MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 14

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If Song Cun is admitted to university, Song Zhiwen will be jealous, and he will feel hopeless that he will not be able to catch up with him. Then Mother gave Song Cun the cloth ticket for making clothes for him without discussing with him, but it made him feel a deep chill, did Mother also give up on him? Just because he is not in good health, he is not good at studies, and he has to take the junior high school exam for three years, so my mother can't help but prefer Song Cun, a son who can win her glory when he enters college?

He dared not speak, nor did he dare to ask.

I'm afraid that if I ask, it will make my parents dislike me even more, so I can only try to please Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua more, and I don't usually have the idea of ​​competing with Song Xiaomi for favor. After all, the love of parents is more important than competing with Song Xiaomi.

The house is completely clean, Zhang Xiaohua thinks this is because people are in good spirits on happy occasions, her elder brother is a college student, and her younger siblings are much more obedient. Even the eldest daughter-in-law smiled a lot more when she saw her face than in the past. The eldest daughter came back from her husband's house specially, saying that she heard that her second brother was admitted to college at her mother's house, and all the sisters-in-law envied her , one person attains Taoism and ascends to heaven, and the younger brother is promising, and she gets nothing as an older sister, and she looks better.

After the Chinese New Year, Song Cun was ready to pack his luggage and go to the provincial capital. The school didn't say that he would distribute bedding, but also prepare quilts. Fortunately, Mrs. Song saved a few cotton tickets in previous years and made a quilt for him. Grandpa sent a few cloth tickets, and bought him a quilt for him, and made a brand new quilt. If there is no extra cotton, use the old ones at home for the pads. Mrs. Song thought that she would buy everything when she went to the provincial capital, so she copied a pot of peanuts for him, fried soybeans for him, and left him for snacks.

Song Cun watched from the side, and said with a smile, "Grandma, you don't need to prepare so many things, where can I get them all?"

Song Pozi said: "Let your father take you there."

She hadn't planned to let her grandson go to the provincial capital alone. Although his grandson was admitted to university, he was young and it was his first time traveling far away. How could she feel relieved?

Song Cun didn't feel anything, he said: "No, I can do it by myself."

Mrs. Song insisted: "What can you do? There are so many things, your father can carry them for you if you go."

All right! Song Cun didn't say anything more.

Mrs. Song thought that since her son was going, she might as well prepare more food for her grandson. The oil in the pot was still hot, so she started kneading noodles and frying chops for him, but finally felt that it was not enough, so she steamed another pot of buns for him. He couldn't laugh or cry: " Grandma, the deep-fried pork chops are ready, don’t you need the buns?”

Mrs. Song shook her head: "It's okay, it won't be bad in the cold weather."

Song Cun said: "It's not bad or fake, but it hardens after a long time, and it's not delicious. I have food stamps, and the school will issue meal cards. Grandma, I won't be hungry, so don't worry."

Mrs. Song thought about it, and then said: "My noodles are ready, the buns are still buns, anyway, you have to eat, you don't leave until tomorrow."

Just after packing, Zhang Xiaohua brought a bag of things, she looked at Song Cun, and said a little cautiously: "There is nothing good, I made you two pairs of shoes, a suit of clothes, and a few food stamps inside. You take it."

Song Cun glanced at her, took it over, and said, "Thank you, mother."

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes suddenly turned sore: "Thank you, I'm your mother, shouldn't I prepare these things for you? Take care of your body outside."

Song Cun nodded, "I know."

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the handsome and tall son in front of her, and couldn't find anything to say. She racked her brains and said, "You leave early tomorrow morning, so I won't come to see you off. Zhiwen has caught a cold again these two days. He's going to see the doctor. Be busy."

Song Cun still nodded, and didn't have much reaction to Zhang Xiaohua's words.

Mrs. Song looked at the back of the eldest daughter-in-law, and muttered: "What you said earlier is still decent, but what follows...huh..."

Song Cun laughed and said, "She's also worried about Zhiwen." He just didn't want grandma to be angry about Zhang Xiaohua. After all, I'm old, and my anger hurts my body

Mrs. Song was just afraid that her second grandson would be sad. Zhiwen's health was not good for three days, and nothing happened, but Er Cunzi was leaving tomorrow, and she didn't say to stay here to accompany him. This mother She has a big heart, too, if she doesn't have a big heart, how can she be willing to let her good son live with them.

In the evening, Uncle Song came over and explained to him: "I have an old comrade-in-arms in the provincial capital, and I went to visit him for me. I have already contacted my old comrade-in-arms. Just go and say my name. This is address."

Song Cun took the note, nodded and said, "OK."

Grandpa Song patted him on the shoulder with a smile: "Study hard."

Song Cun pursed his lips and nodded.

Before Song Cun went to the provincial capital, the group of educated youths came to him again and borrowed materials from him. He didn't say anything, and gave them all the materials he had at home, after all, he didn't need them anymore.

Song Dazhuang came back to the provincial capital for the first time, and he was surprised to see everything. When he came, he wore his best clothes and followed Song Cun into the campus with his head held high. He is full of pride that his son is a student here.

Song Cun found the registration office according to the sign at the school gate. Seeing the teacher who applied, Song Cun was still calm, but Song Dazhuang suddenly became cautious. After registering, they took the meal card issued by the school and the note for the dormitory, and the two carried their things to the dormitory again, humming.

There was no one in the dormitory, and when he found his bed, he found a lot of dust on the bed. Song Cun went downstairs to find the head of the dormitory, and borrowed a rag, mop, and basin. He and Song Dazhuang cleaned up the dormitory, and made the bed when it was dry. , he led Da Zhuang downstairs to eat in the school cafeteria.

Song Cun looked at the meal card in his hand and ordered two bowls of noodles. Song Dazhuang said: "The school food is pretty good."

Song Cun said with a smile, "Do you want to go out for a walk after eating?"

Song Dazhuang's eyes lit up, and then he said disappointedly: "Should I go back? Otherwise, where will I stay at night?"

Song Cun said: "There is no car to go back today. Let's go back tomorrow. Let's go shopping in the city in the afternoon. We will stay in a guest house at night. The team leader wrote me a letter of introduction."

He had already considered these issues and prepared a letter of introduction.

Song Dazhuang smiled and said: "That's good, that's good." It's rare to come to the provincial capital, and he also wants to see what the provincial capital is like.

Song Cun took Song Dazhuang to the department store in the provincial capital, bought things for his grandpa and grandparents, and thought of the shoes and clothes Zhang Xiaohua made for him.

In the end, he thought about it and bought a silk scarf for Zhang Xiaohua. No matter what Zhang Xiaohua's original intention of making clothes and shoes for him was, she had prepared something for him, so he had to express it as a son.

He could still think of Zhang Xiaohua's surprised expression when she received the item and Song Zhiwen's resentment.

Parents' love, it doesn't matter whether he has him or not, but it is rare for parents to think of him, and he will not refuse, after all, he was not born to be abused. If he can repay, he will repay one or two, and if he can't repay, he can't do anything. There is no debt after death, and the cause and effect that can be eliminated in this life should be eliminated in this life as much as possible.

Read The Duke's Passion