MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 416 everything is fixed

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   Chapter 416 Everything is fixed

   Zhao Chuchu patted Jixiang's shoulder: "There is a specialization in surgery, you have to believe in yourself and you can do it."

   "But lady, I don't even know the word." Jixiang whispered, "They won't believe me either."

   "Then start learning now, do you know when is the best time to plant a tree?"

   Jixiang shook his head.

   "The best is ten years ago, then now. Your memory is very good, as long as you follow me with your heart, you can learn it."

   "Can I really?"

"you can."

   Jixiang has the feeling of being hit by a pie falling from the sky, and the whole person is in an unreal state.

  Since her parents died, everyone called her a death star who had a hard life, and it took eight lifetimes of bad luck to give birth to her.

   But now, she has handed in such good luck that she could not have imagined.

   "Miss, will you teach me?" Jixiang summoned his courage.

   Zhao Chuchu said with a smile: "Would you like to teach yourself? Since I said these words, I won't leave you alone. It's just auspicious, the process will be hard, can you persevere? I don't allow anyone to give up halfway in front of me."

"Don't worry, madam, I will definitely follow you to study hard, and I will never disappoint madam's wishes. It's just that I am relatively stupid, so I will learn very slowly, madam, don't dislike me when the time comes, I will definitely practice slowly." Jixiang assured Zhao Chuchu.

   "I believe in you, I chose you from so many people, and you have a very good eye for seeing people."

   "Thank you for your trust, lady, I promise I won't let you down, lady."

   "Okay, I'll just look at the results and not listen to what you have to say. Lucky, I gave you a chance. If you can't catch it, you really can't blame others."

   "Well, I understand."

   Auspicious choked up.

   Even if she works hard, she has to study hard, and firmly seize this opportunity to change her destiny.


   In the next time, Jixiang and Changhong went to Ruyu Pavilion to help during the day, and came back at night to finish the work. Jixiang practiced what Zhao Chuchu taught her during the day, and followed Changhong to read.

   Her serious look was noticed by Zhao Chuchu.

   Zhao Chuchu said to Xie Heng: "Jiangxiang is so motivated, I didn't pick the wrong person. As long as she learns from me well for the first half of the year, she will be able to be on her own in Ruyu Pavilion."

   "You've always had a good eye, so the person you picked is not bad. However, if there is only one lucky person in Ruyu Pavilion, I'm afraid it's not enough. I'm already helping you look out for the right woman, and I'll bring it to you when the time comes."

   "I want someone who can endure hardship, has a good character, and has a strict mouth."

   "Well, I know."

   "By the way, how is Yu Linjiang?"

   Zhao Chuchu remembered this person.

   "Has left the academy."

   "After that..."

   "There is no later."

   Xie Heng put it lightly.

   Zhao Chuchu understood.

   She did not continue the topic.

   On the other hand, since the third prince came to see Xie Jun that day, he never showed up again.

   He lives in a secluded place. If it wasn't for the occasional news about the third prince from Xie Heng, she would have thought that the third prince had returned to Beijing.

   The same is true for Qiao Heting!

   Zhao Chuchu didn't know what they were doing in Fucheng.

   As long as the third prince doesn't hurt Xie Jun, he can say anything.

  Otherwise, it would not be difficult for her to kill the third prince silently.

   "Have the third prince seen you recently? Did you tell me about Junjun?" Zhao Chuchu asked Xie Heng.

   Xie Heng shook his head: "No, the third prince claimed to be recovering from illness. If he walked outside frequently, it would cause a lot of unnecessary trouble, so under normal circumstances, he would not leave the house easily. With Qiao Heting, he is very safe."

   "The eldest prince has nothing to do?"

   "The third prince has left a lot of things to keep the first prince and the others busy. In this year, they have no chance to ask for trouble."


   Such a prince is not a long-lived person, otherwise he should be a wise prince.

   And she has done her best to prolong the life of the third prince.

   If she had passed through a year earlier, perhaps the third prince could have lived to fifty or sixty years without encountering any accidents.

   "Everything is determined, Chu Chu, you have done your best." Xie Heng comforted Zhao Chuchu.

   Xie Heng is looking forward to the long life of the third prince. In this case, he can take Xie Jun and Zhao Chuchu away from the capital and go to the pastoral life that Zhao Chuchu wants.

   As for Xie Jun's life experience, he will let Xie Jun choose by himself after telling Xie Jun.

   If Xie Jun wants to go back, he will respect Xie Jun's choice, but he will not accompany Xie Jun to go that way.

   But now there is no choice, Xie Heng can't watch Da Wei being scourged by something like the first prince.

   He used to be the first assistant, no matter what, he would never let Da Wei fall into that situation.

  The third prince is the existence that the first prince and the others will never be able to compare.

   "Yes, it's all fixed numbers."

  Some people's endings really can't be changed.

   Her space is just a portable warehouse, there is no such thing as a spiritual fountain.

   Healing abilities are not a panacea either.

"Okay, don't think about it so much, don't you have to go to Ruyu Pavilion early tomorrow to teach auspiciousness? Take a rest." Xie Heng patted her head, "Whether it's for Junjun or the third prince, you've been you what to do."

"I'm not annoyed because I couldn't save anyone's life. Without me, the third prince wouldn't be able to live long. Every day he lives now, I help him get it back. I just feel that sometimes people I'm powerless in the face of many things, that's all."

   "Don't be so sad, isn't the sky falling down and I'm still supporting you? As long as I don't fall down, you are absolutely safe."

"I know."

   "So go to sleep."

   Xie Heng smiled and scratched her nose.

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at him: "Are you taking advantage of me?"

   "Then, do you allow it?"

   "What if I refuse?"

"I do not accept."

   "Then you said it."

   "Go to sleep."

  Xie Heng urged Zhao Chuchu, flicked his long finger, and the candle went out.

   Zhao Chuchu had to get into the bed.

  Xie Heng lay down with him, and then hugged Zhao Chuchu in his arms. Zhao Chuchu habitually found a comfortable position and fell asleep quickly.

   Listening to Zhao Chuchu's gentle breathing, Xie Heng closed his eyes with a smile and fell asleep...


   The next day, Zhao Chuchu got up earlier than Xie Heng.

   But Jixiang has already started to practice the movements taught by Zhao Chuchu yesterday in the yard.

   Seeing Zhao Chuchu coming out of the room, Jixiang stopped to meet him: "Morning lady, I have already made breakfast, how about I bring it to you now?"

  Chang Hong is still doing acupuncture and moxibustion in the medicated bath recently, and Jixiang takes care of these tasks and does not let Chang Hong do it.

   So Chang Hong is also very good to Jixiang and treats Jixiang as her own sister.

   At this time, Chang Hong also got up.

   Her complexion is much better than before, and her pulse is gradually improving.

   Although she doesn't touch cold water now, Chang Hong still insists on following Zhao Chuchu to Ruyu Pavilion to help, even if it's just pouring tea and water.

  Otherwise, Chang Hong would be sorry for the Xie family if she said she was idle.

   Zhao Chuchu let her go.

   After breakfast, the three of them went out to Ruyu Pavilion.

  Generally, Mrs. Ge and the others came only at Shen Shi (three in the afternoon).

   Zhao Chuchu and the others went over in the morning to clean the Ruyu Pavilion on the one hand, and teach the theoretical knowledge of auspicious fitness and nutrition on the other hand.

   Fitness movements are not difficult for Jixiang, but the theory of nutrition is very difficult, because Jixiang doesn't know words and can't record it, so he asked Zhao Chuchu over and over to memorize it by rote.

   Her method is stupid, but it is the best she can do before she can't read.

   Zhao Chuchu also took the trouble to repeat.

   and Chang Hong wrote it down next to it.

   Wait until you go back to teach Jixiang to recognize these characters.

   In short, the three of them are divided and cooperate very tacitly.

  The fragrant pancreas and shampoo of Ruyu Pavilion have been promoted by Mrs. Ge and the others, and within a few days, they have become the items that the women of Fucheng are eager to buy.

   Ru Yuguan's poor inventory was sold out.

   If those people in the back want it again, they have to wait in line for Zhao Chuchu to make it.

And after so many days, Mrs. Ge and the others have become accustomed to doing gymnastics with Zhao Chuchu every day. Although they haven't lost any weight, they are pleasantly surprised to find that they seem to be much more energetic, and they feel really sweaty after doing gymnastics every day. very happy.

   They've all fallen in love with this workout a little bit.

  The most important thing is that they feel that their movements are much more flexible, and they will not be out of breath and tired after walking two steps at home.

  Although I was very tired every day, but after I went back, I took a medicated bath, not only could I have a good night's sleep, but I didn't feel any soreness when I woke up the next day.

  A lot of wives and wives who are friends with them have come to Ruyu Pavilion with this thought.

   So there are more people who have come to inquire these two days, and there are ten more people who have become members than before.

   Zhao Chuchu still hadn't started teaching them how to use equipment, and still mainly focused on dance exercises. When their physical fitness improved, they would start using equipment.

   Everyone’s physical condition is different, and the equipment to be used is also different.

   Mrs. Ge has now become Zhao Chuchu's number one fan, and she will implement everything Zhao Chuchu says is a golden rule.

   Especially when it comes to eating, she strictly abides by the plan that Zhao Chuchu made for her, and does not exceed it at all. Even if she wants to eat again, she controls her mouth.

   Zhao Chuchu admired this.

   You must know that Mrs. Ge used to be famous for her love of food.

   Now Mrs. Ge doesn't go to any teahouses or restaurants, nor does she like to visit any Yinlou Rouge gouache shop. Her favorite is to come to Ruyu Restaurant.

   Before Shin, Mrs. Ge came.

   As soon as she entered the door, she asked Zhao Chuchu: "Miss Xie, I want to ask you something, like that kind of old lady in her fifties, can you come to our Ruyu Pavilion?"

   "An old lady in her fifties?"

"Well, it's my mother, she likes to eat like me, and she is also very fat now, but the doctor told her to pay attention to her food as much as possible, saying that it would be bad for her to gain weight, so I thought about letting her come to Ruyu. Can you dance and **** with you?"

   "Of course you can, but you can't be like you. After all, she is at that age. However, you should bring your mother here first, so that I can make plans according to her situation."

  If you are really too fat, you can only start with controlling your diet and let the weight drop.

  Older people can't jump around like young people, especially this kind of pampering.

   "Okay." Mrs. Ge immediately turned to the layman, "Mother, come in, Madam Xie said yes."

   Zhao Chuchu: "..."

  Everyone has already brought it, why do you still ask?

   Mrs. Ge's maiden name is Zheng. She looks very similar to her mother, Mrs. Zheng. They are both kind-hearted and blessed.

   "I've seen the old lady." Zhao Chuchu said hello.

   "Hey, Madam Xie, don't be so polite. My wife is too old to admit defeat, and she also wants to join in the fun of young people. I hope Madam Xie doesn't dislike me." Mrs. Zheng said with a smile.

   Zhao Chuchu said: "Old lady is very polite, you can come to Ruyu Pavilion because you believe me, how can I despise you?"

  Seriously, Mrs. Zheng is fatter than Mrs. Ge.

   It’s rare to get old and thin. Someone like Mrs. Zheng must have three highs.

   Zhao Chuchu gave her a pulse, as expected.

   In this case, Zhao Chuchu can't arrange too strenuous exercise for her, and plans to control her diet. When the old lady loses her weight, she will teach her some fitness exercises that are friendly to the elderly.

   In this way, you can strengthen your body and achieve the goal of losing weight.

   kills two birds with one stone.

   Zhao Chuchu told Mrs. Zheng about her plan.

   Mrs. Zheng was surprised: "Eating can make you lose weight?"

   "It depends on how to eat, but you have to eat what I say." Zhao Chuchu nodded, "Speaking of which, you may be a test for the old lady."

   "I can stand any test."

   "What about temptation?"

   "The temptation... can you accept it a little bit?"

   Mrs. Zheng made a cute gesture.

   Zhao Chuchu couldn't help laughing, and then coldly refused: "No."

   Old Mrs. Zheng's smile collapsed: "Why? Can't you do it at all?"

   "Well, and I let you eat, maybe you don't like it."

   Mrs. Zheng must be one of those carnivorous beasts.

   Let her eat lightly, wouldn't that kill her?

   That's why Zhao Chuchu said it was a test.

   "Old lady, it's better not to let yourself get too fat when you're old. It's not good for your health and can cause various diseases. You don't need to be thin, as long as you reach the right weight."

"Let me try?"

   Mrs. Zheng was actually heartbroken.

  Too fat really, even walking becomes cumbersome.

   Even walking in the garden, taking a few steps before taking a break, was really a bad experience for Mrs. Zheng.

   But she couldn't resist the temptation of delicious food.

   It's sinful after every meal, and then continue next time, like most women who want to lose weight but can't lose it!

"You don't have to try it." Zhao Chuchu shook his head, "If you really want to lose some weight, old lady, you must strictly follow what I say, otherwise you can only keep doing this and even become more blessed. "

   Mrs. Zheng was tangled.

   She looked at Mrs. Ge.

   Mrs. Ge said: "Mother, it's true to hear Mrs. Xie, don't you also want to hug your great-grandson? So you must take good care of your body and bones, otherwise what if you can't hold it up?"

   Mrs. Zheng stopped talking again.

   Zhao Chuchu did not urge her to decide immediately.

   "Why don't you come here in the afternoon, Mrs. Ge, what are they doing in Ruyu Pavilion?"

   Mrs. Zheng was right in her arms and agreed without thinking.

   (end of this chapter)

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