MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 71 (Complete((Awakening (12)...)

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Grandma Ji's house is the legacy left by Grandma Ji's mother. From Grandma Ji, to Ji Mingxia's father, to Ji Mingxia, they all spent their childhood in this house until they grew up .

In Ji Mingxia's memory, this house occupies a large area. Although it is a small farmyard, it has been well maintained. Grandma Ji is a person who loves cleanliness very much and will clean the house every day.

Cozy country house.

But walking in at this moment, the whole house inexplicably gave Ji Mingxia a rotten and dilapidated feeling.

The ground is clean at the moment, obviously Grandma Ji has cleaned it today, in addition, the dining table, stove and other places that are easy to hide dirt are also very tidy.

But Ji Mingxia felt that the room was gray, like a layer of gray dust.

"Put the dishes on the table." At this time, Grandma Ji said.

When she spoke, she turned her back to Ji Mingxia. Ji Mingxia was still not used to her old voice, so she didn't respond for a while, and it was not until two seconds later that she realized that Grandma Ji was talking to him say.

Ji Mingxia was a little guilty, and now she was full of doubts. After listening to Grandma Ji's words, she hurriedly followed suit.

Grandma Ji ignored Ji Mingxia after seeing him put the dishes on the table.

She started to work in the house by herself, pouring water, taking bowls, until the old man walked to the table, opened the bag, and took out the food, Ji Mingxia realized Here, Grandma Ji is ready to cook.

Ji Mingxia looked at the time. Now is not the time for meals. The old man has three meals on time. Cooking at this time is obviously for Ji Mingxia.

This bag contains a lot of items. Ji Mingxia, an adult man, is carrying some weight. For a person of Grandma Ji's age, it can be regarded as a heavy item.

Seeing this, Ji Mingxia quickly stepped forward and helped Grandma Ji take out all the things for her to choose.

During this period, Grandma Ji kept her head down, as if Ji Mingxia did not exist the whole time.

If it were normal, Ji Mingxia would definitely find a way to be active when he saw that the atmosphere was so cold.

But at this moment he didn't dare, for fear of revealing himself.

When Grandma Ji didn’t exist, Ji Mingxia stayed silent and didn’t speak. It wasn’t until Grandma Ji finished picking the dishes that Ji Mingxia hurriedly stretched out her hand to sort out the rest of Grandma Ji’s selection and put them in the refrigerator. .

In Ji Mingxia's memory, the refrigerator at home is neatly stored and clearly classified.

When he opened the refrigerator and looked at it, he found that the refrigerator was much more cluttered than he remembered.

Especially on the top floor. Obviously, with Grandma Ji's current height and posture, some of them are out of reach, so some things that are not commonly used are directly stuffed into the refrigerator, which makes the refrigerator look very messy.

Seeing this, Ji Mingxia felt a little sad in her heart. While Grandma Ji was washing the vegetables, he put the new food in, and took the time to tidy up the refrigerator and the cabinet beside him.

After washing the vegetables, Grandma Ji was just about to cook the vegetables, but when she looked up, she found the messy cabinets and refrigerators, but after a few minutes, Ji Mingxia tidyed them up neatly.

Grandma Ji was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look at Ji Mingxia more.

Ji Mingxia was holding a bucket of oil and pouring peanut oil into the small oil pot, when she noticed that Grandma Ji was looking at her, she was a little nervous.

He hurriedly moved faster, filled the oil pot tightly, put it on the spice rack, and waited for Grandma Ji's next move.

But Ji Mingxia waited for a few seconds, but she didn't see anything from Grandma Ji. She still held the vegetable basket and stood there looking at herself.

Is Grandma Ji waiting for him to cook?

Ji Mingxia couldn't help thinking.

When he was in elementary school, he actually learned cooking from Grandma Ji.

, appears to have no appetite.

Grandma's cooking skills are comparable to the worst takeaway food.

Ji Mingxia struggled for a summer vacation and decided that he was not suitable to be a cook, so he decisively gave up this skill.

If it were in Ji Mingxia's world, killing him would not be a shame in front of Grandma Ji.

But Grandma Ji in front of her at the moment is different.

Ji Mingxia's grandma in that world is young, energetic and energetic.

But Grandma Ji in front of her is very old and old, and she can't even tidy up the refrigerator. Cooking such a thing is indeed more difficult for the elderly.

Looking at Grandma Ji's gray hair, Ji Mingxia thought for a while, and said tentatively, "Grandma, do you want me to cook?"

Although he has no culinary talent, he cooks carefully and carefully in front of the video, at least he can cook the food and fill his stomach with no problem.

When Ji Mingxia spoke, in order not to be suspected, although this sentence was an interrogative sentence, it was not asked in a questioning tone.

In this way, if there is a flaw, he can come back at any time.

Ji Mingxia praised her wit in her heart, but didn't realize that when Grandma Ji heard his words, she was very sad.

Grandma Ji looked at Ji Mingxia in surprise when she heard Ji Mingxia call her "grandma". Just wanted to give the vegetable basket in her hand to Ji Mingxia, but in the next instant, Grandma Ji's eyes narrowed and stopped on the red ring on Ji Mingxia's left hand.

Because it is daytime, there is no light in the kitchen.

The light is not dim, but it is not very bright.

There is no sun shining on the ring, but there is a streamer in the ring, flowing brightly.

Grandma Rao Shiji's eyes are dim, and you can see at a glance that this ring is probably worth a lot of money.

At the moment, it is being worn on Ji Mingxia's left ring finger.

Wearing a ring in this position is self-evident.

Grandma Ji stared at the ring for two seconds, her originally loose expression suddenly turned cold.

"No, you can just sit and play with your phone." Grandma Ji said, looked away, walked to the stove alone with a vegetable basket, and ignored Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia didn't notice Grandma Ji's mood changes, only thought her reaction was a little strange.

Seeing Grandma Ji circumventing herself and preparing to cook, Ji Mingxia is not the original after all, he said "um" and walked out of the kitchen slowly.

After Ji Mingxia walked away, Grandma Ji started pouring oil and preparing to cook.

Ji Mingxia observed outside the kitchen for a while, and determined that Grandma Ji could cook by herself, so he took this opportunity to walk towards Grandma Ji's room.

A man in his 70s suddenly looks like he is in his 90s. Is there something wrong with his age or something else? As long as you find Grandma Ji's ID card, you can Confirmed.

Grandma Ji's room, located on the second floor of the house.

Especially in the dark places at the corners of the stairs, there is a faint sense of coolness.

Ji Mingxia was anxious to see her grandma's ID card, so she didn't stop in the corridor, and hurried to Grandma Ji's bedroom.

He used to go to Grandma Ji's bedroom to help clean up. He was very familiar with the furnishings of Grandma Ji's bedroom, but Ji Mingxia never paid attention to where Grandma would put her ID card.

He set himself five minutes to search, and quickly rummaged through Grandma Ji's bedroom. After the search was fruitless, in order to prevent being suspected by Grandma Ji, Ji Mingxia quickly went downstairs.

Grandma Ji was still cooking in the kitchen and didn't seem to notice Ji Mingxia's departure.

Ji Mingxia didn't find Grandma Ji's ID card, and the doubts in his heart were not resolved, and he was a little anxious, but after all, he had experienced so many supernatural events, and he was much calmer than before.

Haste is not enough, he has just returned, it is better to act cautiously.

Thinking like this, while there is nothing to do, Ji Mingxia sees that some items in the house are in a mess, so according to memory, he simply organizes the surroundings.

When Ji Mingxia finished cooking, Grandma Ji also came out of the kitchen after cooking.

Ji Mingxia saw her such an old man, came out trembling with the dish, and hurriedly stepped forward to take the dish, and he was in charge of setting the plate and serving the rice.

Grandma Ji looked at Ji Mingxia's busy life, and then looked at the living room and yard that had been tidied up.

After Ji Mingxia sat down, Grandma Ji glanced at the eye-catching blood-red ring on Ji Mingxia's hand, and finally couldn't help saying: "Did you just go upstairs?"

Ji Mingxia just picked up the chopsticks to prepare food, and when she heard Grandma Ji's words, her hand suddenly shook and she almost didn't hold the chopsticks.

He quickly raised his head, glanced at Grandma Ji, and saw Grandma Ji looked at him with a sullen face.

"I..." Ji Mingxia just wanted to explain.

The next moment, I heard Grandma Ji say: "The account book was put away by me. Unless I die, I will not give it to you."

Ji Mingxia was stunned when he heard the words.

What he was looking for was Grandma Ji's ID card, not the household registration book.

And Grandma Ji said this very seriously, obviously it has no deep meaning.

Ji Mingxia realized that Grandma Ji said these words not to him, but to the original body. He has no memory of the original body and does not know the cause and effect of the issue of the household registration book. , so Ji Mingxia was vague, bowed his head and didn't answer.

Grandma Ji saw Ji Mingxia like this, and she settled her inner guess even more, and snorted coldly: "You are an adult, I can't control you, but as long as I still have a breath, you don't want to talk to me. The one surnamed Ke is together."

Grandma Ji said, and glanced at Ji Mingxia's finger: "Even if you get married abroad, it won't work."

Grandma Ji was extremely disgusted at this glance, and it was difficult for Ji Mingxia to ignore it.

He looked at Grandma Ji and his fingers again, and suddenly understood, Grandma Ji is afraid...misunderstanding!

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