MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 73 【Complete】(Awakening (14)...)

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Ji Mingxia looked at the monitor screen, then at the shadow, and for a moment, she didn't know which one to believe.

But he certainly didn't intend to open the door.

Ji Mingxia was standing inside the door, but did not open the door, his hesitation seemed to anger the shadow outside the door.

Next, Sombra not only rang the doorbell frantically, but smashed the iron door directly.

The sound of the doorbell and the sound of the iron door being smashed intertwined, and the harsh noise passed through the eardrum.

However, the amazing thing is that such a big movement did not attract the attention of any neighbors.

All the houses stood silently in the dark, like abandoned vacant houses. Looking around, only Ji Mingxia's house had bright lights.

Ji Mingxia was so frightened by such a strange atmosphere that she felt goosebumps all over her body.

He unconsciously turned his body to the side, letting more light fall on him, but at this moment, the light source behind Ji Mingxia suddenly disappeared.

Ji Mingxia looked back suddenly, and saw that the lights in his home were all off.

The moment the lights in Ji's house went out, the doorbell also disappeared.

Street lights came in from outside, like dim moonlight, the whole world was as silent as death, so silent that Ji Mingxia could even hear his own breathing.

It was like the entire village, except for Ji Mingxia, there was no other living person.

Ji Mingxia's face turned pale, and she couldn't help but gently hold the ring in her hand.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps came from the room.

After a while, a rickety old man slowly walked out of the darkness.

Grandma Ji walked in front of Ji Mingxia, the street lights reflected her vicissitudes of life, Grandma Ji said to Ji Mingxia who was dazed: "Go in."

After speaking, Grandma Ji turned and walked towards the house.

Ji Mingxia stared blankly at Grandma Ji's back.

She doesn't have the habit of carrying a mobile phone with her. At this moment, the house is dark and the street lights can't get in. Grandma Ji holds a flashlight and illuminates the road on the ground.

Seeing that Ji Mingxia didn't keep up, Grandma Ji turned back and said, "I turned off the main power, the doorbell won't ring again, come first."

After finishing speaking, Grandma Ji took a flashlight and pointed it at home.

When Ji Mingxia heard the words, she fixed her eyes on Grandma Ji's flashlight, and finally raised her foot and followed in.

Although the light of the flashlight is dim, this house is very familiar to both Grandma Ji and Ji Mingxia.

The moment he was about to enter the house, Ji Mingxia couldn't help but turn his head and glanced at the courtyard gate.

After the power outage, the bell went off, and the knock on the door no longer sounded.

The courtyard gate was quiet, Ji Mingxia deliberately looked at the hollowed out position below the iron gate.

The shadow disappeared.

"Close the door." Grandma Ji said.

There is an iron door in the yard of Ji's house and a wooden door in the house.

Ji Mingxia did as she was told, and with the wooden door closed, Ji Mingxia and Grandma Ji sat together in the living room.

The Ji's house was dark and the only light source was the flashlight. At this moment, its lamp head was facing the ceiling, and the not-so-bright light fell. Although it was not clear enough, we could barely see each other. .

Grandma Ji sighed softly after she sat down.

She has the habit of dangling Buddha beads. When she turns her fingers, the beads collide, making a crisp and delicate sound.

Ji Mingxia didn't really like such a dim and quiet atmosphere, it made him feel uncomfortable, as if something was hiding in a dark corner where the lights couldn't shine, and it was secretly staring at him.

Ji Mingxia moved her body uncomfortably, thinking of what had happened just now, she took the initiative to break the silence, and said, "So you broke the doorbell plug on purpose?"

After Ji Mingxia returned home during the day, he took advantage of Grandma Ji to cook and tidy up the whole house.

During the period, Ji Mingxia found that the doorbell plug in the yard was broken.

This is a smart doorbell, no power, just like a decoration.

Ji Mingxia thought that the doorbell was because Grandma Ji was too old and difficult to maintain, so she let it go.

In order to make grandma's life more convenient, Ji Mingxia deliberately found a brand new plug from the house and installed it carefully until the doorbell was confirmed to work before entering the house.

In the end, he didn't expect that tonight, a ghost knocked on his door.

Grandma Ji's old voice came from the side: "You're terrified."

"It's okay..." Ji Mingxia shook his head.

If Ji Mingxia, a few months ago, encountered such a terrifying thing in his safest home, he would have fainted.

After experiencing so many things now, although Ji Mingxia was really surprised just now, she quickly recovered.

He glanced at the flashlight on the coffee table and said, "Grandma, when did this thing start?"

Judging from Grandma Ji's actions, whether it is turning off the main power at a critical moment, or holding a flashlight all the way to light, or even reminding Ji Mingxia to close the door after entering the door, it is obviously not the first time for her This kind of thing has been dealt with very familiarly and thoughtfully.

Ji Mingxia has no memory of the original body, so I don't know if the original body has ever encountered such a thing. If it is normal, Ji Mingxia will definitely find a way to talk and ask slowly.

But after experiencing such a horrible thing just now, and seeing Grandma Ji's gray hair, Ji Mingxia couldn't help it.

His intuition told him that these things must be related!

"It started a long time ago. Not long after you moved in, someone suddenly started knocking on the door one night..." Grandma Ji said slowly, her old voice ringing in the dark.

Jiaoye Village is a small village, with less than 100 people in the whole village, and all the neighbors are familiar with each other.

On weekdays, everyone’s courtyard gates are wide open, and the neighborhood is free to move in and out, just like a big family, taking care of each other.

Until one day, it suddenly began to change.

First, there was a car accident in Ji Mingxia's house, and both parents died, leaving only Grandma Ji and Ji Mingxia, the old and the young.

Then, the two eighty-year-old couples, who did not survive that winter, both died in their sleep.

The spring is finally here, and there is another family of three, two of whom were diagnosed with cancer.

In a small village, so many things happened in a row, the whole village fell into grief, and everyone was shrouded in the haze of death and disease.

Fortunately, the mother and son who had cancer soon received good news.

The mother and son looked thin, but their bodies were unexpectedly strong. After several chemotherapy treatments, the cancer cells did not spread. The mother and son recovered together and returned to Jiaoye Village to continue their life.

In order to celebrate the two people walking out of the gate of hell, the whole Jiaoye Village fell into a carnival, trying to use this happy event to wash away the bad luck of the past.

At that time, everyone welcomed the arrival of a new day with good expectations. No one thought that the nightmare of Jiaoye Village would officially begin from that day.

The village held an event, one to congratulate the cancer mother and child for regaining health, and the other to wish the parents and villagers in Jiaoye Village to get better and better, the celebration continued until the evening, and after the end, everyone left easily The square, each went home.

Unexpectedly, two bodies were found early the next morning.

"After the forensic examination, it was said that they were two middle-aged people who were drunk and burned themselves to death." Grandma Ji said.

"Burn to death?" Ji Mingxia asked in surprise, "Did there be no movement during the burning process?"

"No, the whole village didn't hear the sound." Grandma Ji said, "Two days later, someone reported the case again. His family has relatives from Vietnam, two young and strong The young man disappeared inexplicably, and the police immediately began to look for someone, but until now, they have not been found."

The death of two unknown men and the disappearance of two young and strong men is much more serious than the previous car accident cancer.

The whole Jiaoye Village fell into panic again.

At this time, the village of Jiaoye began to be haunted.

Aunt Cheng's house was the first to be knocked on the door by the ghost.

In the middle of the night, someone knocked on her door, but when she went downstairs to open the door, no one was outside.

At first, Aunt Cheng thought it was a prank by a child in the village, until one day, Aunt Cheng lit the lights in the house and pretended to be resting at home, but she was actually squatting in the grass outside the door, Take a sneak peek to see who is harassing them every day.

Seeing the time approaching little by little, there is no trace of people walking around.

Aunt Cheng gradually lost her patience and stared at her courtyard gate in a daze.

At this moment, the knock on the door of "knock knock" suddenly sounded.

Aunt Cheng immediately cheered up and stared at the door of her house carefully to see who was there.

However, the door was empty, and there was no one, but the sound of "knock knock" knocked on the door...

"According to the old generation, after a ghost knocks on the door, opening the door for the ghost is to allow it to enter the house... Basically every household has been knocked on the door by it, and opened the door for it, everyone is terrified Well, since then, everyone has closed the door tightly, and will not open it casually when they hear a knock or ring the bell." Grandma Ji said.

Ji Mingxia finally understood why the whole Jiaoye Village was completely different from what he remembered.

Although Grandma Ji's words solved a lot of doubts for Ji Mingxia, at the same time, more questions appeared.

After the ghost knocks on the door, opening the door for it means allowing it to enter the home.

What if you don't open the door?

Do ghosts go away on their own?

The ghost outside the door flashed in Ji Mingxia's mind, and Ji Mingxia was inexplicably uneasy.

If it is so easy to keep the ghost out of the door, why does it continue to stay in Jiaoye Village, harassing the residents here every night?

Thinking of Jiaoye Village shrouded in yin, thinking of the vicissitudes of Aunt Chen, thinking of the white-haired Grandma Ji, and even thinking of the Ji family, no matter how clean it is, it will not be clean , always everywhere dust and haze...

Ji Mingxia pondered silently, and after a while, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

It seems too quiet.

Grandma Ji stopped after she finished speaking.

Unconsciously, Grandma Ji's voice of discreet beads had stopped, and the surroundings were silent.

The dim light of the flashlight shines on the ceiling, except for the roof, Ji Mingxia's whole body is surrounded by darkness.

The feeling of being peeped became more and more obvious.

Ji Mingxia couldn't help but looked around.

Who is hiding in the dark?

Who is watching him?

Ji Mingxia looked around and found no one, so he slowly retracted his gaze.

Just when he was about to give up, suddenly, Ji Mingxia seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked in the direction of Grandma Ji.

A pair of resentful eyes suddenly entered Ji Mingxia's eyes.

Grandma Ji was sitting beside Ji Mingxia, leaning on the sofa with the Buddha beads, she leaned her body and turned her back to Ji Mingxia.

However, at this moment, at the back of Grandma Ji's head, there is an extra pair of eyes.

A closer look reveals that the eyes are actually embedded in a translucent head, hanging on Grandma Ji's shoulders, against Grandma Ji's head.

It has eyes, a nose, and even lips, but when combined together, it is extremely weird, as if a human face is installed on a flat surface.

At this moment, one of its eyes is looking at Ji Mingxia, and the other eye is slanted to the sky. The look in its eyes seems to be dementia and resentment.

Its mouth, facing the direction of Grandma Ji, gulps and greedily chews something.

The surrounding light was too dark, and the head was empty, so Ji Mingxia couldn't see what it was biting.

Seeing Grandma Ji sitting motionless, completely silent, Ji Mingxia got angry from the heart, she just overcame the fear in her heart and wanted to step forward to drive the head away.

Just as Ji Mingxia's hand was about to touch Grandma Ji, suddenly, Grandma Ji turned her head and glanced at Ji Mingxia.

She seemed to have just woken up from a tired nightmare. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Ji Mingxia standing in front of her and reaching out to her.

"What's wrong?" Grandma Ji asked.

Extraordinarily clear.

Compared to her during the day, Grandma Ji at this moment seems to be several years older.

She is getting older.

"Mingxia?" Grandma Ji called out when she saw Ji Mingxia staring at her in a daze.

The head disappeared at this moment, and Grandma Ji also woke up. The scene that happened just now was like Ji Mingxia's illusion.

"You seem to have fallen asleep just now." Ji Mingxia whispered.

"Sleep? I've been awake." Grandma Ji said suspiciously, and then showed a clear expression, "Did the incident in Banana Leaf Village scare you?"

She said, her always serious and rigid face, rarely showing a soft expression: "Although ghosts often knock on the door, but for so long, no one has happened, as long as the door is not opened, It'll be all right."

Speaking, Grandma Ji got up, turned on the power, and the whole room instantly brightened.

The darkness was dispelled, and Grandma Ji stood in front of Ji Mingxia.

She has a human form, a shadow of someone, and her body temperature is normal. Ji Mingxia can confirm that the grandma Ji in front of her is a living person.

As a result, the horror scene just now is even more incredible.

But Ji Mingxia can confirm that it was not his illusion.

It can be confirmed by previous experience that Ji Mingxia can see ghosts.

Whether it's the ghost knocking on the door, or the ghost that just possessed Grandma Ji, others can't see it, but Ji Mingxia can see it.

Ji Mingxia's eyes fell on Grandma Ji.

The bright lights clearly reflected every detail around, making Grandma Ji's old appearance even more hidden.

Grandma Ji also seemed to be extremely tired, and said to Ji Mingxia: "After knocking on the door once, you won't come again, go to sleep first."

She said, walking upstairs slowly.


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