed his lips, why did the second brother hand him the watermelon, and he had to cut it himself when he got here? He already knew that his mother also disliked him, and he had felt it since Song Cun was admitted to university.

Song Cun looked at Song Zhiwen and said casually: "I walked back from the town and my leg hurts. Besides, my mother hasn't seen me for half a year. She cut me a piece of watermelon because of her distress. If Zhiwen wants to eat watermelon, he can cut it himself. I can't cut watermelon for a weak body that requires my mother to do it. I'm not a three-year-old child. Besides, my mother is very tired after doing farm work. Zhiwen should also learn to be considerate of his parents. Although you are weak, you can do what you can It’s always possible to do things. If you don’t learn how to do the work now, when your parents are old and can’t do the work, who can help you do these things?”

Song Zhiwen was disgusted by Song Cun, but he didn't dare to refute. When Song Cun said that, he paid attention to his mother's face, and found that his mother agreed with him very much, and he felt even worse. If he doesn't do it now, is it Because there are people who rely on him, when no one relies on him, he will naturally do it, and Song Cun needs to worry about it.

"Your second brother is right. He is also doing it for your own good. You are so old, it's time to do some work."

Zhang Xiaohua was very moved after hearing what her second son said. Although she felt sorry for Zhiwen's weak body and would not let him do anything, she was also tired, not only physically but also mentally.

Often when I go back to my natal home, my natal brothers and sisters keep persuading her not to spoil Zhiwen too much, and now I do everything for him, and there are always times when they can't do anything, neither of the two older brothers is the one who will help him , who can do it for him at that time? Sooner or later he had to learn to be independent.

It turned out that when Zhiwen was young, she didn't think it was a problem, she always thought that when he was older, he would always do things when he was in better health. But as Zhiwen got older and couldn't carry it with her hands or shoulders, she worried about what would happen to the child in the future. Who is willing to marry his daughter to him?

What Song Cun said was not entirely malicious. After all, Song Zhiwen can stand up, and his grandparents should not worry about them. If you do it, don't just think about your children and grandchildren.

Besides, those who can listen are good words of persuasion, but those who can't listen, don't think they are disgusting words.

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