MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 89 (Spying (six)...)

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After entering the dormitory, Yu Ning did not speak or look at Ji Mingxia, but the breakfast for two in his hand, one was placed on his table, and the other was placed on Ji Mingxia naturally on the desk.

Ji Mingxia was lying on the edge of the bed, peeking at Yu Ning from a height, seeing Yu Ning putting breakfast on his table, he couldn't help but secretly smiled.

The painful lessons from last night are vivid in my mind. Ji Mingxia learned well today. He slowly got up from the bed, with one hand on his waist and the other on the wall, carefully walked down the stairs and headed towards the bathroom. go.

He was worried that the back injury would be twisted again. Every step he took, he was very cautious, so he didn't notice that Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan on the opposite bed, when they saw Ji Mingxia holding the waist down the stairs , the surprised expressions on their faces.

After Ji Mingxia reached the ground safely, he saw that Yu Ning had already started to organize his books, so he also took the time to wash up in the bathroom.

While brushing her teeth, Ji Mingxia looked at herself in the mirror, turned around unconsciously, lifted her clothes, and looked at her waist.


According to Ji Mingxia's experience, this kind of sprain, after going to the traditional Chinese medicine hall for massage, it was sore and refreshing, and the next day, the body must have a feeling of swelling and pain after being beaten.

This is a slight adverse reaction after the epidermal muscles are massaged and rubbed, but considering the deep blood circulation and stasis removal, it is still worthwhile.

Yu Ning massaged Ji Mingxia all night last night, and Ji Mingxia also prepared for the slight swelling of the waist today. He wanted to look in the mirror to see where he had cramps.

After taking off the clothes and looking in the mirror, I was surprised to find that there were no traces.

The hand touched the position of the lower back, and Ji Mingxia realized that there was no swelling and pain at all.

I don't know how Yu Ning did it, but it was even better than a professional massage therapist.

Ji Mingxia felt a little embarrassed and inexplicably happy at the thought that he pressed it and fell asleep last night.

Although a lot of things happened on the first day of school, everything was different from what Ji Mingxia imagined.

But in the end he and Yu Ning became roommates and slept in the same bed last night. Today, they can eat breakfast together and go to school together...

Ji Mingxia was full of energy. After washing up quickly, he walked out of the bathroom impatiently, ready to share breakfast with Yu Ning.

However, when he went out, he unexpectedly found that there was a beautiful lunch box on the table where breakfast was originally placed.

Not only did Yu Ning disappear, but the breakfast he bought for Ji Mingxia also disappeared.

There is a lunch box on the desk of the four people in the dormitory. Among them, Ji Mingxia's lunch box is particularly delicate. There is a porcelain cup for soup next to it, and the fragrance of the soup wafts out. , fragrant but not greasy, smelling this kind of food early in the morning is simply mouth-watering.

"Breakfast at Butterfly Zhai..."

"The order came so early, and the housekeeper brought it up. Ming Xia, did you order?"

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan couldn't help asking when they saw Ji Mingxia staring at the lunch box in a daze.

Ji Mingxia shook his head.

At this moment, his phone vibrated slightly.

Ji Mingxia looked down and found that it was a new message from Ye Chen.

Ji Mingxia took apart the new phone last night, and put Ye Chen's business card and the new phone together. Thinking of what he said before he left, when Ji Mingxia was doing gossip, he added Ye Chen's WeChat friend along the way. .

Ye Chen passed by quickly and greeted Ji Mingxia briefly.

Ji Mingxia and Ye Chen just met, and there was nothing to say between the two. After returning an emoji, they couldn't wait to follow Yu Ning's news.

He thought that the intersection between him and Ye Chen was over, but he didn't expect to receive a text message from Ye Chen. He first greeted Ji Mingxia good morning, asked him how his back injury was recovering, and then told Ji Mingxia , he sent four breakfasts to Ji Mingxia's dormitory, hoping it would suit his appetite.

"It smells good."

"This business specializes in private kitchen dishes. It's super expensive. I saw local tyrants share it at station B before..." Luo Zixuan said, looking at Ji Mingxia and said, "Four lunch boxes, are we? I have a share too, Ming Xia, can we eat it?"

"I didn't order it, it was given by a friend of mine." Ji Mingxia replied absently.

The aroma wafting from the lunch box is indeed very attractive, but not seeing Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia always felt that it was not good, he asked: "Where is Yu Ning, has he gone out again? "

"Let's go to class." Luo Zixuan thanked Ji Mingxia and replied, "Just left."

Ji Mingxia didn't even think about it, and hurried out.

There was no sign of Yu Ning in the corridor, Ji Mingxia quickly crossed the corridor, and when she reached the stairs, she stopped.

If it were normal, Ji Mingxia would rush down the simple stairs of the dormitory in three steps and two steps in less than a minute.

But he was injured just yesterday, and the dull pain of the cramp is still vivid in his mind. Ji Mingxia is a little nervous when he sees the stairs now.

Thinking of Yu Ning's breakfast for two, Ji Mingxia still gritted her teeth, held the railing with one hand, and walked down quickly with stiff limbs.

At this moment, a hand pulled Ji Mingxia from behind, Yu Ning supported Ji Mingxia's arm and said, "Be careful."

Ji Mingxia heard Yu Ning's voice, turned her head quickly, made sure that Yu Ning was standing beside him and supported him, Ji Mingxia said pleasantly: "Yuning, you haven't left yet."

Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia smiling at herself, turned her head slightly to avoid Ji Mingxia's gaze: "No."

"I didn't see you just now, I thought you went to class." Ji Mingxia said, seeing that Yu Ning's hands were empty, and asked, "I saw that you bought breakfast for two, where is the breakfast? ?"

Seeing that Ji Mingxia was firm, Yu Ning let go of Ji Mingxia for the time being and walked to the position between the 502nd and 602nd floors.

There is a small balcony here, and Yu Ning's breakfast is on the balcony, a breakfast for two, which has not been touched.

"So you've always been here." Ji Mingxia was a little surprised when she saw the small balcony.

This small balcony is distributed on different floors according to the architectural design.

Although Ji Mingxia lived in this building in his previous life, he lived on the third floor at that time. The stairs on the third floor went up and down, and there was no balcony.

Although the balcony is not big, the lighting is good. Standing on the balcony, you can clearly see the scene of the corridor and the building.

Ji Mingxia was surprised by the small discovery of the balcony, but did not notice it, Yu Ning slightly awkwardly turned her head away, and said, "The scenery here is beautiful."

"Well, it's suitable for breakfast!" Ji Mingxia nodded in agreement.

As soon as he saw Yu Ning, he was so happy that he didn't think about it at all, why Yu Ning left the dormitory with breakfast and stood on the balcony looking at him.

Yu Ning's breakfast was bought at the nearby cafeteria. In addition to the freshly squeezed soy milk, there was also a bean paste bun, two custard buns, and a very delicious tea egg. It's Ji Mingxia's favorite.

He hadn't eaten all night. He smelled Butterfly Zhai's rice in the dormitory just now. His stomach was already growling with hunger. After standing on the balcony with Yu Ning, he couldn't wait to get Eating breakfast.

The breeze on the balcony in the morning blew gently, the fragrance of sweet-scented osmanthus in the breeze, Ji Mingxia's appetite was full, and he finished eating.

Yu Ning saw that Ji Mingxia was eating so deliciously, so he didn't say any more.

After breakfast, Yu Ning helped Ji Mingxia down the stairs, and then walked towards the teaching building together.

They got up early and didn't meet passers-by until they left the boys' dormitory.

Although Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning belong to the same school, they are in different departments. Yu Ning originally wanted to send Ji Mingxia to class, but Ji Mingxia quickly refused.

The teaching buildings of the two people are completely different from each other. It takes a long time for Yu Ning to go back and forth even by car.

Although he was injured, it was not that he could not take care of himself. After saying goodbye to Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia walked towards the teaching building with satisfaction.

On the first day of the freshman year, everyone walked into the classroom with strangeness and curiosity, but Ji Mingxia was very calm.

He was a freshman in his last life, and he still remembers the opening process clearly, nothing more than mutual introduction, class meeting, tentative class committee and so on.

The only thing that is different from the previous life is that there are two more influential people on the campus. At this moment, the teacher is not here, and the whole class is chatting.

In the beginning, Ji Mingxia heard a lot of voices, all of which were discussing Ye Tian.

After all, H University is not a top university, not a film school. For many people, Ye Tian's choice is simply too unexpected.

Being able to become classmates with female stars, everyone was surprised, and couldn't help but guess the reason.

Ji Mingxia's front, back, left and right tables were all participating in the discussion. Everyone expressed their own opinions. There were all kinds of guesses, but no one guessed the real reason.

Ji Mingxia, who knew the truth well, was deeply afraid that he would accidentally leak his mouth, so he could only keep his mouth shut and be a nodding crowd.

Everyone discussed for a while, but without coming to a conclusion, they gradually changed the topic and talked about Yu Ning's head.

Ji Mingxia initially thought that everyone would talk about gossip about Yu Ning's summer vacation, but unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, he condemned Yu Ning's former classmates.

I was an orphan since I was a child. After going to school, I was ostracized by the whole school. The educational resources in the county were quite backward.

In such an extreme environment, a provincial champion, full of drama, coupled with Yu Ning's unique appearance, there are too many things to discuss about him.

"Is it his fault that he was abandoned by his parents at birth and became an orphan? Why do you look down on orphans?"

"It is said that he has been the first in the school since elementary school, and he was bullied just like that. Even the teachers didn't like him and never arranged him to participate in various competitions. The school treated him like a Treat it coldly, otherwise, with his grades, he could have been recommended for a long time..."

"Isn't it Yitong, a group of country bumpkins who have never seen the world, such eyes, others can't ask for it."

"But it is said that his eyes have turned black now, is he wearing cosmetic contact lenses?"

"Yu Ning is too miserable. He grew up in the county town and has never seen the outside world. It is said that mobile phones are old people's phones. buy contact lenses..."

"After thinking about it, he is still the most hateful classmates. The older generation is superstitious, and the young people are like this. It's unreasonable."

Mixed in the crowd, Ji Mingxia, who was reprimanded by the whole class: ... shivering.

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