MTL - The Chief Minister’s Ferocious Wife-Chapter 417 It's better to live than to die

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   Chapter 417 Life is better than death

  It's very relaxing and interesting to watch other people dance!

   Mrs. Zheng thought so too.

  After staying in Ruyu Pavilion for an hour, Mrs. Zheng decided to live younger and be better to herself, so that she could afford her great-grandson in the future.

   Zhao Chuchu formulated a strict diet plan according to Mrs. Zheng's physical condition.

   "Old lady, who can talk to you?" Mrs. Zheng's character is relatively childish. If no one can control her, this diet plan will be useless.

   Mrs. Ge immediately pulled out the mama behind Mrs. Zheng: "Mrs. Xie, if you have anything to explain to Mama Li, she can control my mother."

  Mr. Li was blessed with a blessed body: "I don't know if Madam Xie has anything to tell her?"

   "It's the same with me." Mrs. Zheng said hurriedly.

   Mrs. Ge: "My mother likes to steal food, only Mamma Li can keep an eye on her."

   Mrs. Zheng: "...What do you mean by stealing food? Your mother doesn't want to be ashamed?"

   Mrs. Ge was annoyed: "How many times have those doctors told you to eat less sugar before, when have you been obedient?"

   Mrs. Zheng felt guilty.

Seeing this, Zhao Chuchu handed the food list to Mammy Li: "Mammy will prepare three meals a day for the old lady according to the above. Besides, the snacks at the bottom can be eaten occasionally. But not greedy."

  Mr. Li read it carefully, and asked Zhao Chuchu again about the things she didn't understand.

   Zhao Chuchu explained them one by one.

   Old Mrs. Zheng immediately regretted it when she heard it: "Xie Niangzi, why don't you forget it? Eating like this every day will kill me."

   "Old lady, the rule of Ruyu Pavilion is not to leave halfway."

   "...don't want money?"


have to!

   Mrs. Zheng patted her thigh.

   There is no room for regret before leaving Ruyu Pavilion.

   Zhao Chuchu repeatedly told Li Mammy: "We must be strictly guarded and don't let the old lady eat anything other than this."

   Old Mrs. Zheng is pampered, and she is all rich and sick, and she will suffer in a few years.

   Mrs. Ge went straight and Zhao Chuchu had a good relationship with her, so she took it as a way to take care of Mrs. Zheng's body.

   "Don't worry, Madam Xie, the old slave will definitely supervise the old lady."

   Mrs. Zheng sighed, thinking that she could not eat any dessert in the future, she felt that there was no hope in life.

   Zhao Chuchu laughed.

   Mrs. Zheng is really cute.

   After Mrs. Zheng and her daughter left, Zhao Chuchu did not rush back to Xie's house and continued to teach auspiciousness in Ruyu Hall.

   Jixiang studied very seriously.

  Chang Hong is a martial arts practitioner. Hearing this on the side, he also felt that he had benefited a lot.

   But Chang Hong is very clear that Zhao Chuchu's ability is more than that.

   Sometimes she is also very fortunate that she is lucky enough to be a member of the Xie family, otherwise how can she get in touch with these?

   The average doctor is too late to hide it, let alone teach outsiders.

   But Zhao Chuchu will not be like this.

   She is happy to share this.

   Those poorer people came to her to see a doctor, and she also taught them how to deal with trauma. They couldn't afford medicine, so she taught them what herbs to use.

   Of course, this is limited to simple trauma, and Zhao Chuchu will still tell them that if the injury is too serious, they must seek a doctor, and do not use drugs arbitrarily.

  Sometimes Zhao Chuchu would point out those doctors with good medical ethics in Fucheng.

   Now Zhao Chuchu has a very good reputation in Fucheng, and other doctors respect her very much.

   "Sister Hong, what are you thinking?" In a trance, Jixiang waved in front of Chang Hong, "The lady said to go back."

   "Oh, good." Chang Hong came back to her senses.

   The three of them closed the door of Ruyu Pavilion and walked slowly towards Xie's house.

  The setting sun hits the mottled and quaint wall, and there is an indescribable quietness in the years.

   Zhao Chuchu likes this atmosphere very much

   After fighting for so long in the previous life, she forgot what it was like to walk under the sunset.

   "Miss, there is a new pie stall over there, do you want to try it? I'll buy it?" Jixiang knew that Zhao Chuchu likes to eat, so when he saw that stall, he was overjoyed.

   Zhao Chuchu glanced at the boss, pushed Jixiang to Chang Hong, and said, "You and Sister Hong go first, I'll just go buy it."

   After saying that, she didn't wait for Jixiang to react, and she walked towards the stall.

  Chang Hong looked cold and walked away without looking back, pulling Jixiang.

   "Sister Hong, are you waiting for the lady?"

   "No, let's go first."

   Don't become a drag oil bottle!

  Chang Hong is different from Auspicious. She used to live the days of licking blood on the tip of a knife, and her perception of danger is far sharper than Auspicious.

   The owner of that stall is the same type of person as she used to be!

   "Boss, how do you sell this pie?" Zhao Chuchu pretended not to know, but people had already come to the stall, "I didn't see you yesterday, did you just come to Fucheng? The smell of your pie smells good."

   "Three cents for meat stuffing and one penny for plain stuffing, which one does the lady want?" The boss asked with a simple and honest smile.

   The woman next to the boss squatted down, looking like she was on fire.

   Zhao Chuchu smiled slightly: "I want ten of both."

   The next moment, the sparks in the sky were flying, and the two long swords stabbed at Zhao Chuchu in unison.

   Zhao Chuchu dodged sideways, avoiding the sudden attack, and quickly took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

   "Do you know what I hate the most?"

   The two did not answer Zhao Chuchu, but stabbed Zhao Chuchu again with quick and ruthless moves.

   "I hate when people interrupt me when I want to eat."

After   , the two of them had no room to play and turned into a unilateral beating by Zhao Chuchu.

   With just a cup of tea, the two of them were already lying on the ground and there was no room to fight back.

   "Give me pancakes!" Zhao Chuchu snatched their swords, "Otherwise I will abolish you."

   These two killers would never have thought of killing them. Not to mention the failure of the assassination, they would have to be forced to do their jobs.

   It's not that they don't resist, it's that Zhao Chuchu is really weird, and they have no room to commit suicide or escape.

  Not every killer is so tough, who wants to die if they can live?

   The two were so beaten that they couldn't see what they looked like, and they had to bite the bullet and give Zhao Chuchu pancakes.

   They took the opportunity to poison the pie, thinking that Zhao Chuchu didn't know.

   Zhao Chuchu backhandedly stuffed the cake into their mouths and forced them to swallow it.

   They don't know what will happen to other killers when they meet Zhao Chuchu, they only know that they should be the most embarrassed killers now!

   is simply worse than death.

"Playing drugs in front of me? Didn't know I was your ancestor?" Zhao Chuchu sneered, "Tell me, who sent you here? If I did, I would be kind and not kill you. But if you don't say it, Why don't you guess how many pieces of meat I can cut off you before you die? Don't worry, I'm very gentle."

   The two of them shivered when they heard the words.

   They didn't think Zhao Chuchu was joking!

   A knife cut like this, just thinking about it makes me horrified.

   "I don't know." The professional ethics made them a little tougher, "Kill if you want, don't talk nonsense!"

   "Oh, don't you believe me?"

   Zhao Chuchu smiled and waved his sword over.

  The man's shoulder was thinly shaved off, and the blood flowed like a stream.

   Then, the backhand was another sword.

  The man screamed.

  The woman watched from the side, feeling cold all over her body.

   "It's like this, it's very uniform, do you want to try it?" Zhao Chuchu laughed like a little devil, "I promise you won't die too happy."

  The man was in a cold sweat.

   Zhao Chuchu also used his supernatural powers to turn his blood into thin ice thorns that pierced the wound. Can a man not be so painful that he wants to die?

   "Huh? Say no?"

   "I said, I said, the man who came to us was a medium-sized man, his face was covered, and I couldn't see what he looked like."

   "Aren't you talking nonsense?"

   Zhao Chuchu slapped him around in circles.

   "Who doesn't know it's a person who is looking for you, could it still be a ghost? I tell you, don't play tricks with me. Otherwise, I'll kill her first!"

   Zhao Chuchu's long sword pointed at the woman.

   "It's people from the capital who came to us, and there's a small piece missing from the left ear."

   The man pointed to the earlobe.

   "I really don't know about the rest."

   knew that Zhao Chuchu was so difficult to deal with, and he would not accept this business if he was killed.

  Who would have thought that a doctor would have such a terrifying skill?

   And the reason why Zhao Chuchu tortured the couple so much was just waiting for someone hiding in the dark to show up.

   But this man is very patient, and he is still dormant.

   They came for her and had no plans to do anything to Chang Hong and Jixiang.

   Zhao Chuchu asked what he wanted, and took the two to the government office.

   As a result, the people in the government office were shocked when they saw the two.

   They carefully identified them for a while before they determined that the two should be the Jiang Yang robbers on the court's most wanted list.

   "Ms. Xie, you have done a big favor to our government office!" The head of the Hu Kuai class was very grateful, "The court has been arresting these two people, but I didn't expect to be captured by Madam Xie."

   Zhao Chuchu: "…"

   She just took these two people who wanted to kill her to the government office!

   The main reason is that Zhao Chuchu is in a good mood recently, and she just doesn't want to stain her hands with blood.

   Anyway, no matter how she did it, the head of the arresting squad was very grateful to Zhao Chuchu, and told Zhao Chuchu that the bounty for the two of them was 1,000 taels.

   Zhao Chuchu was very satisfied that there was a small sum of money in his account.

   Eating a pie and earning a thousand taels is like falling from the sky.

   Zhao Chuchu hopes this kind of thing happens more often.

   As for the person who never showed up, Zhao Chuchu was not in a hurry to find him.

   As long as she is willing, this person can't escape anywhere, after all, she has already been marked with the ability, and can be traced to the ends of the earth!

   Zhao Chuchu's assassination soon spread to the third prince.

   The gentle face of the third prince sank instantly.

  Qiao Heting saw this and knew that the third prince was angry.

   "Third brother, maybe it's just a misunderstanding..."

   "Misunderstanding? I've been sick for so long, they seem to have forgotten who I am!"

   One by one, under the banner of being good for him, they are all thinking for themselves!

   He was just here to recuperate, so he wanted to kill Zhao Chuchu so that Zhao Chuchu would not affect the overall situation.

   "Third brother, I will talk to the capital well about this."

   "Kill it."

  The third prince looked calm, as if he was talking about a trivial matter.

   Qiao Heting was stunned.

   "Clean up if you don't obey."

  Otherwise, when he left, wouldn’t he ride on Xiaojiu’s head again?

   He won't let this happen!

"it is good."

   After a while, Qiao Heting responded.

   "Tell them, never again."


  Qiao Heting went out soon.

  The third prince took a pen and dipped in ink, and the paper flew over.

   A hunting map with awe-inspiring killing intent was quickly presented on the paper.

  If Qiao Heting is still here, he must know that the person who bought the killer to assassinate Zhao Chuchu has touched the bottom line of the third prince.

  The third prince recovered and burned the painting again.

   He walked to the window and looked at the already dark sky, his eyes darkened.

  There are too many villains in the court hall, especially the grass on the walls.

   I knew that his life was not long before, and everyone was yang and yin.

   Now that he heard that he was cured, he started to please again.

   But he didn't need that.

   All he wanted was to protect his poor brother.

   Xiaojiu is so dependent on Zhao Chuchu, if Zhao Chuchu loses his life, how big a blow will it be for Xiaojiu?

  The third prince only hoped that he would be carefree and happy before his younger brother really stepped into the whirlpool.

  Whoever dares to move Zhao Chuchu and Xie Heng would be declaring war with him.

  The third prince doesn't mind playing crazy with them with his own life.

   I just don’t know who can’t afford that price!


   Not long after Qiao Heting left, Xie Heng came over.

   "This is not what I want, I will give Zi Zhao an explanation." The third prince knew Xie Heng's intention, so he first expressed his attitude, "As far as I am concerned, Xiao Jiu's relatives are mine."

   "Then there is His Highness Lao." Xie Heng cupped his hands and said, "I am a little scholar, unable to compete with the powerful, I just want to protect my wife well."

   "Zizhao rest assured, there will be no next time."

   "Thank you, Your Highness, for your understanding."

  The third prince looked at Xie Heng's polite way of advancing and retreating, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "There are no outsiders here, Zi Zhao, you don't have to pretend."

   To be honest, the third prince is also a smart person, even if there is no such a city as Xie Heng, he knows that Xie Heng is by no means an ordinary person.

  Otherwise, when the Xia family was in distress, how could they have gone to the capital by chance and found him?

   "Next time, I will do it myself, Chu Chu is my bottom line." Xie Heng said sternly.

   "Okay." The third prince nodded, then took out a letter and handed it over, "Zizhao take a look at this."

  Xie Heng took it over, glanced at ten lines, and smiled sarcastically: "Some people really dare to dream!"

   Actually looking for someone to pretend to be Xie Jun!

   I have to say, it’s quite whimsical, and I don’t know who brought it up.

   "What is your Highness going to do?"

   "Nature is fueling the flames."

  The third prince smiled slightly.

   "Just in time to clean up some people."

   Pave the way for Xiaojiu.

   Xie Heng didn't ask, he could probably guess what the third prince was going to do.

   But Xie Heng did not have 100% trust in the third prince.

  What I have seen the most in being an official for many years is that people's hearts are volatile, especially those in the royal family.

   It's not that he is worried that the third prince will hurt Xie Jun, but that the people around the third prince may not all agree with the third prince. People are very selfish and have their own calculations.

   Therefore, Xie Heng also has his own back-up.

   Prosperity, wealth, and power of the dragon, who doesn't want it?

   Once soaring and honoring the ancestors, this is the lifelong pursuit of many people?

   Xie Heng left the third prince's place and did not return to Xie's house immediately.

When    was about to arrive, Zhao Chuchu waited for Xie Heng.

   (end of this chapter)

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