MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 34 old haunt

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Zhong Wanshan was furious, and looked at Fang Li intently, as if to see clearly whether he was serious or joking...

Fang Li's expression was indifferent, he did not avoid or dodge, and looked directly at Zhong Wanshan.

The censer on the table is full of smoke.

The servant who carried the spirit stone knelt on the ground, not daring to raise his head.

Everything is like a silent painting.

for a long time.

Chong Wanshan's breathing gradually calmed down. He fixed his solemn gaze on Fang Li, and said word by word: "This is a big matter, I need time to think about it."

He didn't say no at all!

Fang Li smiled, as if everything was expected, he said: "Okay, then I will wait for the good news from the sect master."

Speaking lazily, she stood up, glanced at Xie Huai, and said with a gentle smile: "Madam, it's over here, let's go."

Xie Huai didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he looked at Fang Li deeply with his black eyes, got up and left with him.

Fu Junling was restless, with a complicated expression on his face.

It wasn't until Fang Li and Xie Huai left that Fu Junling got up and looked at Chong Wanshan, frowned and said, "The master of the sect is wrong."

Chong Wanshan faced Fu Junling, his expression recovered, and he said, "What's wrong?"

Fu Junling's eyes were solemn, and he said: "Since ancient times, there is no balance between righteousness and evil. The door master should reject such excessive demands of the devil on the spot, instead of saying that he can consider it. If the devil thinks that I can be bullied by the righteous sect, it will only make things worse. .”

Fu Junling does not deny that during this period of time, getting along with Fang Li has changed him, but Fang Li was aggressive just now, and he was too deceitful. If Wanshan is so heavy, he will bear it, and he is even willing to give 50% of the tax. This is not the same as the devil What's the difference?

The way of the devil is the way of the devil after all, right and wrong must not be confused, this matter must not be agreed.

Chong Wanshan's eyes changed.

How could he be willing to tolerate that devil? The demon's move has already touched his bottom line, this demon must be eliminated, Chong Wanshan's heart is full of killing intent, but now is not the best time to do it.

During this period of time, he had observed the devil for a long time. The devil really came alone, and he was extremely arrogant. Just now he said that he needed time to think about it. He didn't intend to agree to the devil at all, but a slow-down strategy to relax his vigilance.

And there are some things that you don't need to tell Fu Junling...

Chong Wanshan showed helplessness, and sighed: "I just don't want the blood of Wangshan City to flow into rivers. For the sake of the common people, I can only temporarily stabilize the devil, and then think about the way to fight."

Fu Junling snorted coldly. During this period of time, he wiped Chong Wanshan's **** and followed the devil around. Seeing Chong Wanshan shrinking like a turtle, he didn't do anything for so long, and he was already dissatisfied.

Up to now, he is still full of benevolence and righteousness. In the final analysis, he is just afraid of the devil.

"If the sect master really agrees to the devil, if this matter spreads, the gatekeeper of Danshan will sweep the face of the fairy world, and I hope the sect master will think twice before acting..." Fu Junling said coldly, and left in a huff. He couldn't control it anymore.

The two broke up unhappy.


Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's back with dark eyes.

50% of the Danshan Gate is taxed.

This is to take half of Chong Wanshan's life. If Chong Wanshan agrees, he will be unable to lift his head in the fairy world from now on, and everyone will scold him.

At the beginning, Yunjian Que was oppressed by the army of demons, and he was forced to compromise at a critical moment of life and death, and he was the only one who surrendered... But even so, he was secretly slandered by many people, and many rumors spread.

But Zhong Wanshan saw the devil doing something wrong in Wangshan City, not only did not dare to deal with it, but even agreed to such a treaty that forfeit power and humiliated the country, and spread it, it was a hundred times more humiliating than Yun Jianque.

Xie Huai took a step forward and said in a deep voice, "It is impossible for Zhong Wanshan to agree."

Fang Li smiled casually: "How will you know if you don't try it?"

That old guy is very greedy, 50% of the tax is equivalent to half his life, how could he agree?

In fact, Zhong Wanshan didn't agree in the original book, not only didn't agree, but now he should be thinking about **** himself, right?

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li's indifferent appearance, so casual, as if he didn't care at all, the consequences of what he did...

During this period of time, he has been following Fang Li and witnessed this person's actions. Although this person is a bit reckless and frivolous, and occasionally seems to be unrestrained, he actually acts with reason and restraint. Things that hurt others.

So he always thought that Fang Li would stop when he had enough trouble.

But this time, Xie Huai suddenly couldn't understand.

He didn't understand why Fang Li put himself in a dangerous situation, and he didn't understand why Fang Li insisted on persecuting Wanshan without leaving any leeway.

Could it be that you really want to start a war with Danshanmen?

Xie Huai's eyes were dark, his hands were clenched tightly, and there was a look of struggle deep in his eyes.

He really doesn't want to see things come to this point, but... if you insist on going to war and killing innocent people, I can't—turn a blind eye.

Looking at Xie Huai's serious expression, Fang Li couldn't help but smile with his eyes bent.

This person just thinks too much, carries too much burden, living like this is very tiring...

He grabbed Xie Huai's hand and smiled lightly: "Walk with me."


Fang Li left Wangshan City.

Outside Wangshan City, there is Luoshen River, which runs through Helan Prefecture, stretches for thousands of miles, and rolls endlessly.

About a dozen miles away from Wangshan City, along the Luoshen River, there is a village.

Small bamboo buildings stand sparsely in the village. The villagers are plainly dressed, and the elderly and children are smiling.

What a paradise surrounded by mountains and rivers.

Walking on the quiet path, looking at the mountains and rivers, it is really pleasant... But, why did Fang Li come here?

Xie Huai looked at him thoughtfully.

Fang Li didn't care about Xie Huai's thoughts, he walked forward slowly.

Everything here is so familiar, the tired memory seems to be engraved in the bones of this body, even if you don't have to think about it deliberately, even if you close your eyes, you still know where to go.

This is the place where I am tired of thinking about, but after ten years, I have never been able to return.

Fortunately, it's still the same as before.

He remembered that not far ahead, there was an old grandfather selling sugar, because he liked it, every time the senior brother went down the mountain, he would bring him the sugar man made by his grandfather...

He remembered that every winter, the aunt in the east of the village would make candied haws and distribute them to the children in the village. He would occasionally sneak down the mountain and beg for candy with the children in the village...

He remembered that when he didn't want to practice and wanted to be lazy, his senior brother would secretly take him down the mountain, pass by the village, and ask the villagers to help keep it secret, don't tell the master...

Here is everything he misses...

So before you die, you must definitely come back again.

When Fang Li was reading the book, he didn't understand why Yan Sui had to provoke Chong Wanshan, and he didn't understand why he had to come here. The abrupt plot, provocations and troubles for no reason, seemed to be all just to show, he He is a devil who deserves to die...

But when he became Yan Sui and had the memory of Han Sui, all this will be understood.

All he did was to revisit his old place and kill his enemies.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to let himself become what he is now.

Can only succeed, not fail.

So don't worry, I will definitely finish this story well, and I will help you do what you did back then.

The corner of Fang Li's mouth raised.

Xie Huai was half a step behind Fang Li, watching him walk slowly here.

The pale man had a smile on his face, as if he had a look of nostalgia, sometimes raised the corners of his lips, and sometimes thoughtfully.

Even if you don’t look for the road, you still know where to go. Walking in the garden, it seems that you are very familiar with this place, and you are familiar with it, like an instinct carved into your bones...

For some reason, Xie Huai felt subconsciously that Fang Li was not here for the first time.

Could it be that this has something to do with his past?

People in the world only know that the devil, Yan Sui, was born out of nowhere. No one knows where he came from, and no one knows where he is going. He is like an evil spirit that shouldn't exist, crawling out of hell, pouring hatred and Fear brings the whole world...

But no one came out of nowhere.

Everyone has a past.

Xie Huai believes that human nature is inherently good, and Fang Li is even more so, so what was his past...what was it like...

Fang Li walked slowly, and suddenly stopped under a bamboo building.

Xie Huai looked, this bamboo very similar to the bamboo building in the forbidden area of ​​the Demon Palace...

A clerk walked out of the bamboo building, saw Fang Li standing at the door, and said with a smile, "Does the guest want to stay?"

Fang Li nodded.

The man happily invited them in, made tea for them, and said with a smile: "Our place is relatively remote, there are not many guests, and the rooms are usually empty and unoccupied, please wait a moment, I will clean up for you."

Fang Li smiled slightly: "Don't worry, by the way, your bamboo building is quite old, but it looks quite solid."

The man immediately smiled and said: "The guests don't know, this bamboo building has been in existence for more than ten years. Although it is just a bamboo building, it can withstand the wind and rain. It is very durable! This is the old one in the mountains. Sect, what is it called... Oh yes, people from the Fufeng Sect helped build it."

The guy is a talkative person, he obviously loves to chat, he opened up the chatter box, and started talking endlessly: "There used to be a small sect in the mountain. Although there were not many people in the sect, the people in the sect were very good. They would often go down the mountain to help. Back then, the bamboo building in my house was blown down by the strong wind. Seeing that my parents and I were homeless, the people from the Fufeng Sect came down to help us rebuild the bamboo building, and specially reinforced it with spells. It's all right!"

Fang Li nodded and smiled: "That is indeed a very good school."

"Isn't it? Everyone likes them very much!" The buddy sighed when he said this, "It's a pity that such a good sect was wiped out by the demon cultivator."

"Magic cultivator?" Fang Li raised his eyelids and said.

The man said: "I haven't seen that scene, but my parents went up to see it secretly. It is said that the blood flowed like a river, so tragic... Later, people from Danshan Gate also came, but none of them could be saved. They said it was a demon. Xiu killed all the people, what a pity, what a pity... I was still young, and when I learned about this, I burst into tears..."

When the guy said this, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Fang Li murmured: "It's a pity."

The guy slapped his head and laughed: "Look at me, the box won't close when I talk, wait a moment, I'll clean up your room!"

As he said that, he walked upstairs.

Fang Li lazily leaned against the edge of the bamboo building, stretched out his hand and brushed the bamboo pole at the railing, after a long time, the wind and rain, the bamboo pole was covered with a layer of paste, he gently rubbed it with his fingertips, At the place where the two bamboo poles are connected, a vague imprint of bamboo leaves can be felt.

It is the mark left by the senior brother.

Later, Yan Sui also built a bamboo building in the magic palace, imitating what his senior brother did, but it was different from what his senior brother built.

After all, it wasn't from that person's hands anymore.

He lay sleepily on the railing.

looking out.

A light drizzle fell.

The village is like being in the hazy rain and fog, which is even more blurred.

Xie Huai looked at Fang Li quietly, without saying a word.

This was the first time he saw this side of this person.

Tranquil, gentle, and a little dazed, like a child who has been away from home for a long time and lost his way, under the quiet appearance, there is an unconcealable fragility, no matter how hard the outer shell is, the moment you come here, you are instantly Fragmented, only the softest truth remains...

Here is your home.

Is it right?

But is it really the demon cultivator who destroys the door?

Xie Huai has complicated eyes.

He seemed to know why Fang Li did all this.

Fang Li enjoyed the quiet and serene atmosphere very much. Before he died, he would naturally come back here to take a good look at it for Yan Yan.

Not long after, the guy came down again, smiled and said to them: "The room is ready, guests can go up, by the way, do you want dinner? If you want, I will ask my mother to make more at night and send it up for you." .”

Fang Li bent his eyes and smiled: "Yes, thank you."

The clerk waved his hands repeatedly and said, "You're welcome, you're welcome, it's just a little effort."

Fang Li went upstairs.

The man came out after cleaning two rooms, Fang Li said to Xie Huai: "We will rest here tonight."

As he spoke, he entered a room alone and closed the door.

In fact, in the original book, this is not the case. In the original book, Yan Sui brought Xie Huai here, and they lived in the same room.

That was the only time they slept in the same bed and didn't do that.

That night, Yan Sui just hugged Xie Huai.

Quietly embrace each other and sleep.

In a brainless novel, the big villain who could be in heat anytime and anywhere suddenly became pure-hearted. When Fang Li was reading the book, he only thought this plot was abrupt and strange, and it didn't make much sense. Now it seems that it is actually more reasonable.

Yan Sui finally returns to his hometown, lives in the bamboo house built by his senior brother himself, and misses the person who will not come back.

And beside him, close at hand, there is someone who is as good as his senior brother, but he can't get it by strong means, coercion and coercion, no matter how close he is, no matter how many times he has possessed him... They are all doomed not to get this person.

He just gets tired too.

At this moment, he didn't want to have extravagant hopes for things that didn't belong to him, he just wanted to rest by his senior brother's side for a night of peace of mind.

But Fang Li is not tired after all, nor can he use Xie Huai as a substitute to seek comfort, and there is no reason to hug Xie Huai to sleep on such a night.

So it's good to be quiet and alone.

Fang Li slept very peacefully that night.

He had thought it would be a dream, but it didn't.

When he wakes up, he eats the meal cooked by his buddy A Niang, and when he is sleepy, he rests in the bamboo building. This is the first time Fang Li has lived such a simple and peaceful life since he traveled through time.

There is no luxurious magic palace, no delicacies from mountains and seas, and no countless servants... It's just plain.

But it is something that I can't ask for in this life.

Three days passed in a flash.

In the past three days, Xie Huai didn't say anything more, neither told him to leave, nor talked about Danshan Gate, nor did he say anything about him...

He just stayed there quietly, although he didn't speak, but let you know that he was always by your side.

Fang Li thought, actually Xie Huai is really a very gentle person, but it's a pity that he and Yan Sui met inappropriately, not at the right place, nor at the right time... The Han Sui he met didn't know what love is, and his heart There is only hatred left, we must seize the only hope and fall into **** together...

Thinking about it this way, it is a blessing that Xie Huai did not encounter Yan Sui this time.

After all, for unfortunate people, one is enough.

It rained for three days at a time.

Fang Li leaned on the railing to look at the scenery as usual this day, he suddenly turned around, looked at the cold man beside him, and smiled at him: "Thank you for accompanying me on this trip."

Xie Huai fell into the other's dark eyes.

At this moment, the camouflage was removed from those eyes, clear and indifferent, with a slight smile rippling, as if spring water had been wrinkled... His heart skipped a beat in an instant.

Just like this, is it also worthy of being thanked?

He obviously did nothing.

Because he doesn't know what he can do for this person...

So why thank me?

Xie Huai's lips moved slightly, he wanted to ask, but Fang Li had already turned his head and continued to look out the window.

In the hazy rain and fog.

An old man in a red robe approached.

It is the elder of Danshan Gate.

The red-robed old man looked at Fang Li from a distance, held out a post with both hands, and said respectfully: "The master of the sect invites Zun to meet at the Mayfly Villa."

Fang Li waved his hand, and the post flew into his hands. He stroked the fiery red post and the gold-plated characters, slowly raised his eyes, and smiled lightly, "Tell the sect master, I will attend the appointment on time."

Read The Duke's Passion