MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 415 wait a while

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   Chapter 415

  Everyone didn't waste time and quickly changed their clothes.

   In order to stimulate the atmosphere, Zhao Chuchu also paid a lot of money to hire a luthier, and compiled a classic and fast-paced famous song that had been circulated for hundreds of years before the end of the world.

   Zhao Chuchu took them to the practice room and taught them from the most basic warm-up.

   They are pampered all the year round, and they can't keep up with their physical fitness or other things, so they need to be gradual. If they can't come up, let them start high-intensity exercise, which is very easy to get injured.

   Zhao Chuchu demonstrated the movements and asked them to follow along. When they saw that it was interesting, they followed suit, but they didn't think so. How could it be so simple to lose weight?

   Could it be that Zhao Chuchu is making a mystery?

  Some people feel deceived in their hearts: "Xie Niangzi, is it really useful to do this every day? I'm not as tired as I go to the garden at home."

   "Yes, Mrs. Xie, we don't spend money just to play with you, we really want to make ourselves better and younger."

   "We also paid the money, mainly for your fame, Madam Xie. You can't fool me like this."


Facing their doubts, Zhao Chuchu was not angry, but explained with a smile: "Let's put this sentence aside for now, I hope to dance with me for a quarter of an hour after finishing this warm-up exercise later, you guys Can you please take a break?"

   Everyone looked at each other.

Mrs. Ge said: "Let's just listen to Mrs. Xie, think about how arrogant the concubines and aunts in the family are, but you can't let those foxes be fascinated by men, don't you know that those foxes are trying to make themselves younger. If we work hard, we can't lose as the master of the house!"

   This time, everyone said nothing, and followed the rhythm of Zhao Chuchu's shouting to warm up.

   After the warm-up, they all felt very relaxed, thinking that no one would be unable to hold it for a quarter of an hour.

Zhao Chuchu saw what they were thinking: "Next, you are optimistic, I will do a few basic movements first, and you will write them down. Later, I will let the pianist play the music, and use the following movements to finish a piece of music. , you are all optimistic about learning from me."

   When they signed up, Zhao Chuchu helped them by the way, and worked out these basic moves that they could do without getting hurt and would be very helpful for losing weight.

  Wait for their bodies to get used to it, and then gradually increase the intensity, and then let them start different exercise methods according to their physical conditions.

   For a person like Mrs. Ge, her parents' family will not be too poor, and she will be involved in piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and dancing, so it is also very fast to learn those basic movements from Zhao Chuchu.

   When Zhao Chuchu saw this, he asked the violinist to play a tune that was not so intense, and started a real exercise.

  In the beginning, Mrs. Ge and the others were very relaxed, but gradually they found that they were getting more and more tired, and they couldn't even keep up with their breathing.

  Those seemingly simple movements are coherent and very tiring.

   Zhao Chuchu watched in the mirror at the same time that they were in the front of the band and observed which of them was irregular, and then recorded them one by one, and corrected them one by one when the song was over.

   By the end, they were almost unable to move, panting, and basically paddling because they had no energy to continue.

   They never realized that a piece of music was so long that they wished the luthier would stop playing it immediately.

  When the piano player's last melody fell, they didn't even care about their image, they sat down.

   "Ah, I'm so tired, I can't move anymore."

   "It looks so simple, why can't people's legs be lifted like they want to be hugged in the end?"

   "Stop talking, I feel like my heart will stop at any time. Madam Xie, why are you so tired?"

   "Yeah, I didn't get tired when I was studying, and now my waist hurts too."

"That's because your movements are not standard enough. I saw in the mirror that you are full of mistakes, and you have only played half of the song, and you are already too tired." Zhao Chuchu calmly said, "So, we are now one Come and correct your actions, and the others will watch carefully."

   Zhao Chuchu first pulled Mrs. Ge out. Because Mrs. Ge was too fat, basically no movements were standard.

   The set of exercises choreographed by Zhao Chuchu is also very suitable for Mrs. Ge's body type to dance. It is not too violent, and it can achieve a good fat-burning effect. As long as the movements are in place, it will not hurt the knees.

   Mrs. Ge bared her teeth under Zhao Chuchu's correction: "Mrs. Xie, it hurts a bit."

   "It's okay, I'm measured. You have to remember how this action is done. It doesn't matter if you can't do it at the beginning, take it slow, and do it little by little."

"I will try my best."

   Mrs. Ge grimaced.

   After Zhao Chuchu corrected everyone's movements, half an hour passed.

   Zhao Chuchu gave them some time to practice well, and then started the second time.

   The second time she carried it in front.

  Which of these ladies and lass is not the one to stretch out your hand and eat to open your mouth?

   Zhao Chuchu's **** was even more painful for them than when they climbed halfway up the mountain to burn incense in the temple.

   The second song ended, and everyone was so tired that they couldn't even speak.

   "Let's rest for a while, we'll dance again later, we won't have to dance again today." Zhao Chuchu said.

   "You still want to dance? Madam Xie, are you kidding us?"

   "Xie Niangzi, I really can't dance anymore, I'm more tired than having a baby."

   "Enough for today, I'm so tired, I wonder if I can get up tomorrow?"


"No, I have to dance again. I didn't force you to dance for two quarters of an hour, just because your physical fitness couldn't keep up. Now that you haven't reached your limit, move up. If you want to make yourself better, you have to jump down. With enough Kung Fu, there are too few natural beauty, and more need to rely on acquired efforts!"

   "But I really can't move, my legs are completely out of order."

   "The big and small matters at home are still waiting for me to go back to handle them. That's it for today, right?"

   "Xie Niangzi, we didn't spend money to buy sins."

The last sentence made Zhao Chuchu smile softly: "But you are willing to give money to your concubine and concubine, and let them be angry with you? I made you suffer to make you better, and they made you angry only will make you worse.

   Besides, I already said before the start that as long as you start there is no possibility of stopping, even if you don’t come, I will come to the door one by one to tie you over. By the way, don't think that I can't help you if there are too many guards at home, no one can stop me! "

   "Miss Xie, isn't it our freedom to come or not? We won't let you refund your money. I really don't dare to come back to you like a jade hall. I'm too tired, I can't stand it."

"Now you can't say no. If you don't want to come, think about it. Instead of becoming a grudge at home, why don't you try to change yourself? Believe me, as long as you persevere, you will like it. Just go shopping and buy good-looking ones. Clothes and headgear will make you happy."


   "No but! All right, stand up, adjust your breathing, let's do it for the last time. For those who don't move, I will leave her behind and teach her a small stove alone!"

  Stay alone to continue teaching... This sentence is too lethal.

  Rao wanted to lie down and break the pot, so he quickly got up.

   They are all exhausted into a pile of mud, and Zhao Chuchu is still not even breathing. If they want to go out from Ruyu Pavilion today, they can only listen to Zhao Chuchu, otherwise I am afraid that they will not even be able to leave this room!


   As the piano sounded, Mrs. Ge and the others wore masks of pain, gritted their teeth and danced with Zhao Chuchu.

   Even if the rhythm was out of order, he didn't dare to stop, because he was afraid that Zhao Chuchu would be responsible for keeping them behind.

   How easy it was to pay at the beginning, how fast I want to run now.

  Unfortunately, there is no chance.

   By the end of the third time, everyone was really sweating profusely, the delicate makeup on their faces was all gone, and they could barely keep up with their breathing.

"so tired……"

   Someone shouted.

Zhao Chuchu took over the conversation: "It's normal to be tired, but what is the original intention of coming here? Isn't it just to make yourself more beautiful? Although fat does not mean ugly, being too fat can easily lead to various diseases. The Jade Pavilion will not make you stalks one by one, but it can make you fat and thin, and keep you in the best state of your age."

   "Miss Xie, can we get up tomorrow?"

"Of course you can, so then you have to follow me to relax. As long as these relaxation and stretching are done in place, it can relieve your body aches to the greatest extent, and I will give you a free medicine bag to take back for a bath in a while, to ensure that you will wake up refreshed tomorrow. It’s refreshing, you won’t even be unable to walk.”

   "Let's get started, now my legs are sore."

"it is good."

   It's still the old rules, Zhao Chuchu demonstrates, and then corrects their movements and exertion one by one, and when their movements are standard, let them maintain this posture for a certain period of time.

   A set of whole body relaxation and stretching, plus teaching, took two quarters of an hour.

After   , Zhao Chuchu taught them simple massage techniques.

   They were pleasantly surprised to find that the soreness seemed to be relieved a lot.

   "Miss Xie, I should trust you."

   "I'll be back tomorrow. In two months, I must show the fox girl at home to see how beautiful the old lady is!"

   "That's right, you can't lose to those little foxes."


   Zhao Chuchu was a little helpless listening to these words.

   But she couldn't change their idea for a while.

  After all, under the background, a woman is born to marry a husband and teach children in the future. She will be around her husband all her life, and she is also asked to be generous. It is normal for a brainwashed man to have three wives and four concubines, and the wife of the main house cannot be jealous!

   Zhao Chuchu doesn't think he can change these social status quo by himself.

   All she can do is to influence them a little bit and change their concept: whether a woman is beautiful or not is for herself, not for men.

   As long as women have the confidence that "the old lady is the most beautiful in the world" and stop trying to please men, men will naturally post it.

  Although it doesn't sound good, most people's inferiority is "being cheap".

   If you are good to him, don’t want to, and if you are not good to him, the more you want to get it!

   These can only be subtly allowed them to slowly change themselves.

  It will take a long time to come to Japan, so don’t be in a hurry.

   She still has more than a year to stay in Fucheng, which should influence the minds of many girls.

   is not to teach them to shout the slogan of "liberating women", but to let them understand that it is really good to be better without having to please others.

   Ruyu Pavilion also has a bathhouse.

   After exercising, everyone can go to the bathhouse to take a good bath. Zhao Chuchu also prepared soap and shampoo.

  The soap is not taken out of the space, but she finds someone to customize it, which are all liked by women nowadays.

The shampoo is made by herself, pure Chinese herbal medicine without any chemical additions, and different fragrances to choose from, which has the effect of nourishing the hair. After a long time, the hair quality will become better and better, and it can also stop hair loss. hair growth.

   It is most suitable for women of Mrs. Ge's age.

  The bathhouse is also a compartment designed by Zhao Chuchu himself, so that people can make a shower. When they come out of the bathhouse and smell the fragrance, they all fall in love with the soap and shampoo in Ruyu Pavilion.

   Mrs. Ge was the first to ask: "Xie Niangzi, are the fragrant pancreas and the fragrant dew for washing hair sold in Ruyuguan? I want to buy some for home use."

   "Of course." Zhao Chuchu knew that they would definitely like it, so they did a lot.

  You can't let go of all kinds of peripheral businesses. When you become famous in the future, it will be a huge market.

   "Bring me two pieces of fragrant pancreas and two cans of shampoo, both of which taste like mint. It's so refreshing."

   "And me, I want five pieces of fragrant pancreas and five cans of shampoo, which are mint, jasmine, orange, cherry blossom and sweet-scented osmanthus."

   "Save some for me too, don't buy it all at once, there are several people who want it later!"


   At first, I was wondering whether to buy it or not, but now I see everyone grabbing it, and I can’t hold back.

   Zhao Chuchu said with a smile, "Don't grab it, take your time, I have done a lot, enough for you to buy this time."

  Chang Hong and Jixiang actually came to Ruyu Pavilion to help today.

   Seeing this, the two hurried over to help.

  Chang Hong is in charge of memorizing, and Jixiang is in charge of fetching.

   At the beginning at Yaxing, Jixiang seemed very slow to respond, but after staying at Xie's house for a few days, she slowly began to smile and became much more flexible.

   What surprised Zhao Chuchu the most was that Jixiang had a very good memory.

   She just listened to what Mrs. Ge and the others said they wanted, and prepared a list without fail.

  She was illiterate, so she put them in the order they said, so that Chang Hong could count them for them.

   After the exercise, everyone's face became rosy. Mrs. Ge and the others were very happy. They carried the shopping and the medicine bag sent by Zhao Chuchu and went home satisfied.

   Zhao Chuchu then asked Jixiang: "When I taught them just now, you watched for so long, how much did you learn?"

   Jixiang was stunned for a moment: "Miss, do I want to learn too?"

   "Of course, there will be more than so many people in the future. I need someone who can help me. Auspicious, are you willing to be this person?"

   "I, can I?"

   Jixiang looked in disbelief, did she do the job of teaching these ladies and gentlemen?

   Isn’t that only the Master can do it?

   She doesn't know one big character, and she's still a country girl, how can she afford it?

   (end of this chapter)

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