MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 32 illusion

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Fang Li's hand was wrapped in Xie Huai's burning palm, and he was pushed forward by a steady force. He saw Xie Huai holding his hand and drinking the wine in the glass calmly. He wanted to escape as if he was being scalded. , but found that the other party was very hard, so that he had nowhere to escape. It was not until Xie Huai drank a glass of wine that he let go...

Fang Li: ...

What about the overlord pouring alcohol?

Brother, are you being forced?

Fang Li's face was a little ugly.

Not good, under his connivance, Xie Huai has nothing to worry about, and has learned to turn against the customer!

This is giving yourself a bad shot...

Fu Junling's expression was slightly stagnant, and he looked at the two people in front of him in surprise.

Fang Li saw Fu Junling's surprised expression, his heart was not good, his eyes sank, he took Xie Huai's hand with a backhand, and rubbed it twice intentionally, and let out a hoarse chuckle: "Madam, if you like ,Continued Cup?"

He must not show his timidity, he must fight back for a round.

Xie Huai glanced at him lightly and said, "Okay."

The two of you had a drink and another drink, and soon the two pots of wine were down. You come and go, **** for tat, no one is willing to admit defeat.

After a long while, Fang Li became a little dizzy, and decided to eat some vegetables to suppress his shock.

This time I was really careless, I thought it would be as smooth as before...

No, this is not frivolous enough, how can Fu Junling be angered? Fang Li was really distressed, he gritted his teeth for a long time, stretched out his hand to hug Xie Huai's waist, pulled—and then pulled—and then pulled—

Neither pull.

Xie Huai sat there motionless, his body straight.

Fang Li couldn't help being stunned, his heart beating, Xie Huai must have recovered his cultivation, right? No, it's impossible, if he recovers his cultivation, how could he not do it? Is he still a body trainer?

you are vicious.

If the mountain does not come, I will go to the mountain.

Fang Li simply leaned on Xie Huai, hanging lazily on his body, with one arm around Xie Huai's waist, and the other lifted Xie Huai's chin, jokingly said: "Madam is a good drinker."

Xie Huai remained motionless, looking down at the person beside you, your drinking capacity is average.

The pale man had a blush on his thin skin because he drank too much. He leaned on him casually, with an intoxicating smile on his brows and eyes... He didn't know how attractive his posture was... But he still refused to admit defeat, and wanted to do that molesting thing...

Xie Huai's eyes darkened.

Fu Junling sat silently on one side, holding up his wine glass to hide his unease...


Before coming here, he was really worried about Xie Huai, and he had heard a lot of rumors outside. There was a version in which Xie Huai was tortured and miserable, and there was a version in which Xie Huai was flattering and colluding... But no matter which version, the Demon Lord is arrogant and domineering , Xie Huai is very pitiful...

But when I saw it today, it was not a version.

Mozun...maybe there is a little bit of cute arrogance, but Xie Huai can't see the slightest pity.

The atmosphere between the two is strangely peaceful, no, it's not so peaceful, it seems that there is an undercurrent? But if there is any coercion, there is absolutely no...

Friends are not like friends, and lovers are not like lovers.

In short, it is unspeakably weird.

But there is one thing that Fu Junling never doubts, that is Xie Huai, it is absolutely impossible to get along with the devil, he can coexist peacefully with the devil as he is now, heck, it is still peaceful coexistence, it can only show that the devil may be different from the rumors.

He has also heard about the Xingyue Palace, and now it seems that the version from Yun Jian Que is the real one, and maybe it was Xie Huai's instruction... I didn't expect this demon to have such a side, although Behaving perversely and recklessly, but still doing things to save people...

As for the devil today...

The words and deeds are indeed frivolous, but they are inexplicable, and they don't make people feel disgusted. It seems that this is not the intention... Xie Huai probably saw this, so he deliberately went along with the other party. This confrontation... It's really hard to say Who is molesting whom.

Is it true that, as the rumors say, the devil loves Mr. Yuyi so much that he can't extricate himself? But this statement is too ridiculous!

That's all.

Since Xie Huai had a good life with the devil, he didn't have to worry too much.

It's just that going on like this is not an option after all, the longer Xie Huai stays with the devil, the more unfavorable it will be for him, he can't go on like this forever, right?

Taking advantage of Fang Li's unpreparedness, Fu Junling secretly signaled to Xie Huai with his eyes, wanting to meet alone and hear what Xie Huai meant.

There are some things that are definitely inconvenient to say in front of Fang Li.

Fang Li's whole body was almost hung on Xie Huai's body. He seemed to be careless, but in fact he was very energetic, just to find an opportunity to show off the domineering and arrogant of his devil. Unfortunately, Xie Huai had been steady Very well, Fu Junling is also calm and witty...

What is wrong? As Xie Huai's close friend, Fu Junling shouldn't be so calm when he sees him humiliating Xie Huai like this?

When Fang Li was feeling a little distressed, he saw... Fu Junling secretly winking at Xie Huai...


Eye to eye in front of my face.

If there is no chance of Zhengchou attacking, you will come to your door! I knew it was impossible for you to be so simple!

Fang Li suddenly raised his eyes, looked at Fu Junling coldly, and said coolly: "What is Mr. Fu looking at? Could it be that he has taken a fancy to my wife?"

Fu Junling: "..."

Fang Li languidly pushed Xie Huai to sit up, and threatened sullenly: "Look one more time, and I will goug your eyes."

Seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was somewhat stagnant, Fang Li finally felt elated. How about it? Are you afraid? …

Just then, he heard a soft sigh.

Xie Huai pressed Fang Li's hand, pulled him back, and said in a cold tone: "Don't worry, Your Majesty, Brother Fu will never take a fancy to me."

Seeing that Xie Huai first clarified, Fu Junling recovered from the shock and waved his hands again and again, lest he explain too slowly: "Your Majesty, please don't get me wrong, brother Xie and I are just friends, and we have absolutely no ulterior motives for him."

Fang Li: "..."

Who wants to hear from you two? ? ?

Is it important to like it or not?

The important thing is that I am provoking you! As Xie Huai's close friend, seeing him being forced by me, the devil, and you being threatened with my words, if you are a man, you should expose the case, right?

And Xie Huai, what are you explaining?

I can't drink this wine today.

Fang Li flicked his sleeves and stood up, coldly said: "This deity is tired."

Fu Junling was well versed in the way of hospitality, he got up and said with a smile, "I have prepared a private room for my lord to rest in."

Fang Li followed Fu Junling to the door of the room, grabbed Xie Huai's hand, gritted his teeth and said: "Of course my wife will live in the same room with this deity."

Fu Junling watched the two enter hand in hand, and the door closed in front of him, showing a trace of uneasiness.

The devil is indeed different from the rumors, no wonder Xie Huaihui... But since ancient times, good and evil are incompatible, no matter what kind of person the devil is, or what has changed now, the things he did before are destined not to be tolerated by righteous immortals .

Moreover, the devil had besieged Yun Jianque and robbed people back then, and the enmity was really big. If Xie Huai was really moved, he might be the one who was in a dilemma...

Fu Junling paced back and forth, sighing faintly.

Maybe I thought too much.

Xie Huai is such a calm and self-retaining person, how could he fall in love with the devil just because of the devil's words? I am just an outsider and don't know the inside story, so it's better not to make wild guesses.

Perhaps, Xie Huai was just making false claims with the devil, and he had other reasons!


Fang Li closed the door.

Xin Dao said that this was his only chance to redeem himself.

The 'face-to-face humiliation' won't work anymore, but Xie Huai and I are in the same room and spend the night together, what will happen, Master Fu, think about it? The important task of rescuing Xie Huai is entrusted to you, do you have the heart to see your friend suffer such humiliation? !

As for sleeping with Xie Huai, Fang Li has long been used to it, sharing the same shop as a good brother, and having come here so many times, there shouldn't be any problem, right?

The guest rooms on the Tianyou ship are very luxurious, and the beds are also very spacious. Sleeping two people is not a problem at all.

Fang Li was a little drunk and not in a good mood, so he lay down on the bed without saying a word, and started to sleep with his eyes closed.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's back for a long time and smiled lowly.

Since you want to act for Fu Junling, you are not happy that I cooperate with you like this...

what? You are only allowed to pretend to act, but I am not allowed to act?

And what the **** are you thinking?

Why make such a fuss?

Xie Huai sighed helplessly.

This person seems to have everything on his face, but his true thoughts are always unpredictable.

Fang Li was a little tired from the bumps all the way, but he drank some wine today, lying on the soft bed, he soon fell into a deep sleep.

It was rare for him to sleep so deeply.

In the dream, he seemed to be ups and downs in the boundless waves, and the cool and refreshing sea water soaked him, which was very comfortable.

Suddenly, in the darkness, there seemed to be vines entangled his wrists, dragging him to the depths of the sea. The vines were as hot as a red-hot iron, intertwined with coldness and heat. Escape from here, but I can't break free...

Fang Li jumped a few times, opened his eyes in shock, and suddenly met a pair of... dark eyes.

His wrist was pinched tightly by Xie Huai, the man looked down at him from top to bottom, like a wild beast waiting to be devoured in the dark.

Fang Li's drowsiness disappeared in an instant, he was shocked, Xie Huai now is the same as that time...

No way?

It's only because there are no mobile phones in this world, otherwise he would have to set ten alarm clocks for himself to remind him that the once-a-month episode is here! And I actually forgot such an important thing!

Fortunately, Xie Huai is by his side this time, and he will learn a lot from a fall, so he will never make the same mistake as last time!

But what puzzled Fang Li was...

After all, it was a seven-day delay last time, so Xie Huai's behavior is justifiable. It stands to reason that it just happened this time, so Xie Huai shouldn't be like this? What about the ultimate concentration he is proud of?

Xie Huai stared at the person in front of him.

just now…

The long-awaited familiar strangeness reappeared...

It has been a whole month since the last attack.

Why is this happening all of a sudden now?

is it you…

You said you would let me go, why is it suddenly...

Do you want to be with me so much...

Xie Huai stared at the pale face of the man who was close at hand, the exquisite eyebrows and eyes, because he had just woken up from sleep, there was still a hint of confusion, and a rare obedient obedience... His breathing suddenly became heavier...

The impulse that shouldn't be there is like a monstrous ocean wave, hitting the heart again and again.

It seems to burst the embankment.

Fang Li didn't dare to act rashly at this moment. He observed Xie Huai cautiously, only felt that the other person's breathing was hot, and his eyes seemed to eat him... fierce and strange...

He couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Xie Huai probably... thought it was driven by himself...

Nothing else, this misunderstanding must never exist!

Fang Zhinan quickly said, "It's not me."

He looked at Xie Huai with innocent and sincere eyes, took a deep breath, and carefully explained: "A month... once a month...really, it's not me..."

Brother, please forgive me, I definitely don't have such thoughts for you, you are a lot of adults, don't care about me!

I'm just here for the storyline...

I don't want you to attack more than you do!

Xie Huaiding looked at the person in front of him. The first thing Fang Li did when he woke up was to explain to himself that it wasn't his love gu that drove him, as if he was afraid that he might misunderstand... He paused, and then his eyes became more dangerous. There is a hint of darkness.

Since you are so afraid of what will happen, why did you give me a love gu?

Didn't you say that you want me to like you...

Now that I am so impatient, I want to leave it all alone...

Xie Huai's hands slowly tightened, he lowered his head, and approached the other person's face, as if he wanted to see through this person thoroughly.

Every time this person does something abominable, he puts on this innocent confuse and shake himself...

However, all of this is clearly caused by you, isn't it?

How innocent are you?

Fang Li found that his explanation not only did not ease Xie Huai's anger, but made him even more angry... In desperation, he didn't care about so much, he hurriedly handed his finger to Xie Huai, and said in a hurry: "Use my blood , can be relieved."

Xie Huai's eyes suddenly turned cold.

The person in front of him was anxious and uneasy, as if he was afraid that he would approach, so he hurriedly sent his finger over, looking at him eagerly...

This is the antidote.

Last time, I swallowed his blood unintentionally during the bite, and passed the attack period.

This time you are already ready.

Are you planning to do this once a month, and forget about it?

Heh, and...once a month, is this what you call setting me free? let me go?

This capricious and hateful liar.

Adorable...and hateful.

Xie Huai opened his mouth quickly, bit the slender fingertips, and sneered.

Fang Li's tears came out in a blink of an eye, what are you doing so hard! You won't bite off my fingertips! All it takes is a little blood! Don't be so hard big brother!

But in the blink of an eye, he met Xie Huai's frightening cold eyes, he didn't dare to beep, he didn't dare to pull his fingers back, his guilty face turned pale.

Forget it, just bite it, I'm sorry for you first...

Fortunately, there will be no next time. It should be less than a month before the end of the plot, right?

Fang Li pursed his lips tightly and remained silent.

Time passed by every minute and every second...

Just when he wondered whether Xie Huai wanted to **** his blood dry like this, the condescending man above finally raised his mouth high and let go of his pitiful fingers.

Fang Li quickly withdrew his hand and smiled mischievously, the slightest bit of arrogance was gone now.

I can't sleep now.

At this time, it is better to stay away from Xie Huai...

Just as he was about to leave, a low, cool voice suddenly whispered in his ear: "Your Majesty is planning to leave like this?"

if not?

Fang Li turned his head in confusion, and before he could recover, he was pulled back by a force, and then he was pressed down heavily.

The man's fingers rubbed lightly on his neck, his eyes were dangerous and dark... I really don't want to let you go like this...

Fang Li's eyes widened.

Is Xie Huai going to kill him?

Yes, this is the solution once and for all...

The alarm bell rang loudly in Fang Li's mind, and he was thinking whether to fight back...

Then he saw the cold man bowed his head and smiled faintly in his ear: "Didn't your lord want to create a false appearance?"

I fulfill you.

Read The Duke's Passion