MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 91 【Complete (Snooping (8)...)

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Ji Mingxia stepped on the bell to enter the classroom. In order to avoid attracting attention, he sneaked in through the back door.

As a result, he just walked into the classroom, and the people in the back first noticed him, and immediately stopped talking and stared at him with wide eyes. The people in the front felt the silence in the back and couldn't help but look back. When he went too far, the whole class turned their heads and watched Ji Mingxia walk into the classroom.

The whole class was silent except for Ji Mingxia's footsteps.

This picture is simply too scary, from a certain point of view, Ji Mingxia Ning can see the ghosts of the whole class, and does not want the whole class of living people, like seeing some kind of magical animal , so watch yourself.

Under everyone's attention, Ji Mingxia returned to his seat in a cold sweat.

After he sat down, everyone might also think that staring at people like this is not good, some people reluctantly withdraw their eyes, but some people can't help but stare at Ji Mingxia.

In order to avoid these eyes, I turned on the phone pretending not to care, the screen just turned on, and countless messages popped up.

After Ji Mingxia went to college, she still hasn't made any friends, not even Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan, two good brothers from the previous life, haven't said a few words in this life.

The people who sent him messages on WeChat at the moment were all former classmates.

Ji Mingxia, the classmate group, has been blocked for a long time, and the ones that can pop up are all private chats.

What's the matter with you and Ye Tian, ​​are you all right? Protect yourself! 】

[Chen Zhen: Don't care about the online reviews, we just need to know who we are. 】

[Classmate a: If you want to explain it next summer, we will help you forward it. 】

Ji Mingxia was stunned when he saw the various information.

During the summer vacation, he basically didn't surf the Internet to avoid Yu Ning. Zhao Zhuoyue and the others went to Tibet for cycling and other activities, and Ji Mingxia also did not participate.

In the beginning, the class group and the dormitory group were very active. After all, after three years of depression in high school, I could finally let go of myself during the summer vacation.

But slowly, fewer and fewer people were speaking in the group.

Ji Mingxia didn't appear in the group for two months during the summer vacation, and the group didn't find it strange, and no one took the initiative to ask him about his daily life.

Ji Mingxia was immersed in her own world and didn't feel anything unusual, thinking that everyone was busy with their own affairs.

It wasn't until yesterday when he read the news online that he learned that after Yu Ning became popular, his fans encircled and suppressed Yu Ning's former classmates.

Find out the Weibo, WeChat, etc. of Yu Yu Ning's schoolmates, and block them up and swear at the parties.

After the school noticed this phenomenon, the teacher quickly appeared to provide psychological counseling to the parties.

At the same time, inform the teachers and students of the whole school, if possible, try to suspend the use of public social accounts, and wait until this storm has passed before speaking.

Most people have no problem with this either.

Yuning has been isolated since childhood. Many students are often not initiators, but they are persistent perpetrators.

Most people are not radicals, they just follow the trend and use cold violence against Yu Ning.

When this matter was known to the outside world and fermented, many students also realized their mistakes.

On the one hand, they feel that it is not right for Yu Ning to be cold and violent, on the other hand, they are very afraid of the human harassment of Yu Ning's fans.

In such a case, directly quitting the Internet is the most straightforward and effective way.

So in the two months of the summer vacation, Ji Mingxia was not online and did not attract attention at all. Friends who were very close to him thought that Ji Mingxia did not show up to avoid harassment.

Until today, Ji Mingxia has been pushed to the forefront, and those who pay attention to this matter can't help poking him privately.

After reading the message of the private chat, Ji Mingxia ran a search on the forum and Weibo, and only then did he know what happened.

With the beginning of new learning, many young people's attention has been diverted, and things about Yu Ning Ye Tian are no longer swiping online so frequently.

Until noon, the relationship between Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning was smashed, and then Ye Tian came to Ji Mingxia in person, Ye Tian and Yu Ning, two high-profile people, because of Ji Mingxia tied together.

Ji Mingxia's confusing identity instantly attracted attention. In just one noon, the campus forum was slaughtered, and Weibo hot searches also followed, although it did not rush to the front row, Just dangling back and forth at the position of forty or fifty, but for those who pay attention to this matter, this heat is already very terrifying.

Zhao Zhuoyue and others were deeply afraid that Ji Mingxia would be attacked by Internet bullying, or could not bear the attack of rumors, so they quickly chatted with Ji Mingxia privately, asking him to think about it and focus on the three dimensions.

After Ji Mingxia understood the cause and effect, he responded to the private chat one by one, so that they don't have to worry.

He never thought of it, but at noon, things developed to this point.

In this regard, Ji Mingxia has no better way than to wait and see.

The two months of cyber violence, Zhao Zhuoyue and the others have endured it, Ji Mingxia later realized that she was lucky to escape, but since she and Yu Ning became roommates again, naturally they must do well Prepare for everything.

Although he was about to face being ripped off by the Internet, when he thought of becoming roommates with Yu Ning again, Ji Mingxia even felt that he was taking a small advantage.

If there is one point that Ji Mingxia regrets, it is that compared with Yu Ning's performance, h is a little more ordinary.

To make Yu Ning his classmate is a bit of a condescending talent.

Thinking about this, Ji Mingxia's heart was calm, he tried his best to ignore the whispers around him, and prepared for class as usual.

The afternoon passed quickly, the last class was taught by the head teacher, and the temporary squad leader, temporary class cadres, etc. were finalized.

Seeing the attention of the whole class, it floats to Ji Mingxia from time to time. The head teacher is a little worried that Ji Mingxia is under too much pressure. , Immediately afterwards, the whole class buzzed and whispered.

"Are you sure?"

"Did you read it wrong, his line is so far away from us."

"Everyone got it!"

"What's going on??"

"Yuning is here!"

Just then, another figure appeared at the door of Ji Mingxia's class.

Comparing to Ye Tian's petite stature, Yu Ning is taller than ordinary people, standing on the aisle, you can see him at a glance.

After confirming that it was Yu Ning, everyone turned their heads and looked at Ji Mingxia in shock.

Ji Mingxia was also very shocked, he couldn't understand, why did Yu Ning come to him when the storm was on the cusp? !

The head teacher had already walked out at this time. After communicating with Yu Ning, he returned to the classroom and shouted like in the morning, "Classmate Ji Mingxia, please come out."

Ji Mingxia walked out of the classroom again under the gaze of the whole class.

When she was handed over by Ye Tian for the first time in the morning, Ji Mingxia was still a little confused and didn't know what to do.

But now, Ji Mingxia is sober like never before.

He squinted his expression, walked outside the classroom, and saw Yu Ning standing outside the door waiting for him.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia didn't speak, Yu Ning called his name: "Mingxia."

The head teacher saw that not only the classmates in his own class, but also the people in the next class were sticking out their heads, and everyone took the mobile phone to record the video, and hurriedly said: "This is not the place to talk, you two go to mine Let's talk in the office."

Speaking, the head teacher opened the door of his office again and brought Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia in.

As soon as she entered the office, Yu Ning's expression changed subtly.

But the head teacher is still here, Yu Ning quickly looked as usual, and thanked the head teacher first: "Thank you for causing you trouble."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I've seen your pictures on the Internet, and I thought they were all from PS, but I didn't expect the real person to be exactly the same as the picture, it looks so good." The head teacher waved his hand and said with a smile , "Go back and tell my parents, my mother, my wife, and my daughter that when I saw Yu Ning, they must be very, very jealous of me."

Ji Mingxia was originally staring at Yu Ning. Hearing these familiar words, he couldn't help but glance at the head teacher.

The head teacher patted Ji Mingxia on the shoulder earnestly: "Thank you for your hard work, let's talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, the head teacher once again helped Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning to close the door tightly, and then returned to the class, pressing all the students who were probing their brains back.

Ji Mingxia did not read it wrong this time. When the head teacher closed the door, the look in his eyes was strange.

But Yu Ning was right in front of him, and Ji Mingxia didn't have time to control what the head teacher was thinking. Seeing Yu Ning still looking around, Ji Mingxia said earnestly, "Yu Ning, you shouldn't have come."

Yu Ning looked back at Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia said: "Did you come because Ye Tian came to me at noon, and everyone is discussing this matter now?"

Yu Ning raised his eyebrows slightly: "Ye Tian is also in this office in the afternoon?"

"That's right." Ji Mingxia thought of the public opinions on the Internet, her voice was a little low, "Ye Tian came to me, everyone was curious about who I was, dug up my information, and found that we two I used to be a classmate..."

Yu Ning has so many fans, partly because of his looks, partly because of his achievements, and partly because he has suffered countless hardships in the past, and now he finally breaks free from adversity Come out and usher in a new life.

Some people love him, some envy him, and more people are fans of his career. I hope his life will be prosperous and slap in the face of all those who once looked down on him.

Yu Ning's fans will insult those classmates because he is not good enough, and they will be strange to Yu Ning because he is not enough.

Yu Ning gave up Qingbei and came to H University, which has caused controversy.

Now that Ji Mingxia's story has been dug up, if fans know that Yu Ning not only didn't slap Ji Mingxia in the face after suffering extreme cold and violence, he even maintained a good relationship with Ji Mingxia. Yuning is very unfavorable.

Ji Mingxia can predict that the gun aimed at him at this moment will be aimed at Yu Ning soon.

The original body used to be cold and violent to Yu Ning, and Ji Mingxia passed through to inherit the identity of the original body and bear the current online abuse, which is still within the scope of Ji Mingxia's acceptance.

But if Yu Ning is scolded for this, this is absolutely unacceptable to Ji Mingxia.

Yu Ning has endured for 18 years, and finally bid farewell to the past. Now that so many people like him, he cannot lose everything because of Ji Mingxia in such a good situation.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia resolutely said to Yu Ning: "I wonder if you have seen the news on the school forum and Weibo. I think we should not have contact recently. So that it won't affect you badly..."

Yu Ning ran all the way to pick him up, but Ji Mingxia said this on the head.

Ji Mingxia was ready for Yu Ning to be angry, he lowered his head and waited anxiously for Yu Ning's reaction.

But the strange thing is that Yu Ning has been quiet and did not speak.

Ji Mingxia waited for a while, but saw no reply, so he couldn't help raising his head, only to find that Yu Ning was looking at him with a look of disappointment on his face.

"Are you worried, will you be influenced by me?" Yu Ning said, "With a different species like me, no one wants to be your friend."

Ji Mingxia nodded at first, but as he listened, he felt more and more wrong, and hurriedly said: "No, no, I'm worried about you..."

"Worry about me?" Yu Ning said.

Ji Mingxia couldn't hear the word "heterogeneous", so he didn't care to explain it to Yu Ning, and quickly said: "You are not an alien, no one said you are an alien!"

"Then why are you worried about being affected?" Yu Ning said strangely.

Ji Mingxia hurriedly said: "Because now everyone likes you very much, not me, if you stay with me, you will be scolded, there is no benefit."

"How can there be no benefit." Yu Ning whispered, seeing Ji Mingxia still looking at him anxiously, Yu Ning said, "Mingxia, except you, no one wants to be my friend, if Even if you are going to alienate me, then I'm the only one left."

"How is it possible." Ji Mingxia said in surprise, "Have you not been online and have not noticed how popular you are now. You are online, you have many, many fans, you are in school, No matter where you go, someone recognizes you, you are now a popular figure in the whole school, you have countless fans, and everyone in the school wants to be your friend as long as you want."

"Is that so?" Yu Ning didn't care about the tunnel, he tapped his eyes lightly with his fingers, the color of his eyes changed rapidly, from black to gray-white, and only small The small pupil is suspended in the center.

It's just the change in the color of the eyeballs, I don't know what happened, when the eyes turned gray, Yu Ning's temperament changed suddenly, not only the eyeballs became weird, but also the whole person changed Get gloomy.

The sun was shining in the west, and the surroundings were quiet, but after Yu Ning's aura changed, the temperature in the office seemed to drop several degrees.

Rao is so familiar with Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, she was shocked when she saw the changed Yu Ning.

If someone who is not familiar with Yu Ning suddenly sees this scene, he may directly regard Yu Ning as a dead ghost zombie.

Yu Ning's gray eyes looked at Ji Mingxia, and said slowly, "If they knew the real me, would they still want to meet me?"

Ji Mingxia looked at Yu Ning's gloomy face, and said with some difficulty: "Your fans... all know what you looked like in the past, and they can accept it..."

"Then if they knew, I would be born to see a ghost." Yu Ning said.

"If they know, whoever comes into contact with me will be unlucky... If they know, being friends with me, they will be entangled by ghosts anytime, anywhere, and even lose their lives... There will still be people willing to approach Me?" Yu Ning asked.

Ji Mingxia couldn't answer immediately.

Those teachers and classmates have already answered Yu Ning with their choices.

Many of them have no deep hatred with Yu Ning.

I have no interest in school bullying either.

They don't want to bully a child, they're just trying to avoid harm.

This is also the case with the original body. In desperation, he shared a dormitory with Yu Ning, but he didn't want to be friends with Yu Ning, so he pretended that Yu Ning did not exist.

I never bullied him or approached him. The original body felt that he did nothing wrong, but when everyone did this, Yu Ning was hurt in the end.

Because this is a supernatural world, and because Yu Ning's physique is indeed very special, this eventually became an unsolvable problem.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia lowered her head in shame: "I'm sorry, Yu Ning, in fact, I too..."

When he first came to this world, he also chose to treat Yu Ning in this way.

"You are different." Yu Ning said softly, "However, if you are worried about being influenced by public opinion and choose to avoid me, I can accept it, anyway, I have always been alone, so I've gotten used to it over the years.

"I'll go first, and when there are fewer people, you can go back to the dormitory. As long as everyone doesn't see us together next time, you will gradually stop thinking about it."

Just then, the school bell rang.

"I'm sorry Mingxia, I've caused you trouble." Yu Ning's eyes returned to their normal black color, he said lowly, turned to open the door of the office, and prepared to leave alone.

Ji Mingxia looked at his back and panicked.

His original intention was to persuade Yu Ning to stay away from him, so as not to be implicated by him and disappoint fans.

But I don't know what's going on, so it seems that Ji Mingxia is going to abandon Yu Ning.

He didn't want to hurt Yu Ning, but he didn't want to hurt Yu Ning himself!

Seeing Yu Ning walking out lonely, like an abandoned beast, Ji Mingxia hurried to his side: "Yuning!"

"I don't like to cause trouble, but I've never cared about those public opinions." Ji Mingxia said, "I just don't want you to be sad, since you don't care... Then let's go back together."

He said, took a deep breath, opened the door of the office, and walked out with Yu Ning.

Ji Mingxia, who was about to receive the baptism of the students' eyes, didn't notice that at this moment, Yu Ning's face didn't have a sad look at all.

His eyes fell on Ji Mingxia from beginning to end.

Seeing that Ji Ming and Xia Mingming was so nervous, she pretended not to care and dragged him forward, Yu Ning's mouth curled slightly, revealing a shallow smile.

He was alone, forging ahead in the dark, until one day, a beam of light fell on his palm.

His life was born from the light.

In order to get out of the darkness, he went to the research institute for testing and transformation, endured thousands of pains every day and night, and suffered for two months to finally suppress his nature, just to integrate into the ordinary university life.

He lied to Ji Mingxia, he didn't want to go back to the past, let alone get used to a person.

Ji Mingxia is the light he pursues.

He will chase forever and ever.

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy