MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 72 [Complete] (Awakening. Awakening (thirteen)...)

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The surname Ke was together, married abroad, registered permanent residence…

Although Grandma Ji's words were brief, the amount of information was huge.

This surnamed Ke is the original ex-boyfriend?

Ji Mingxia still doesn't know who her ex-boyfriend is, what his name is, and what he looks like.

But judging from the reactions of Pei Yuan and Grandma Ji, the original body is worthy of being a love mentor, and his past is full of the shadow of that ex-boyfriend.

Love is obviously a very important thing in his life.

Unfortunately, neither Pei Yuan nor Grandma Ji are optimistic about their love.

About the past of the original body, Ji Mingxia did not dare to discuss with Grandma Ji, but a simple refutation is still no problem.

Seeing Grandma Ji's disgusted expression, Ji Mingxia denied it: "I didn't want to get a household registration book, and I didn't plan to get married abroad. I just went upstairs... I just cleaned it up, don't get me wrong."

Grandma Ji was ready for Ji Mingxia to be furious and quarrel with herself. She straightened her back and planned to retort at any time, but she didn't expect that it was Ji Mingxia's explanation.

Seeing Ji Mingxia looking at her candidly, Grandma Ji was stunned for a moment, but she quickly recovered and still couldn't believe Ji Mingxia.

Grandma Ji said: "It's not that you conspired with Ke, you will be so honest today, sit here and eat with me?"

Ji Mingxia heard this and was shocked. Isn't it normal to go back home and sit down to eat? Could it be that the original body doesn't usually eat with grandma?

Grandma Ji said and looked around.

Their home is not messy at all, but Grandma Ji is old and some places cannot be cleaned.

After Ji Mingxia came back, he tidied it up properly. In fact, not much has been changed, but the whole house looked bright and tidy.

Seeing what Ji Mingxia did, Grandma Ji was very moved, but when she thought that all these were done by Ji Mingxia for the surname Ke, the nameless anger in Grandma Ji's heart couldn't help but rise. rise.

"If you didn't do something shameful, would you do it?" Grandma Ji said, "The phone was turned off for a few days, not for fear of being discovered by me when I went abroad, what else could it be for?"

Facing Grandma Ji's successive questions, Ji Mingxia was stunned.

Grandma Ji in his world, gentle and open-minded, cheerful every day, even when Ji Mingxia was a child, at the most naughty age, Grandma Ji never lowered her face, and asked him so seriously .

When Ji Mingxia grew up, he occasionally did something wrong. Although Grandma Ji would scold him a few times, it was basically over.

She usually speaks slowly, as if the sky is falling, and she is not in a hurry.

But Grandma Ji and the old man in Ji Mingxia's memory are completely different.

Ji Mingxia has a guilty conscience, and she is even more at a loss in the face of such a grandma Ji.

But knowing that Grandma Ji misunderstood, Ji Mingxia can't let the misunderstanding go unsolved.

Under the oppression of Grandma Ji's majestic eyes, Ji Mingxia bit her head and stumbled: "I didn't go abroad, this time I really went to Quanzhuang with my roommates for vacation. Everyone went, go and come back together, with Zhao Zhuozhuo, Chen Zhen and the others, you all know..."

Ji Mingxia said: "The phone is turned off because the signal is not good in that place, and the phone is completely unusable. I forgot to look at the phone. When I remembered, I immediately turned it on and called you."

He said, secretly raised his eyes and glanced at Grandma Ji, seeing Grandma Ji still looking at him with a cold face.

After all, in modern society, a young man of Ji Mingxia's age has inexplicably turned off his mobile phone for many days. The final explanation is that he forgot. This excuse is really hard to convince people.

Ji Mingxia couldn't tell Grandma Ji what happened in the forest, the phone was turned off and the explanation was unclear, so he had to start elsewhere.

Ji Mingxia added: "If I really want to lie to you, I can make phone calls abroad, and I talk to you every day, and you don't know whether I am in China or abroad, there is no need to turn off the phone. Something obvious."

Grandma Ji listened to Ji Mingxia's words, and was a little loose, but she still looked at Ji Mingxia suspiciously, and her eyes drifted to the ring on Ji Mingxia's hand from time to time.

Ji Mingxia saw that Grandma Ji was very concerned about the ring, so she couldn't help but secretly tried to pick it again.

Sure enough, the ring was still firmly attached to his finger, motionless, and could not be taken off at all.

Seeing that she could not take off the ring, Ji Mingxia could only say to Grandma Ji: "This ring was given to me by my classmate. He is going to the capital. I just wear it casually, it doesn't mean anything else."

"Grandma, think, if I really lied to you, I would first turn off my phone, then run back with my ring on, and sway in front of you, what am I trying to do? What?" Ji Mingxia

Ji Mingxia was blocked by Grandma Ji's words and almost choked.

He never thought that the original body was such an image in Grandma Ji's heart!

It's no wonder that after he came back, he adjusted the house a little, and Grandma Ji felt that he was abnormal.

Even sitting down to eat obediently has become an abnormal performance.

As soon as Mingming saw Ji Mingxia entering the house, Grandma Ji cooked for him, but she didn't show any welcome on her face, the root cause was here.

Ji Mingxia understood too late, and now his abnormal performance has been completely seen by Grandma Ji.

But Ji Mingxia couldn't remedy it at all.

The character of the original body in school is basically the same as Ji Mingxia, but at home, it is completely different.

Even if Ji Mingxia knew how the original body got along with Grandma Ji, he had no experience with the original body after all, so he couldn't go against his own heart and make a scene with Grandma Ji.

He respects Grandma Ji from the bottom of his heart, even if the Grandma Ji in front of him is not an old man who gets along with him day and night, but Ji Mingxia can feel the strictness on his face from Grandma Ji of love.

Anyway, the flaws have already been revealed, and Ji Mingxia will not try to save it.

Ji Mingxia said: "Then I don't need to hurry up and go upstairs to look for the household registration book while you are cooking. Foreign same-sex marriages are registered with passports. my country's household registration book and ID cards, which cannot be used abroad.”

Thanks to the tanmei novels he read before, Ji Mingxia has a little understanding of same-sex marriage.

Grandma Ji was already shaken after hearing Ji Mingxia's words.

After all, Ji Mingxia's explanation makes more sense.

But the long-term impression of Ji Mingxia made her still not at ease, she looked at Ji Mingxia suspiciously and said, "Is what you said true?"

"Of course it's true, even if you don't believe me, you have to trust your mobile phone, this is my stay in the hotel, there are records on the app, not only me, but also many of my classmates, All with me, so many people, how can I care about falling in love." Ji Mingxia said the last sentence, thinking of his and Yu Ning's love hotel, inexplicably a little guilty.

But what was recorded in the app was an ordinary double room, and the one who lived with him was Yu Ning, not the one surnamed Ke.

In order to convince Grandma Ji to believe his words, Ji Mingxia put the phone in front of Grandma Ji.

Grandma Ji looked at the calm Ji Mingxia, and then looked down at the phone. At this moment, the page did show Ji Mingxia's check-in record in Quanzhuang.

Seeing Ji Mingxia sitting obediently, waiting for her answer, although Grandma Ji didn't want to look at Ji Mingxia's privacy, she couldn't help it, stretched out her hand in disbelief, and went down.

The names of Zhao Zhuozhuo, Chen Zhen and others appeared one by one.

Grandma Ji looked at the name of the group of roommates side by side with Ji Mingxia, she was a little stunned, but she accidentally shook her hand, and for some reason, she jumped out of the app and returned to the one on her phone. program.

The last program on Ji Mingxia's phone is the call record page.

After reading the hotel check-in record, Grandma Ji didn't intend to read more, but the call log page jumped out, with black characters on a white background, especially eye-catching, Grandma Ji glanced unconsciously, and directly pointed Ji Mingxia All the recent call records come into view.

On the recent call page, there are many people calling Ji Mingxia, including her number, Zhao Zhuozhuo, Chen Zhen, Bao Guangyuan, etc., various names Yes, but I haven't seen anyone with the surname Ke.

The time on the call page is clear, and she encountered it unconsciously, so there is no possibility of Ji Mingxia cheating.

What he said was probably the truth, and she misunderstood him.

After realizing this, Grandma Ji breathed a sigh of relief, but she was especially surprised.

Because once it is confirmed that what Ji Mingxia said is the truth, it is full of situations that she cannot understand.

Because she objected to Ji Mingxia and Ke's being together, these years, the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren has been very bad, and the grandson, who has always been disobedient, suddenly changed sex.

As soon as I got home, I helped her to carry the dishes, do the housework, and almost planned to cook...

During dinner, she sat obediently opposite her, and when she was questioned, not only did she not shout and quarrel, but patiently explained one by one...

If it weren't for the daytime now, and the young man in front of him looked like her grandson and had the same voice, Grandma Ji would have suspected that this Ji Mingxia was fake.

Thinking like this, Grandma Ji suddenly noticed the top of the call page.

In this row of call records, the last call Ji Mingxia made was a person named "Yu Ning".

Yuning (9).

Ji Mingxia called Yu Ning nine times, but Yu Ning didn't answer a single one?

Grandma Ji noticed this detail, she raised her head, and found that Ji Mingxia was still looking at herself, and Grandma Ji's expression calmed down and handed the phone back to Ji Mingxia.

"Sorry, I misunderstood you." Grandma Ji said.

She has an old face, and her voice is hoarse like an old man.

Ji Mingxia didn't expect Grandma Ji to apologize so solemnly, and quickly waved her hand: "It's also my fault, I didn't receive any of your calls... I'll definitely pay attention next time."

Grandma Ji listened to Ji Mingxia's promise, gave Ji Mingxia a deep look, full of doubts, and finally nodded.

Ji Mingxia naturally saw that when Grandma Ji was looking at him, her expression was full of doubts.

But this is the end, and he can only let nature take its course.

Grandma Ji is a character outside the original plot, but also her own family. Before Ji Mingxia saw her, she was very uneasy, but when she really faced her, she found that she was more than expected Better.

Even if she knew that Grandma Ji was suspicious of her, Ji Mingxia pretended not to see it.

Anyway, there is no second Ji Mingxia in this world.

Thinking like this, Ji Mingxia's eyes finally stopped on Grandma Ji's gray hair.

What he wants to understand most now is the age of Grandma Ji.

Grandma Ji was suspicious of the current Ji Mingxia, and Ji Mingxia didn't know how to get along with Grandma Ji, so the two kept this weird atmosphere and spent the day.

After nightfall, Ji Mingxia lay on his bed and couldn't help but open the address book again, hesitating whether to call Yu Ning.

Just as Ji Mingxia hesitated, suddenly, a loud doorbell rang from the courtyard.

Due to the large area of ​​the house, Grandma Ji installed a doorbell on the iron gate of the yard, so that when someone visits, press the doorbell, and the people in the house will know .

Ji Mingxia often lives with her grandmother, and this doorbell is naturally very familiar.

Only at this moment, the ringing bell in the courtyard made Ji Mingxia feel uncomfortable.

This voice, although it was the same as he remembered, but I don't know if it was because of the sudden sound at night, it was extra loud and harsh.

Ji Mingxia looked at the time, it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

For the people in the city, it is just night after ten o'clock, but for the people in the village, at this time, they are ready to fall asleep.

For example, Ji Mingxia's grandmother went back to her room and lay down as early as eight o'clock.

The doorbell is still ringing "ding ding ding", the person ringing the bell seems to be very anxious, and keeps pressing the button, resulting in the rush of the bell, which cannot be ignored.

Ji Mingxia hurriedly got up from the bed, opened the curtains and looked out.

A pitch-black sky shrouded the entire village. Except for the street lights, there were no residential buildings in Ji Mingxia's sight.

Looking around, whether it is the street outside or the residential building, it is quiet and not disturbed by the slightest sound.

Except for the ringing doorbell in front of Ji Mingxia's house.

Ji Mingxia glanced in the direction of the door. When designing the yard, for safety and convenience of daily life, the courtyard walls and the top of the door were covered.

At this moment, the position outside the courtyard door was blocked by the roof. Looking at it from Ji Mingxia's point of view, it was impossible to see the person ringing the bell.

Ji Mingxia had to ask, "Who is ringing the bell?"

The bell rang for a while, and then it rang again mechanically, and no one answered.

I don't know if it's Ji Mingxia's illusion, but after he shouted, the whole village became quieter.

The bell was so loud, in order to prevent Grandma Ji and the neighbors from being woken up, Ji Mingxia had to come out of the room and walk downstairs quickly.

When I walked through the corridor, I felt that the surroundings were pitch-dark, so Ji Mingxia quickly turned on all the lights.

The headlights, downlights, and wall lamps are all lit, and the whole room is bright, and the dark haze is immediately dispelled.

Hearing the doorbell was still ringing, Ji Mingxia was wearing slippers, and while walking out, he said, "Come here."

He wants the person ringing the bell to hear him and stop ringing.

The gate of Grandma Ji's house is a half-hollowed iron gate, with an airtight iron plate in the middle, hollowed up and down, a very common country gate style.

Ji Mingxia was wearing slippers and walked towards the courtyard door. The street lights outside were still on, and everything in the courtyard was clear.

Through the hollow under the iron gate, although Ji Mingxia couldn't see the feet of outsiders, he could see a black shadow.

It should be the shadow cast on the ground after the street lamp shines on the person.

The doorbell was still ringing frantically. Ji Mingxia was affected by the noise and was a little impatient. He just wanted to make the ringing stop quickly.

He hurriedly put his hand on the door lock. Just as Ji Mingxia was about to turn the lock to open the door, he suddenly noticed that the blood-red ring on his ring finger was glowing slightly.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, then instinctively retracted his hand without touching the door lock.

He looked at the iron gate in front of him, and at the dark shadow on the ground.

At this moment, there is only one door between Ji Mingxia and the people outside the door.

The street lamp shone down from the upper left, Ji Mingxia's shadow clearly fell on the ground on his right, and basically every detail of his body was very clear in the shadow.

The doorbell was still ringing, and the people outside the door seemed very anxious to see Ji Mingxia not opening the door.

Not only will he frantically ring the doorbell, but even the button will be shaken by "he".

At this moment, he suddenly saw the doorbell screen hanging on the wall.

Grandma Ji's house is equipped with a smart doorbell, with two visual instruments, one is in Grandma Ji's bedroom, which is convenient for guests to come when she is resting. After all, Grandma Ji is old and has no hands and feet. Quickly, you can open the door for people in the room; the other one is by the door in the yard, which is generally used for daily use.

Ji Mingxia was disturbed by the doorbell, so he prepared to open the door habitually. Only now, after seeing the screen, did he remember that the doorbell still has a monitoring function.

Ji Mingxia stretched out his hand and gently pressed the camera start button under the visual instrument.

As soon as the screen lit up, the camera outside the door was activated immediately, aiming at the courtyard door to take a clear picture.

The door bell rang "ding ding ding", and the sound of slapping the door "dong dong dong" irritated people's ears, and the black shadow was still outside the door.

However, on the visual screen, the gate of Ji's house is empty and there is nothing.

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