MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 33 provocative

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Fu Junling wandered outside Fang Li's gate early the next morning.

It's already high in the sun, why haven't they got up yet?

Nothing will really happen...

No, no, no, how could such an arrogant Xie Huai be willing to be raped by a man... If the devil is really like this, then yesterday shouldn't be like that...

But why haven't they come out yet?

Did something unexpected happen?

Fu Junling couldn't help being a little worried. He hesitated again and again, and finally came to the door. When he was about to knock on the door, the door was suddenly opened...

His expression instantly froze on his face.

It was Xie Huai who opened the door. Xie Huai still looked cold and indifferent. He looked no different from yesterday, even his clothes were clean and tidy, but the devil behind him looked a little embarrassed...

Although she was tightly wrapped in a black robe, there were traces of bruises on the exposed neck, her pale face seemed a little haggard, and her eyes were faintly blue...

Fu Junling gasped, a little afraid to think about what happened...

He was narrow-minded, only thinking that Xie Huai would never be willing to be loved by a man... But he never thought about whether Xie Huai would be willing to be loved by a man...

No wonder, it was like that yesterday.

Cough cough, stop stop...

Can't think about it anymore.

Fang Li didn't have a good rest last night, his neck was pinched purple, Xie Huai used his own way to treat his body, it really is revenge for him...

But how polite he was back then, not to mention that Xie Huai loosened his clothes, he was as fierce as wanting to eat people... If it wasn't for his own fault, he would never let the other party do whatever he wanted!

He was in a bad mood at first, but as soon as he went out, he met Fu Junling's suspicious eyes. Fang Li immediately gave him a sullen look, what did he look at, and then he poked your eyes out!

Fu Junling was stunned by Fang Li's murderous eyes, and after a while, he turned his gaze away stiffly, and said in a nonchalant tone, "Your Majesty, are you going out for a stroll today?"

Go shopping, of course you have to do it well, go shopping.

Fang Li's eyes changed, and Fu Junling's success was unfavorable, and it seemed that he could not hope for it. Fortunately, Fu Junling was not the most important thing when he came to Danshan Gate this time...

As a good friend of Xie Huai, Fu Junling added a little more ink and ink to the text, but in the real general situation, it did not play a decisive role. Even though he was not so eager to rescue Xie Huai because of Xie Huai's change, Xuan It is also the general trend for Xinglou to join the Ten Thousand Immortals League.

But since Fu Junling was missing, the other side had to hurry up.

If things go wrong over there again, I'm afraid it will really affect the progress of the plot.

"I have looked up to the mountain city's reputation for a long time, so I naturally want to take a good look." Fang Li raised his eyebrows and said slowly.

Fu Junling nodded and smiled: "I am quite familiar with Wangshan City, so let me take a look at it."

This is to follow him all the way in case he makes trouble.

Fang Li raised the corners of his lips slowly, and said, "Okay."


Wangshan City, as one of the most prosperous cities in the world of spirits and immortals, gathers all kinds of rare treasures from all over the world.

Wanbaolou has a long-standing reputation in the fairy world, with branches in dozens of states, and the largest store is located in Wangshan City.

Fang Li walked in with Xie Huai.

This Wanbao building is really magnificent, because there are so many treasures, even the boys who run errands in the building are all monks above the foundation building stage, and there are Nascent Soul monks patrolling every floor, and the top floor is still sitting in the distraction stage. It is heavily guarded.

What's more, he is still in Wangshan City, and he is not afraid of ordinary people making trouble.

Fang Li looked over slowly, the first floor is for some more common instruments, the second floor is for more precious elixir, the third floor is for various high-level instruments, and the fourth floor is for various rare things...

As soon as they came in, a waiter followed them all the way, no matter what Fang Li saw or asked, he could answer them accurately.

The waiter saw Fang Li standing in front of a hairpin and looked at it, and said with a smile: "The jasper hairpin that the guest saw was made by Taoist Lianhu, a master craftsman five hundred years ago, and it is a top-notch magic weapon for defense."

It doesn't matter whether it is a magic weapon or not, but it looks pretty good.

Fang Li picked up the hairpin, gestured to Xie Huai, and smiled slightly: "It's very suitable for Madam."

Xie Huai took a deep look at him and said nothing, Fang Li was not asking him.

Fang Li said to the clerk, "Put it away."

The clerk was overjoyed, he thought the guests were just looking at it casually, but he didn't expect to ask for it, so he quickly smiled and said, "Okay."

Fang Li continued to walk forward.

Because Fang Li looks very forthright, the clerk also introduced it very enthusiastically. Seeing Fang Li pick up a pair of bracelets, he said with a smile: "Customers have discerning eyes, this pair of bracelets is a good storage treasure, the most important thing is a pair of bracelets. , it is perfect for you and your wife to wear."

Fang Li waved his hand: "Put it away."

The guy suddenly smiled.

Then he looked at the robes, shoes, belts, etc. He didn't look at the price or the purpose, but only at the appearance, and if he thought it was suitable for Xie Huai, let the assistant put it away.

Not long after Fang Li finished reading, he lazily said: "That's all, let's go."

The buddy Le couldn't close his mouth. For so many years, he had never seen such a bold and generous customer. Shopping in Wanbaolou was the same as shopping for vegetables. They were not picky or asked too much, as long as they were pleasing to the eye.

The guys did the calculations, and the respectful Fang Li said: "A total of 70,000 spirit stones."

Fang Li glanced at the clerk lightly, and twitched his lips: "I only said I wanted these, when did I say I would give money?"

Guy: "???"

Feelings, you take things like you don’t want money, don’t you plan to give money?

Do you know where this is?

The guy's expression changed immediately.

Dare to make trouble in the Wanbao Building in Wangshan City, I'm afraid I'm tired of living!

He looked at Fang Li as if he was looking at a madman...

Just when the buddy was about to call someone, a slender hand handed over a money bag.

Fu Junling was expressionless, and said slowly: "70,000 spirit stones, please count them."

The clerk was slightly startled, took the purse and counted it again, and sure enough, 70,000 spirit stones was a lot, and his face looked better now, he thought there really were madmen who would dare to make trouble, and feelings were just a quick talk.

Fang Li looked sideways slightly, and looked at Fu Junling playfully.

He knew that Fu Junling followed him to clean up the mess. The reason why he intentionally came to Wanbao Building to make trouble, was to take something worth tens of thousands of spirit stones, just to see what Fu Junling planned to do with him...

Unexpectedly, Fu Junling was rich and powerful, and suddenly took out 70,000 spirit stones...

Fu Junling felt a dull pain in his heart, but still had a smile on his face, and asked Fang Li in a warm voice: "Where is your lord planning to go next?"

Fang Li looked at him meaningfully, there is no hurry, this is just the beginning... He said slowly: "It's almost time, I think it's time to eat."

Fu Junling breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "I know that this restaurant is not bad, and it is very famous in Wangshan City."

Fang Li took the first step to go out.

Fu Junling was two steps behind, his face was a little dark, suddenly saw Xie Huai turning back, his expression was indifferent, and he said silently: "The spirit stone will be returned to you."

The pent-up anger in Fu Junling's heart immediately cleared up, and his face also eased. This is almost the same. Why should the devil want me to pay for something for you? If you want to go out, you should go out.

Not long after, they came to the largest restaurant in Wangshan City.

Fu Junling had already prepared this time, and Fang Li smiled slightly: "I have prepared the best seat for Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please move."

Fang Li glanced away, looked at the seat by the window on the second floor, raised his eyebrows and said, "No need, I think it's fine there."

Fu Junling's expression froze, someone was already sitting there!

This devil really came out to make trouble!

Fu Junling glanced at Xie Huai angrily, don't you care about the people who care about you? Just let him mess around like this?

Xie Huai looked away, pretending he didn't see it.

Fang Li was still angry with him, but he couldn't control it.

Fu Junling saw that Xie Huai could not count on him, so he took a deep breath, and Fang Li smiled: "Your Majesty, wait a moment."

As he said that, he went to the table. He didn't know what he said, and those people left quickly, giving up the table.

Fang Li waited until Fu Junling came back, and sighed a little disappointed: "Forget it, I think that seat is not bad, let's go to the seat arranged by Master Fu."

Fu Junling: "..."

He must have been blind yesterday and thought the devil was cute.

Fang Li started to eat leisurely and comfortably. The food here is really unique, and he didn't come in vain, but today, he only cared about eating his own food, and didn't try to tease Xie Huai anymore. There is no need to do useless things, anyway. Neither will be angry.

Xie Huai pursed his lips and coughed lightly. Are you still unhappy?

last night myself...

It's really fierce.

Fang Li no longer expects to anger Fu Junling, but he wants to see, how long can you help Chong Wanshan suppress the matter of me here in Wangshan City?

Holding the wine glass, Fang Li glanced slowly, and suddenly the corners of his lips curled up.

Someone nearby was sneaking a peek at Xie Huai, maybe they recognized Xie Huai's identity? Wangshan City is so big, it is not surprising that there are people who have seen Xie Huai.

Fang Li turned his head suddenly, his eyes fell on that person, and he said coolly, "You can see my person too?"

The man was startled, but before he could react, he was slapped away by Fang Li.

There was a moment of silence in the restaurant.

Soon some law enforcement disciples rushed up and were about to arrest people, but when they saw that Fu Junling was there, they stopped in place immediately.

Fu Junling shook his head slowly at them.

The law enforcement disciple's face was so ugly that the order from above came down yesterday, saying that during this period of time, the people accompanied by the master of Fu Junling should not care about what they do.

But this person is clearly causing trouble in the city, why let them leave it alone...?

Even if this person is a master, they can't control him, then there are elders and sect masters, there is absolutely no reason to let him go!

Although the law enforcement disciples did not step forward, Fang Li did not intend to let it go. He looked at them with a condescending and ignorant look, and raised the corners of his lips jokingly: "I see the iron law of the Danshan Gate, It's just that..."

This sentence is light and fluffy, but it is extremely insulting.

The faces of those law enforcement disciples turned red in an instant. They entered the Danshan Sect and became law enforcement disciples of the outer sect. They have been conscientious and strict in enforcing the law.

Everyone in Wangshan City needs to abide by the rules, so that the city can be in order. They are absolutely loyal to the laws of Danshanmen, and are proud of their responsibilities, but today they were ordered not to take action. Let this lunatic do whatever he wants, and be humiliated by his words...

Why did the above issue such an order? Who is this? Why can't he be dealt with? Could it be that the so-called law of the Danshan Gate is also based on what people order?

Is everything they believe in a joke?

Fu Junling's face became serious, he finally got up, and said to the disciples in a deep voice: "Go back first, I will explain this to the sect master personally."

He spoke slowly, but his eyes were sharp.

The few law enforcement disciples took a deep breath and left without resentment.

After this commotion, the atmosphere in the restaurant was very quiet and strange.

Fang Li said slowly: "Disappointing, I can't eat anymore."

Then he got up and left here.

Leaving behind a crowd of onlookers in amazement.

Fang Li played like this for three days.

After three days, Fu Junling's complexion became uglier day by day.

This devil is clearly causing trouble on purpose, even if he wipes his **** by the side, he can't wipe it off, and the worst thing is, the rumors from the outside world can't be suppressed...

Someone recognized Xie Huai.

People have speculated that it was the demon head of Fuqiu Mountain who caused troubles in Wangshan City, and some people also recognized the same monster who made trouble in Liujin Tower before, saying that this demon head did not go to Danshan Gate to plead guilty, but was still making trouble in Wangshan City. On that day, Fu Junling The words are just to fool them...

Moreover, the devil is causing trouble in Wangshan City, but the law enforcement disciples dare not enforce the law and let the devil do as he pleases. It seems that the law of Danshanmen is nothing more than that, it is nothing more than bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

Others said that it is impossible for the master of Zhongwanshan not to know why the devil is causing trouble like this. Could it be that he is afraid of the devil?

These rumors are not only widely spread among the people, but even in the Danshan Sect, many disciples have begun to feel suspicious and dissatisfied. To give a clear explanation, isn't it the same as those rumors said, bullying the weak and fearing the hard, afraid of the devil?

Is this still the way of the orthodox immortal sect? How can I have the face to say that I am a member of the five great immortal sects? It's better to say it's a turtle!

For a time there were different opinions.

Fu Junling was in a heavy heart.

If it continues like this, the foundation of the Danshan Gate will be shaken. At that time... Chong Wanshan will have to step forward, and a war may be inevitable.

That night, Fang Li sat on the cruise ship to enjoy the scenery.

Xie Huai was beside him, looked at him deeply, and said slowly: "Enough trouble, let's go back."

Fang Li turned to look at Xie Huai.

In the night, Xie Huai frowned slightly, seeming worried.

Fang Li thought to himself, Xie Huai really has a cold face and a warm heart, but he is actually worried about the people here, afraid that if he continues to make trouble like this, he will fight with Zhong Wanshan and hurt innocent people. But don't worry, I won't hurt the innocent, I just want to force that old turtle to come forward...

Fang Li smiled slightly: "Madam, don't worry, I know."

There are many.

You said the same thing last time, but I can see that you don't seem to be counted at all.

Provoking Zhong Wanshan alone in Wangshan City, do you really think that you can get out of your body?

Xie Huai pressed his lips tightly, but what can he do?

This person is not even willing to tell the truth, so why would he listen to his persuasion?


Early the next morning, Fu Junling knocked on Fang Li's door.

Fang Li looked at him lazily, and smiled: "What's the matter, Mr. Fu?"

Fu Junling didn't smile this time, but looked at him complicatedly, and said, "Master Chongmen wants to meet His Majesty."

Fang Li raised his eyebrows.

The person he was waiting for finally came.

Fang Li smiled happily: "Okay."

Xie Huai finally couldn't help it, he grabbed Fang Li's hand, shook his head slowly, his eyes darkened.

Fang Li just smiled: "Madam, don't worry."

Saying that, he shook off Xie Huai's hand, and left with Fu Junling.

Xie Huai pursed his lips and had no choice but to follow.

The banquet will be held in the Liujin Building, not the Danshan Gate.

It seemed that Chong Wanshan didn't intend to tear himself apart with him for the time being, so he chose to meet him outside the gate of Danshan. Of course, it might be because he was afraid that he would be cautious and unwilling to attend the meeting.

Fang Li walked into the hall leisurely.

Chong Wanshan had already prepared the banquet, he stood up from a distance, Fang Li cupped his hands, and smiled brightly: "Your Majesty is a guest from afar, I am sorry to welcome you from afar."

Fang Li looked at the other party.

Chong Wanshan is a monk who has lived for more than two hundred years. He looks middle-aged, with a long elegant beard and a white robe with a red background.

Fang Li was not afraid at all, he sat down lazily and leaned back, with a sideways smile and a slight smile: "The sect master is very polite, you are welcome to come today, what is the matter?"

Seeing Fang Li's lazy and disrespectful attitude, Zhong Wanshan didn't take him seriously at all. Thinking of his rampant behavior during this period, his heart welled up with anger, but his face was still amiable. Said: "No, I want to ask my lord, what is the reason for coming to my Danshan gate?"

Fang Li said lightly: "It's just that I have been looking up at the famous mountain city for a long time, and I came here to play."

Zhong Wanshan sneered in his heart, are you playing for fun?

He looked deeply at Fang Li: "Your Majesty, you might as well speak directly."

Fang Li slowly folded the wine glass in his hand, and smiled: "I have always spoken quickly, and I don't like hypocrisy and politeness. What I speak is the truth."

Zhong Wanshan's face darkened slightly.

Fu Junling and Xie Huai sat aside without saying a word.

After a long time, Zhong Wanshan looked into Fang Li's eyes, and said slowly: "Then I want to know, how long does Your Majesty plan to play?"

Fang Li said: "Then it depends on what the sect master wants."

Zhong Wanshan narrowed his eyes: "Oh?"

Fang Li smiled slightly: "If the sect master is sincere enough, it's not impossible for this deity to play in another place."

Zhong Wanshan said in his heart, it really is so.

He had guessed before that Fang Li had something in mind, and the devil was greedy, so he would not be willing to leave easily. If he could use money to pay him off, that would be a way...

Zhong Wanshan clapped his hands.

Immediately a servant came up carrying two boxes.

The servant opened the box.

The crystal clear and impurity-free Lingshi instantly made the entire hall radiant.

These are all high-grade spirit stones, one can be worth a hundred ordinary spirit stones, these two boxes are probably at least 20,000!

Zhong Wanshan stroked his beard with a smile and said: "The two thousand high-grade spirit stones are given to the Venerable, and it is not considered as a waste of time for the Venerable."

Two million spirit stones, give it away as soon as you say it.


Fang Li hooked his lips playfully.

Chong Wanshan can be regarded as a **** investment. Spending money to send the God of Plague, if he came here for money, it is not bad to take the spirit stone and leave. After all, Qiufeng can often fight. This is a good deal without money, but it is a pity...

Fang Li looked away as if nothing had happened, smiled sarcastically, and said coolly: "What, the sect master is sending beggars?"

Chong Wanshan's smile froze on his face, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Fu Junling was a little uneasy. Fang Li's attitude made him feel that the next development might exceed his expectations...

Xie Huai stared at Fang Li, clenched his hands under his sleeves, what are you going to do...

Fang Li ignored the solemn and dignified atmosphere in the room, smiled lightly, looked straight at Zhong Wanshan and said, "This deity wants 50% of the Danshan Gate to be taxed and pay tribute every year, what does the master of Chongmen think?"

There was silence all around, and you could hear a needle drop.

Zhong Wanshan looked at Fang Li in disbelief, his chest heaved and he flew into a rage.



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