MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 90 【Repair】(Spying (7)...)

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When Ji Mingxia was reading the novel, she was very sympathetic to Yu Ning's life experience.

But the beginning of the novel starts from Yu Ning University. As soon as he appears on the stage, he is charming and charming, and as the protagonist, he has a bright future. In the face of the future, the first half of life that was not revealed through words suddenly seemed insignificant.

It was not until he came into this world and saw Yu Ning's daily life that Ji Mingxia clearly felt Yu Ning's suffering.

He was shocked by Yu Ning's current life, while looking forward to Yu Ning's future;

In order to save his life, he had to distance himself from Yu Ning, but at the same time he couldn't help but secretly helped him with some trivial favors.

In addition to the upcoming college entrance examination, Ji Mingxia came to this world, and his short high school career was just so busy.

The results of the college entrance examination were announced, Yu Ning has ushered in a new life, and Ji Mingxia is also in a confused love. Even if she thinks of Yu Ning, it is the daily life of the two of them. What does it look like for Ning to live alone in a corner of the campus.

Up until this moment, almost the whole class was discussing about Yu Ning, and the past experiences about him were revealed one by one.

These classmates, they live in the same world as Yu Ning, they will not look down on Yu Ning's life from the perspective of a bystander like Ji Mingxia.

So they didn't have any extra thoughts about what happened to Yu Ning. They only felt extremely angry after empathizing.

Angry about Yu Ning's unfair life and the unfair treatment Yu Ning received.

When a person tells something in outrage, it only attracts the attention of onlookers.

But when the whole class, the whole school, even the whole country... are paying attention to something and cast an angry look, it is very different.

At this moment, the students around Ji Mingxia are all blaming Yu Ning's former classmates.

All of them are college students, so the choice of words and sentences will not be so crude, but the more rational the accusation, the more powerful it will be.

Even if Ji Mingxia came here temporarily and never really participated in the cold violence against Yu Ning, but listening to these discussions, I still felt a deep pressure.

Although he is not the original body, but he bears the identity of the original body and stands in this world in his name. Regarding the original body's past, Ji Mingxia naturally has to accept it completely.

If you let everyone know, he is Yu Ning's classmate...

If everyone finds out that the original body used to be cold and violent to Yu Ning, but now he has become good friends with Yu Ning, and even become roommates again...

Ji Mingxia didn't dare to think about it.

He saw the news about Yu Ning last night, and also saw various comments from netizens. At that time, Ji Mingxia only felt that it was none of his business and had a clear conscience.

I didn't feel the horror of public opinion until I was in the atmosphere at this moment.

This feeling of being rejected by the whole class or even the whole school, although there is no sword, light and sword, but the language can be turned into a sharp blade, and the sword can cut into the heart of the person.

For Yu Ning's situation over the years, Ji Mingxia didn't finally feel the same way until this moment, and understood a thing or two.

On the first day of school, I spent most of it in such a difficult atmosphere.

When the get out of class was about to end at noon, a figure appeared at the door of the class, attracting everyone's attention.

When the head teacher walked outside the classroom and talked to that person, the whole class became even more commotion.


"What's wrong?"

"Is it Ye Tian?"

"The class next door said he saw Ye Tian passing by!"

The sound of fragmented discussions swept the whole class, and in less than a minute, it reached Ji Mingxia.

The students who were discussing Yu Ning just now heard that Ye Tian had come.

Ji Mingxia found that everyone's attention had been diverted, and just breathed a sigh of relief, but when Ye Tian came, an ominous premonition rose in his heart, and he hurriedly continued to shrink.

At this moment, the head teacher walked back to the classroom after talking with the people outside the door, and said to the students: "Mingxia, Ji Mingxia, please come out."

Ji Mingxia: ! pill!

On the first day of school, although everyone has introduced themselves, they basically don't know anyone except those they know each other.

If it were normal, with Ji Mingxia's sociable personality, there would have been friends all over the class by this time.

But because of Yu Ning's past, Ji Mingxia got a lot of cowards, so the morning passed, and Ji Mingxia didn't make a single friend.

At this moment, I heard the name of the head teacher, you look at me, I look at you, and finally Ji Mingxia said at the back table: "Mingxia, you are Mingxia, the head teacher called you!"

Ji Mingxia's plan to play dead was ruthlessly broken.

He looked at his back table almost incredulously, unable to understand why the back table could remember his name!

As the voice fell from the back table, the whole class looked at Ji Mingxia, and the head teacher's eyes also fell on Ji Mingxia, and said with concern: "Ji Mingxia, are you alright, do you need to ask for leave?"

"No, no, no." Ji Mingxia hurriedly said, trying to ignore the attention of the whole class and walk outside the classroom as naturally as possible.

Because of this, the volume is not even low.

One of the classmates couldn't help looking at Ji Mingxia's back table, and said in surprise: "This is Ji Mingxia, I haven't seen him speak all morning, you have a good memory, right? Remember his name!"

"He looks more handsome." The back table laughed, and then couldn't help adding, "Also, I always think he looks familiar."

The back table shook his head: "It's not that the face is familiar, I sit behind him, I can't see his face, but the back is familiar, I feel like I've seen it somewhere..."

"Did you know him before?"

"How is it possible, I don't belong to the same place as him, but... Where is this Ji Mingxia from?" The back table suddenly asked.

Everyone was stunned, but no one could answer.

Although Ji Mingxia is good-looking, when she came to the class, she huddled in the corner and did not speak. At the beginning of the new school, everyone was in a hurry, eager to make new friends, and want to be with people everywhere When chatting, Ji Mingxia was so taciturn, and he didn't see the level of defying the sky like Yu Ning, it was easy to be ignored.

If Ji Mingxia kept silent like this, everyone would not necessarily pay attention to him.

But at this moment, it was clear that Ye Tian was outside the classroom, and Ji Mingxia was called out by the head teacher.

In other words, Ye Tian came to find Ji Mingxia?

This Ji Mingxia is so sacred, let Ye Tian come to him in person!

Even a low-key person can be turned upside down at this moment. After everyone was stunned, they quickly searched for Ji Mingxia's information.

"He and Yu Ning are from the same hometown? Isn't he an alumni?"

"---Fuck, why do I think he looks familiar!" The back table was shocked, and said, "That photo, only the one where you can see the back, Yu Ning's Xiaotong table!"

Students: "The rumored student **** at the same table??!"

After confirming Ji Mingxia's identity, the whole class was shocked.

The rumored little classmate really appeared in H University and was in the same class as them...

The question now is, why was Ye Tian called out by Ye Tian?

——Outside the classroom——

Ji Mingxia walked to the aisle with the attention of the whole class.

Then he soon discovered that not only the students in their class were watching him, but the students in the next class also stuck their heads out to observe secretly.

Seeing Ji Mingxia coming out, the head teacher couldn't help but glance at him carefully, and led Ji Mingxia to the corner of the corridor.

"Student Ye Tian said that she is worried about you and wants to come and have a look. Considering the impact, I asked her to wait for you in the office. If you two have anything to do, talk slowly." Voice explained.

Ji Mingxia nodded and followed the head teacher to the teacher's office.

It was still class time. On the first day of school, the teachers and students of the school were very busy, and the office was empty.

Ji Mingxia opened the door and walked in, and she saw Ye Tian standing inside.

She put her arms around her chest, looked around in horror, and kept looking at her back nervously, as if there was something lying there.

"Mingxia..." Ye Tian looked at Ji Mingxia and was about to say something when the class teacher also came in.

Ye Tian quickly sorted out her expressions, and then politely thanked the head teacher: "Teacher, thank you."


Ye Tian hurriedly said: "Next time, I will bring you my latest album, please help me give it to my little fans."

Ji Mingxia vaguely felt that the eyes of the head teacher when he closed the door seemed a little strange.

But soon, Ji Mingxia couldn't even think about the head teacher.

As soon as the office door was closed, Ye Tian immediately jumped to Ji Mingxia's side and leaned against him at close range, almost startling Ji Mingxia.

He is not used to being so close to strangers, Ji Mingxia originally wanted to take a step back and distance himself, but when he saw Ye Tian's pale face, he tried his best to restrain it The urge to avoid him asked, "Ye Tian, ​​are you alright?"

"I..." Ye Tian looked at Ji Mingxia and hesitated, but finally shook her head, "It's okay, I should think too much."

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking at her suspiciously, Ye Tian forced a smile: "I told you, I always feel that someone is staring at me, no matter where I go, any one In the corner, there are a pair of eyes, looking at me coldly. I hid in a closed room, it was lying on my body, I got into the quilt, it appeared in my body, no matter where I went, I can never escape it..."

When Ji Mingxia saw this, she was hesitating whether to interrupt her, but Ye Tian suddenly shuddered, woke up suddenly, and smiled at Ji Mingxia a little embarrassedly: "But it should be my illusion , I was in the office just now, and I felt that someone was looking at me again, but you see, this place is empty and there is nothing, right?"

Ji Mingxia heard the words and looked around.

The teacher's office is located on the left side of the teaching building. Although it is a corner position, the lighting is very good. There are transparent glass windows on three sides. Whether it is a **** or A Piao, it is impossible to hide in it.

In the whole office at this moment, the most yin qi must be said, and Ye Tianmo must be the one.

She is a female star. In order to look good on the mirror, she is very thin.

When Ji Mingxia saw her the first two times, she had makeup on her face, but she couldn't see her complexion.

The strange thing is that her face is pale, her eyes are dark, her lips are a little purple, but her eyes are very bright.

This sense of disobedience is a subtle feeling that is unclear.

After confirming that the office was clean, Ji Mingxia nodded to Ye Diantian and said, "There are cameras in the office. If you are worried, you can check the surveillance later."

"No, after you came in, that feeling disappeared." Ye Tian breathed a long sigh of relief, "Just like in the library before, as soon as you appeared, I It just feels safe.”

As she spoke, she couldn't help but want to lean on Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia was stiff all over, and quickly suggested: "Then let's sit down and talk?"

He said, and quickly opened the chair for Ye Tian, ​​and after letting Ye Tian sit down, he sat down on the opposite side.

The two are sitting face to face, although the distance is very close, it is absolutely impossible to have any physical contact.

Ye Tian understood something when she saw these two chairs, and couldn't help laughing softly.

Her brother is the heir of the group, and she is a star. When others see them, they can't wait to come up, but Ji Mingxia is the opposite.

He left immediately after saving her, and insisted on leaving after being injured by Ye Chen.

She didn't look very good, she was in a trance, she was really tired from standing, so she sat down.

Seeing Ji Mingxia sitting down slowly, except for moving slowly, Ye Tian couldn't help but ask: "My brother doesn't worry about you, ask me to come and have a look, if it is convenient If so, I'll take you to lunch. It is said that the food in the H canteen is full of dark dishes. I know that there is a restaurant nearby that serves delicious food. Would you like to have lunch with us?"

"Thank you, but no need, the food in the cafeteria is salty and spicy, I'm quite used to it, I can eat it at school." Ji Mingxia declined.

"Ah, you like to eat salty and spicy food, are you used to eating the morning tea of ​​Butterfly Zhai in the morning?" Ye Tian said.

Ji Mingxia couldn't answer immediately.

Butterfly Zhai's lunch box, he didn't open it at all, if Ye Tian hadn't said it at this moment, Ji Mingxia wouldn't even know that it was morning tea.

As soon as Ye Tian saw Ji Mingxia's expression, she immediately understood that after all, she had been in the entertainment industry for a while, and she reacted very quickly, and immediately said: "My brother is just like this, expressing concern. The way is to ask him without asking, and stuff him with all the things he thinks are good. In fact, I have always disliked his fault. If you are not used to morning tea, I will tell him not to send it, so as not to cause trouble to you, but I have something here, I hope you can promise me."

Ji Mingxia asked, "What's the matter?"

"I made an appointment with a massage therapist. After school, I will take you there to massage and help you recover from your waist injury." Ye Tian said.

Ji Mingxia heard the words, and quickly declined again: "My injury is almost healed, so I don't need to trouble you any more."

"But the doctor said yesterday that your waist needs ice packs or massages..." Ye Tian said.

"I pressed it last night."

"Did you press it?" Ye Tian wondered, "Didn't you go back to the dormitory last night, did you press it yourself?"

Ji Mingxia thought of last night's picture, her face was inexplicably hot, and she tried her best to say in a plain tone: "My roommate helped..."

"Your roommate, isn't it Yu Ning?" Ye Tian guessed.

Ji Mingxia couldn't hide her expression when she heard her mention Yu Ning.

Fortunately, at this moment, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, the students filed out of the classroom, and the whole campus became lively.

Ye Tian's identity is sensitive, and it is difficult to appear in the crowd, surrounded by the noise of the students laughing and laughing, Ji Mingxia and Ye Tian stayed where they were until everyone was gone, and the two relaxed in one breath.

After such an interruption, the topic just now did not continue.

Ye Tian originally wanted to invite Ji Mingxia for lunch. Since Ji Mingxia thought the food in the cafeteria was good, she simply stayed with Ji Mingxia, and the two ordered takeaway from the cafeteria.

In this regard, Ji Mingxia refused in her heart, but Ye Tian was very enthusiastic. While talking to Ji Mingxia, she had already picked up her mobile phone to order food with great interest.

She is a star and a girl, and she came over to ask Ji Mingxia to eat, but Ji Mingxia was always not good, and refused her again and again. Seeing that Ye Tian had already ordered, Ji Mingxia also took it. Ordered milk tea from my phone.

h The dark cuisine is famous, but in fact, do not order those horrible new dishes such as fried tomato and leek, bitter gourd and snail powder, and common home-cooked dishes are doing well.


The two finally greeted the teacher, ordered two dishes and one soup, and had a simple meal in the office.

Ji Mingxia originally thought that after eating, the two would be able to say goodbye to each other. Unexpectedly, after Ye Tian was full, she completely relaxed and finally lay on the table and fell asleep.

If it were an ordinary person sleeping like this, it would always give people a very rude feeling.

In desperation, Ji Mingxia could only watch over her in the office.

When it was about to go to class, Ye Tian's cell phone suddenly rang.

Ji Mingxia saw that she was sleeping soundly and even made a slight snoring sound. She originally thought that the alarm on the mobile phone would not wake her up, but she didn't expect Ye Tian to wake up suddenly when she heard the sound. I almost jumped out of my seat.

She stared blankly, looked around for a long time, then slowly woke up, looked at Ji Mingxia incredulously and said, "I'm... asleep?"

Ji Mingxia didn't know how Ye Tian was eating, but she fell asleep like this, so she could only nod and say, "Well, you seem... a little sleepy..."

Ye Tian looked at Ji Mingxia in shock, and after a few seconds, a smile appeared on her face: "Because I haven't slept for several days..."

The ringing of the phone continued. After Ye Tian woke up, she took a deep breath and connected the phone.

I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone. After hanging up, Ye Tian said to Ji Mingxia: "Mingxia, I have something to go first, thank you for helping me get some sleep...I Originally, I just listened to my brother and came to see you. I didn't expect such a harvest. You are really good, and I like you so much."

She said, looking at Ji Mingxia reluctantly, obviously not wanting to leave like this.

Ji Mingxia's popularity is good, and he often hears such compliments and confessions from others, so he can quickly distinguish that the "like" that Ye Tian said is just pure liking.

He thought about it for a while and said, "If you really feel very uncomfortable, do you want to take a few days off, take a good rest, and wait until you feel better before going to work in class?"

"It's useless, I've tried it for a long time, no matter what I do, it doesn't work." Ye Tian sighed.

She was busy in the afternoon and was picked up by her manager soon.

After Ye Tian left, Ji Mingxia was the only one left in the office, and Ji Mingxia suddenly relaxed.

He could feel that Ye Tian deliberately took time out to visit him. Although he was very grateful to Ye Tian for his diligence, he had to say that he still felt more comfortable alone. If he could go back to the dormitory It would be even better to have dinner with Yu Ning.

At this time, most of the lunch break had passed, and Ji Mingxia was too late to rush back, so he continued to rest for a while in the office, packed up the takeaway, and cleaned the office. When it was time for class, Ji Mingxia walked directly to the classroom go.

Ji Mingxia, who had been with Ye Tian at noon, did not know that the current campus forum had already been screened by Yu Ning, Ye Tian, ​​and his name.

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