MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 74 (Awakening (15)...)

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After Grandma Ji went upstairs, she went back to the room and lay down. It was late at night, and there was no harsh doorbell, and the whole house returned to silence.

The feeling of being spied on disappeared, and Ji Mingxia felt at this moment that the ghost had left.

He stood in the living room and waited for a while, turned off the lights downstairs one by one, then went upstairs, sneaked into Grandma Ji's door, and took a peek.

Grandma Ji is already asleep.

She was exhausted, but after a while, she fell into a deep sleep.

Confirmed that although she was affected, she was still safe, Ji Mingxia was relieved and returned to her room.

He was completely drowsy.

In just a few minutes, grandma Ji, the picture of aging suddenly replayed in her mind, Ji Mingxia was angry and anxious, but she didn't know the source of all this weirdness, where did it come from? .

He had no idea what to do, so he wanted to find Yu Ning immediately and let Yu Ning help him analyze all this.

However, Yu Ning is now in the capital, and his phone can't get through...

Jiaoye Village has been haunted for so long, and no one has found a way to crack it. All the residents have turned into ostriches and choose to hide their ears and steal bells to continue to survive in Jiaoye Village.

Although Ji Mingxia has a golden finger, in the original book, the village of Jiaoye Village is not mentioned at all.

Unable to predict the plot in advance, it was less than a day before he returned to Jiaoye Village.

His intelligence is at an average level, just relying on him, how could he find the problem in such a short period of time?

Ji Mingxia never dared to overestimate his ability. He always felt that his greatest strength was self-knowledge.

But now that Grandma Ji has become like this, Ji Mingxia can't just watch Grandma Ji grow old.

People in their 70s look like they are in their 90s. Although Grandma Ji is still alive now, as long as the ghosts come back a few more times, Grandma Ji is afraid...

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia's heart was in a mess. At this moment, the cold touch of the ring made Ji Mingxia's brain sober.

His hand unconsciously touched the blood-red ring. This cold feeling made Ji Mingxia inexplicably think of Yu Ning's fingertips.

Ji Mingxia forced herself to calm down.

During this time, he and Yu Ning frequently encountered ghosts, and every time Yu Ning did an analysis, he would tell him about it.

He is not Yu Ning, but he can learn from Yu Ning and imitate Yu Ning's ideas.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia got up immediately, went to the desk, found a pen and paper, and listed the doubts he observed after entering Jiaoye Village.

First of all, for Ji Mingxia, the most shocking thing was the scene he saw tonight.

After the ghost knocked on the door, when the doorbell power was turned off, the dark shadow outside the door disappeared.

At that time, Ji Mingxia briefly thought that the ghost had left.

But soon, he felt unusual at home.

Then a ghost appeared on Grandma Ji, chewing something. After the ghost disappeared, Grandma Ji became tired and old at a speed visible to the naked eye, as if being swallowed by ghosts life for several months.

Seeing Grandma Ji's changes with my own eyes, and comparing Grandma Ji in the original world of Ji Mingxia with Grandma Ji who is now tired and old, Ji Mingxia finally answered the long-standing question in her heart.

Why does Grandma Ji seem to be twenty or thirty years older than grandma in the original world.

It's not because of the difference in age, nor because of the physical reason, it's just this ghost.

In addition, according to Grandma Ji's words, it can be confirmed that the entire Jiaoye Village has been shrouded in the haze of ghosts knocking on the door.

After returning to the village today, Ji Mingxia saw Aunt Cheng as a living person. With a quick glance, Ji Mingxia found that Aunt Cheng was different from what he remembered, and she seemed to be much shriveled and older.

At that time, Ji Mingxia thought it was his own illusion, but now he suddenly understands that whoever the ghost knocks on the door every night will **** the life yuan of whose life it is.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia wrote the word "Shouyuan" on the paper.

Then the question is, why does the ghost take Shouyuan?

This world is full of mysterious items, ghosts absorb life essence purposefully, most likely driven by people.

Who is suspected of doing such a thing in the entire Jiaoye Village?

Ji Mingxia used a simple exclusion method.

In his world, the death of his parents in a car accident also happened, so it can be ruled out that he was affected by mysterious objects.

According to Grandma Ji, the rest is the death of an 80-year-old couple at home, and... a cancer mother and child, although thin, miraculously healed and returned to banana leaves village.

On the day they returned to Jiaoye Village, two unknown middle-aged men died in the village.

Shortly after, two more young men disappeared.

From here, the nightmare of Jiaoye Village appeared, and all the people in the village were spared.

Ji Mingxia looked at the clues listed on his homework paper, his eyes lit up, and without hesitation, he drew a circle in the place of "cancer mother and child".

This is the turning point of all events.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia already has a general direction in mind.

One night passed quickly, and the next morning, at dawn, Ji Mingxia went downstairs.

There are few entertainment facilities in the village. The villagers work at sunrise and rest at sunset. Therefore, although Ji Mingxia got up early, it just caught up with the busiest time of the village.

Ghost knocking on the door has a great impact on the entire Jiaoye Village, and it does not take place at night. From the afternoon, the village is deserted and almost no one goes out.

But after all, everyone lives here, you can't stay at home every day without going out.

So the villagers of Jiaoye Village have grasped the time of the morning.

The morning sun shines through the thin morning mist into the yard.

When Ji Mingxia went downstairs, Grandma Ji had finished Tai Chi in the yard and was preparing tea in the living room.

Seeing Ji Mingxia getting up so early, Grandma Ji was a little surprised: "You didn't sleep last night?"

"Sleep." Ji Mingxia said, "If you go to bed early, you will get up early."

Grandma Ji obviously didn't believe his words. Thinking of what happened last night, she thought Ji Mingxia was terrified. Grandma Ji said softly: "The weather is fine in the morning, nothing to do, go back to sleep for a while. "

Ji Mingxia looked at her always serious face and looked at herself with some worry, her heart was inexplicably sour.

Grandma Yuanji is already much older than the grandma in his world. After what happened last night, it is even more vicissitudes of life. There are more age spots and wrinkles on her face, like a plant that is about to Dead old pine tree.

Grandma Ji guessed right, Ji Mingxia did not sleep all night, how could Ji Mingxia sleep in her situation.

But in front of Grandma Ji, Ji Mingxia naturally wouldn't reveal his worries, he stretched his waist and said: "I'm full, I don't want to sleep, I'll have breakfast first, and I'll be with you later Go out to buy groceries."

According to Ji Mingxia's plan, he wants to take the opportunity to observe the people in the whole Jiaoye Village when he is shopping for vegetables, and when he has the opportunity, he will inquire about the mother and son. Real people, even better.

Unexpectedly, Grandma Ji said, "There are vegetables in the refrigerator, so you don't have to go out to buy them."


"Not here." Grandma Ji said, "Don't worry about grocery shopping, just wait for dinner at home, I will arrange these."

Ji Mingxia vaguely felt that Grandma Ji seemed very resistant to going out to buy vegetables.

The more Grandma Ji refused to speak, the more curious Ji Mingxia became. When eating breakfast, she made all sorts of side effects.

During the period, Grandma Ji also expressed her impatience, but Ji Mingxia was very thick-skinned and continued to ask questions. In desperation, Grandma Ji could only say: "The vegetable market is closed, now everyone goes to the supermarket to buy I'm an old man, they deliver to the door for free every day, so you don't have to go out anymore."

Ji Mingxia was stunned for a moment, and inexplicably remembered the small supermarket he saw yesterday.

It was there that Ji Mingxia met Aunt Cheng. He remembered that the blood-red ring was still glowing.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia immediately asked, "It's the small supermarket that was renovated from a western-style building. Who owns that small supermarket?"

Grandma Ji raised her eyes and glanced at Ji Mingxia: "Zhou Meikai."

Zhou Mei?

This name sounds familiar, yet a little distant, Ji Mingxia frowned and thought for a moment, and suddenly his face changed slightly.

Isn't Zhou Mei the owner of that mansion?

In Ji Mingxia's original world, the owner of the mansion had long since passed away. After their death, the mansion was taken over by the government and transformed into a coffee shop. It was once a popular spot for check-in in Jiaoye Village. one.

Ji Mingxia saw the small supermarket and thought that the world's plot had undergone a subtle change, and the western-style building was rented out to open a supermarket.

In the end, I didn't expect that the owner of the mansion did not die, but opened a supermarket instead?

Ji Mingxia exclaimed: "This week Mei, is it the one who recovered from cancer?"

His voice just fell, when Grandma Ji heard the words, not only did not answer him, but scolded: "What does this have to do with you, why are you asking so many questions, hurry up and go back to your room after eating Go play with your phone!"

After finishing speaking, Grandma Ji didn't eat the rice, and returned to the kitchen with the bowl.

Ji Mingxia stared blankly at Grandma Ji's back, not understanding why she had such a big reaction.

Last night, Grandma Ji had already told him about the Jiaoye Village ghost knocking on the door.

He asked today, but it was just to refine the matter of the ghost knocking on the door, but Grandma Ji became angry all of a sudden.

The vegetable market is gone, and now the village wants to buy vegetables, they can only go to the supermarket to buy it.

Grandma Ji didn't want Ji Mingxia to go out to buy vegetables. Now that Ji Mingxia asked about Zhou Mei, Grandma Ji also resisted.

Everything is obvious, there is definitely something wrong with this supermarket!

Meanwhile, Ji Mingxia also discovered that Grandma Ji was probably hiding something from him.

Grandma Ji's secret, Ji Mingxia has no way to find out for the time being, but Ji Mingxia is looking for a chance to visit this supermarket.

He does nothing, Grandma Ji may die at any time; he actively seeks the truth, but may have a chance of life.

Knowing that the supermarket is in danger, with his strength, he is likely to give it away, but Ji Mingxia has to go.

Similar things happened before. At that time, he was going to Quanzhuang, but Yu Ning was still there at that time. This time is different. He is single...

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia held the ring and tried to cheer herself up.

During the lunch break, while Grandma Ji was asleep, Ji Mingxia sneaked out of the house quietly.

After lunch, Jiaoye Village was deserted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From Ji Mingxia's home to the small supermarket, the distance is not far. Along the way, Ji Mingxia is doing psychological construction. He even made preparations for a battle as soon as he entered the supermarket. Thinking that just after walking around the corner, the door of the small supermarket came into view, and what Ji Mingxia saw turned out to be a medium-sized truck.

Several workers who moved goods entered and exited the small supermarket, carrying all kinds of sacks and suitcases, as if someone was about to move.

Ji Mingxia stared blankly at this scene, not waiting for him to understand what was going on. At this time, a man who was carrying luggage saw Ji Mingxia standing in the corner.

He waved at Ji Mingxia and shouted, "Mingxia, are you back?"

Ji Mingxia looked at his familiar and unfamiliar face.

This is a young man in his twenties, with short hair, dark skin, and a little short, about 1.7 meters tall.

He has a face with Chinese characters and big eyes, but strangely, the eyeballs are very small, and he has obvious strabismus.

When he saw Ji Mingxia, the man immediately burst into a smile.

Comparing with his face, the teeth are exceptionally white, even a little weirdly white.

The corners of the grinned mouth were full of big white teeth that were full and neat, and it looked like a good mouth.

Such lips and teeth, it stands to reason, the smile should be extra bright.

Ji Mingxia looked at his smile, and felt awkward all over. He wanted to look away and didn't want to see his face again.

But this man, after calling Ji Mingxia's name, ran up to him.

When he saw Ji Mingxia looking at him suspiciously, the man pointed at him and said, "Me, Zhou Tao, don't you remember me?"

Zhou Tao?

The expression on Ji Mingxia's face froze.

Of course he knows Zhou Tao, Zhou Mei's son.

Jiaoye Village is so big, and Zhou Tao is the same age as him. When he was young, Ji Mingxia often played with Zhou Tao.

But shortly after Ji Mingxia's parents passed away, Zhou Tao and his mother passed away one after another.

Cancer has a certain genetic probability. Zhou Tao was the first to detect cancer. He was in the middle stage of cancer, and then Zhou Mei was found to be in the advanced stage of cancer.

In Ji Mingxia's original world, Zhou Tao and Zhou Mei worked very hard to cooperate with the treatment. However, the current medicine of human beings still has not conquered cancer. They eventually died in the hospital and were buried in the back of Jiaoye Village. on the mountain.

Ji Mingxia's impression of Zhou Tao was fixed in the appearance of his junior high school.

I didn't expect that Zhou Tao would look like this when he grew up.

Zhou Tao when he was a child, although not good-looking, at least he looks like Zhou Zheng.

His eyeballs are not so small, and his eyes are not squinted, and when he smiles, it is not so strange.

People in the village, seeing Zhou Tao's change, may think that Zhou Tao's appearance is caused by chemotherapy. Anyway, the cancer has been cured. what.

But Ji Mingxia, who has experienced several supernatural events, saw Zhou Tao, the first thing that came to her mind was Lin Siyun who had used the blood red ring.

Immediately afterwards, he remembered the ghost that crawled on Grandma Ji's shoulder and chewed heavily last night.

At this moment, Ji Mingxia can confirm that the ghost knocking on the door of Jiaoye Village must be related to Zhou Mei and Zhou Tao's mother and son.

However, in the next moment, Zhou Tao's words surprised Ji Mingxia.

"It's a pity to wait until you come back from the college entrance examination, but it's a pity..." Zhou Tao said, glanced at the small supermarket, "We are leaving today. "

"You guys want to leave Jiaoye Village?" Ji Mingxia asked in shock.

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